Ejemplo n.º 1
    def draw_text_wrapper(self, draw, text, x, y, font, text_color, font2, pil_img):
        :param x/y: 应该是移除了 offset 的
        if apply(self.cfg.text_border):
            # print("error")
            self.draw_border_text(draw, text, x, y, font, text_color)

        # todo: 整合draw_text_wrapper 与 draw_text_with_random_space
        elif apply(self.cfg.second_font):
            if self.cfg.second_font.font_color_change:
                text_color2 = self.get_word_color()
                text_color2 = text_color
            for i, c in enumerate(text):
                if random.random() < self.cfg.second_font.change_rate and not self.fonts_by_image:
                    y_offset = np.random.uniform(0, font2.getoffset(c)[1])
                    draw.text((x, y + y_offset), c, fill=text_color2, font=font2)
                    x += font2.getsize(c)[0]
                    if self.fonts_by_image:
                        pil_img = self.mix_seamless_bg(font[c], pil_img, (x, y))
                        x += font[c].shape[1]
                        draw.text((x, y), c, fill=text_color, font=font)
                        x += font.getsize(c)[0]
            if self.fonts_by_image:
                # print("pil_img", pil_img.shape)
                for c in text:
                    pil_img = self.mix_seamless_bg(font[c], pil_img, (x, y))
                    x += font[c].shape[1]
                draw.text((x, y), text, fill=text_color, font=font)
        return pil_img
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def gen_img(self, word_img):
        #if apply(self.cfg.noise):
        #    word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
        #    word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
            self.dmsg('After blur')
        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg('After prydown1')
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg('After prydown2')
        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
        #if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
        #    word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
        #    self.dmsg('After reverse_color')
        #if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
        #    word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
        #    self.dmsg('After emboss')

        #if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
        #    word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
        #    self.dmsg('After sharp')
        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
        word_img = word_img.astype(np.uint8)
        return word_img
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def draw_text_on_bg(self, word, font, bg):
        Draw word in the center of background
        :param word: word to draw
        :param font: font to draw word
        :param bg: background numpy image
            np_img: word image
            text_box_pnts: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom
        bg_height = bg.shape[0]
        bg_width = bg.shape[1]

        word_size = self.get_word_size(font, word)
        word_height = word_size[1]
        word_width = word_size[0]

        offset = font.getoffset(word)

        pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(bg))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)

        # Draw text in the center of bg
        text_x = int((bg_width - word_width) / 2)
        text_y = int((bg_height - word_height) / 2)

        if self.is_bgr():
            word_color = self.get_word_color()
            word_color = self.get_gray_word_color(bg, text_x, text_y,
                                                  word_height, word_width)

        if apply(self.cfg.random_space):
            text_x, text_y, word_width, word_height = self.draw_text_with_random_space(
                draw, font, word, word_color, bg_width, bg_height)
            np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)
            if apply(self.cfg.seamless_clone):
                np_img = self.draw_text_seamless(font, bg, word, word_color,
                                                 word_height, word_width,
                self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word, text_x - offset[0],
                                       text_y - offset[1], font, word_color)
                # draw.text((text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]), word, fill=word_color, font=font)

                np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)

        text_box_pnts = [[text_x, text_y], [text_x + word_width, text_y],
                         [text_x + word_width, text_y + word_height],
                         [text_x, text_y + word_height]]

        return np_img, text_box_pnts, word_color
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def gen_img(self):
        word, font, word_size = self.pick_font()

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)

        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(
            word, font, bg)

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, img_pnts_transformed, (0, 255, 0))
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed,
                                (0, 0, 255))
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img,

        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)

        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)

