Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, token: str, dataset_id: str = None, embedding_id: str = None):


        configuration = Configuration()
        configuration.host = getenv('LIGHTLY_SERVER_LOCATION', 'https://api.lightly.ai')
        configuration.api_key = {'token': token}
        api_client = ApiClient(configuration=configuration)
        self.api_client = api_client

        self.token = token
        if dataset_id is not None:
            self._dataset_id = dataset_id
        if embedding_id is not None:
            self.embedding_id = embedding_id

        self.datasets_api = DatasetsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.samplings_api = SamplingsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.jobs_api = JobsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.tags_api = TagsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.embeddings_api = EmbeddingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.mappings_api = MappingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.scores_api = ScoresApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.samples_api = SamplesApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.quota_api = QuotaApi(api_client=api_client)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ApiWorkflowClient(_UploadEmbeddingsMixin,
    """Provides a uniform interface to communicate with the api 
    The APIWorkflowClient is used to communicaate with the Lightly API. The client
    can run also more complex workflows which include multiple API calls at once.
    The client can be used in combination with the active learning agent. 

            the token of the user, provided in webapp
            the id of the dataset, provided in webapp. \
            If it is not set, but used by a workflow, \
            the last modfied dataset is taken by default.
            the id of the embedding to use. If it is not set, \
            but used by a workflow, the newest embedding is taken by default

    def __init__(self, token: str, dataset_id: str = None, embedding_id: str = None):


        configuration = Configuration()
        configuration.host = getenv('LIGHTLY_SERVER_LOCATION', 'https://api.lightly.ai')
        configuration.api_key = {'token': token}
        api_client = ApiClient(configuration=configuration)
        self.api_client = api_client

        self.token = token
        if dataset_id is not None:
            self._dataset_id = dataset_id
        if embedding_id is not None:
            self.embedding_id = embedding_id

        self._datasets_api = DatasetsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self._datasources_api = DatasourcesApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self._samplings_api = SamplingsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self._jobs_api = JobsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self._tags_api = TagsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self._embeddings_api = EmbeddingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self._mappings_api = MappingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self._scores_api = ScoresApi(api_client=api_client)
        self._samples_api = SamplesApi(api_client=api_client)
        self._quota_api = QuotaApi(api_client=api_client)

    def check_version_compatibility(self):
        minimum_version = get_minimum_compatible_version()
        if version_compare(__version__, minimum_version) < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Incompatible Version of lightly pip package. "
                             f"Please upgrade to at least version {minimum_version} "
                             f"to be able to access the api and webapp")

    def dataset_id(self) -> str:
        '''The current dataset_id.

        If the dataset_id is set, it is returned.
        If it is not set, then the dataset_id of the last modified dataset is selected.
            return self._dataset_id
        except AttributeError:
            all_datasets: List[DatasetData] = self._datasets_api.get_datasets()
            datasets_sorted = sorted(all_datasets, key=lambda dataset: dataset.last_modified_at)
            last_modified_dataset = datasets_sorted[-1]
            self._dataset_id = last_modified_dataset.id
            warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"Dataset has not been specified, "
                                      f"taking the last modified dataset {last_modified_dataset.name} as default dataset."))
            return self._dataset_id

    def _order_list_by_filenames(
            self, filenames_for_list: List[str],
            list_to_order: List[object]
    ) -> List[object]:
        """Orders a list such that it is in the order of the filenames specified on the server.

                The filenames of samples in a specific order
                Some values belonging to the samples

            The list reordered.
            The same reorder applied on the filenames_for_list would put them
            in the order of the filenames in self.filenames_on_server.
            every filename in self.filenames_on_server must be in the

        filenames_on_server = self.get_filenames()
        list_ordered = sort_items_by_keys(
            filenames_for_list, list_to_order, filenames_on_server
        return list_ordered

    def get_filenames(self) -> List[str]:
        """Downloads the list of filenames from the server.

        This is an expensive operation, especially for large datasets.
        filenames_on_server = self._mappings_api. \
            get_sample_mappings_by_dataset_id(dataset_id=self.dataset_id, field="fileName")
        return filenames_on_server

    def upload_file_with_signed_url(self,
                                    file: IOBase,
                                    signed_write_url: str,
                                    headers: Dict = None) -> Response:
        """Uploads a file to a url via a put request.

