Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, tree, description):
        """ Build the widget

        @param  tree - LibLarch FilteredTree
        @param  description - definition of columns.

        Parameters of description dictionary for a column:
          * value => (type of values, function for generating value from a node)
          * renderer => (renderer_attribute, renderer object)

          * order => specify order of column otherwise use natural oreder
          * expandable => is the column expandable?
          * resizable => is the column resizable?
          * visible => is the column visible?
          * title => title of column
          * new_colum => do not create a separate column, just continue with the previous one
                (this can be used to create columns without borders)
          * sorting => allow default sorting on this column
          * sorting_func => use special function for sorting on this func

        Example of columns descriptions:
        description = { 'title': {
                'value': [str, self.task_title_column],
                'renderer': ['markup', gtk.CellRendererText()],
                'order': 0
        self.columns = {}
        self.bg_color_column = None
        self.separator_func = None

        self.dnd_internal_target = ''
        self.dnd_external_targets = {}
        # Sort columns
        self.order_of_column = []
        last = 9999
        for col_name in description:
            desc = description[col_name]
            order = desc.get('order', last)
            last += 1
            self.order_of_column.append((order, col_name))

        types = []
        sorting_func = []
        # Build the first coulumn if user starts with new_colum=False
        col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()

        # Build columns according to the order
        for col_num, (order_num, col_name) in enumerate(sorted(self.order_of_column), 1):
            desc = description[col_name]

            expand = desc.get('expandable', False)
            resizable = desc.get('resizable', True)
            visible = desc.get('visible', True)

            if 'renderer' in desc:
                rend_attribute, renderer = desc['renderer']
                rend_attribute = 'markup'
                renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()

            # If new_colum=False, do not create new column, use the previous one
            # It will create columns without borders
            if desc.get('new_column',True):
                col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
                newcol = True
                newcol = False

            if 'title' in desc:

            col.pack_start(renderer, expand=expand)
            col.add_attribute(renderer, rend_attribute, col_num)

            # Allow to set background color
            col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._celldatafunction)
            if newcol:
            self.columns[col_name] = (col_num, col)

            if ENABLE_SORTING:
                if 'sorting' in desc:
                    # Just allow sorting and use default comparing
                    sort_num, sort_col = self.columns[desc['sorting']]

                if 'sorting_func' in desc:
                    # Use special funcion for comparing, e.g. dates
                    sorting_func.append((col_num, col, desc['sorting_func']))

        self.basetree = tree
        # Build the model around LibLarch tree
        self.basetreemodel = TreeModel(tree, types)
        #Applying an intermediate treemodelfilter, for debugging purpose
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel.filter_new()
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel
        # Apply TreeModelSort to be able to sort
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
#            self.treemodel = gtk.TreeModelSort(treemodelfilter)
            self.treemodel = self.basetreemodel
            for col_num, col, sort_func in sorting_func:
                    self._sort_func, sort_func)
            self.treemodel = treemodelfilter


        self.collapsed_paths = []
        self.connect('row-expanded', self.__emit, 'expanded')
        self.connect('row-collapsed', self.__emit, 'collapsed')
        self.treemodel.connect('row-has-child-toggled', self.on_child_toggled)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, tree, description):
        """ Build the widget

        @param  tree - LibLarch FilteredTree
        @param  description - definition of columns.

        Parameters of description dictionary for a column:
          * value => (type of values, function for generating value from a node)
          * renderer => (renderer_attribute, renderer object)

          * order => specify order of column otherwise use natural oreder
          * expandable => is the column expandable?
          * resizable => is the column resizable?
          * visible => is the column visible?
          * title => title of column
          * new_colum => do not create a separate column, just continue with the previous one
                (this can be used to create columns without borders)
          * sorting => allow default sorting on this column
          * sorting_func => use special function for sorting on this func

