def drawTriangles(m, image, wireframe=False, color=(255, 0, 0), bordercol=(0, 0, 0), hasBorder=True, culling=True): triangles = [] for i in range(0, len(m[0]) - 2, 3): triangles.append([ m[0][i], m[1][i], m[0][i + 1], m[1][i + 1], m[0][i + 2], m[1][i + 2], m[2][i], m[2][i + 1], m[2][i + 2] ]) ordTris = sorted(triangles, key=lambda l: l[6] + l[7] + l[8]) for t in ordTris: if culling: x12 = t[0] - t[2] y12 = t[1] - t[3] x23 = t[0] - t[4] y23 = t[1] - t[5] if x12 * y23 - x23 * y12 <= 0: continue if not wireframe: tri = triangle.triangle(*t[:6]) coloredtri = [xy + (color, ) for xy in tri] else: coloredtri = [] if hasBorder: border = line(*t[:4]) border.extend(line(*t[2:6])) border.extend(line(*t[:2] + t[4:6])) coloredtri += [xy + (bordercol, ) for xy in border] image.setPixels(coloredtri)
def main(): global linex, linex2 linex2 = line.line() linex = line.line() app = QApplication(sys.argv) read = codegen1.reader('cif.txt') # linex.pp() read.file_in_list('cif.txt') ex = MainWindow() total_file_lines = read.calculate_lines('cif.txt') if total_file_lines > 80: print("OOPs! Mainframe can't handle more than 80 lines.") else: ggg = read.get_element_pos_length(10) ex.set_text(MF_LINE_COLUMN, 1, str(ggg[16])) print(ggg[16]) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def configure(self): self.backbone.move(100, 100) # (50,50) is a given start position and will be changed later self.backbone.rotate(math.pi / 6) self.configuredSideChains = [] numLocations = [] for i in range(len(self.sideChains)): for j in range(len(self.sideChains[i][1])): numLocations.append(self.sideChains[i][1][j]) scAngles = self.backbone.getAngles(numLocations) bondLength = 20 #####magic number########### locs = [] for i in range(len(self.sideChains)): for j in range(len(self.sideChains[i][1])): locs.append(self.sideChains[i][1][j]) pos = self.backbone.getPos(self.sideChains[i][1][j]) angle = scAngles[self.sideChains[i][1][j] - 1].pop() self.l = line(pos, angle, 9) sChain = self.sideChains[i][0].copy() if isinstance(sChain, carbonBackbone): sChain.numC += 1 elif isinstance(sChain, sideChain) and isinstance(sChain.shape, carbonBackbone): sChain.addCarbon() else: self.configuredSideChains.append(line(pos, angle, bondLength)) pos = self.configuredSideChains[-1].endPos sChain.rotate(angle) sChain.move(pos[0], pos[1]) self.configuredSideChains.append(sChain)
def main(imgs): #初始化 #左轨道 left_line = line.line() #初始化的时候,line.detected=False #右轨道 right_line = line.line() #透视变换与逆透视变换 M, Minv = get_M_Minv() #处理图像 for img in imgs: processing(img, M, Minv, left_line, right_line) return
def windows(): if not isdir(home + '\\.CGT'): if not isfile(home + '\\CITY'): city = open(home + '\\CITY', 'w') city.write(sub(r'.*/', '', str(get_localzone())).upper()) city.close() if isdir(home + '\\.CGT'): if not isfile(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY'): move(home + '\\CITY', home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY') try: _language = open(home + '\\CITY', 'r').read() except: _language = open(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY', 'r').read() CGT_VERSION = '0.1.1' if isfile(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\VERSION'): language = open(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\LANGUAGE', 'r').read() if language == 'EN': try: curent_version = open(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\VERSION', 'r').read() latest_version = get( '' ).text if latest_version > curent_version: if latest_version > CGT_VERSION: print(c.BLUE + 'version ' + c.RED + latest_version + c.BLUE + ' released' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + '') print(line()) else: pass except: pass if language == 'FA': try: curent_version = open(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\VERSION', 'r').read() latest_version = get( '' ).text if latest_version > curent_version: if latest_version > CGT_VERSION: print(c.BLUE + 'noskhe ' + c.RED + latest_version + c.BLUE + ' montasher shod' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + '') print(line()) else: pass except: pass
def act(choice): if choice == 1: act(2) act(3) act(4) act(5) elif choice == 2: print "x-intercept:"+line.x_inter elif choice == 3: print "y-intercept:"+line.y_inter elif choice == 4: print "equation:"+line.equation elif choice == 5: print "slope:"+line.slope elif choice == 6: points = raw_input("Enter two points as x1 y1 x2 y2:") points = intlist(points.split()) lowx = min(points[0],points[2]) highx = max(points[0],points[2]) lowy = min(points[1],points[3]) highy = max(points[1],points[3]) grid = grid.grid([lowx,lowy,highx,highy]) line = line.line(a,b,grid,"line") return grid,line elif choice == 7: return else: raise IndexError()
def __init__(self, dot1, dot2, dot3): self.dot1 = dot1 self.dot2 = dot2 self.dot3 = dot3 self.line1 = line.line(dot1, dot2) self.line2 = line.line(dot1, dot3) self.line3 = line.line(dot2, dot3) self.lines = [self.line1, self.line2, self.line3] if self.line1.slope is not None: self.baseLine = self.line1 self.tip = self.dot3 else: self.baseLine = self.line2 self.tip = self.dot2 self.height = abs((self.baseLine.slope*self.tip.x - self.tip.y + self.baseLine.intercept)) / (self.baseLine.slope ** 2 + 1) ** 0.5 self.area = self.height * self.baseLine.length * 0.5
def main(): while True: print(line()) if os_release() == '7': pass else: check_new_ver() send = xinput(c.BLUE + ">" + c.GREEN + ">" + c.RED + "> " + c.CYAN) if send == 'c': if_c() elif send == 'e': if_e() elif send == 'z': if_z() elif send == '1': if_1() elif send == '2': if_2() elif send == '3': if_3() elif send == '4': if_4() elif send == '5': if_5() else: if_else()
def click_line(self): print('click line') self.do_line += 1 if (self.do_line == 1): self.click_vec = [] if (self.do_line == 2): line_id = self.graphic_id max_id = 0 for i in max_id = max(max_id, i.graphic_id) self.graphic_id = max_id + 1 algorithm = 'DDA' print(self.click_vec, self.R, self.G, self.B) new_line = line.line(self.canvas_image, line_id, self.canvas_width, self.canvas_height, self.R, self.G, self.B) new_line.draw_line(self.click_vec[0][0], self.click_vec[0][1], self.click_vec[1][0], self.click_vec[1][1], algorithm) self.do_line = 0 self.refresh() self.click_vec = [] return self.text2.setText('直线绘制完毕,点击的所有点为\n' + self.last_click_info) self.text2.setText('开始绘制直线')
def solve(l, Xl, Yl, px, py): Z = np.zeros([l, l]) #phase = np.zeros([l, l]) ln = line() line_points = ln.points() XX = [line_points[i][0][0] for i in range(0, len(line_points))] YY = [line_points[i][0][1] for i in range(0, len(line_points))] LL = [line_points[i][1] for i in range(0, len(line_points))] # Plot dell'antenna plt.plot(YY, XX) intg = rk4(1 + 0 * 1j, line_points) for x in Xl: for y in Yl: intg.compute(x / 2, y / 2) Ax = intg.A_old[0] Ay = intg.A_old[1] # NULLO Z[int(x + px)][int(y + py)] = abs(Ax) #cm.phase(Ax)) return Z