                The file to upload.
                The url to upload the file to. As no authorization is used,
                the url must be a signed write url.
                Specific headers for the request.

            The response of the put request, usually a 200 for the success case.

        if headers is not None:
            response = requests.put(signed_write_url, data=file, headers=headers)
            response = requests.put(signed_write_url, data=file)

        if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300:
            msg = f'Failed PUT request to {signed_write_url} with status_code'
            msg += f'{response.status_code}!'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ApiWorkflowClient(_UploadEmbeddingsMixin, _SamplingMixin, _UploadDatasetMixin, _DownloadDatasetMixin, _DatasetsMixin):
    """Provides a uniform interface to communicate with the api 
    The APIWorkflowClient is used to communicaate with the Lightly API. The client
    can run also more complex workflows which include multiple API calls at once.
    The client can be used in combination with the active learning agent. 

            the token of the user, provided in webapp
            the id of the dataset, provided in webapp. \
            If it is not set, but used by a workflow, \
            the last modfied dataset is taken by default.
            the id of the embedding to use. If it is not set, \
            but used by a workflow, the newest embedding is taken by default

    def __init__(self, token: str, dataset_id: str = None, embedding_id: str = None):


        configuration = Configuration()
        configuration.host = getenv('LIGHTLY_SERVER_LOCATION', 'https://api.lightly.ai')
        configuration.api_key = {'token': token}
        api_client = ApiClient(configuration=configuration)
        self.api_client = api_client

        self.token = token
        if dataset_id is not None:
            self._dataset_id = dataset_id
        if embedding_id is not None:
            self.embedding_id = embedding_id

        self.datasets_api = DatasetsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.samplings_api = SamplingsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.jobs_api = JobsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.tags_api = TagsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.embeddings_api = EmbeddingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.mappings_api = MappingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.scores_api = ScoresApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.samples_api = SamplesApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.quota_api = QuotaApi(api_client=api_client)

    def check_version_compatibility(self):
        minimum_version = get_minimum_compatible_version()
        if version_compare(__version__, minimum_version) < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Incompatible Version of lightly pip package. "
                             f"Please upgrade to at least version {minimum_version} "
                             f"to be able to access the api and webapp")

    def dataset_id(self) -> str:
        ''' Returns the dataset_id

        If the dataset_id is set, it is returned.
        If it is unset, then the dataset_id of the last modified dataset is taken.

            return self._dataset_id
        except AttributeError:
            all_datasets: List[DatasetData] = self.datasets_api.get_datasets()
            datasets_sorted = sorted(all_datasets, key=lambda dataset: dataset.last_modified_at)
            last_modified_dataset = datasets_sorted[-1]
            self._dataset_id = last_modified_dataset.id
            warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"Dataset has not been specified, "
                          f"taking the last modified dataset {last_modified_dataset.name} as default dataset."))
            return self._dataset_id

    def _get_all_tags(self) -> List[TagData]:
        return self.tags_api.get_tags_by_dataset_id(self.dataset_id)

    def _order_list_by_filenames(self, filenames_for_list: List[str], list_to_order: List[object]) -> List[object]:
        """Orders a list such that it is in the order of the filenames specified on the server.

                The filenames of samples in a specific order
                Some values belonging to the samples

            The list reorderd. The same reorder applied on the filenames_for_list
            would put them in the order of the filenames in self.filenames_on_server

        assert len(filenames_for_list) == len(list_to_order)
        dict_by_filenames = dict(zip(filenames_for_list, list_to_order))
        list_ordered = [dict_by_filenames[filename] for filename in self.filenames_on_server
                        if filename in filenames_for_list]
        return list_ordered

    def filenames_on_server(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_filenames_on_server"):
            self._filenames_on_server = self.mappings_api. \
                get_sample_mappings_by_dataset_id(dataset_id=self.dataset_id, field="fileName")
        return self._filenames_on_server

    def upload_file_with_signed_url(self, file, signed_write_url: str):
        response = put_request(signed_write_url, data=file)
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ApiWorkflowClient(_UploadEmbeddingsMixin, _SamplingMixin,
                        _UploadDatasetMixin, _DownloadDatasetMixin,
    """Provides a uniform interface to communicate with the api 
    The APIWorkflowClient is used to communicaate with the Lightly API. The client
    can run also more complex workflows which include multiple API calls at once.
    The client can be used in combination with the active learning agent. 