        Example of columns descriptions:
        description = { 'title': {
                'value': [str, self.task_title_column],
                'renderer': ['markup', gtk.CellRendererText()],
                'order': 0
        self.columns = {}
        self.sort_col = None
        self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
        self.bg_color_column = None
        self.separator_func = None

        self.dnd_internal_target = ''
        self.dnd_external_targets = {}

        # Sort columns
        self.order_of_column = []
        last = 9999
        for col_name in description:
            desc = description[col_name]
            order = desc.get('order', last)
            last += 1
            self.order_of_column.append((order, col_name))

        types = []
        sorting_func = []
        # Build the first coulumn if user starts with new_colum=False
        col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()

        # Build columns according to the order
        for col_num, (order_num,
                      col_name) in enumerate(sorted(self.order_of_column), 1):
            desc = description[col_name]

            expand = desc.get('expandable', False)
            resizable = desc.get('resizable', True)
            visible = desc.get('visible', True)

            if 'renderer' in desc:
                rend_attribute, renderer = desc['renderer']
                rend_attribute = 'markup'
                renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()

            # If new_colum=False, do not create new column, use the previous one
            # It will create columns without borders
            if desc.get('new_column', True):
                col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
                newcol = True
                newcol = False

            if 'title' in desc:

            col.pack_start(renderer, expand=expand)
            col.add_attribute(renderer, rend_attribute, col_num)

            # Allow to set background color
            col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._celldatafunction)

            if newcol:
            self.columns[col_name] = (col_num, col)

            if ENABLE_SORTING:
                if 'sorting' in desc:
                    # Just allow sorting and use default comparing
                    self.sort_col = desc['sorting']
                    sort_num, sort_col = self.columns[self.sort_col]

                if 'sorting_func' in desc:
                    # Use special funcion for comparing, e.g. dates
                    sorting_func.append((col_num, col, desc['sorting_func']))

        self.basetree = tree
        # Build the model around LibLarch tree
        self.basetreemodel = TreeModel(tree, types)
        #Applying an intermediate treemodelfilter, for debugging purpose
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel.filter_new()
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel
        # Apply TreeModelSort to be able to sort
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
            #            self.treemodel = gtk.TreeModelSort(treemodelfilter)
            self.treemodel = self.basetreemodel
            for col_num, col, sort_func in sorting_func:
                self.treemodel.set_sort_func(col_num, self._sort_func,
            self.treemodel = treemodelfilter



        self.collapsed_paths = []
        self.connect('row-expanded', self.__emit, 'expanded')
        self.connect('row-collapsed', self.__emit, 'collapsed')
        self.treemodel.connect('row-has-child-toggled', self.on_child_toggled)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TreeView(gtk.TreeView):
    """ Widget which display LibLarch FilteredTree.

    This widget extends gtk.TreeView by several features:
      * Drag'n'Drop support
      * Sorting support
      * separator rows
      * background color of a row
      * selection of multiple rows

    __string_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, ))
    __gsignals__ = {'node-expanded' : __string_signal__, \
                    'node-collapsed': __string_signal__, \

    def __init__(self, tree, description):
        """ Build the widget

        @param  tree - LibLarch FilteredTree
        @param  description - definition of columns.

        Parameters of description dictionary for a column:
          * value => (type of values, function for generating value from a node)
          * renderer => (renderer_attribute, renderer object)

          * order => specify order of column otherwise use natural oreder
          * expandable => is the column expandable?
          * resizable => is the column resizable?
          * visible => is the column visible?
          * title => title of column
          * new_colum => do not create a separate column, just continue with the previous one
                (this can be used to create columns without borders)
          * sorting => allow default sorting on this column
          * sorting_func => use special function for sorting on this func

        Example of columns descriptions:
        description = { 'title': {
                'value': [str, self.task_title_column],
                'renderer': ['markup', gtk.CellRendererText()],
                'order': 0
        self.columns = {}
        self.bg_color_column = None
        self.separator_func = None

        self.dnd_internal_target = ''
        self.dnd_external_targets = {}
        # Sort columns
        self.order_of_column = []
        last = 9999
        for col_name in description:
            desc = description[col_name]
            order = desc.get('order', last)
            last += 1
            self.order_of_column.append((order, col_name))

        types = []
        sorting_func = []
        # Build the first coulumn if user starts with new_colum=False
        col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()

