Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testSubjectsCompareEqualEvenWithDifferingHashCounts(self):
     Two otherwise identical Subject instances must compare equal even if
     their hash counts differ.
     read = AARead('id', 'AA')
     self.assertEqual(Subject(read, 1), Subject(read, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testSubjectsOfIncompatibleReadTypesCompareUnequal(self):
     Two Subject instances that have reads that cannot be compared must
     compare unequal.
     read1 = AARead('id', 'AA')
     read2 = SSAARead('id', 'AA', 'HH')
     self.assertNotEqual(Subject(read1), Subject(read2))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testAddTwoSubjectsWithIndex(self):
     Adding two subjects to a SubjectStore and giving their indices
     must have the expected result.
     ss = SubjectStore()
     subject1 = Subject(AARead('id1', 'AA'))
     subject2 = Subject(AARead('id2', 'AA'))
     ss.add(subject1, '1')
     ss.add(subject2, '2')
     self.assertEqual(2, len(ss))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def addSubject(self, subject):
        Ask a backend to add a subject.

        @param subject: A C{dark.read.AARead} instance. The subject sequence
            is passed as a read instance even though in many cases it will not
            be an actual read from a sequencing run.
        @raises BackendException: if no backends are available.
        @return: A tuple of 1) a C{bool} to indicate whether the subject was
            already in the database, and 2) the C{str} subject index.
        if not self._backends:
            raise BackendException('Database has no backends.')

        # We could check to see if self._disconnectedBackends is non-empty
        # and issue a warning if so. But there's no reason we can't add a
        # subject to one of the connected backends.

        subject = Subject(subject.id, subject.sequence, 0, subject.quality)
        preExisting, subjectIndex = self._subjectStore.add(subject)

        if preExisting:
            return True, subjectIndex

        # Pick a backend to add the subject to. Do this by choosing a
        # session id at random.
        sessionId = choice([self._sessionIdToName.keys()])
        preExisting, BackendSubjectIndex, hashCount = (yield from
                                                           'addSubject-%s' %

        # Sanity check that the backend had not seen the subject before and
        # that it used the subjectIndex we gave it.
        assert (preExisting is False)
        assert (subjectIndex == BackendSubjectIndex)

        # Store the hash count returned by the backend so that our subject
        # store is accurate.
        subject.hashCount = hashCount

        # Update our own checksum and that of the specific backend to which
        # the subject was added.
        name = self._sessionIdToName[sessionId]
        update = (subject.id, subject.sequence)

