Ejemplo n.º 1
    def valueDecoder(self, fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                     state, decodeFun, substrateFun):
        head, tail = substrate[:length], substrate[length:]
        if not head:
            raise error.PyAsn1Error('Empty substrate')

        # Get the first subid
        subId = oct2int(head[0])
        oid = divmod(subId, 40)

        index = 1
        substrateLen = len(head)
        while index < substrateLen:
            subId = oct2int(head[index])
            index = index + 1
            if subId == 128:
                # ASN.1 spec forbids leading zeros (0x80) in sub-ID OID
                # encoding, tolerating it opens a vulnerability.
                # See http://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/publications/article-1432.pdf page 7
                raise error.PyAsn1Error('Invalid leading 0x80 in sub-OID')
            elif subId > 128:
                # Construct subid from a number of octets
                nextSubId = subId
                subId = 0
                while nextSubId >= 128:
                    subId = (subId << 7) + (nextSubId & 0x7F)
                    if index >= substrateLen:
                        raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                            'Short substrate for sub-OID past %s' % (oid, ))
                    nextSubId = oct2int(head[index])
                    index = index + 1
                subId = (subId << 7) + nextSubId
            oid = oid + (subId, )
        return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, oid), tail
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def valueDecoder(self, fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                  state, decodeFun, substrateFun):
     head, tail = substrate[:length], substrate[length:]
     if tagSet[0][1] == tag.tagFormatSimple:  # XXX what tag to check?
         if not head:
             raise error.PyAsn1Error('Empty substrate')
         trailingBits = oct2int(head[0])
         if trailingBits > 7:
             raise error.PyAsn1Error('Trailing bits overflow %s' %
         head = head[1:]
         lsb = p = 0
         l = len(head) - 1
         b = ()
         while p <= l:
             if p == l:
                 lsb = trailingBits
             j = 7
             o = oct2int(head[p])
             while j >= lsb:
                 b = b + ((o >> j) & 0x01, )
                 j = j - 1
             p = p + 1
         return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, b), tail
     r = self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, ())
     if substrateFun:
         return substrateFun(r, substrate, length)
     while head:
         component, head = decodeFun(head)
         r = r + component
     return r, tail
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def valueDecoder(self, fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                  state, decodeFun, substrateFun):
     head, tail = substrate[:length], substrate[length:]
     if not head:
         return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, 0), tail
     if head in self.precomputedValues:
         value = self.precomputedValues[head]
         firstOctet = oct2int(head[0])
         if firstOctet & 0x80:
             value = -1
             value = 0
         for octet in head:
             value = value << 8 | oct2int(octet)
     return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, value), tail
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def valueDecoder(self, fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                  state, decodeFun, substrateFun):
     head, tail = substrate[:length], substrate[length:]
     if not head:
         return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, 0.0), tail
     fo = oct2int(head[0])
     head = head[1:]
     if fo & 0x80:  # binary enoding
         n = (fo & 0x03) + 1
         if n == 4:
             n = oct2int(head[0])
         eo, head = head[:n], head[n:]
         if not eo or not head:
             raise error.PyAsn1Error('Real exponent screwed')
         e = oct2int(eo[0]) & 0x80 and -1 or 0
         while eo:  # exponent
             e <<= 8
             e |= oct2int(eo[0])
             eo = eo[1:]
         p = 0
         while head:  # value
             p <<= 8
             p |= oct2int(head[0])
             head = head[1:]
         if fo & 0x40:  # sign bit
             p = -p
         value = (p, 2, e)
     elif fo & 0x40:  # infinite value
         value = fo & 0x01 and '-inf' or 'inf'
     elif fo & 0xc0 == 0:  # character encoding
             if fo & 0x3 == 0x1:  # NR1
                 value = (int(head), 10, 0)
             elif fo & 0x3 == 0x2:  # NR2
                 value = float(head)
             elif fo & 0x3 == 0x3:  # NR3
                 value = float(head)
                 raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError('Unknown NR (tag %s)' %
         except ValueError:
             raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError('Bad character Real syntax')
         raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError('Unknown encoding (tag %s)' %
     return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, value), tail
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def valueDecoder(self, fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                  state, decodeFun, substrateFun):
     head, tail = substrate[:length], substrate[length:]
     if not head:
         raise error.PyAsn1Error('Empty substrate')
     byte = oct2int(head[0])
     # CER/DER specifies encoding of TRUE as 0xFF and FALSE as 0x0, while
     # BER allows any non-zero value as TRUE; cf. sections 8.2.2. and 11.1
     # in http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf
     if byte == 0xff:
         value = 1
     elif byte == 0x00:
         value = 0
         raise error.PyAsn1Error('Boolean CER violation: %s' % byte)
     return self._createComponent(asn1Spec, tagSet, value), tail
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def encodeValue(self, encodeFun, value, defMode, maxChunkSize):
     if value.isPlusInfinity():
         return int2oct(0x40), 0
     if value.isMinusInfinity():
         return int2oct(0x41), 0
     m, b, e = value
     if not m:
         return null, 0
     if b == 10:
         return str2octs('\x03%dE%s%d' % (m, e == 0 and '+' or '', e)), 0
     elif b == 2:
         fo = 0x80  # binary enoding
         if m < 0:
             fo = fo | 0x40  # sign bit
             m = -m
         while int(m) != m:  # drop floating point
             m *= 2
             e -= 1
         while m & 0x1 == 0:  # mantissa normalization
             m >>= 1
             e += 1
         eo = null
         while e not in (0, -1):