        # Build columns according to the order
        for col_num, (order_num, col_name) in enumerate(sorted(self.order_of_column), 1):
            desc = description[col_name]

            expand = desc.get('expandable', False)
            resizable = desc.get('resizable', True)
            visible = desc.get('visible', True)

            if 'renderer' in desc:
                rend_attribute, renderer = desc['renderer']
                rend_attribute = 'markup'
                renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()

            # If new_colum=False, do not create new column, use the previous one
            # It will create columns without borders
            if desc.get('new_column',True):
                col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
                newcol = True
                newcol = False

            if 'title' in desc:

            col.pack_start(renderer, expand=expand)
            col.add_attribute(renderer, rend_attribute, col_num)

            # Allow to set background color
            col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._celldatafunction)
            if newcol:
            self.columns[col_name] = (col_num, col)

            if ENABLE_SORTING:
                if 'sorting' in desc:
                    # Just allow sorting and use default comparing
                    sort_num, sort_col = self.columns[desc['sorting']]

                if 'sorting_func' in desc:
                    # Use special funcion for comparing, e.g. dates
                    sorting_func.append((col_num, col, desc['sorting_func']))

        self.basetree = tree
        # Build the model around LibLarch tree
        self.basetreemodel = TreeModel(tree, types)
        #Applying an intermediate treemodelfilter, for debugging purpose
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel.filter_new()
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel
        # Apply TreeModelSort to be able to sort
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
#            self.treemodel = gtk.TreeModelSort(treemodelfilter)
            self.treemodel = self.basetreemodel
            for col_num, col, sort_func in sorting_func:
                    self._sort_func, sort_func)
            self.treemodel = treemodelfilter


        self.collapsed_paths = []
        self.connect('row-expanded', self.__emit, 'expanded')
        self.connect('row-collapsed', self.__emit, 'collapsed')
        self.treemodel.connect('row-has-child-toggled', self.on_child_toggled)

    def __emit(self, sender, iter, path, data):
        """ Emitt expanded/collapsed signal """
        node_id = self.treemodel.get_value(iter, 0)
        #recreating the path of the collapsed node
        ll_path = ()
        i = 1
        while i <= len(path):
            temp_iter = self.treemodel.get_iter(path[:i])
            ll_path += (self.treemodel.get_value(temp_iter,0),)
        if data == 'expanded':
            self.emit('node-expanded', ll_path)
        elif data == 'collapsed':
            self.emit('node-collapsed', ll_path)

    def on_child_toggled(self, treemodel, path, iter, param=None):
        """ Expand row """
        #is the toggled node in the collapsed paths?
        collapsed = False
        nid = treemodel.get_value(iter,0)
        while iter and not collapsed:
            for c in self.collapsed_paths:
                if c[-1] == nid:
                    collapsed = True
            iter = treemodel.iter_parent(iter)
        if not self.row_expanded(path) and not collapsed:
            self.expand_row(path, True)

    def collapse_node(self, llpath):
        """ Hide children of a node
        This method is needed for "rember collapsed nodes" feature of GTG.
        Transform node_id into paths and those paths collapse. By default all
        children are expanded (see self.expand_all())
        @parameter llpath - LibLarch path to the node. Node_id is extracted
            as the last parameter and then all instances of that node are
            collapsed. For retro-compatibility, we take llpath instead of
            node_id directly"""
        node_id = llpath[-1].strip("'")
        if not node_id:
            raise Exception('Missing node_id in path %s' % str(llpath))

        schedule_next = True
        for path in self.basetree.get_paths_for_node(node_id):
            iter = self.basetreemodel.my_get_iter(path)
            if iter is None:

            target_path = self.basetreemodel.get_path(iter)
            if self.basetreemodel.get_value(iter, 0) == node_id:
                schedule_next = False

        if schedule_next:
            self.basetree.queue_action(node_id, self.collapse_node, param=llpath)

    def show(self):
        """ Shows the TreeView and connect basetreemodel to LibLarch """

    def get_columns(self):
        """ Return the list of columns name """
        return self.columns.keys()