        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def draw_text_wrapper(self, draw, text, x, y, font, text_color):
     :param x/y: 应该是移除了 offset 的
     if apply(self.cfg.text_border):
         self.draw_border_text(draw, text, x, y, font, text_color)
         draw.text((x, y), text, fill=text_color, font=font)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def gen_bg(self, width, height):
     if apply(self.cfg.img_bg):
         bg = self.gen_bg_from_image(int(width), int(height))
         bg = self.gen_rand_bg(int(width), int(height))
     while bg is None:
         bg = self.gen_rand_bg(int(width), int(height))
     return bg
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def gen_img(self, img_index):
        word, font, word_size = self.pick_font(img_index)
        if self.space_ratio > 0 and len(word) > 2:
            word = list(word)
            for i in range(1, len(word) - 1):
                if word[i-1] != ' ' and random.random() < self.space_ratio:
                    # 不允许出现连续的空格
                    word[i] = ' '
            word = ''.join(word)

        self.dmsg("after pick font")

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(word, font, bg)
        self.dmsg("After draw_text_on_bg")

        if apply(self.cfg.crop):
            text_box_pnts = self.apply_crop(text_box_pnts, self.cfg.crop)

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After draw line")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 255, 155))

        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After remapping")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        self.dmsg("After perspective transform")

        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)

        self.dmsg("After crop_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After noiser")

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After blur")

        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg("After prydown")

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After reverse_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After emboss")

        if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After sharp")

        # word_img = cv2.resize(word_img, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def gen_img(self, img_index):
        word, font, word_size = self.pick_font(img_index)
        self.dmsg("after pick font")

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(
            word, font, bg)

        self.dmsg("After draw_text_on_bg")

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts,
            self.dmsg("After draw line")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 255, 155))

        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(
                word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After remapping")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        self.dmsg("After perspective transform")

        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img,

        self.dmsg("After crop_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After noiser")

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After blur")

        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg("After prydown")

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After reverse_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After emboss")

        if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After sharp")

        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def gen_img(self, img_index):
        word, font, word_size = self.pick_font(img_index)

        # 背景的高度应该远远大于原始文字图像的高度,
        # 以确保我们可以裁剪完整的字图像后,应用透视
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        # 在背景图上写字,text_box_pnts,文字位置
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(
            word, font, bg)

        if apply(self.cfg.crop):
            text_box_pnts = self.apply_crop(text_box_pnts, self.cfg.crop)

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 255, 155))

        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(
                word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,


        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img,

        # self.cfg配置参数
        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)

        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)

        if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)

        if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def draw_text_on_bg(self, word, font, bg, dir):
        Draw word in the center of background
        :param word: word to draw
        :param font: font to draw word
        :param bg: background numpy image
            np_img: word image
            text_box_pnts: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom
        if dir == "vertical":
            v_bg = np.rot90(bg, -1)
            bg_height = v_bg.shape[0]
            bg_width = v_bg.shape[1]

            word_size = self.get_word_size(font, word)
            word_height = word_size[1]
            word_width = word_size[0]

            offset = font.getoffset(word)

            pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(v_bg))

            # img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            # cv2.imshow("1",img)
            # cv2.waitKey(0)
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)

            # Draw text in the center of bg
            text_x = int((bg_width - word_width / len(word)) / 2)
            text_y = int((bg_height - word_height) / 2)

            leftx, lefty, rightx, righty = 0, 0, 0, 0

            if self.is_bgr():
                word_color = self.get_word_color()
                word_color = self.get_gray_word_color(v_bg, text_x, text_y,
                                                      word_height, word_width)

            if apply(self.cfg.random_space):
                text_x, text_y, word_width, word_height = self.draw_text_with_random_space(
                    draw, font, word, word_color, bg_width, bg_height, dir)
                h_bg = np.rot90(pil_img, 1)
                leftx, lefty = text_y, text_x
                rightx, righty = leftx + word_height, lefty + word_width
                np_img = np.array(h_bg).astype(np.float32)
                # self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word, text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1], font, word_color)
                # draw.text((text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]), word, fill=word_color, font=font)
                startx, starty = text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]
                leftx, lefty = int(starty), int(startx)
                border_color = None
                if apply(self.cfg.text_border):
                    for item in word:
                        # draw.text((startx, starty), item, fill=word_color, font=font)
                        border_color = self.draw_border_text(
                            draw, item, startx, starty, font, word_color,
                        # img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
                        # cv2.imshow("1",img)
                        # cv2.waitKey(0)
                        starty += word_height
                    for item in word:
                        draw.text((startx, starty),
                        starty += word_height

