Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process(self, prj, res1, res2):
        delta_t, velocity_pix, tol_pix = self.get_velocity_resolution(
            prj, res1, res2)
        max_bounds = max(self.bounds)

        if self.verbose:
            print "Processing:", res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch(
            ), delta_t, velocity_pix, tol_pix

        if self.debug >= 2:
            fig, ax_check0 = self.stack.add_subplots("Segments check 1",
            fig, ax_check1 = self.stack.add_subplots("Segments check 2",

        epoch_all_mean_ncc = []

        for segments1, segments2 in zip(res1, res2):
            if self.debug >= 2:

            scale = segments1.get_scale()
            # print "Scale %s: %s" % (scale, len(segments1))

            all_ncc = []
            all_ncc_shape = None
            for segment1 in segments1:
                x_dir = self.x_dir
                if x_dir == 'position_angle':
                    x_dir = prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord()))
                elif nputils.is_callable(x_dir):
                    x_dir = self.x_dir(prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord())))

                if self.mode == 'ncc_peaks_direct':
                    region1 = segment1.get_image_region()

                    if min(region1.get_region().shape) <= 3:

                    if self.rnd_pos_shift:
                        shift = np.random.normal(
                            self.rnd_pos_factor *

                    i1 = segments2.get_img().get_data()
                    # i1 = nputils.shift2d(i1, np.array([4 / velocity_pix] * 2))
                    i1 = nputils.zoom(i1, region1.get_center(),
                                      [2 * tol_pix, 2 * tol_pix])
                    i2 = region1.get_region()
                    shape = [
                        self.factor * (self.bounds[0] + self.bounds[1]),
                        self.factor * (self.bounds[2] + self.bounds[3])
                    data = np.zeros(shape)

                    # print i1.shape, i2.shape
                    ncc = nputils.norm_xcorr2(i1, i2, mode='same')
                    peaks = nputils.find_peaks(ncc,
                    if len(peaks) > 0:
                        delta_pix = p2i(peaks - np.array(ncc.shape) / 2)

                        delta = prj.pixel_scales() * np.array(
                            delta_pix) * prj.unit
                        v = delta / self.__get_delta_time(delta_t)

                        if self.vel_trans:
                            v = self.vel_trans(
                                prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord())), v.T).T

                        if x_dir is not None:
                            vx, vy = nputils.vector_projection(v.T,
                                                               x_dir) * v.unit
                            vx, vy = v.T

                        vx = vx.to(self.unit).value
                        vy = vy.to(self.unit).value
                        d = np.array([vx, vy])

                        if len(vx) > 0:
                            ix = self.factor * (self.bounds[0] + vx)
                            iy = self.factor * (self.bounds[2] + vy)

                            widths = np.array(
                                [[4 * self.factor * velocity_pix] * 2] *
                            # widths = np.array([[1] * 2] * len(peaks))
                            centers = np.array([iy, ix]).T
                            heights = ncc[tuple(
                                np.array([tuple(k) for k in peaks]).T)]
                            # print widths, centers, heights
                            data = imgutils.multiple_gaussian(
                                shape, heights, widths, centers)

                    ncc = data
                    ncc = self.ncc_segment(segment1, segments2, 2 * tol_pix)
                    if ncc is not None:
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc)
                        ncc = zoom(ncc, velocity_pix * self.factor, order=3)
                        # zoom will shift the center
                        ncc = nputils.shift2d(
                            ncc, [-(velocity_pix * self.factor) / 2.] * 2)
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc), velocity_pix * self.factor
                        ncc = nputils.zoom(ncc,
                                           np.array(ncc.shape) / 2, [
                                               2 * max_bounds * self.factor,
                                               2 * max_bounds * self.factor
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc)
                        # ncc = ncc[self.factor * (max_bounds - self.bounds[0]):self.factor * (max_bounds + self.bounds[1]),
                        #           self.factor * (max_bounds - self.bounds[2]):self.factor * (max_bounds + self.bounds[3])]
                        # print ncc.shape

                        if x_dir is not None:
                            angle_rad = -np.arctan2(x_dir[1], x_dir[0])
                            ncc = rotate(ncc,
                                         -angle_rad / (2 * np.pi) * 360,

                if ncc is not None:
                    if self.debug >= 3:
                        fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = self.stack.add_subplots(
                            "Segment %s" % segment1.get_segmentid(), ncols=3)
                        r1 = segment1.get_image_region()
                        i2 = nputils.zoom(segments2.get_img().get_data(),
                                          [2 * tol_pix, 2 * tol_pix])
                                   extent=(-tol_pix, tol_pix, -tol_pix,