    def set_main_search_column(self, col_name):
        """ Set search column for GTK integrate search
        This is just wrapper to use internal representation of columns"""
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_expander_column(self, col_name):
        """ Set expander column (that which expands through free space)
        This is just wrapper to use internal representation of columns"""
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]
        self.set_property("expander-column", col)

    def set_sort_column(self, col_name):
        """ Select column to sort by it by default """
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
            col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]
            self.treemodel.set_sort_column_id(col_num, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)

    def set_col_visible(self, col_name,visible):
        """ Set visiblity of column.
        Allow to hide/show certain column """
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_col_resizable(self, col_name, resizable):
        """ Allow/forbid column to be resizable """
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_bg_color(self, color_func, color_column):
        """ Set which column and function for generating background color

        Function should be in format func(node, default_color)

        def closure_default_color(func, column):
            """ Set default color to the function.

            Transform function from func(node, default_color) into func(node).
            Default color is computed based on some GTK style magic. """
            default = column.get_tree_view().get_style().base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
            return lambda node: func(node, default)
        if self.columns.has_key(color_column):
            self.bg_color_column, column = self.columns[color_column]
            func = closure_default_color(color_func, column)
            self.treemodel.set_column_function(self.bg_color_column, func)
            raise ValueError("There is no colum %s to use to set color" % \

    def _sort_func(self, model, iter1, iter2, func=None):
        """ Sort two iterators by function which gets node objects.
        This is a simple wrapper which prepares node objects and then
        call comparing function. In other case return default value -1
        node_id_a = model.get_value(iter1, 0)
        node_id_b = model.get_value(iter2, 0)
        if node_id_a and node_id_b and func:
            id, order = self.treemodel.get_sort_column_id()
            node_a = self.basetree.get_node(node_id_a)
            node_b = self.basetree.get_node(node_id_b)
            sort = func(node_a, node_b, order)
            sort = -1
        return sort

    def _celldatafunction(self, column, cell, model, myiter):
        """ Determine background color for cell
        Requirements: self.bg_color_column must be set
        (see self.set_bg_color())

        Set background color based on a certain column value.
        if self.bg_color_column is None:

        if myiter and model.iter_is_valid(myiter):
            color = model.get_value(myiter, self.bg_color_column)
            color = None

        if isinstance(cell, gtk.CellRendererText):
            if color is not None and brightness(color) < 0.5:
                fg_color = '#FFFFFF'
                fg_color = '#000000'
            cell.set_property("foreground", fg_color)
        cell.set_property("cell-background", color)

    ######### DRAG-N-DROP functions #####################################

    def set_dnd_name(self, dndname):
        """ Sets Drag'n'Drop name and initialize Drag'n'Drop support
        If ENABLE_SORTING, drag_drop signal must be handled by this widget."""
        self.dnd_internal_target = dndname
        self.connect('drag_data_get', self.on_drag_data_get)
        self.connect('drag_data_received', self.on_drag_data_received)

    def set_dnd_external(self, sourcename, func):
        """ Add a new external target and initialize Drag'n'Drop support"""
        i = 1
        while self.dnd_external_targets.has_key(i):
            i += 1
        self.dnd_external_targets[i] = [sourcename, func]

    def __init_dnd(self):
        """ Initialize Drag'n'Drop support
        Firstly build list of DND targets:
            * name
            * scope - just the same widget / same application
            * id

        Enable DND by calling enable_model_drag_dest(), 

        It didnt use support from gtk.Widget(drag_source_set(),
        drag_dest_set()). To know difference, look in PyGTK FAQ:
        self.defer_select = False
        if self.dnd_internal_target == '':
            error = 'Cannot initialize DND without a valid name\n'
            error += 'Use set_dnd_name() first'
            raise Exception(error)
        dnd_targets = [(self.dnd_internal_target, gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)]
        for target in self.dnd_external_targets:
            name = self.dnd_external_targets[target][0]
            dnd_targets.append((name, gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, target))
        self.enable_model_drag_source( gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK,
            dnd_targets, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT | gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)

            dnd_targets, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT | gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)
    def on_drag_data_get(self, treeview, context, selection, info, timestamp):
        """ Extract data from the source of the DnD operation.
        Serialize iterators of selected tasks in format 
        <iter>,<iter>,...,<iter> and set it as parameter of DND """

        treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
        model, paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
        iters = [model.get_iter(path) for path in paths]
        iter_str = ','.join([model.get_string_from_iter(iter) for iter in iters])
        selection.set(self.dnd_internal_target, 0, iter_str)

    def on_drag_data_received(self, treeview, context, x, y, selection, info,\
        """ Handle a drop situation.

