Ejemplo n.º 1
	def find_open(self, map, screen_width, screen_height):
		start = False
		while not start:
			start_x = tcod.random_get_int(0, 0, screen_width - 1)
			start_y = tcod.random_get_int(0, 0, screen_height - 1)
			if map[start_x][start_y].blocked is False:
				self.x = start_x
				self.y = start_y

				if parser.OPTIONS['game']['debug'] is True:
					name = self.obj_type
					try: name = self.name
					except: pass
					barf.Barf('DBG', 'Moving %s to (%d, %d)' % (name, self.x, self.y))
				start = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def generate(self):
		self.map = [
				for y in range(self.height)
			] for x in range(self.width)

		rooms = []
		num_rooms = 0

		for r in range(self.max_rooms):
			w = tcod.random_get_int(0, self.min_room_size, self.max_room_size)
			h = tcod.random_get_int(0, self.min_room_size, self.max_room_size)

			x = tcod.random_get_int(0, 0, self.width - w - 1)
			y = tcod.random_get_int(0, 0, self.height - h - 1)

			new_room = self.Rect(x, y, w, h)
			if parser.OPTIONS['game']['debug'] is True:
				barf.Barf('DBG', 'Making room with size of (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % (x, y, w, h))

			failed = False
			for other_room in rooms:
				if new_room.intersect(other_room):
					failed = True

			if not failed:
				(new_x, new_y) = new_room.center()

				if num_rooms is not 0:
					(prev_x, prev_y) = rooms[num_rooms - 1].center()

					if tcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 1) is 1:
						self.create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, prev_y)
						self.create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, new_x)
						self.create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, prev_x)
						self.create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, new_y)

				num_rooms += 1

		return self.map
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def create_arena_obstacles(self,array_of_count_limits,size_limits,bounding_box):
		num = ltc.random_get_int(0,array_of_count_limits[0],array_of_count_limits[1])

		while (num > 0):
			x_pos = ltc.random_get_int(0,bounding_box[0],bounding_box[2]+bounding_box[0])
			y_pos = ltc.random_get_int(0,bounding_box[1],bounding_box[3]+bounding_box[1])

			x_or_y = ltc.random_get_int(0,0,1)

			for p1 in range(ltc.random_get_int(0,size_limits[0],size_limits[1])):
				p2 = ltc.random_get_int(0,size_limits[0],size_limits[1])

				add_to_map = False

				# start with the x or the y
				if x_or_y:
					x = x_pos+p1
					y = y_pos+p2
					x = x_pos+p2
					y = y_pos+p1

				if (bounding_box[0] < x) and (x < (bounding_box[2]+bounding_box[0])) and (bounding_box[1] < y) and (y < (bounding_box[3]+bounding_box[1])):
					add_to_map = True

				if add_to_map:
					self.map[x][y] = Tile(True)

			# POTENTIAL BUG?: if the drawing area is completely outside the boundary_box than nothing will be drawn. the program will want to draw X amount but
			# because the boundary_box is small it will only draw Y which is much less than X. May be an issue if working with small bounding_boxes.
			num -= 1