def unknown_length(TX_DATA): print("------------------------") print("send with unknown recive length") RESULT, RX_DATA = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, TX_DATA, 250, 3000) print("RESULT:" + str(RESULT)) print("RX_DATA:") print(RX_DATA) #print([hex(x).upper() for x in RX_DATA]) #print("".join("0x%02x " % i for i in RX_DATA)) time.sleep(3) print("------------------------")
def known_length(TX_DATA,RX_LENGTH): print("------------------------") print("send with known recive length") RESULT,RX_DATA = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TX_RX(0,TX_DATA,RX_LENGTH) print("RESULT:" + str(RESULT)) print("RX_DATA:") #print([hex(x).upper() for x in RX_DATA]) print("".join("0x%02x " % i for i in RX_DATA).upper()) time.sleep(3) print("------------------------")
print("open port & init mcu") #mcu.ser=serial.Serial("COM57",115200,timeout=1) mcu.ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", 115200, timeout=1) #for PI (not ttyAMA0)(use /dev/ttyS0) time.sleep(5) print("mcu ok\n") print("------------------------") print("CHECK") print("========================") print("CHECK INTERNET") print("------------------------") print("CHECK TIME") #TODO current_mcu_time = mcu.GET_RTC_DATE_TIME() print(current_mcu_time) #get PI time #and sync time print("------------------------") print("CHECK PI VERSION") #TODO print("CHECK MCU VERSION") current_mcu_version = mcu.GET_INFO_VERSION() print(current_mcu_version) if (current_mcu_version < Conf.latest_mcu_version): #need update print("please update mcu")
# else: # print("-----no internet------") # print("-----pass time check------") # current_mcu_time = mcu.GET_RTC_DATE_TIME() # print("MCU RTC time:") # print(current_mcu_time) # #set system time to mcu RTC clock time print("------------------------") print("CHECK PI VERSION") #TODO print("CHECK MCU VERSION") current_mcu_version = mcu.GET_INFO_VERSION() print(current_mcu_version) if (current_mcu_version < Conf.latest_mcu_version): #need update print("please update mcu") else: print("newest version") print("------------------------") print("SET SENSOR") mcu.SET_POLLING_SENSOR(Conf.POLL_TEMP, Conf.POLL_CO2, Conf.POLL_TVOC, Conf.POLL_LIGHT, Conf.POLL_PMS, Conf.POLL_RTC) print("CHECK SENSOR") print(mcu.GET_INFO_SENSOR_POR())
def sim7600_sending_task(): global initialize_flag global sim7600_fail_flag global stop_query_sensor global sim7600_moudule global gps_lat, gps_lon while (initialize_flag != 1): time.sleep(5) print("sim7600_sending_task start!!!") mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_BEGIN(0, 4) #use port:0 / set to '4' as 115200 baud while (sim7600_moudule): try: time.sleep( Conf.sim7600_send_interval * 0.4 ) #60 seconds/ but in seperate part / to shift away form upload stop_query_sensor = 1 #halt getting sensor data for a while #pairs = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").split(" ") #msg = "" #message_package_part = [] #if((gps_lat != "") and (gps_lon != "")): # msg = msg + "|gps_lon="+ gps_lon + "|gps_lat=" + gps_lat #if(CO2 != 65535): # msg = msg + "|s_g8=" + str(CO2) #msg = msg + "|s_t0=" + str(TEMP) + "|app=" + str(Conf.APP_ID) + "|date=" + pairs[0] + "|s_d0=" + str(PM25_AE) + "|s_h0=" + str(HUM) + "|device_id=" + Conf.DEVICE_ID + "|s_gg=" + str(TVOC) + "|ver_app=" + str(Conf.ver_app) + "|time=" + pairs[1] + "|s_s0=" + str(Leq_Median) + "|s_s0M=" + str(Leq_Max) + "|s_s0m=" + str(Leq_Min) + "|s_s0L=" + str(Leq) #print("------------------------") #print("msg_for_sim7600:",msg) print("=============================================") #clear input buffer #while(ser.inWaiting()!=0): # data = mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.reset_input_buffer() at_cmd = "AT\r" check_cmd = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) if (check_cmd[1] == "empty"): print("NO moudle") sim7600_moudule = 0 raise 'error' #print("----start GPS----") at_cmd = "AT+CGPS=1\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("----get GPS data----") at_cmd = "AT+CGPSINFO\r" gps_info = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) gps_info_str = "" for i in range(len(gps_info[1])): gps_info_str = gps_info_str + chr(gps_info[1][i]) gps_info_str = gps_info_str.