            the token of the user, provided in webapp
            the id of the dataset, provided in webapp. \
            If it is not set, but used by a workflow, \
            the last modfied dataset is taken by default.
            the id of the embedding to use. If it is not set, \
            but used by a workflow, the newest embedding is taken by default
    def __init__(self,
                 token: str,
                 dataset_id: str = None,
                 embedding_id: str = None):


        configuration = Configuration()
        configuration.host = getenv('LIGHTLY_SERVER_LOCATION',
        configuration.api_key = {'token': token}
        api_client = ApiClient(configuration=configuration)
        self.api_client = api_client

        self.token = token
        if dataset_id is not None:
            self._dataset_id = dataset_id
        if embedding_id is not None:
            self.embedding_id = embedding_id

        self.datasets_api = DatasetsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.samplings_api = SamplingsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.jobs_api = JobsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.tags_api = TagsApi(api_client=self.api_client)
        self.embeddings_api = EmbeddingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.mappings_api = MappingsApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.scores_api = ScoresApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.samples_api = SamplesApi(api_client=api_client)
        self.quota_api = QuotaApi(api_client=api_client)

    def check_version_compatibility(self):
        minimum_version = get_minimum_compatible_version()
        if version_compare(__version__, minimum_version) < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Incompatible Version of lightly pip package. "
                f"Please upgrade to at least version {minimum_version} "
                f"to be able to access the api and webapp")

    def dataset_id(self) -> str:
        ''' Returns the dataset_id

        If the dataset_id is set, it is returned.
        If it is unset, then the dataset_id of the last modified dataset is taken.

            return self._dataset_id
        except AttributeError:
            all_datasets: List[DatasetData] = self.datasets_api.get_datasets()
            datasets_sorted = sorted(
                all_datasets, key=lambda dataset: dataset.last_modified_at)
            last_modified_dataset = datasets_sorted[-1]
            self._dataset_id = last_modified_dataset.id
                    f"Dataset has not been specified, "
                    f"taking the last modified dataset {last_modified_dataset.name} as default dataset."
            return self._dataset_id

    def _get_all_tags(self) -> List[TagData]:
        return self.tags_api.get_tags_by_dataset_id(self.dataset_id)

    def _order_list_by_filenames(self, filenames_for_list: List[str],
                                 list_to_order: List[object]) -> List[object]:
        """Orders a list such that it is in the order of the filenames specified on the server.

                The filenames of samples in a specific order
                Some values belonging to the samples

            The list reordered. The same reorder applied on the filenames_for_list
            would put them in the order of the filenames in self.filenames_on_server

        assert len(filenames_for_list) == len(list_to_order)
        dict_by_filenames = dict(zip(filenames_for_list, list_to_order))
        list_ordered = [
            for filename in self.filenames_on_server
            if filename in filenames_for_list
        return list_ordered

    def filenames_on_server(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_filenames_on_server"):
            self._filenames_on_server = self.mappings_api. \
                get_sample_mappings_by_dataset_id(dataset_id=self.dataset_id, field="fileName")
        return self._filenames_on_server

    def upload_file_with_signed_url(self,
                                    file: IOBase,
                                    signed_write_url: str,
                                    max_backoff: int = 32,
                                    max_retries: int = 5) -> Response:
        """Uploads a file to a url via a put request.

                The file to upload.
                The url to upload the file to. As no authorization is used,
                the url must be a signed write url.
                Maximal backoff before retrying.
                Maximum number of retries before timing out.

            The response of the put request, usually a 200 for the success case.


        counter = 0
        backoff = 1. + random.random() * 0.1
        success = False
        while not success:

            response = requests.put(signed_write_url, data=file)
            success = (response.status_code == 200)

            # exponential backoff
            if response.status_code in [500, 502]:
                backoff = 2 * backoff if backoff < max_backoff else backoff
            # something went wrong
            elif not success:
                msg = f'Failed PUT request to {signed_write_url} with status_code '
                msg += f'{response.status_code}.'
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            counter += 1
            if counter >= max_retries:
                msg = f'The connection to the server at {signed_write_url} timed out. '
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        return response