Ejemplo n.º 1
def nameVars(vars, snpeffFiles):
    var2name = {}
    for afile in snpeffFiles:
        with open(snpeffFile) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[0] != '#':
                    sp = line.split('\t')
                    if sp[0] in vars:
                        if sp[1] in vars[ sp[0] ]:
                            info = sp[-1]
                            gene = limitDbnsfpVcfSNVs.getGene(info)
                            if sp[0] == '1' and sp[1] == '865696':
                                print(info, gene)
                            if gene != '??':
                                var = sp[0] + ':' + sp[1]
                                var2name[var] = gene
    return var2name
Ejemplo n.º 2
    with open(vcfFile) as f:
        with open(outFile, 'w') as fout:
            print >> fout, header
            for line in f:
                l = line.strip()
                if l[0] != '#':
                    (cgControlStatus, chrom, pos,
                     rs, ref, alts, qual, filterPass,
                     info) = l.split('\t')
                    if filterPass == 'PASS':
                        lof = parseLof(l.split('\t'))
                        euroAlleleCount = l.split('AC_NFE=')[1].split(';')[0]
                        euroTotalCount = l.split('AN_NFE=')[1].split(';')[0]

                        afrAlleleCount = l.split('AC_AFR=')[1].split(';')[0]
                        afrTotalCount = l.split('AN_AFR=')[1].split(';')[0]

                        gene = limitDbnsfpVcfSNVs.getGene(l)

                        # scoreClinvar.parseGene(l.split('\t'))
                        # found = False
                        # for alt in alts.split(','):
                        #     if len(alt) == len(ref): #or not 'rs' in l: #len(alt) == len(ref):# or not 'rs' in l:
                        #         found = True
                        # if found:
                        print >> fout, '\t'.join((gene, chrom, pos, ref, alts, '0',
                                                  str(euroAlleleCount), str(euroTotalCount),
                                                  str(afrAlleleCount), str(afrTotalCount),
                                                  cgControlStatus, lof))