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace( "OK", "") #print(gps_info_str) gps_info_str = gps_info_str.split(":")[1] #print(gps_info_str) #put dummy here #gps_info_str = "3113.343286,N,12121.234064,E,250311,072809.3,44.1,0.0,0" gps_info_str = gps_info_str.strip(" ") gps_info_str = gps_info_str.split(",") #check if it is empty here if ((gps_info_str[0] != "") and (gps_info_str[2] != "")): gps_lat = gps_info_str[0] gps_lat_a = int(gps_lat[:2]) gps_lat_b = float(gps_lat[2:]) gps_lat = round(gps_lat_a + (gps_lat_b / 60), 4) gps_lat = str(gps_lat) gps_NS = gps_info_str[1] gps_lon = gps_info_str[2] gps_lon_a = int(gps_lon[:3]) gps_lon_b = float(gps_lon[3:]) gps_lon = round(gps_lon_a + (gps_lon_b / 60), 4) gps_lon = str(gps_lon) gps_EW = gps_info_str[3] gps_date = gps_info_str[4] gps_time = gps_info_str[5] gps_alt = gps_info_str[6] gps_speed = gps_info_str[7] gps_speed = round(float(gps_speed) * 1.852, 4) else: gps_lat = "" gps_lon = "" #print("-------!!---------") #print("gps_lat :" + gps_lat) #print("gps_lon :" + gps_lon) #print("-------!!---------") #print("----MQTT part----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTSTART\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("----MQTT set client----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTACCQ=0,\"" + Conf.DEVICE_ID + "\"\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("----MQTT set connection----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTCONNECT=0,\"tcp://\",20,1,\"maps\",\"iisnrl\"\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(3) #print("----MQTT set topic----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTTOPIC=0,23\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) at_cmd = "MAPS/MAPS6/" + Conf.DEVICE_ID + "\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #set MQTT message pairs = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").split(" ") msg = "" if ((gps_lat != "") and (gps_lon != "")): msg = msg + "|gps_lon=" + gps_lon + "|gps_lat=" + gps_lat if (CO2 != 65535): msg = msg + "|s_g8=" + str(CO2) msg = msg + "|s_t0=" + str(TEMP) + "|app=" + str( Conf.APP_ID) + "|date=" + pairs[0] + "|s_d0=" + str( PM25_AE) + "|s_h0=" + str( HUM) + "|device_id=" + Conf.DEVICE_ID + "|s_gg=" + str( TVOC) + "|ver_app=" + str( Conf.ver_app) + "|time=" + pairs[1] #if(Leq != 0): # msg = msg + "|s_s0=" + str(Leq_Median) + "|s_s0M=" + str(Leq_Max) + "|s_s0m=" + str(Leq_Min) + "|s_s0L=" + str(Leq) if (temp_data != 0): msg = msg + "|add_temp=" + str(temp_data) + "|add_RH=" + str( rh_data) msg = msg + "|MQ" payload_len = len(msg) #print("----MQTT set message----") #fix at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTPAYLOAD=0," + str(payload_len) + "\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #add payload at_cmd = msg mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("----publish MQTT message----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTPUB=0,1,60\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("----Disconnect from the server----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTDISC=0,60\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) #print("----MQTT release client----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTREL=0" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) #print("----stop MQTT----") at_cmd = "AT+CMQTTSTOP\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #should add clean buffer here #mcu.ser.readline() #mcu.ser.readline() #mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.reset_input_buffer() stop_query_sensor = 0 #resume getting sensor data sim7600_fail_flag = 0 #sim7600 is good time.sleep(Conf.sim7600_send_interval * 0.6) #the rest of time interval except: print("=====sim7600 Fail====") traceback.print_exc() #should add clean buffer here #mcu.ser.readline() #mcu.ser.readline() #mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.reset_input_buffer() sim7600_fail_flag = 1 stop_query_sensor = 0 #keep getting data