                rightx = int(starty) + word_height
                first_word_width = font.getsize(word[0])[0]
                righty = int(lefty + first_word_width)

                h_bg = np.rot90(pil_img, 1)
                np_img = np.array(h_bg).astype(np.float32)

            text_box_pnts = [[leftx, lefty], [rightx, lefty], [rightx, righty],
                             [leftx, righty]]
            # img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            # res = cv2.rectangle(img, (leftx, lefty), (rightx, righty), (0, 0, 255), 20)
            # cv2.imshow("1", img)
            # cv2.waitKey(0)

            return np_img, text_box_pnts, word_color
            bg_height = bg.shape[0]
            bg_width = bg.shape[1]

            word_size = self.get_word_size(font, word)
            word_height = word_size[1]
            word_width = word_size[0]

            offset = font.getoffset(word)

            pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(bg))
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)

            # Draw text in the center of bg
            text_x = int((bg_width - word_width) / 2)
            text_y = int((bg_height - word_height) / 2)

            if self.is_bgr():
                word_color = self.get_word_color()
                word_color = self.get_gray_word_color(bg, text_x, text_y,
                                                      word_height, word_width)

            if apply(self.cfg.random_space):
                text_x, text_y, word_width, word_height = self.draw_text_with_random_space(
                    draw, font, word, word_color, bg_width, bg_height, dir)
                np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)
                if apply(self.cfg.seamless_clone):
                    np_img = self.draw_text_seamless(font, bg, word,
                                                     word_color, word_height,
                                                     word_width, offset)
                    self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word, text_x - offset[0],
                                           text_y - offset[1], font,
                    # draw.text((text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]), word, fill=word_color, font=font)

                    np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)

            text_box_pnts = [[text_x, text_y], [text_x + word_width, text_y],
                             [text_x + word_width, text_y + word_height],
                             [text_x, text_y + word_height]]

            return np_img, text_box_pnts, word_color
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def gen_img(self, img_index, inv_alph_dict):
        # not blur image, like real image
        is_pass = random.random() < 0.2
        while True:
            # check word is valid
            # limit font size to avoid to scale word img
            word, font, word_size = self.pick_font(img_index, 25 if is_pass else None)
            # delete invalid word
            invalid = False
            for c in word:
                if c not in inv_alph_dict:
                    invalid = True
            if not invalid:
        if self.space_ratio > 0 and len(word) > 2:
            word = list(word)
            for i in range(1, len(word) - 1):
                if word[i-1] != ' ' and random.random() < self.space_ratio:
                    # 不允许出现连续的空格
                    word[i] = ' '
            word = ''.join(word)

        self.dmsg("after pick font")

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(word, font, bg, is_pass)
        self.dmsg("After draw_text_on_bg")
        if not is_pass and apply(self.cfg.crop):
            text_box_pnts = self.apply_crop(text_box_pnts, self.cfg.crop)

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After draw line")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 255, 155))

        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After remapping")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))
        if is_pass:
            # avoid to rotation img
            # the font size is 25
            word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
                self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

            word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
                self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        self.dmsg("After perspective transform")

        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
        self.dmsg("After crop_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After noiser")

        blured = False
        if not is_pass:
            if apply(self.cfg.blur):
                blured = True
                word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
                self.dmsg("After blur")

            if not blured:
                if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                    word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg("After prydown")

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if not is_pass and apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After reverse_img")

        if not is_pass and  apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After emboss")

        if not is_pass and  apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After sharp")

        # word_img = cv2.resize(word_img, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
        word_img = word_img.astype(np.uint8)
        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def draw_text_on_bg(self, word, font, bg, font2):
        Draw word in the center of background
        :param word: word to draw
        :param font: font to draw word
        :param bg: background numpy image
            np_img: word image
            text_box_pnts: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom
        bg_height = bg.shape[0]
        bg_width = bg.shape[1]

        word_size = self.get_word_size(font, word)
        word_height = word_size[1]
        word_width = word_size[0]

        offset = (0, 0) if self.fonts_by_image else font.getoffset(word)
        pure_bg = np.ones((bg_height, bg_width, 3)) * 255

        pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(pure_bg))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)