        First of all, we need to get id of node which should accept
        all draged nodes as their new children. If there is no node,
        drop to root node.

        Deserialize iterators of dragged nodes (see self.on_drag_data_get())
        Info parameter determines which target was used:
            * info == 0 => internal DND within this TreeView
            * info > 0 => external DND
        In case of internal DND we just use Tree.move_node().
        In case of external DND we call function associated with that DND
        set by self.set_dnd_external()
        #TODO: it should be configurable for each TreeView if you want:
        # 0 : no drag-n-drop at all
        # 1 : drag-n-drop move the node
        # 2 : drag-n-drop copy the node 

        model = treeview.get_model()
        drop_info = treeview.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)
        if drop_info:
            path, position = drop_info
            iter = model.get_iter(path)
            # Must add the task to the parent of the task situated
            # before/after 
            if position == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE or\
               position == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER:
                # Get sibling parent
                destination_iter = model.iter_parent(iter)
                # Must add task as a child of the dropped-on iter
                # Get parent
                destination_iter = iter

            if destination_iter:
                destination_tid = model.get_value(destination_iter, 0)
                #it means we have drag-n-dropped above the first task
                # we should consider the destination as a root then.
                destination_tid = None
            # Must add the task to the root
            # Parent = root => iter=None
            destination_tid = None

        tree = self.basetree.get_basetree()

        # Get dragged iter as a TaskTreeModel iter
        # If there is no selected task (empty selection.data), 
        # explictly skip handling it (set to empty list)
        if selection.data == '':
            iters = []
            iters = selection.data.split(',')

        dragged_iters = []
        for iter in iters:
            if info == 0:
                except ValueError:
                    #I hate to silently fail but we have no choice.
                    #It means that the iter is not good.
                    #Thanks shitty gtk API for not allowing us to test the string
                    dragged_iter = None

            elif info in self.dnd_external_targets and destination_tid:
                f = self.dnd_external_targets[info][1]

                src_model = context.get_source_widget().get_model()
        for dragged_iter in dragged_iters:
            if info == 0:
                if dragged_iter and model.iter_is_valid(dragged_iter):
                    dragged_tid = model.get_value(dragged_iter, 0)
                        tree.move_node(dragged_tid, new_parent_id=destination_tid)
                    except Exception, e:
                        print 'Problem with dragging: %s' % e
            elif info in self.dnd_external_targets and destination_tid:    
                source = src_model.get_value(dragged_iter,0)
                # Handle external Drag'n'Drop
                f(source, destination_tid)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TreeView(gtk.TreeView):
    """ Widget which display LibLarch FilteredTree.

    This widget extends gtk.TreeView by several features:
      * Drag'n'Drop support
      * Sorting support
      * separator rows
      * background color of a row
      * selection of multiple rows

    __string_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, ))
    __gsignals__ = {'node-expanded' : __string_signal__, \
                    'node-collapsed': __string_signal__, \

    def __init__(self, tree, description):
        """ Build the widget

        @param  tree - LibLarch FilteredTree
        @param  description - definition of columns.

        Parameters of description dictionary for a column:
          * value => (type of values, function for generating value from a node)
          * renderer => (renderer_attribute, renderer object)

          * order => specify order of column otherwise use natural oreder
          * expandable => is the column expandable?
          * resizable => is the column resizable?
          * visible => is the column visible?
          * title => title of column
          * new_colum => do not create a separate column, just continue with the previous one
                (this can be used to create columns without borders)
          * sorting => allow default sorting on this column
          * sorting_func => use special function for sorting on this func

