Ejemplo n.º 1
class IDFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = ID

    peer_id_bytes = factory.LazyFunction(
        lambda: generate_peer_id_from(default_key_pair_factory())
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SwarmFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = Swarm

    class Params:
        key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(default_key_pair_factory)
        security_protocol = DEFAULT_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_ID
        muxer_opt = factory.LazyFunction(default_muxer_transport_factory)

    peer_id = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: generate_peer_id_from(o.key_pair))
    peerstore = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: initialize_peerstore_with_our_keypair(o.peer_id, o.key_pair))
    upgrader = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: TransportUpgrader(
    transport = factory.LazyFunction(TCP)

    async def create_and_listen(
        key_pair: KeyPair = None,
        security_protocol: TProtocol = None,
        muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None,
    ) -> AsyncIterator[Swarm]:
        # `factory.Factory.__init__` does *not* prepare a *default value* if we pass
        # an argument explicitly with `None`. If an argument is `None`, we don't pass it to
        # `factory.Factory.__init__`, in order to let the function initialize it.
        optional_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if key_pair is not None:
            optional_kwargs["key_pair"] = key_pair
        if security_protocol is not None:
            optional_kwargs["security_protocol"] = security_protocol
        if muxer_opt is not None:
            optional_kwargs["muxer_opt"] = muxer_opt
        swarm = cls(**optional_kwargs)
        async with background_trio_service(swarm):
            await swarm.listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
            yield swarm

    async def create_batch_and_listen(
        number: int,
        security_protocol: TProtocol = None,
        muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None,
    ) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Swarm, ...]]:
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
            ctx_mgrs = [
                await stack.enter_async_context(
                for _ in range(number)
            yield tuple(ctx_mgrs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SwarmFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = Swarm

    class Params:
        is_secure = False
        key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(generate_new_rsa_identity)
        muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}

    peer_id = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: generate_peer_id_from(o.key_pair))
    peerstore = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: initialize_peerstore_with_our_keypair(o.peer_id, o.key_pair)
    upgrader = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: TransportUpgrader(
            security_transport_factory(o.is_secure, o.key_pair), o.muxer_opt
    transport = factory.LazyFunction(TCP)

    async def create_and_listen(
        cls, is_secure: bool, key_pair: KeyPair = None, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
    ) -> Swarm:
        # `factory.Factory.__init__` does *not* prepare a *default value* if we pass
        # an argument explicitly with `None`. If an argument is `None`, we don't pass it to
        # `factory.Factory.__init__`, in order to let the function initialize it.
        optional_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if key_pair is not None:
            optional_kwargs["key_pair"] = key_pair
        if muxer_opt is not None:
            optional_kwargs["muxer_opt"] = muxer_opt
        swarm = cls(is_secure=is_secure, **optional_kwargs)
        await swarm.listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
        return swarm

    async def create_batch_and_listen(
        cls, is_secure: bool, number: int, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
    ) -> Tuple[Swarm, ...]:
        # Ignore typing since we are removing asyncio soon
        return await asyncio.gather(  # type: ignore
                cls.create_and_listen(is_secure=is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt)
                for _ in range(number)