        # Draw text in the center of bg
        text_x = int((bg_width - word_width) / 2)
        text_y = int((bg_height - word_height) / 2)

        word_color = self.get_word_color()

        if apply(self.cfg.random_space):
            text_x, text_y, word_width, word_height = self.draw_text_with_random_space(
                draw, font, word, word_color, bg_width, bg_height, pure_bg)
            if apply(self.cfg.texture) and not self.fonts_by_image:
                pure_bg = Image.new('RGBA', (bg_width, bg_height),
                                    (255, 255, 255, 255))
                pil_img = Image.new('RGBA', (bg_width, bg_height),
                                    (255, 255, 255, 0))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)
                _ = self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word, text_x - offset[0],
                                           text_y - offset[1], font,
                                           word_color, font2, pil_img)
                pil_img = self.texture.apply_cloud_texture(pure_bg, pil_img)
                if self.fonts_by_image:
                    pil_img = self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word,
                                                     text_x - offset[0],
                                                     text_y - offset[1], font,
                                                     word_color, font2,
                    _ = self.draw_text_wrapper(draw, word, text_x - offset[0],
                                               text_y - offset[1], font,
                                               word_color, font2, pure_bg)
            # draw.text((text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]), word, fill=word_color, font=font)

        np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)

        text_box_pnts = [[text_x, text_y], [text_x + word_width, text_y],
                         [text_x + word_width, text_y + word_height],
                         [text_x, text_y + word_height]]

        return np_img, text_box_pnts, word_color
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def gen_img(self, img_index):
        # print(0, time.time() - self.start)
        word, font, word_size, font2, font_size = self.pick_font(img_index)
        # print(1, time.time() - self.start)
        self.dmsg("after pick font")

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color = self.draw_text_on_bg(
            word, font, bg, font2, font_size)
        self.dmsg("After draw_text_on_bg")

        # print(2, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.crop):
            text_box_pnts = self.apply_crop(text_box_pnts, self.cfg.crop)

        # print(3, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts)
            self.dmsg("After draw line")

        # print(4, time.time() - self.start)
        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 255, 155))

        # print(5, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(
                word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After remapping")

        # print(6, time.time() - self.start)
        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))

        # print(7, time.time() - self.start)
        word_img = self.mix_seamless_bg(word_img, bg)
        if apply(self.cfg.extra_words):
            word_img = self.draw_extra_random_word(
                word_img, text_box_pnts, img_index)
            self.dmsg("After add extra words")

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        self.dmsg("After perspective transform")

        # print(8, time.time() - self.start)
        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(
                word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)

        self.dmsg("After crop_img")

        # print(9, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After noiser")

        # print(10, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After blur")

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        # print(11, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After reverse_img")

        # print(12, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After emboss")

        # print(13, time.time() - self.start)
        if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After sharp")

        return word_img, word
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def draw_text_on_bg(self, word, font, bg, font2, font_size):
        Draw word in the center of background
        :param word: word to draw
        :param font: font to draw word
        :param bg: background numpy image
            np_img: word image
            text_box_pnts: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom
        bg_height = bg.shape[0]
        bg_width = bg.shape[1]

        word_size = self.get_word_size(font, word, font_size)
        word_height = word_size[1]
        word_width = word_size[0]

        offset = (0, 0) if self.fonts_by_image else font.getoffset(word)
        pure_bg = np.ones((bg_height, bg_width, 3)) * 255

        pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(pure_bg))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)
        # print("pure_bg", pure_bg.shape)
        # Draw text in the center of bg
        text_x = int((bg_width - word_width) / 2)
        text_y = int((bg_height - word_height) / 2)