def __init__(self): loc = [0,0] #initial location for side chains bol = False #cycloBool self.suffixes = {'ol': text('OH', loc, 0), 'amine': text('NH2',loc, 0), 'ene': "double bond", 'en': "double bond", 'yne': "triple bond", 'yn': "triple bond", 'yl': "nothing - yl", 'ane': "alkane", 'an': "alkane" } self.numberPrefixes = {'di': 2, 'mono': 1, 'tri': 3,'quat': 4} # self.numberPrefixes = {'di': 2, 'mono': 1, 'tri': 3,'quat': 4, 'penta': 5, 'hexa': 6, 'septa': 7, 'octa': 8, 'nona': 9, 'deca': 10, 'hendeca': 11, 'icosa': 20} self.alkaneRoots = {'meth': line(loc, 0, 0), 'eth': carbonBackbone( loc, 2, bol) , 'prop': carbonBackbone( loc, 3, bol) , 'but': carbonBackbone( loc, 4, bol) , 'pent': carbonBackbone( loc, 5, bol) , 'hex': carbonBackbone( loc, 6, bol) , 'hept': carbonBackbone( loc, 7, bol) , 'oct': carbonBackbone( loc, 8, bol) , 'non': carbonBackbone( loc, 9, bol) , 'dec': carbonBackbone( loc, 10, bol) , 'undec': carbonBackbone( loc, 11, bol) , 'dodec': carbonBackbone( loc, 12, bol) } self.sideChainRoots = {'iodo': text('I', loc, 0), 'chloro': text('Cl', loc, 0),'floro': text('F', loc, 0), 'bromo': text('Br', loc, 0), "hydroxy": text('OH',loc, 0) } #sec-butyl, isoStuff, tertStuff self.hyphenatedPrefixes = {'sec': "thing 1", 'tert': "thing 2"}
def draw_line(self,res_cmd): line_id=int(res_cmd[0]) x1=int(res_cmd[1]) y1=int(res_cmd[2]) x2=int(res_cmd[3]) y2=int(res_cmd[4]) algorithm=res_cmd[5] new_line = line.line(self.canvas_image,line_id,self.canvas_width,self.canvas_height,self.R,self.G,self.B) new_line.draw_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,algorithm)
def get_values_between_indices(a, p): l = line(*p) ret = [] for i,j in l: try: value = a[j,i] ret.append(value) except IndexError: print 'Coord outside the range of the array' return np.array(ret)
def getLines(self): self.lines = [] sx = self.startPos[0] sy = self.startPos[1] # upAngle = 0 #this angle could be a bit bigger or smaller, but I think a 60 degree angle looks good downAngle = -math.pi/3 if not self.cycloBool: for i in range(self.numC - 1): #a point is a carbon, so you have the number of carbons - 1 lines if i == 0: self.lines.append( line([sx, sy], self.angle, self.bondLength)) elif i%2 == 0: self.lines.append( line(self.lines[i-1].endPos, self.angle, self.bondLength)) else: self.lines.append( line(self.lines[i-1].endPos, self.angle + downAngle, self.bondLength)) return self.lines angleDiff = 2*math.pi/self.numC #exterior angle math for i in range(self.numC): self.lines.append( line([sx, sy], math.pi/3 + self.angle - angleDiff*i, self.bondLength)) #math.pi/3 makes it start with a certain side sx = self.lines[i].endPos[0] sy = self.lines[i].endPos[1] return self.lines
def observe(self): #send getData signal to the arduino and get the data back #get data into self.Batch #Cartesian conversion from Polar coordinates. self.Batch = interact.observe() toCart.toCartesian(self.Batch) #print(self.Batch) self.transform() self.Batch = iqd.outlierRemoval(self.Batch,1) [a1 , b1] = line.line(self.Batch) self.m.append(a1) self.c.append(b1) return
def drawColoredTriangles(ms, image, bordercol=(255, 255, 255)): mcols = edgemtx() + [[]] for m, col in ms: mcol = m + [[col] * len(m[0])] mcols = addEdgeMtxs(mcols, mcol) triangles = [] for i in range(0, len(mcols[0]) - 2, 3): # print i, mcols[0][i], mcols[1][i], mcols[0][i + 1], mcols[1][i + 1], mcols[0][i + 2], mcols[1][i + 2], sum(mcols[2][i : i+3]), mcols[4][i] triangles.append([ mcols[0][i], mcols[1][i], mcols[0][i + 1], mcols[1][i + 1], mcols[0][i + 2], mcols[1][i + 2], sum(mcols[2][i:i + 3]), mcols[4][i] ]) ordTris = sorted(triangles, key=lambda l: l[6]) for t in ordTris: tri = triangle.triangle(*t[:6]) border = line(*t[:4]) border.extend(line(*t[2:6])) border.extend(line(*t[:2] + t[4:6])) coloredtri = [xy + (t[7], ) for xy in tri] + [xy + (bordercol, ) for xy in border] image.setPixels(coloredtri)
