Ejemplo n.º 1
    def validate(self, target, old_schema=False):
        Attemptes to validate a single target in a PinFile

        Returns the groups returned when the topology is validated

        :param target: the target being validated

        :param old_schema: whether or not to validate using the old schema
                           by default

        for field in target.keys():
            if field not in Validator.SECTIONS:
                raise ValidationError("Section '{0}' not a valid top-level "
                                      "PinFile section. valid sections "
                                      "are '{1}'".format(
                                          target, Validator.SECTIONS))
        if 'topology' not in list(target.keys()):
            raise ValidationError("Each target must have a topology")

        topo_data = target['topology']
            resources = self.validate_topology(topo_data)
        except (SchemaError, KeyError):
            # if topology fails, try converting from old to new style
            resources = self.validate_topology(topo_data)
        if 'layout' in list(target.keys()):
        if 'cfgs' in list(target.keys()):

        return resources
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process(self, file_w_path, data=None):
        """ Processes the PinFile and any data (if a template)
        using Jinja2. Returns json of PinFile, topology, layout,
        and hooks.

        :param file_w_path:
            Full path to the provided file to process

        :param data:
            A JSON representation of data mapped to a Jinja2 template in

        if not data:
            data = '{}'

        with open(file_w_path, 'r') as stream:
            file_data = stream.read()

            if data.startswith('@'):
                with open(data[1:], 'r') as strm:
                    data = strm.read()

                file_data = self.render(file_data, data)
                return self.parse_json_yaml(file_data)
            except TypeError:
                error_txt = "Error attempting to parse PinFile data file."
                error_txt += "\nTemplate-data files require a prepended '@'"
                error_txt += " (eg. '@/path/to/template-data.yml')"
                error_txt += "\nPerhaps the path to the PinFile or"
                error_txt += " template-data is missing or the incorrect path?."
                raise ValidationError(error_txt)

        return self.load_pinfile(file_w_path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run_script(self, script):

        sp = None
            sp = subprocess.Popen(script,
        except OSError as e:
            raise ValidationError("problem running {0} ({1})".format(script, e))

        (stdout, stderr) = sp.communicate()

        if sp.returncode != 0:
            raise ValidationError("Script {0}"
                                  " had execution error".format(script))

        return stdout
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _render_template(self, template, data):
        if data is None:
            return template

        if data.startswith('@'):
            with open(data[1:], 'r') as strm:
                data = strm.read()

            template = json.dumps(template)
            render = self.parser.render(template, data)
        except TypeError:
            error_txt = "Error attempting to parse PinFile data file."
            error_txt += "\nTemplate-data files require a prepended '@'"
            error_txt += " (eg. '@/path/to/template-data.yml')"
            error_txt += "\nPerhaps the path to the PinFile or"
            error_txt += " template-data is missing or the incorrect path?."
            raise ValidationError(error_txt)

        return json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(render)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def do_action(self, provision_data, action='up', run_id=None, tx_id=None):
        This function takes provision_data, and executes the given
        action for each target within the provision_data disctionary.

        :param provision_data: PinFile data as a dictionary, with
        target information

        :param action: Action taken (up, destroy, etc). (Default: up)

        :param run_id: Provided run_id to duplicate/destroy (Default: None)

        :param tx_id: Provided tx_id to duplicate/destroy (Default: None)

        .. .note:: The `run_id` value differs from the `rundb_id`, in that
                   the `run_id` is an existing value in the database.
                   The `rundb_id` value is created to store the new record.
                   If the `run_id` is passed, it is used to collect an existing
                   `uhash` value from the given `run_id`, which is in turn used
                   to perform an idempotent reprovision, or destroy provisioned

        ansible_console = False
        if self.ctx.cfgs.get('ansible'):
            ansible_console = (ast.literal_eval(
                self.get_cfg('ansible', 'console', default='False')))

        if not ansible_console:
            ansible_console = bool(self.ctx.verbosity)

        results = {}

        return_code = 99

        for target in provision_data.keys():
            if not isinstance(provision_data[target], dict):
                raise LinchpinError("Target '{0}' does not"
                                    " exist.".format(target))

        targets = [x.lower() for x in provision_data.keys()]
        if 'linchpin' in targets:
            raise LinchpinError("Target 'linchpin' is not allowed.")