        Example of columns descriptions:
        description = { 'title': {
                'value': [str, self.task_title_column],
                'renderer': ['markup', gtk.CellRendererText()],
                'order': 0
        self.columns = {}
        self.sort_col = None
        self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
        self.bg_color_column = None
        self.separator_func = None

        self.dnd_internal_target = ''
        self.dnd_external_targets = {}

        # Sort columns
        self.order_of_column = []
        last = 9999
        for col_name in description:
            desc = description[col_name]
            order = desc.get('order', last)
            last += 1
            self.order_of_column.append((order, col_name))

        types = []
        sorting_func = []
        # Build the first coulumn if user starts with new_colum=False
        col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()

        # Build columns according to the order
        for col_num, (order_num,
                      col_name) in enumerate(sorted(self.order_of_column), 1):
            desc = description[col_name]

            expand = desc.get('expandable', False)
            resizable = desc.get('resizable', True)
            visible = desc.get('visible', True)

            if 'renderer' in desc:
                rend_attribute, renderer = desc['renderer']
                rend_attribute = 'markup'
                renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()

            # If new_colum=False, do not create new column, use the previous one
            # It will create columns without borders
            if desc.get('new_column', True):
                col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
                newcol = True
                newcol = False

            if 'title' in desc:

            col.pack_start(renderer, expand=expand)
            col.add_attribute(renderer, rend_attribute, col_num)

            # Allow to set background color
            col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._celldatafunction)

            if newcol:
            self.columns[col_name] = (col_num, col)

            if ENABLE_SORTING:
                if 'sorting' in desc:
                    # Just allow sorting and use default comparing
                    self.sort_col = desc['sorting']
                    sort_num, sort_col = self.columns[self.sort_col]

                if 'sorting_func' in desc:
                    # Use special funcion for comparing, e.g. dates
                    sorting_func.append((col_num, col, desc['sorting_func']))

        self.basetree = tree
        # Build the model around LibLarch tree
        self.basetreemodel = TreeModel(tree, types)
        #Applying an intermediate treemodelfilter, for debugging purpose
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel.filter_new()
            treemodelfilter = self.basetreemodel
        # Apply TreeModelSort to be able to sort
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
            #            self.treemodel = gtk.TreeModelSort(treemodelfilter)
            self.treemodel = self.basetreemodel
            for col_num, col, sort_func in sorting_func:
                self.treemodel.set_sort_func(col_num, self._sort_func,
            self.treemodel = treemodelfilter



        self.collapsed_paths = []
        self.connect('row-expanded', self.__emit, 'expanded')
        self.connect('row-collapsed', self.__emit, 'collapsed')
        self.treemodel.connect('row-has-child-toggled', self.on_child_toggled)

    def __emit(self, sender, iter, path, data):
        """ Emitt expanded/collapsed signal """
        node_id = self.treemodel.get_value(iter, 0)
        #recreating the path of the collapsed node
        ll_path = ()
        i = 1
        while i <= len(path):
            temp_iter = self.treemodel.get_iter(path[:i])
            ll_path += (self.treemodel.get_value(temp_iter, 0), )
            i += 1
        if data == 'expanded':
            self.emit('node-expanded', ll_path)
        elif data == 'collapsed':
            self.emit('node-collapsed', ll_path)

    def on_child_toggled(self, treemodel, path, iter, param=None):
        """ Expand row """
        #is the toggled node in the collapsed paths?
        collapsed = False
        nid = treemodel.get_value(iter, 0)
        while iter and not collapsed:
            for c in self.collapsed_paths:
                if c[-1] == nid:
                    collapsed = True
            iter = treemodel.iter_parent(iter)
        if not self.row_expanded(path) and not collapsed:
            self.expand_row(path, True)

    def expand_node(self, llpath):
        """ Expand the children of a node. This is not recursive """
        self.collapse_node(llpath, collapsing_method=self.expand_one_row)

    def expand_one_row(self, p):
        #We have to set the "open all" parameters
        self.expand_row(p, False)