def drawTriangles(m, image, color=(255, 0, 0), bordercol=(255, 255, 255), hasBorder=True): triangles = [] for i in range(0, len(m[0]) - 2, 3): triangles.append([ m[0][i], m[1][i], m[0][i + 1], m[1][i + 1], m[0][i + 2], m[1][i + 2], sum(m[2][i:i + 3]) ]) ordTris = sorted(triangles, key=lambda l: l[6]) for t in ordTris: tri = triangle.triangle(*t[:6]) coloredtri = [xy + (color, ) for xy in tri] if hasBorder: border = line(*t[:4]) border.extend(line(*t[2:6])) border.extend(line(*t[:2] + t[4:6])) coloredtri += [xy + (bordercol, ) for xy in border] image.setPixels(coloredtri)
def __init__(self, xml_paragraph): (left, top, self._width, self._height) = xml_paragraph.get('bbox').split(',') self._width = int(float(self._width)) self._height = int(float(self._height)) self._x = int(float(left)) - self._width self._y = int(float(top)) - self._height # xml = xml_paragraph.find_all('textline') self._lines = [] for l in xml: self._lines.append(line(l)) # self._font = self._lines[0].font if len(self._lines) > 0 else None self._size = self._lines[0].size if len(self._lines) > 0 else None
def main(): global linex,linex2 linex2 = line.line() linex = line.line() app = QApplication(sys.argv) read = codegen1.reader('cif.txt') # linex.pp() read.file_in_list('cif.txt') ex = MainWindow() total_file_lines = read.calculate_lines('cif.txt') if total_file_lines >80 : print("OOPs! Mainframe can't handle more than 80 lines.") else: ggg = read.get_element_pos_length(10) ex.set_text(MF_LINE_COLUMN,1,str(ggg[16])) print(ggg[16]) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setStyleSheet("""QToolTip { background-color: yellow; color: black; opacity: 1; border: black solid 1px; }""") linex = line.line() self.mdi = QMdiArea() self.setCentralWidget(self.mdi) bar = self.menuBar() tb = self.addToolBar("Run") stg = self.addToolBar("Stage Code") file = bar.addMenu("File") view = bar.addMenu("Views") help = bar.addMenu("Help") file.addAction("New") file.addAction("Open File") file.addAction("Save") file.addAction("Save As..") file.addAction("cascade") file.addAction("Tiled") file.addAction("Quit") run = QAction(QIcon("D:\work\projects\conv-console\_run_icon"), "Generate Code", self) stgg = QAction(QIcon("I:\jectPro\conv-console\stage.bmp"), "Stage Code", self) stg.addAction(stgg) stg.actionTriggered[QAction].connect(self.stage_code) tb.addAction(run) tb.actionTriggered[QAction].connect(self.pressed_run) view.addAction("Property Window") file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.windowaction) file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.open_file) view.triggered[QAction].connect(self.show_propertyWindow) self.setWindowTitle("Convenience Console") self.show_propertyWindow()
def __init__(self, p1, p2, p3): self.a = point(p1) self.b = point(p2) self.c = point(p3) ab = line(self.a, self.b) bc = line(self.b, self.c) ca = line(self.c, self.a) s = (ab.length() + bc.length() + ca.length()) / 2 self.area = math.sqrt(s * (s - ab.length()) * (s - bc.length()) * (s - ca.length())) abc = line(self.a, self.b.midpoint(self.c)) bac = line(self.b, self.a.midpoint(self.c)) self.centroid = abc.intersection(bac) ax = self.a.dispX(self.centroid) ay = self.a.dispY(self.centroid) bx = self.b.dispX(self.centroid) by = self.b.dispY(self.centroid) cx = self.c.dispX(self.centroid) cy = self.c.dispY(self.centroid) self.Ix = (self.area / 12) * (math.pow(ay, 2) + math.pow(by, 2) + math.pow(cy, 2)) self.Iy = (self.area / 12) * (math.pow(ax, 2) + math.pow(bx, 2) + math.pow(cx, 2)) self.Ixy = (self.area / 12) * (ax * ay + bx * by + cx * cy)