        for target in provision_data.keys():

            self.ctx.log_debug("Processing target: {0}".format(target))

            results[target] = {}
            self.set_evar('target', target)

            rundb = self.setup_rundb()

            if tx_id:
                record = rundb.get_tx_record(tx_id)
                run_id = (record['targets'][0][target].keys()[0])

            rundb_schema = json.loads(
                self.get_cfg(section='lp', key='rundb_schema'))
            rundb.schema = rundb_schema
            self.set_evar('rundb_schema', rundb_schema)

            start = time.time()
            st_uhash = int(start * 1000)
            uhash = None

            # generate a new rundb_id
            # (don't confuse it with an already existing run_id)
            rundb_id = rundb.init_table(target)
            orig_run_id = rundb_id

            uhash_length = self.get_cfg('lp', 'rundb_uhash_length')
            uhash_len = int(uhash_length)
            if not run_id:
                uh = hashlib.new(
                    self.rundb_hash, ':'.join(
                uhash = uh.hexdigest()[:uhash_len]

            if action == 'destroy' or run_id:
                # look for the action='up' records to destroy
                data, orig_run_id = rundb.get_record(target,

                if data:
                    uhash = data.get('uhash')
                    self.ctx.log_debug("using data from"
                                       " run_id: {0}".format(run_id))

            elif action not in ['up', 'destroy']:
                # it doesn't appear this code will will execute,
                # but if it does...
                raise LinchpinError("Attempting '{0}' action on"
                                    " target: '{1}' failed. Not an"
                                    " action.".format(action, target))

            self.ctx.log_debug('rundb_id: {0}'.format(rundb_id))
            self.ctx.log_debug('uhash: {0}'.format(uhash))

            rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'uhash', uhash)
            rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'start', str(start))
            rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'action', action)

            self.set_evar('orig_run_id', orig_run_id)
            self.set_evar('rundb_id', rundb_id)
            self.set_evar('uhash', uhash)

            topology_data = provision_data[target].get('topology')

            # if validation fails the first time, convert topo from old -> new
                resources = self._validate_topology(topology_data)
            except (SchemaError, KeyError):
                # if topology fails, try converting from old to new style
                    resources = self._validate_topology(topology_data)
                except SchemaError:
                    raise ValidationError("Topology '{0}' does not validate."
                                          "For more information run `linchpin"

            self.set_evar('topo_data', topology_data)

                target, rundb_id, 'inputs',
                    'topology_data': provision_data[target]['topology']

            if provision_data[target].get('layout', None):
                l_data = provision_data[target]['layout']
                provision_data[target]['layout'] = self._convert_layout(l_data)
                self.set_evar('layout_data', provision_data[target]['layout'])

                    target, rundb_id, 'inputs',
                        'layout_data': provision_data[target]['layout']

            if provision_data[target].get('hooks', None):
                hooks_data = provision_data[target].get('hooks')
                self.set_evar('hooks_data', hooks_data)
                    target, rundb_id, 'inputs',
                        'hooks_data': provision_data[target]['hooks']

            if provision_data[target].get('cfgs', None):
                vars_data = provision_data[target].get('cfgs')
                self.set_evar('cfgs_data', vars_data)
                rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'cfgs',
                                        'user': provision_data[target]['cfgs']

            # note : changing the state triggers the hooks
            self.hooks.rundb = (rundb, rundb_id)
            self.pb_hooks = self.get_cfg('hookstates', action)
            self.ctx.log_debug('calling: {0}{1}'.format('pre', action))

            if 'pre' in self.pb_hooks:
                self.hook_state = '{0}{1}'.format('pre', action)

            # FIXME need to add rundb data for hooks results

            # invoke the appropriate action
            return_code, results[target]['task_results'] = (

            if not return_code:
                self.ctx.log_state("Action '{0}' on Target '{1}' is "
                                   "complete".format(action, target))

            # FIXME Check the result[target] value here, and fail if applicable.
            # It's possible that a flag might allow more targets to run, then
            # return an error code at the end.

            # add post provision hook for inventory generation
            if 'inv' in self.pb_hooks:
                self.hook_state = 'postinv'

            if ('post' in self.pb_hooks) and (self.__meta__ == "API"):
                self.hook_state = '{0}{1}'.format('post', action)

            end = time.time()

            rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'end', str(end))
            rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'rc', return_code)

            run_data = rundb.get_record(target, action=action, run_id=rundb_id)

            results[target]['rundb_data'] = {rundb_id: run_data[0]}

        # generate the linchpin_id and structure
        lp_schema = ('{"action": "", "targets": []}')

        rundb = self.setup_rundb()
        rundb.schema = json.loads(lp_schema)
        lp_id = rundb.init_table('linchpin')