             eo = int2oct(e & 0xff) + eo
             e >>= 8
         if e == 0 and eo and oct2int(eo[0]) & 0x80:
             eo = int2oct(0) + eo
         n = len(eo)
         if n > 0xff:
             raise error.PyAsn1Error('Real exponent overflow')
         if n == 1:
         elif n == 2:
             fo |= 1
         elif n == 3:
             fo |= 2
             fo |= 3
             eo = int2oct(n // 0xff + 1) + eo
         po = null
         while m:
             po = int2oct(m & 0xff) + po
             m >>= 8
         substrate = int2oct(fo) + eo + po
         return substrate, 0
         raise error.PyAsn1Error('Prohibited Real base %s' % b)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self,
        if debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder:
                'decoder called at scope %s with state %d, working with up to %d octets of substrate: %s'
                (debug.scope, state, len(substrate), debug.hexdump(substrate)))
        fullSubstrate = substrate
        while state != stStop:
            if state == stDecodeTag:
                # Decode tag
                if not substrate:
                    raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                        'Short octet stream on tag decoding')
                if not isOctetsType(substrate) and \
                   not isinstance(substrate, univ.OctetString):
                    raise error.PyAsn1Error('Bad octet stream type')

                firstOctet = substrate[0]
                substrate = substrate[1:]
                if firstOctet in self.__tagCache:
                    lastTag = self.__tagCache[firstOctet]
                    t = oct2int(firstOctet)
                    tagClass = t & 0xC0
                    tagFormat = t & 0x20
                    tagId = t & 0x1F
                    if tagId == 0x1F:
                        tagId = 0
                        while 1:
                            if not substrate:
                                raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                                    'Short octet stream on long tag decoding')
                            t = oct2int(substrate[0])
                            tagId = tagId << 7 | (t & 0x7F)
                            substrate = substrate[1:]
                            if not t & 0x80:
                    lastTag = tag.Tag(tagClass=tagClass,
                    if tagId < 31:
                        # cache short tags
                        self.__tagCache[firstOctet] = lastTag
                if tagSet is None:
                    if firstOctet in self.__tagSetCache:
                        tagSet = self.__tagSetCache[firstOctet]
                        # base tag not recovered
                        tagSet = tag.TagSet((), lastTag)
                        if firstOctet in self.__tagCache:
                            self.__tagSetCache[firstOctet] = tagSet
                    tagSet = lastTag + tagSet
                state = stDecodeLength
                debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                    'tag decoded into %r, decoding length' % tagSet)
            if state == stDecodeLength:
                # Decode length
                if not substrate:
                    raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                        'Short octet stream on length decoding')
                firstOctet = oct2int(substrate[0])
                if firstOctet == 128:
                    size = 1
                    length = -1
                elif firstOctet < 128:
                    length, size = firstOctet, 1
                    size = firstOctet & 0x7F
                    # encoded in size bytes
                    length = 0
                    lengthString = substrate[1:size + 1]
                    # missing check on maximum size, which shouldn't be a
                    # problem, we can handle more than is possible
                    if len(lengthString) != size:
                        raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                            '%s<%s at %s' % (size, len(lengthString), tagSet))
                    for char in lengthString:
                        length = (length << 8) | oct2int(char)
                    size = size + 1
                substrate = substrate[size:]
                if length != -1 and len(substrate) < length:
                    raise error.SubstrateUnderrunError(
                        '%d-octet short' % (length - len(substrate)))
                state = stGetValueDecoder
                debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                    'value length decoded into %d, payload substrate is: %s' %
                     debug.hexdump(length == -1 and substrate
                                   or substrate[:length])))
            if state == stGetValueDecoder:
                if asn1Spec is None:
                    state = stGetValueDecoderByTag
                    state = stGetValueDecoderByAsn1Spec
            # There're two ways of creating subtypes in ASN.1 what influences
            # decoder operation. These methods are:
            # 1) Either base types used in or no IMPLICIT tagging has been
            #    applied on subtyping.
            # 2) Subtype syntax drops base type information (by means of
            #    IMPLICIT tagging.
            # The first case allows for complete tag recovery from substrate
            # while the second one requires original ASN.1 type spec for
            # decoding.
            # In either case a set of tags (tagSet) is coming from substrate
            # in an incremental, tag-by-tag fashion (this is the case of
            # EXPLICIT tag which is most basic). Outermost tag comes first
            # from the wire.
            if state == stGetValueDecoderByTag:
                if tagSet in self.__tagMap:
                    concreteDecoder = self.__tagMap[tagSet]
                    concreteDecoder = None
                if concreteDecoder:
                    state = stDecodeValue
                    _k = tagSet[:1]
                    if _k in self.__tagMap:
                        concreteDecoder = self.__tagMap[_k]
                        concreteDecoder = None
                    if concreteDecoder:
                        state = stDecodeValue
                        state = stTryAsExplicitTag
                if debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder:
                        'codec %s chosen by a built-in type, decoding %s' %
                        (concreteDecoder and concreteDecoder.__class__.__name__
                         or "<none>", state == stDecodeValue and 'value'
                         or 'as explicit tag'))
                        concreteDecoder is None and '?'