                        ax2.imshow(ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)


                    if all_ncc_shape is None:
                        all_ncc_shape = ncc.shape

            if len(all_ncc) > 0:
                if scale not in self.global_ncc_scales:
                    self.global_ncc_scales[scale] = []
                    self.global_ncc_scales_n[scale] = 0
                mean_ncc = self.agg_fct(np.array(all_ncc), axis=0)

                if self.debug >= 1:
                    fig, ax = self.stack.add_subplots(
                        "Ncc epoch %s vs %s scale %s" %
                        (res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch(), scale))
                    ax.imshow(mean_ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)

                self.global_ncc_scales_n[scale] += len(all_ncc)

        if self.debug >= 0.5 and len(epoch_all_mean_ncc) > 0:
            epoch_mean_ncc = self.agg_fct(np.array(epoch_all_mean_ncc), axis=0)
            fig, ax = self.stack.add_subplots(
                "Ncc epoch %s vs %s" % (res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch()))
            ax.imshow(epoch_mean_ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        data = [
                "unit", u.mas / u.year, "Velocity unit",
                "bounds", [1, 1, 1, 1], "Velocity bounds",
                nputils.validator_list(4, (int, float))
                "filter1", None, "Filter for the first image",
                nputils.validator_is((NoneType, nputils.AbstractFilter))
                "filter2", None, "Filter for the second image",
                nputils.validator_is((NoneType, nputils.AbstractFilter))
                "tol_pix_range", [4, 25],
                "Allowed range of pixel velocity resolution",
                nputils.validator_list(2, int)
                "ncc_threshold", 0.6, "Threshold for the NCC",
                "factor", 10, "Zoom factor of the resulting map",
                nputils.validator_in_range(1, 20)
                "method", 'ncc_peaks_direct', "Method used to compute the SCC",
                lambda v: v in ['ncc', 'ncc_peaks', 'ncc_peaks_direct']
                "vector_direction", None,
                "Project the result on this direction",
                lambda v: v == 'position_angle' or nputils.is_callable(
                    v) or isinstance(v, (list, np.ndarray, NoneType))
                "velocity_trans", None,
                "Do any transform on the velocity vector, pre projection",
                lambda v: nputils.is_callable(v)
                "rnd_pos_shift", False, "Randomly shift the segments position",
                nputils.validator_is((bool, NoneType))
                "rnd_pos_factor", 1.5,
                "Factor of the standart deviation of the shift",
                nputils.validator_in_range(0.1, 5)
                "img_rnd_shift", 0, "Randomly shift the images (pixel std)",
                nputils.validator_in_range(0, 10)
                "shuffle", False, "Suffle the list of images",

            self, data, title="Stack cross correlation configuration")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        data = [
        ["unit", u.mas / u.year, "Velocity unit", nputils.validator_is(u.Unit)],
        ["bounds", [1, 1, 1, 1], "Velocity bounds", nputils.validator_list(4, (int, float))],
        ["filter1", None, "Filter for the first image", nputils.validator_is((NoneType, nputils.AbstractFilter))],
        ["filter2", None, "Filter for the second image", nputils.validator_is((NoneType, nputils.AbstractFilter))],
        ["tol_pix_range", [4, 25], "Allowed range of pixel velocity resolution", nputils.validator_list(2, int)],
        ["ncc_threshold", 0.6, "Threshold for the NCC", nputils.validator_is(bool)],
        ["factor", 10, "Zoom factor of the resulting map", nputils.validator_in_range(1, 20)],
        ["method", 'ncc_peaks_direct', "Method used to compute the SCC", lambda v: v in ['ncc', 'ncc_peaks', 'ncc_peaks_direct']],
        ["vector_direction", None, "Project the result on this direction", lambda v: v == 'position_angle' or nputils.is_callable(v) or isinstance(v, (list, np.ndarray, NoneType))],
        ["velocity_trans", None, "Do any transform on the velocity vector, pre projection", lambda v: nputils.is_callable(v)],
        ["rnd_pos_shift", False, "Randomly shift the segments position", nputils.validator_is((bool, NoneType))],
        ["rnd_pos_factor", 1.5, "Factor of the standart deviation of the shift", nputils.validator_in_range(0.1, 5)],
        ["img_rnd_shift", 0, "Randomly shift the images (pixel std)", nputils.validator_in_range(0, 10)],
        ["shuffle", False, "Suffle the list of images", nputils.validator_is(bool)],