        summary = {}

        for target, data in results.iteritems():
            for k, v in data['rundb_data'].iteritems():
                summary[target] = {k: {'rc': v['rc'], 'uhash': v['uhash']}}

        rundb.update_record('linchpin', lp_id, 'action', action)
        rundb.update_record('linchpin', lp_id, 'targets', [summary])

        lp_data = {
            lp_id: {
                'action': action,
                'summary_data': summary,
                'results_data': results

        return (return_code, lp_data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def validate_pretty(self, target, name, old_schema=False):
        results = {}
        return_code = 0

        for field in target.keys():
            if field not in Validator.SECTIONS:
                raise ValidationError("Section '{0}' not a valid top-level "
                                      "PinFile section. valid sections "
                                      "are '{1}'".format(
                                          target, Validator.SECTIONS))
        if 'topology' not in list(target.keys()):
            results['topology'] = "Each target must have a topology"

        err_prefix = "errors:\n"
        topo_data = target['topology']
        except (SchemaError, KeyError) as e:
            # if topology fails, try converting from old to new style
            except SchemaError as s:
                if old_schema:
                    # add a tab to the beginning of each line in the
                    # SchemaError and append to the existing error message
                    error = self._format_error(err_prefix, s)
                    if type(e) == KeyError:
                        error = "\tfield res_defs['type'] is no longer "\
                                "supported.  Please use 'role' instead"
                        error = self._format_error(err_prefix, e)
                        error = self._format_error(err_prefix, e)
                results['topology'] = error
                return_code += 1
                results['topology'] = "valid under old schema"
        except TopologyError as t:
            error = self._format_error(err_prefix, t)
            results['topology'] = error
            return_code += 1
            results['topology'] = "valid"

        if 'layout' in list(target.keys()):
            layout_data = target['layout']
            except SchemaError as e:
                error = self._format_error(err_prefix, e)
                results['layout'] = error + '\n'
                return_code += 1
                results['layout'] = "valid"

        if 'cfgs' in list(target.keys()):
            cfgs_data = target['cfgs']
            except SchemaError as e:
                error = self._format_error(err_prefix, e)
                results['cfgs'] = error + '\n'
                return_code += 1
                results['cfgs'] = "valid"

        return return_code, results
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do_action(self, provision_data, action='up', run_id=None, tx_id=None):
        This function takes provision_data, and executes the given
        action for each target within the provision_data disctionary.

        :param provision_data: PinFile data as a dictionary, with
        target information

        :param action: Action taken (up, destroy, etc). (Default: up)

        :param run_id: Provided run_id to duplicate/destroy (Default: None)

        :param tx_id: Provided tx_id to duplicate/destroy (Default: None)

        .. .note:: The `run_id` value differs from the `rundb_id`, in that
                   the `run_id` is an existing value in the database.
                   The `rundb_id` value is created to store the new record.
                   If the `run_id` is passed, it is used to collect an existing
                   `uhash` value from the given `run_id`, which is in turn used
                   to perform an idempotent reprovision, or destroy provisioned

        results = {}
        return_code = 99

        # verify_targets_exist()
        targets = [x.lower() for x in list(provision_data.keys())]

        if 'linchpin' in targets:
            raise LinchpinError("Target 'linchpin' is not allowed.")

        for target in targets:
            if target == 'cfgs':
            if not isinstance(provision_data[target], dict):
                raise LinchpinError("Target '{0}' does not"
                                    " exist.".format(target))

            self.ctx.log_debug("Processing target: {0}".format(target))
            results[target] = {}
            self.set_evar('target', target)

            rundb_id = self.prepare_rundb(target, action, run_id, tx_id)

                validator = Validator(self.ctx, self.role_path, self.pb_ext)
                resources = validator.validate(provision_data[target])
            except SchemaError:
                raise ValidationError("Target '{0}' does not validate.  For"
                                      " more information run `linchpin "

            topology_data = provision_data[target].get('topology')
            self.set_evar('topo_data', topology_data)

            self.update_rundb(rundb_id, target, provision_data)

            # note : changing the state triggers the hooks
            return_code, results[target]['task_results'] = (self.run_target(

            end = time.time()

            self.rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'end', str(end))
            self.rundb.update_record(target, rundb_id, 'rc', return_code)

            run_data = self.rundb.get_record(target,

            results[target]['rundb_data'] = {rundb_id: run_data[0]}

        # generate the linchpin_id and structure
        lp_data = self.write_results_to_rundb(results, action)

        return (return_code, lp_data)