                        or concreteDecoder.protoComponent.__class__.__name__)
            if state == stGetValueDecoderByAsn1Spec:
                if isinstance(asn1Spec, (dict, tagmap.TagMap)):
                    if tagSet in asn1Spec:
                        __chosenSpec = asn1Spec[tagSet]
                        __chosenSpec = None
                    if debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder:
                        debug.logger('candidate ASN.1 spec is a map of:')
                        for t, v in asn1Spec.getPosMap().items():
                            debug.logger('  %r -> %s' %
                                         (t, v.__class__.__name__))
                        if asn1Spec.getNegMap():
                            debug.logger('but neither of: ')
                            for i in asn1Spec.getNegMap().items():
                                debug.logger('  %r -> %s' %
                                             (t, v.__class__.__name__))
                            'new candidate ASN.1 spec is %s, chosen by %r' %
                            (__chosenSpec is None and '<none>'
                             or __chosenSpec.__class__.__name__, tagSet))
                    __chosenSpec = asn1Spec
                    debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                        'candidate ASN.1 spec is %s' %
                if __chosenSpec is not None and (
                       tagSet == __chosenSpec.getTagSet() or \
                       tagSet in __chosenSpec.getTagMap()
                    # use base type for codec lookup to recover untagged types
                    baseTagSet = __chosenSpec.baseTagSet
                    if __chosenSpec.typeId is not None and \
                           __chosenSpec.typeId in self.__typeMap:
                        # ambiguous type
                        concreteDecoder = self.__typeMap[__chosenSpec.typeId]
                        debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                            'value decoder chosen for an ambiguous type by type ID %s'
                            % (__chosenSpec.typeId, ))
                    elif baseTagSet in self.__tagMap:
                        # base type or tagged subtype
                        concreteDecoder = self.__tagMap[baseTagSet]
                        debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                            'value decoder chosen by base %r' % (baseTagSet, ))
                        concreteDecoder = None
                    if concreteDecoder:
                        asn1Spec = __chosenSpec
                        state = stDecodeValue
                        state = stTryAsExplicitTag
                elif tagSet == self.__endOfOctetsTagSet:
                    concreteDecoder = self.__tagMap[tagSet]
                    state = stDecodeValue
                    debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                        'end-of-octets found')
                    concreteDecoder = None
                    state = stTryAsExplicitTag
                if debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder:
                        'codec %s chosen by ASN.1 spec, decoding %s' %
                        (state == stDecodeValue
                         and concreteDecoder.__class__.__name__
                         or "<none>", state == stDecodeValue and 'value'
                         or 'as explicit tag'))
                    debug.scope.push(__chosenSpec is None and '?'
                                     or __chosenSpec.__class__.__name__)
            if state == stTryAsExplicitTag:
                if tagSet and \
                       tagSet[0][1] == tag.tagFormatConstructed and \
                       tagSet[0][0] != tag.tagClassUniversal:
                    # Assume explicit tagging
                    concreteDecoder = explicitTagDecoder
                    state = stDecodeValue
                    concreteDecoder = None
                    state = self.defaultErrorState
                debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                    'codec %s chosen, decoding %s' %
                    (concreteDecoder and concreteDecoder.__class__.__name__
                     or "<none>", state == stDecodeValue and 'value'
                     or 'as failure'))
            if state == stDumpRawValue:
                concreteDecoder = self.defaultRawDecoder
                debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                    'codec %s chosen, decoding value' %
                state = stDecodeValue
            if state == stDecodeValue:
                if recursiveFlag == 0 and not substrateFun:  # legacy
                    substrateFun = lambda a, b, c: (a, b[:c])
                if length == -1:  # indef length
                    value, substrate = concreteDecoder.indefLenValueDecoder(
                        fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                        stGetValueDecoder, self, substrateFun)
                    value, substrate = concreteDecoder.valueDecoder(
                        fullSubstrate, substrate, asn1Spec, tagSet, length,
                        stGetValueDecoder, self, substrateFun)
                state = stStop
                debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder and debug.logger(
                    'codec %s yields type %s, value:\n%s\n...remaining substrate is: %s'
                    % (concreteDecoder.__class__.__name__,
                       value.__class__.__name__, value.prettyPrint(),
                       substrate and debug.hexdump(substrate) or '<none>'))
            if state == stErrorCondition:
                raise error.PyAsn1Error('%r not in asn1Spec: %r' %
                                        (tagSet, asn1Spec))
        if debug.logger and debug.logger & debug.flagDecoder:
            debug.logger('decoder left scope %s, call completed' % debug.scope)
        return value, substrate