Ejemplo n.º 1
def scanner(options):
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[0]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules'
    options['match_rules'] = rules_dir.as_posix()
    return libsast.Scanner(options, paths)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_load_file_invalid_path():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rule_file = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'patterns.yoo'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_file.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    with pytest.raises(libsast.exceptions.InvalidRuleError):
        libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_load_file_invalid_yaml():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rule_file = base_dir / 'assets' / 'invalid' / 'invalid_yaml.yaml'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_file.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    with pytest.raises(libsast.exceptions.YamlRuleParseError):
        libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_load_file_invalid_type():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rule_file = base_dir / 'assets' / 'invalid' / 'invalid_type.yaml'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_file.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    with pytest.raises(libsast.exceptions.MatcherNotFoundException):
        libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_load_dir():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'pattern_matcher'
    options = {'match_rules': rules_dir.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    res = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
    assert res['pattern_matcher']['test_regex_or']
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_load_file_missing_type():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rule_file = base_dir / 'assets' / 'invalid' / 'missing_type.yaml'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_file.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    with pytest.raises(libsast.exceptions.TypeKeyMissingError):
        libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_ignore_comments():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files' / 'comments.java'
    rule_file = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules'
    rule_file = rule_file / 'pattern_matcher' / 'patterns.yaml'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_file.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    res = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
    assert res['pattern_matcher'] == {}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def scanner(options):
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'pattern_matcher'
    sgrep_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'semantic_grep'
    options['match_rules'] = rules_dir.as_posix()
    options['sgrep_rules'] = sgrep_dir.as_posix()
    return libsast.Scanner(options, paths)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_load_url():
    rule_url = ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajinabraham/'
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[0]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_url}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    res = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
    assert res['pattern_matcher']['test_regex_or']
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_load_invalid_url():
    rule_url = ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajinabraham/'
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    options = {'match_rules': rule_url}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    with pytest.raises(libsast.exceptions.RuleDownloadException):
        libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_load_multiple_rules():
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[0]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'multiple'
    options = {'match_rules': rules_dir.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    res = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()['pattern_matcher']
    assert res['test_regex_or']
    assert res['test_regex']
    assert res['test_regex_and']
    assert res['test_regex_or']
    assert res['test_regex_and_not']
    assert res['test_regex_or']
Ejemplo n.º 12
def scanner(options):
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'pattern_matcher'
    sgrep_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'semantic_grep'
    choice_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'choice_matcher'
    options['match_rules'] = rules_dir.as_posix()
    options['sgrep_rules'] = sgrep_dir.as_posix()
    options['choice_rules'] = choice_dir.as_posix()
    options['choice_extensions'] = {'.python'}
    options['alternative_path'] = files_dir / 'alternate.python'
    return libsast.Scanner(options, paths)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_standards_mapping():
    a10 = 'A10: Insufficient Logging & Monitoring'
    m1 = 'M1: Improper Platform Usage'
    base_dir = Path(__file__).parents[0]
    files_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'files'
    rules_dir = base_dir / 'assets' / 'rules' / 'pattern_matcher'
    options = {'match_rules': rules_dir.as_posix()}
    paths = [files_dir.as_posix()]
    res = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
    match = res['pattern_matcher']['test_regex_multiline']
    assert match
    assert match['metadata']
    assert match['metadata']['cwe'] == 'cwe-1002'
    assert match['metadata']['owasp-mobile'] == m1
    assert match['metadata']['owasp-web'] == a10
    assert match['metadata']['masvs'] == 'MSTG-STORAGE-3'
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_pattern_matcher_file():
    options, paths = get_config()
    file_path = [paths[0] + '/test_matcher.test']
    result = libsast.Scanner(options, file_path).scan()
    assert result['pattern_matcher']['test_regex']
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_no_rule():
    assert libsast.Scanner({}, []).scan() is None
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_no_path():
    options, _ = get_config()
    assert libsast.Scanner(options, []).scan() is None
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_pattern_matcher_dir():
    options, paths = get_config()
    result = libsast.Scanner(options, paths).scan()
    assert result['pattern_matcher']['test_regex_or']