    def collapse_node(self, llpath, collapsing_method=None):
        """ Hide children of a node
        This method is needed for "rember collapsed nodes" feature of GTG.
        Transform node_id into paths and those paths collapse. By default all
        children are expanded (see self.expand_all())
        @parameter llpath - LibLarch path to the node. Node_id is extracted
            as the last parameter and then all instances of that node are
            collapsed. For retro-compatibility, we take llpath instead of
            node_id directly"""
        if not collapsing_method:
            collapsing_method = self.collapse_row
        node_id = llpath[-1].strip("'")
        if not node_id:
            raise Exception('Missing node_id in path %s' % str(llpath))

        schedule_next = True
        for path in self.basetree.get_paths_for_node(node_id):
            iter = self.basetreemodel.my_get_iter(path)
            if iter is None:

            target_path = self.basetreemodel.get_path(iter)
            if self.basetreemodel.get_value(iter, 0) == node_id:
                schedule_next = False

        if schedule_next:

    def show(self):
        """ Shows the TreeView and connect basetreemodel to LibLarch """

    def get_columns(self):
        """ Return the list of columns name """
        return self.columns.keys()

    def set_main_search_column(self, col_name):
        """ Set search column for GTK integrate search
        This is just wrapper to use internal representation of columns"""
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_expander_column(self, col_name):
        """ Set expander column (that which expands through free space)
        This is just wrapper to use internal representation of columns"""
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]
        self.set_property("expander-column", col)

    def set_sort_column(self, col_name, order=gtk.SORT_ASCENDING):
        """ Select column to sort by it by default """
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
            self.sort_col = col_name
            self.sort_order = order
            col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]
            self.treemodel.set_sort_column_id(col_num, order)

    def get_sort_column(self):
        """ Get sort column """
        if ENABLE_SORTING:
            return self.sort_col, self.sort_order

    def set_col_visible(self, col_name, visible):
        """ Set visiblity of column.
        Allow to hide/show certain column """
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_col_resizable(self, col_name, resizable):
        """ Allow/forbid column to be resizable """
        col_num, col = self.columns[col_name]

    def set_bg_color(self, color_func, color_column):
        """ Set which column and function for generating background color

        Function should be in format func(node, default_color)
        def closure_default_color(func, column):
            """ Set default color to the function.

            Transform function from func(node, default_color) into func(node).
            Default color is computed based on some GTK style magic. """
            default = column.get_tree_view().get_style().base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
            return lambda node: func(node, default)

        if self.columns.has_key(color_column):
            self.bg_color_column, column = self.columns[color_column]
            func = closure_default_color(color_func, column)
            self.treemodel.set_column_function(self.bg_color_column, func)
            raise ValueError("There is no colum %s to use to set color" % \

    def _sort_func(self, model, iter1, iter2, func=None):
        """ Sort two iterators by function which gets node objects.
        This is a simple wrapper which prepares node objects and then
        call comparing function. In other case return default value -1
        node_id_a = model.get_value(iter1, 0)
        node_id_b = model.get_value(iter2, 0)
        if node_id_a and node_id_b and func:
            id, order = self.treemodel.get_sort_column_id()
            node_a = self.basetree.get_node(node_id_a)
            node_b = self.basetree.get_node(node_id_b)
            sort = func(node_a, node_b, order)
            sort = -1
        return sort

    def _celldatafunction(self, column, cell, model, myiter):
        """ Determine background color for cell
        Requirements: self.bg_color_column must be set
        (see self.set_bg_color())

        Set background color based on a certain column value.
        if self.bg_color_column is None:

        if myiter and model.iter_is_valid(myiter):
            color = model.get_value(myiter, self.bg_color_column)
            color = None

        if isinstance(cell, gtk.CellRendererText):
            if color is not None and brightness(color) < 0.5:
                cell.set_property("foreground", '#FFFFFF')
                # Otherwise unset foreground color
                cell.set_property("foreground-set", False)

        cell.set_property("cell-background", color)

    ######### DRAG-N-DROP functions #####################################

    def set_dnd_name(self, dndname):
        """ Sets Drag'n'Drop name and initialize Drag'n'Drop support
        If ENABLE_SORTING, drag_drop signal must be handled by this widget."""
        self.dnd_internal_target = dndname
        self.connect('drag_data_get', self.on_drag_data_get)
        self.connect('drag_data_received', self.on_drag_data_received)

    def set_dnd_external(self, sourcename, func):
        """ Add a new external target and initialize Drag'n'Drop support"""
        i = 1
        while self.dnd_external_targets.has_key(i):
            i += 1
        self.dnd_external_targets[i] = [sourcename, func]

    def __init_dnd(self):
        """ Initialize Drag'n'Drop support
        Firstly build list of DND targets:
            * name
            * scope - just the same widget / same application
            * id

