Ejemplo n.º 1
class Facebook(PlatformOAuth2):

    # Platform attributes
    name = 'facebook'
    display_name = 'Facebook'
    account_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id={user_id}'
    optional_user_name = True

    # Auth attributes
    auth_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth'
    access_token_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token'
    oauth_default_scope = ['public_profile,email,user_friends']

    # API attributes
    api_format = 'json'
    api_paginator = keys_paginator('data', paging='paging', prev='previous')
    api_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com'
    api_user_name_info_path = '/{user_name}'
    api_user_self_info_path = '/me'
    api_friends_path = '/v2.2/{user_id}/friends'
    api_friends_limited = True

    # User info extractors
    x_user_id = key('id')
    x_user_name = key('username')
    x_display_name = key('name')
    x_email = key('email')

    def x_avatar_url(self, extracted, info, default):
        return 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + extracted.user_id + '/picture?width=256&height=256'
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Facebook(PlatformOAuth2):

    # Platform attributes
    name = 'facebook'
    display_name = 'Facebook'
    fontawesome_name = 'facebook-square'
    account_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/{user_id}/'
    optional_user_name = True

    # Auth attributes
    auth_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/v2.10/dialog/oauth'
    access_token_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/oauth/access_token'
    refresh_token_url = None
    oauth_default_scope = ['public_profile']
    oauth_email_scope = 'email'
    oauth_friends_scope = 'user_friends'

    # API attributes
    api_format = 'json'
    api_paginator = keys_paginator('data', paging='paging', prev='previous')
    api_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10'
    api_user_self_info_path = '/me?fields=id,name,email'
    api_friends_path = '/me/friends'
    api_friends_limited = True

    # User info extractors
    x_user_id = key('id')
    x_display_name = key('name')
    x_email = key('email')
    x_description = key('bio')

    def x_avatar_url(self, extracted, info, default):
        return 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + extracted.user_id + '/picture?width=256&height=256'
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Bitbucket(PlatformOAuth1):

    # Platform attributes
    name = 'bitbucket'
    display_name = 'Bitbucket'
    fontawesome_name = name
    account_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{user_name}'

    # Auth attributes
    auth_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/api/1.0'
    authorize_path = '/oauth/authenticate'

    # API attributes
    api_format = 'json'
    api_paginator = keys_paginator('values', prev='previous', total='size')
    api_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/api'
    api_user_info_path = '/2.0/users/{user_id}'
    api_user_name_info_path = '/2.0/users/{user_name}'
    api_user_self_info_path = '/2.0/user'
    api_team_members_path = '/2.0/teams/{user_name}/members'
    api_friends_path = '/2.0/users/{user_name}/following'

    # User info extractors
    x_user_info = key('user')
    x_user_id = key('uuid')
    x_user_name = key('username')
    x_display_name = key('display_name')
    x_email = not_available
    x_avatar_url = any_key('avatar', ('links', 'avatar', 'href'))
    x_is_team = key('type', lambda v: v == 'team')

    def api_get(self, domain, path, sess=None, **kw):
        """Extend to manually retry /users/pypy as /teams/pypy.

        Bitbucket gives us a 404 where a 30x would be more helpful.

            return PlatformOAuth1.api_get(self, domain, path, sess, **kw)
        except Response as response:
            if response.code == 404 and ' is a team account' in response.body:
                assert path.startswith('/2.0/users/')
                path = '/2.0/teams/' + path[11:]
                return PlatformOAuth1.api_get(self, domain, path, sess, **kw)