        nputils.BaseConfiguration.__init__(self, data, title="Stack cross correlation configuration")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def plot_links_map(ax, img, projection, links, color_style='link', mode='com', colorbar_setting=None,
                     map_cmap='jet', vector_width=4, link_id_label=False, num_bbox=None, 
                     ang_vel_arrows=False, ang_vel_unit=u.mas / u.year, pix_per_ang_vel_unit=1, **kwargs):
    """Display features links on a map.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    img : Image
        An image to be used as background map.
    projection : :class:`libwise.imgutils.Projection`
    links : a list of :class:`wise.matcher.FeaturesLink`
    color_style : str, optional
        'link': one color per link. 
        'date': map the features epochs to a color.
        any color string: use one color for each displacements vectors.
        function: a function that take a feature as argument and return a color.
    mode : str, optional
        Coord mode for the location of the features: 'lm', 'com' or 'cos'.
    colorbar_setting : ColorBar, optional
        Settings for the color bar if color_style is 'date'.
    map_cmap : :class:`matplotlib.cm.ColorMap` or str, optional
    vector_width : int, optional
        Width of the displacements vector arrows. Default is 4.
    link_id_label : bool, optional
        Annotate the links with there ids.
    num_bbox : dict, optional
        Additional arguments to be passed to :func:`libwise.plotutils.imshow_image`.

    .. _tags: plt_matching
    color_fct = None
    if color_style == 'date':
        all_epochs = matcher.get_all_epochs(links)
        epochs_map = plotutils.build_epochs_mappable(all_epochs, colorbar_setting.get_cmap())
        if colorbar_setting is None:
            colorbar_setting = plotutils.ColorbarSetting(ticks_locator=mdates.AutoDateLocator(),
        colorbar_setting.add_colorbar(epochs_map, ax)
        color_fct = lambda f: epochs_map.to_rgba(f.get_epoch())
    elif color_style is not 'link' and isinstance(color_style, str):
        color_fct = lambda f: color_style
    elif nputils.is_callable(color_style):
        color_fct = color_style

    plotutils.imshow_image(ax, img, projection=projection, title=False, cmap=plotutils.get_cmap(map_cmap), **kwargs)

    for link in links:
        delta_info = link.get_delta_info(measured_delta=False)

        if ang_vel_arrows:
            plot_velocity_vector(ax, delta_info, projection, ang_vel_unit, pix_per_ang_vel_unit, 
                                 color_fct=color_fct, mode=mode, lw=0.5,
                                 fc=link.get_color(), ec='k', alpha=0.9, zorder=link.size(), width=vector_width)
            plot_displacement_vector(ax, delta_info, color_fct=color_fct, mode=mode, lw=0.5,
                                 fc=link.get_color(), ec='k', alpha=0.9, zorder=link.size(), width=vector_width)
        # y, x = link.get_features()[int(np.random.normal(s / 2, s / 4))].get_coord()
        if link_id_label:
            y, x = link.last().get_coord()
            if num_bbox is None:
                props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.7, edgecolor=link.get_color(), lw=1.5)
            ax.text(x, y, link.get_id(), bbox=num_bbox, zorder=200, size='small')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, prj, res1, res2):
        delta_t, velocity_pix, tol_pix = self.get_velocity_resolution(prj, res1, res2)
        max_bounds = max(self.bounds)

        if self.verbose:
            print "Processing:", res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch(), delta_t, velocity_pix, tol_pix

        if self.debug >= 2:
            fig, ax_check0 = self.stack.add_subplots("Segments check 1", ncols=1)
            fig, ax_check1 = self.stack.add_subplots("Segments check 2", ncols=1)

        epoch_all_mean_ncc = []

        for segments1, segments2 in zip(res1, res2):
            if self.debug >= 2:
                imshow_segmented_image(ax_check0, segments1, alpha=1, projection=prj)
                imshow_segmented_image(ax_check1, segments2, alpha=1, projection=prj)

            scale = segments1.get_scale()
            # print "Scale %s: %s" % (scale, len(segments1))

            all_ncc = []
            all_ncc_shape = None
            for segment1 in segments1:
                x_dir = self.x_dir
                if x_dir == 'position_angle':
                    x_dir = prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord()))
                elif nputils.is_callable(x_dir):
                    x_dir = self.x_dir(prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord())))

                if self.mode == 'ncc_peaks_direct':
                    region1 = segment1.get_image_region()
                    if min(region1.get_region().shape) <= 3:

                    if self.rnd_pos_shift:
                        shift = np.random.normal(0, self.rnd_pos_factor * segment1.get_coord_error(min_snr=3))

                    i1 = segments2.get_img().get_data()
                    # i1 = nputils.shift2d(i1, np.array([4 / velocity_pix] * 2))
                    i1 = nputils.zoom(i1, region1.get_center(), [2 * tol_pix, 2 * tol_pix])
                    i2 = region1.get_region()
                    shape = [self.factor * (self.bounds[0] + self.bounds[1]), self.factor * (self.bounds[2] + self.bounds[3])]
                    data = np.zeros(shape)