try: print("START") print("========================") print("open port & init mcu") #mcu.ser=serial.Serial("COM57",115200,timeout=1) mcu.ser=serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0",115200,timeout=3) #for PI (not ttyAMA0)(use /dev/ttyS0) time.sleep(5) print("mcu ok\n") print("------------------------") print("check I/O and device busy") #mcu.GET_INFO_VERSION() print(mcu.GET_INFO_SENSOR_POR()) print("open uart\n") mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_BEGIN(0,4) time.sleep(1) mcu.CLEAR_INPUT() time.sleep(1) #TX_DATA = AT +CR (0x41 0x54 0x0D) #TX_DATA = [0x41,0x54,0x0D]
try: print("START") print("========================") print("open port & init mcu") #mcu.ser=serial.Serial("COM57",115200,timeout=1) mcu.ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", 115200, timeout=3) #for PI (not ttyAMA0)(use /dev/ttyS0) time.sleep(5) print("mcu ok\n") print("------------------------") print("check I/O and device busy") #mcu.GET_INFO_VERSION() print(mcu.GET_INFO_SENSOR_POR()) print("open uart\n") mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_BEGIN(0, 4) time.sleep(1) mcu.CLEAR_INPUT() time.sleep(1) #TX_DATA = AT +CR (0x41 0x54 0x0D) #TX_DATA = [0x41,0x54,0x0D] TX_DATA = "AT\r".encode() #TX_DATA = bytearray()
def nbiot_sending_task(): global initialize_flag global nbiot_fail_flag global stop_query_sensor global nbiot_moudule global gps_lat, gps_lon while (initialize_flag != 1): time.sleep(5) print("nbiot_sending_task start!!!") print(Conf.prifix) mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_BEGIN(0, 4) #use port:0 / set to '4' as 115200 baud #mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_BEGIN(0,0) while (nbiot_moudule): try: time.sleep( Conf.nbiot_send_interval * 0.7 ) #600 seconds/ but in seperate part / to shift away form upload stop_query_sensor = 1 #halt getting sensor data for a while #check if the nbiot module is on board at_cmd = "AT\r" check_cmd = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print(check_cmd) #print(check_cmd[1]) #print(type(check_cmd[1])) if (check_cmd[1] == "empty"): print("NO moudle") nbiot_moudule = 0 raise 'error' #get GPS info at_cmd = "AT+CGNSPWR=1\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) at_cmd = "AT+CGNSINF\r" gps_info = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #print("@@This is GPS 1 @@") #print(gps_info) gps_info_str = "" for i in range(len(gps_info[1])): gps_info_str = gps_info_str + chr(gps_info[1][i]) gps_info_str = gps_info_str.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace( "OK", "") gps_info_str = gps_info_str.split(":")[1] gps_info_str = gps_info_str.strip(" ") gps_info_str = gps_info_str.split(",") print("@@This is GPS 2 @@") print(gps_info_str) #check if it is empty here if (gps_info_str[1] == "1"): gps_lat = gps_info_str[3] #gps_lat_a = int(gps_lat[:2]) #gps_lat_b = float(gps_lat[2:]) #gps_lat = round(gps_lat_a + (gps_lat_b/60),4) #gps_lat = str(gps_lat) #gps_NS = gps_info_str[1] gps_lon = gps_info_str[4] #gps_lon_a = int(gps_lon[:3]) #gps_lon_b = float(gps_lon[3:]) #gps_lon = round(gps_lon_a + (gps_lon_b/60),4) #gps_lon = str(gps_lon) #gps_EW = gps_info_str[3] #gps_date = gps_info_str[4] #gps_time = gps_info_str[5] #gps_alt = gps_info_str[6] gps_speed = gps_info_str[6] #gps_speed = round(float(gps_speed)*1.852,4) else: print("no GPS") gps_lat = "" gps_lon = "" # pairs = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").split(" ") msg = "" message_package_part = [] if ((gps_lat != "") and (gps_lon != "")): msg = msg + "|gps_lon=" + gps_lon + "|gps_lat=" + gps_lat if (CO2 != 65535): msg = msg + "|s_g8=" + str(CO2) msg = msg + "|s_t0=" + str(TEMP) + "|app=" + str( Conf.APP_ID) + "|date=" + pairs[0] + "|s_d0=" + str( PM25_AE) + "|s_h0=" + str( HUM) + "|device_id=" + Conf.DEVICE_ID + "|s_gg=" + str( TVOC) + "|ver_app=" + str( Conf.ver_app) + "|time=" + pairs[1] if ((Leq != 0) and (Leq != float("inf"))): msg = msg + "|s_s0=" + str(Leq_Median) + "|s_s0M=" + str( Leq_Max) + "|s_s0m=" + str(Leq_Min) + "|s_s0L=" + str(Leq) msg = msg + "|MQ" print("------------------------") print("msg_for_nbiot:", msg) msg = Conf.prifix + msg payload_len = len( msg) #remember to add tpoic length (2 byte in this case) payload_len = payload_len + 2 #MQTT Remaining Length calculate #currently support range 0~16383(1~2 byte) if (payload_len < 128): payload_len_hex = hex(payload_len).split('x')[-1] else: a = payload_len % 128 b = payload_len // 128 a = hex(a + 