Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self,
                  "http://libgen.io/", "http://gen.lib.rus.ec/",
                  "http://libgen.net/", "http://bookfi.org/"
     self.mirrors = mirrors
     self.lg = libgenapi.Libgenapi(mirrors)
     self.isbn_list = isbn_list
def api_id(name):

    lg = libgenapi.Libgenapi(["http://libgen.io/", "http://gen.lib.rus.ec"])
    #name=input("Enter the name of the book: ")
    output = lg.search(name)
    json_output = json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    loaded_data = json.loads(json_output)
    result = []
    for data in loaded_data:
        if (data["mirrors"] != None
            ):  # and (data["extension"]=="pdf" or data["extension"]=="epub")):
            for mirror in data["mirrors"]:
                if (mirror.startswith("http://libgen.pw")):
                    name, url = url_opener(mirror)
                    result.append({"name": name, "url": url})
    result = json.dumps(result, indent=2)
    return (result)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def books3():
    r = lg.search(session['interest3'],1)

    return render_template('books_interest2.html',result=r)
Ejemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, json, os
import libgenapi
l = libgenapi.Libgenapi(["http://gen.lib.rus.ec/", "http://libgen.io/"])
query = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
if os.getenv('DEBUGME', '') != '':
    print("query: " + query, file=sys.stderr)
# l.search("Michael","author")
Ejemplo n.º 5
import libgenapi
import pandas as pd 
from pylibgen import Library 


lg = libgenapi.Libgenapi(MIRRORS)

df = pd.DataFrame(lg.search("Portuguese",'language'))
import json
import requests
import time
import urllib
import libgenapi
import FileInteractions

TOKEN = "<Bot_Token>"
URL = "https://api.telegram.org/bot{}/".format(TOKEN)
FileObj = FileInteractions.FileInteractions()
LIBGENOBJ = libgenapi.Libgenapi(FileObj.readmirrors())

def get_url(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    content = response.content.decode('utf8')
    return content

def get_json_from_url(url):
    content = get_url(url)
    js = json.loads(content)
    return js

def get_updates(offset=None):
    url = URL + "getupdates?timeout=100"
    if offset:
        url += "&offset={}".format(offset)
    js = get_json_from_url(url)
    return js
Ejemplo n.º 7
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import webbrowser

import isbnlib
import libgenapi
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# import subprocess
# import os

# please set a libgen domain before usage!

libgendomain = ""
libgen = libgenapi.Libgenapi(libgendomain)

# "ping" function which is actually just checking for a response code of 200
def ping(address):
    if (urllib.request.urlopen(address).getcode() == 200):
        return True
        return False

def cleanhtml(raw_html):
    cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
    cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html)
    return cleantext
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def search(self, query, max_results=10, timeout=60):

        lg = libgenapi.Libgenapi([
            "http://libgen.io", "http://gen.lib.rus.ec",
            "", "http://libgen.in", "http://libgen.org"
            results = lg.search(query)
            abort = False
            print 'Reached LibGen Mirrors.'
            print 'LibGenAPI crashed. In most cases this is caused by unreachable LibGen Mirrors, try again in a few minutes.'
            abort = True

        counter = 0
        br = browser()
        if not abort:
            for i in results:
                r = results[counter]

                s = SearchResult()
                s.title = r['title']
                s.author = r['author']
                s.price = '$0.00'
                s.drm = SearchResult.DRM_UNLOCKED
                extension = r['extension']

                # prep cover
                coverpage = 'http://gen.lib.rus.ec' + r['mirrors'][1]
                coverpage = coverpage.replace('ads.', 'book/index.')
                with closing(br.open(coverpage, timeout=10)) as f:
                    doc = f.read()
                linkpos = doc.find('/covers')
                linkend = doc.find('.jpg') + 4
                cover = doc[linkpos:linkend]
                cover = 'http://gen.lib.rus.ec' + cover
                s.cover_url = cover

                # prep download via libgen
                lgpage = 'http://libgen.io' + r['mirrors'][1]
                with closing(br.open(lgpage, timeout=10)) as f:
                    doc = f.read()
                linkend = doc.find('><h2>DOWNLOAD') - 1
                doc = doc[linkend - 100:linkend]
                linkpos = doc.find('http')
                libgendl = doc[linkpos:linkend]
                libgendl = libgendl.replace('amp;', '')
                libgenformat = 'libgen: .' + extension
                s.downloads[libgenformat] = libgendl

                # get download location from libgen.pw
                lgpw = r['mirrors'][0].replace('view', 'download')
                with closing(br.open(lgpw, timeout=10)) as f:
                    doc = f.read()
                pos = doc.find('location') + 16
                end = doc.find('status') - 27
                location = doc[pos:end]

                # prep filename
                filename = r['author'] + ' - ' + r['title']
                filename = filename.replace(' ', '_')
                filename = filename.encode('utf8')
                filename = urllib2.quote(filename)

                # prep download via b-ok (/bookzz/boosc/bookza)
                bokdl = 'http://dlx.b-ok.org/genesis/' + location + '/_as/' + filename + '.pdf'
                bokformat = 'b-ok: .' + extension
                s.downloads[bokformat] = bokdl

                # prep download via bookfi
                bookfidl = 'http://dl.lux.bookfi.net/genesis/' + location + '/_as/' + filename + '.pdf'
                bookfiformat = 'bookfi: .' + extension
                #                s.downloads[bookfiformat] = bookfidl

                s.formats = libgenformat + ', ' + bokformat + ', ' + bookfiformat + ','
                yield s
                counter = counter + 1