                    # print i1.shape, i2.shape
                    ncc = nputils.norm_xcorr2(i1, i2, mode='same')
                    peaks = nputils.find_peaks(ncc, 4, self.ncc_threshold, fit_gaussian=False)
                    if len(peaks) > 0:
                        delta_pix = p2i(peaks - np.array(ncc.shape) / 2)

                        delta = prj.pixel_scales() * np.array(delta_pix)  * prj.unit
                        v = delta / self.__get_delta_time(delta_t)

                        if self.vel_trans:
                            v = self.vel_trans(prj.p2s(p2i(segment1.get_coord())), v.T).T

                        if x_dir is not None:
                            vx, vy = nputils.vector_projection(v.T, x_dir) * v.unit
                            vx, vy = v.T

                        vx = vx.to(self.unit).value
                        vy = vy.to(self.unit).value
                        d = np.array([vx, vy])

                        if len(vx) > 0:
                            ix = self.factor * (self.bounds[0] + vx)
                            iy = self.factor * (self.bounds[2] + vy)

                            widths = np.array([[4 * self.factor * velocity_pix] * 2] * len(peaks))
                            # widths = np.array([[1] * 2] * len(peaks))
                            centers = np.array([iy, ix]).T
                            heights = ncc[tuple(np.array([tuple(k) for k in peaks]).T)]
                            # print widths, centers, heights
                            data = imgutils.multiple_gaussian(shape, heights, widths, centers)

                    ncc = data
                    ncc = self.ncc_segment(segment1, segments2, 2 * tol_pix)
                    if ncc is not None:
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc)
                        ncc = zoom(ncc, velocity_pix * self.factor, order=3)
                        # zoom will shift the center
                        ncc = nputils.shift2d(ncc, [- (velocity_pix * self.factor) / 2.] * 2)
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc), velocity_pix * self.factor
                        ncc = nputils.zoom(ncc, np.array(ncc.shape) / 2, [2 * max_bounds * self.factor, 2 * max_bounds * self.factor])
                        # print ncc.shape, nputils.coord_max(ncc)
                        # ncc = ncc[self.factor * (max_bounds - self.bounds[0]):self.factor * (max_bounds + self.bounds[1]),
                        #           self.factor * (max_bounds - self.bounds[2]):self.factor * (max_bounds + self.bounds[3])]
                        # print ncc.shape

                        if x_dir is not None:
                            angle_rad = - np.arctan2(x_dir[1], x_dir[0])
                            ncc = rotate(ncc, - angle_rad / (2 * np.pi) * 360, reshape=False, order=2)

                if ncc is not None:
                    if self.debug >= 3:
                        fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = self.stack.add_subplots("Segment %s" % segment1.get_segmentid(), ncols=3)
                        r1 = segment1.get_image_region()
                        i2 = nputils.zoom(segments2.get_img().get_data(), r1.get_center(), [2 * tol_pix, 2 * tol_pix])
                        ax1.imshow(i2, norm=plotutils.LogNorm(), 
                                   extent=(-tol_pix, tol_pix, -tol_pix, tol_pix))

                        ax2.imshow(ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)

                    if all_ncc_shape is None:
                        all_ncc_shape = ncc.shape

            if len(all_ncc) > 0:
                if scale not in self.global_ncc_scales:
                    self.global_ncc_scales[scale] = []
                    self.global_ncc_scales_n[scale] = 0
                mean_ncc = self.agg_fct(np.array(all_ncc), axis=0)

                if self.debug >= 1:
                    fig, ax = self.stack.add_subplots("Ncc epoch %s vs %s scale %s" % (res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch(), scale))
                    ax.imshow(mean_ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)

                self.global_ncc_scales_n[scale] += len(all_ncc)

        if self.debug >= 0.5 and len(epoch_all_mean_ncc) > 0:
            epoch_mean_ncc = self.agg_fct(np.array(epoch_all_mean_ncc), axis=0)
            fig, ax = self.stack.add_subplots("Ncc epoch %s vs %s" % (res1.get_epoch(), res2.get_epoch()))
            ax.imshow(epoch_mean_ncc, extent=self.global_ncc_extent)