        Enable DND by calling enable_model_drag_dest(), 

        It didnt use support from gtk.Widget(drag_source_set(),
        drag_dest_set()). To know difference, look in PyGTK FAQ:
        self.defer_select = False

        if self.dnd_internal_target == '':
            error = 'Cannot initialize DND without a valid name\n'
            error += 'Use set_dnd_name() first'
            raise Exception(error)

        dnd_targets = [(self.dnd_internal_target, gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)]
        for target in self.dnd_external_targets:
            name = self.dnd_external_targets[target][0]
            dnd_targets.append((name, gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, target))

            gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, dnd_targets,
            gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT | gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)

            dnd_targets, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT | gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)

    def on_drag_data_get(self, treeview, context, selection, info, timestamp):
        """ Extract data from the source of the DnD operation.
        Serialize iterators of selected tasks in format 
        <iter>,<iter>,...,<iter> and set it as parameter of DND """

        treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
        model, paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
        iters = [model.get_iter(path) for path in paths]
        iter_str = ','.join(
            [model.get_string_from_iter(iter) for iter in iters])
        selection.set(self.dnd_internal_target, 0, iter_str)

    def on_drag_data_received(self, treeview, context, x, y, selection, info,\
        """ Handle a drop situation.

        First of all, we need to get id of node which should accept
        all draged nodes as their new children. If there is no node,
        drop to root node.

        Deserialize iterators of dragged nodes (see self.on_drag_data_get())
        Info parameter determines which target was used:
            * info == 0 => internal DND within this TreeView
            * info > 0 => external DND
        In case of internal DND we just use Tree.move_node().
        In case of external DND we call function associated with that DND
        set by self.set_dnd_external()
        #TODO: it should be configurable for each TreeView if you want:
        # 0 : no drag-n-drop at all
        # 1 : drag-n-drop move the node
        # 2 : drag-n-drop copy the node

        model = treeview.get_model()
        drop_info = treeview.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)
        if drop_info:
            path, position = drop_info
            iter = model.get_iter(path)
            # Must add the task to the parent of the task situated
            # before/after
            if position == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE or\
               position == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER:
                # Get sibling parent
                destination_iter = model.iter_parent(iter)
                # Must add task as a child of the dropped-on iter
                # Get parent
                destination_iter = iter

            if destination_iter:
                destination_tid = model.get_value(destination_iter, 0)
                #it means we have drag-n-dropped above the first task
                # we should consider the destination as a root then.
                destination_tid = None
            # Must add the task to the root
            # Parent = root => iter=None
            destination_tid = None

        tree = self.basetree.get_basetree()

        # Get dragged iter as a TaskTreeModel iter
        # If there is no selected task (empty selection.data),
        # explictly skip handling it (set to empty list)
        if selection.data == '':
            iters = []
            iters = selection.data.split(',')

        dragged_iters = []
        for iter in iters:
            if info == 0:
                except ValueError:
                    #I hate to silently fail but we have no choice.
                    #It means that the iter is not good.
                    #Thanks shitty gtk API for not allowing us to test the string
                    dragged_iter = None

            elif info in self.dnd_external_targets and destination_tid:
                f = self.dnd_external_targets[info][1]

                src_model = context.get_source_widget().get_model()

        for dragged_iter in dragged_iters:
            if info == 0:
                if dragged_iter and model.iter_is_valid(dragged_iter):
                    dragged_tid = model.get_value(dragged_iter, 0)
                    except Exception, e:
                        print 'Problem with dragging: %s' % e
            elif info in self.dnd_external_targets and destination_tid:
                source = src_model.get_value(dragged_iter, 0)
                # Handle external Drag'n'Drop
                f(source, destination_tid)