Ejemplo n.º 1
 def default_filter(self, features=None, filter=None):
     if filter is None:
         filter = {}
     filter.update({fstr+'@': False for fstr in iterkeys(self.trackers)})
     if features:
         filter.update({fstr+'@': True for fstr in features})
     return filter
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, index):
     self.index = index.copy()
     for fn, info in iteritems(index):
         for fstr in chain(info.get('features', '').split(),
                           info.get('track_features', '').split()):
             fpkg = fstr + '@'
             if fpkg not in self.index:
                 self.index[fpkg] = {
                     'name': fpkg, 'version': '0', 'build_number': 0,
                     'build': '', 'depends': [], 'track_features': fstr}
         for fstr in iterkeys(info.get('with_features_depends', {})):
             fn2 = fn + '[' + fstr + ']'
             self.index[fn2] = info
     self.groups, self.trackers = build_groups(self.index)
     self.find_matches_ = {}
     self.ms_depends_ = {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def gen_clauses(self, groups, trackers, specs):
        C = Clauses()

        # Creates a variable that represents the proposition:
        #     Does the package set include a package that matches MatchSpec "ms"?
        def push_MatchSpec(ms):
            name = self.ms_to_v(ms)
            m = C.from_name(name)
            if m is None:
                libs = [fn for fn in self.find_matches_group(ms, groups, trackers)]
                # If the MatchSpec is optional, then there may be cases where we want
                # to assert that it is *not* True. This requires polarity=None.
                m = C.Any(libs, polarity=None if ms.optional else True, name=name)
            return m

        # Creates a variable that represents the proposition:
        #     Does the package set include package "fn"?
        for group in itervalues(groups):
            for fn in group:
            # Install no more than one version of each package
            C.Require(C.AtMostOne, group)

        # Create a variable that represents the proposition:
        #     Is the feature "name" active in this package set?
        # We mark this as "optional" below because sometimes we need to be able to
        # assert the proposition is False during the feature minimization pass.
        for name in iterkeys(trackers):
            ms = MatchSpec('@' + name)
            ms.optional = True

        # Create a variable that represents the proposition:
        #     Is the MatchSpec "ms" satisfied by the current package set?
        for ms in specs:

        # Create propositions that assert:
        #     If package "fn" is installed, its dependencie must be satisfied
        for group in itervalues(groups):
            for fn in group:
                for ms in self.ms_depends(fn):
                    if not ms.optional:
                        C.Require(C.Or, C.Not(fn), push_MatchSpec(ms))
        return C
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, bad_deps, chains=True):
        bad_deps = [list(map(str, dep)) for dep in bad_deps]
        if chains:
            chains = {}
            for dep in sorted(bad_deps, key=len, reverse=True):
                dep1 = [str(MatchSpec(s)).partition(' ') for s in dep[1:]]
                key = (dep[0],) + tuple(v[0] for v in dep1)
                vals = ('',) + tuple(v[2] for v in dep1)
                found = False
                for key2, csets in iteritems(chains):
                    if key2[:len(key)] == key:
                        for cset, val in zip(csets, vals):
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    chains[key] = [{val} for val in vals]
            bad_deps = []
            for key, csets in iteritems(chains):
                deps = []
                for name, cset in zip(key, csets):
                    if '' not in cset:
                    elif len(cset) == 1:
                    deps.append('%s %s' % (name, '|'.join(sorted(cset))) if cset else name)
                chains[key] = ' -> '.join(deps)
            bad_deps = [chains[key] for key in sorted(iterkeys(chains))]
            msg = '''The following specifications were found to be in conflict:%s
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.'''
            bad_deps = [sorted(dep) for dep in bad_deps]
            bad_deps = [', '.join(dep) for dep in sorted(bad_deps)]
            msg = '''The following specifications were found to be incompatible with the
others, or with the existing package set:%s
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.'''
        msg = msg % dashlist(bad_deps)
        super(Unsatisfiable, self).__init__(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def generate_feature_count(self, C, trackers):
     return {self.feat_to_v(name): 1 for name in iterkeys(trackers)}