        word_color = self.get_word_color()
        # cv2.imwrite("/media/ruijun/新加卷/workspace/text_renderer/debug/debug.png", np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32))
        # print(self.cfg)
        if apply(self.cfg.random_space):
            # print(time.time() - self.start, "bingo")
            text_x, text_y, word_width, word_height, pil_img_ = self.draw_text_with_random_space(draw, font, word,
                                                                                                 bg_width, bg_height,
            if apply(self.cfg.texture):
                # print(time.time() - self.start, "aluba")
                pure_bg = Image.new(
                    'RGBA', (bg_width, bg_height), (255, 255, 255, 255))
                pil_img = Image.new(
                    'RGBA', (bg_width, bg_height), (255, 255, 255, 0))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img)
                pil_img_ = self.draw_text_wrapper(
                    draw, word, text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1], font, word_color, font2, pure_bg)
                pil_img = self.texture.apply_cloud_texture(pure_bg, pil_img)
                # print(time.time() - self.start, "axiba")
                pil_img_ = self.draw_text_wrapper(
                    draw, word, text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1], font, word_color, font2, pure_bg)
            # draw.text((text_x - offset[0], text_y - offset[1]), word, fill=word_color, font=font)
        # cv2.imwrite("/media/ruijun/新加卷/workspace/text_renderer/debug/debug1.png", np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32))
        if self.fonts_by_image:
            np_img = np.array(pil_img_).astype(np.float32)
            np_img = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.float32)

        text_box_pnts = [
            [text_x, text_y],
            [text_x + word_width, text_y],
            [text_x + word_width, text_y + word_height],
            [text_x, text_y + word_height]

        return np_img, text_box_pnts, word_color
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def gen_img(self, img_index):
        word, font, word_size = self.pick_font(img_index)
        self.dmsg("after pick font")


        word = self.gen_word()

        r = random.randint(0, 3)
        if len(word) == 8:
            if r == 0:
                word += ' ' * rnd.randint(1, 16)

        # Background's height should much larger than raw word image's height,
        # to make sure we can crop full word image after apply perspective
        bg = self.gen_bg(width=word_size[0] * 8, height=word_size[1] * 8)
        word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color, piece_widths = self.draw_text_on_bg(
            word, font, bg)
        self.dmsg("After draw_text_on_bg")

        if True:
            text_box_pnts = self.apply_crop(text_box_pnts, self.cfg.crop)

        if apply(self.cfg.line):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.liner.apply(word_img, text_box_pnts,
            self.dmsg("After draw line")

        #if self.debug:
        if True:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (0, 0, 0))

            # Drawing boxes
            x_init, y = text_box_pnts[0][0], text_box_pnts[0][1]
            w_init, h = text_box_pnts[2][0] - x_init, text_box_pnts[2][1] - y
            x = x_init
            #piece_widths[-1] = w_init

            for i in range(len(word)):
                w = piece_widths[i] + x_init
                bbox_points = [x, y, w, h]
                word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, bbox_points, (0, 0, 0))
                x = w

        if apply(self.cfg.curve):
            word_img, text_box_pnts = self.remaper.apply(
                word_img, text_box_pnts, word_color)
            self.dmsg("After remapping")

        if self.debug:
            word_img = draw_box(word_img, text_box_pnts, (155, 255, 0))

        word_img, img_pnts_transformed, text_box_pnts_transformed = \
            self.apply_perspective_transform(word_img, text_box_pnts,

        self.dmsg("After perspective transform")

        if self.debug:
            _, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img, text_box_pnts_transformed)
            word_img = draw_bbox(word_img, crop_bbox, (255, 0, 0))
            word_img, crop_bbox = self.crop_img(word_img,

        self.dmsg("After crop_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.noise):
            word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)
            word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After noiser")

        blured = False
        if apply(self.cfg.blur):
            blured = True
            word_img = self.apply_blur_on_output(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After blur")

        if not blured:
            if apply(self.cfg.prydown):
                word_img = self.apply_prydown(word_img)
                self.dmsg("After prydown")

        word_img = np.clip(word_img, 0., 255.)

        if apply(self.cfg.reverse_color):
            word_img = self.reverse_img(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After reverse_img")

        if apply(self.cfg.emboss):
            word_img = self.apply_emboss(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After emboss")

        if apply(self.cfg.sharp):
            word_img = self.apply_sharp(word_img)
            self.dmsg("After sharp")

        return word_img, word