        self._backends[name]['subjectCount'] += 1

        return False, subjectIndex
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testGetSubjects(self):
     getSubjects must return the expected result.
     ss = SubjectStore()
     subject1 = Subject(AARead('id1', 'AA'))
     subject2 = Subject(AARead('id2', 'CC'))
     ss.add(subject1, '1')
     ss.add(subject2, '2')
     result = set(ss.getSubjects())
     self.assertEqual(set([subject1, subject2]), result)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testAddSubjectWithIndex(self):
     Adding one subject to a SubjectStore and giving a subject index
     must return the expected result.
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))
     preExisting, subjectIndex = SubjectStore().add(subject, '3')
     self.assertEqual('3', subjectIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testLengthIsOneAfterAddSubject(self):
     Adding a subject to a new SubjectStore results in SubjectStore with
     length one.
     ss = SubjectStore()
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(ss))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testLengthIsOneAfterAddSameSubjectTwice(self):
     Adding a subject to a new SubjectStore twice (with an identical index)
     results in SubjectStore with length one.
     ss = SubjectStore()
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(ss))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testGetIndexBySubjectKeyError(self):
     If a non-existent subject is passed to getIndexBySubject, a KeyError
     must be raised.
     dbParams = DatabaseParameters(landmarks=[AlphaHelix], trigPoints=[])
     db = Database(dbParams)
     error = "^'id'$"
     six.assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, error, db.getIndexBySubject,
                           Subject(AARead('id', 'FF')))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testGetSubjectBySubject(self):
     If a subject is added, getIndexBySubject must be able to return it
     given an identical subject to look up.
     dbParams = DatabaseParameters(landmarks=[AlphaHelix], trigPoints=[])
     db = Database(dbParams)
     _, index, _ = db.addSubject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF'))
         index, db.getIndexBySubject(Subject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF'))))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testGetSubjectByIndex(self):
     If a subject is added, getSubjectByIndex must be able to return it
     given its string index.
     dbParams = DatabaseParameters(landmarks=[AlphaHelix], trigPoints=[])
     db = Database(dbParams)
     subject = AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF')
     _, index, _ = db.addSubject(subject)
     self.assertEqual(Subject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF')),
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testOneReadTwoLandmarksGetSubjects(self):
     If one subject with two landmarks (and hence one hash) is added, an
     entry is appended to the database subject info.
     dbParams = DatabaseParameters(landmarks=[AlphaHelix], trigPoints=[])
     db = Database(dbParams)
     db.addSubject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRFAFRRRFRRRF'))
     subject = list(db.getSubjects())[0]
     read = AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRFAFRRRFRRRF')
     self.assertEqual(Subject(read, 1), subject)
     self.assertEqual(1, subject.hashCount)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def testAddSubjectTwiceWithSameIndex(self):
     Adding a subject to a SubjectStore and giving a subject index
     and then re-adding it with the same index must return the expected
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))
     ss = SubjectStore()
     ss.add(subject, '3')
     preExisting, subjectIndex = ss.add(subject, '3')
     self.assertEqual('3', subjectIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def testAddSubjectTwiceWithDifferentIndex(self):
     Adding a subject to a SubjectStore and giving a subject index
     and then re-adding it with a different index must raise a
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))
     ss = SubjectStore()
     ss.add(subject, '3')
     error = ("^Already stored index \(3\) for subject 'id' does not match "
              "subsequently passed index \(4\) for the subject\.$")
     six.assertRaisesRegex(self, SubjectStoreException, error, ss.add,
                           subject, '4')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def testOneReadOneLandmarkGetSubjects(self):
     If one subject with just one landmark (and hence no hashes) is added,
     an entry is appended to the database subject info.
     dbParams = DatabaseParameters(landmarks=[AlphaHelix], trigPoints=[])
     db = Database(dbParams)
     db.addSubject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF'))
     subjects = list(db.getSubjects())
     self.assertEqual(1, len(subjects))
     subject = subjects[0]
     self.assertEqual(Subject(AARead('id', 'FRRRFRRRF')), subject)
     self.assertEqual(0, subject.hashCount)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def testSaveRestoreNonEmpty(self):
     After a save/restore of a non-empty subject store, the subject store
     must be as expected.
     ss = SubjectStore()
     subject = Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'), 6)
     ss.add(subject, '3')
     fp = StringIO()
     ss = SubjectStore.restore(fp)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(ss))
     self.assertEqual('3', ss.getIndexBySubject(subject))
     result = ss.getSubjectByIndex('3')
     self.assertEqual(subject, result)
     self.assertEqual(6, result.hashCount)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def testHashCountIsStored(self):
     A Subject must store the hashcount it is passed.
     read = AARead('id', 'AA')
     self.assertEqual(6, Subject(read, 6).hashCount)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def testHashCountDefaultsToZero(self):
     A Subject must store a hashcount of zero if the hashcount isn't given.
     read = AARead('id', 'AA')
     self.assertEqual(0, Subject(read).hashCount)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def testLen(self):
     A Subject must return the correct (sequence) length via len().
     self.assertEqual(2, len(Subject(AARead('id', 'AA'))))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def testIdenticalSubjectsCompareEqual(self):
     Two identical Subject instances must compare equal.
     read = AARead('id', 'AA')
     self.assertEqual(Subject(read), Subject(read))