128).split('x')[-1] b = hex(b).split('x')[-1] b = b.zfill(2) payload_len_hex = str(a) + " " + str(b) msg_hex = formatStrToInt(msg) # add_on = PUB_CMD / Remaim Length / topic length (MAPS/MAPS6/xxxxxxxxxxxx > 0x17) add_on = "30 " + str(payload_len_hex.upper()) + " 00 17 " end_line = "1A" message_package = add_on + msg_hex + end_line message_package = message_package.upper() print("=============================================") print("connect_pack:") print(Conf.connect_pack.upper()) print("----------------") print("message_package:") print(message_package) #seperate message to little part / because buffer issue n = 141 #just because a line is about 141 char long for i in range(0, len(message_package), n): message_package_part.append(message_package[i:i + n]) #print("this is part:") #print(message_package_part) print("=============================================") #should add clean buffer here #at_cmd = "AT\r" #check_cmd = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0,at_cmd.encode(),250,3000) #print(check_cmd) #print(check_cmd[1]) #print(type(check_cmd[1])) #if(check_cmd[1] == "empty"): # print("NO moudle") # nbiot_moudule = 0 # raise 'error' # #time.sleep(1) #print("----NBIOT init----") at_cmd = "AT+CIPSHUT\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) #print("-------CIPSHUT---------") at_cmd = "AT+CSQ\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("----check CSQ-----") at_cmd = "AT+CNMP=38\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("----LTE only-----") at_cmd = "AT+CMNB=2\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("----use NB-Iot-----") at_cmd = "AT+CIPSENDHEX=1\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("-------HEX---------") at_cmd = "AT+CGREG?\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("-------CGREG---------") at_cmd = "AT+CGATT?\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("-------CGATT---------") at_cmd = "AT+CGNAPN\r" apn_name = mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) print("----Get APN-----") str_apn = "" for i in range(len(apn_name[1])): str_apn = str_apn + chr(apn_name[1][i]) #print(str_apn) #print("-------!!---------") str_apn = str_apn.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("OK", "") #print(str_apn) str_apn = str_apn.split(",")[1] #print(str_apn) at_cmd = "AT+CSTT=" + str_apn + "\r" #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") print("this is CSTT cmd(with APN): " + at_cmd) #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(2) #print("-------CSTT---------") #at_cmd = "AT+CIPSTATUS\r" #mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0,at_cmd.encode(),250,3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("-------AT+CIPSTATUS---------") at_cmd = "AT+CIICR\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("------CIICR----------") at_cmd = "AT+CIFSR\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) #time.sleep(1) #print("----Get IP-----") at_cmd = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"\",\"8883\"\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(2) print("----Start connection----") at_cmd = "AT+CIPSEND\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(2) #print("-------SEND---------") #connect pack at_cmd = Conf.connect_pack.upper() mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(2) print("----Conncet pack----") #send_pack_in_loop for i in range(len(message_package_part)): at_cmd = message_package_part[i] mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(2) print("----Send OK----") at_cmd = "AT+CIPCLOSE\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) #print("-------close---------") at_cmd = "AT+CIPSHUT\r" mcu.PROTOCOL_UART_TXRX_EX(0, at_cmd.encode(), 250, 3000) time.sleep(1) print("----Chip shut----") #should add clean buffer here mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.readline() stop_query_sensor = 0 #resume getting sensor data nbiot_fail_flag = 0 #nbiot is good time.sleep(Conf.nbiot_send_interval * 0.3) #the rest of time interval except: print("=====NBIOT Fail====") #should add clean buffer here mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.readline() mcu.ser.readline() nbiot_fail_flag = 1 stop_query_sensor = 0 #keep getting data