def __init__(self, parent = None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setStyleSheet("""QToolTip { background-color: yellow; color: black; opacity: 1; border: black solid 1px; }""") linex = line.line() self.mdi = QMdiArea() self.setCentralWidget(self.mdi) bar = self.menuBar() tb = self.addToolBar("Run") stg = self.addToolBar("Stage Code") file = bar.addMenu("File") view = bar.addMenu("Views") help = bar.addMenu("Help") file.addAction("New") file.addAction("Open File") file.addAction("Save") file.addAction("Save As..") file.addAction("cascade") file.addAction("Tiled") file.addAction("Quit") run = QAction(QIcon("D:\work\projects\conv-console\_run_icon"),"Generate Code",self) stgg = QAction(QIcon("I:\jectPro\conv-console\stage.bmp"),"Stage Code",self) stg.addAction(stgg) stg.actionTriggered[QAction].connect(self.stage_code) tb.addAction(run) tb.actionTriggered[QAction].connect(self.pressed_run) view.addAction("Property Window") file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.windowaction) file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.open_file) view.triggered[QAction].connect(self.show_propertyWindow) self.setWindowTitle("Convenience Console") self.show_propertyWindow()
def __init__(self, dataStr): self.curves = [] if not re.match(r"^[Mm]", dataStr): raise "no start point" _ds = re.sub(r"([Mm])", r"\1:", dataStr) _ds = re.sub(r"([LHVCSQTAZlhvcsqtaz])", r";\1:", _ds) _ds = re.sub(r"-", r",-", _ds) _ds = re.sub(r"([:,]),", r"\1", _ds) for c in _ds.split(";"): _dt = c.split(":") if len(_dt) < 2: break _command = re.sub(r"\s", "", _dt[0]) _ss = re.sub("-", ",-", _dt[1]) _ss = re.sub("\s", ",", _ss) _ss = re.sub(r"^[,]+", '', _ss) _ss = re.sub(r"[,]+", ',', _ss) _ps = _ss.split(",") if 'M' == _command or 'm' == _command: _obj = point(_ps[0], _ps[1]) elif 'L' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, point(_ps[0], _ps[1])) elif 'l' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, _obj.end.move(_ps[0], _ps[1])) elif 'H' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, point(_ps[0], _obj.end.y)) elif 'h' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, _obj.end.move(_ps[0], 0)) elif 'V' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, point(_obj.end.x, _ps[1])) elif 'v' == _command: _obj = line(_obj.end, _obj.end.move(0, _ps[1])) elif 'C' == _command: _obj = curve(_obj.end, point(_ps[0], _ps[1]), point(_ps[2], _ps[3]), point(_ps[4], _ps[5])) elif 'c' == _command: _obj = curve(_obj.end, _obj.end.move(_ps[0], _ps[1]), _obj.end.move(_ps[2], _ps[3]), _obj.end.move(_ps[4], _ps[5])) elif 'S' == _command: _obj = curve(_obj.end, _obj.refCon(), point(_ps[0], _ps[1]), point(_ps[2], _ps[3])) elif 's' == _command: _obj = curve(_obj.end, _obj.refCon(), _obj.end.move(_ps[0], _ps[1]), _obj.end.move(_ps[2], _ps[3])) elif 'Q' == _command: _obj = qcurve(_obj.end, point(_ps[0], _ps[1]), point(_ps[2], _ps[3])) elif 'q' == _command: _obj = qcurve(_obj.end, _obj.end.move(_ps[0], _ps[1]), _obj.end.move(_ps[2], _ps[3])) elif 'T' == _command: _obj = qcurve(_obj.end, _obj.refCon(), point(_ps[0], _ps[1])) elif 't' == _command: _obj = qcurve(_obj.end, _obj.refCon(), _obj.end.move(_ps[0], _ps[1])) elif 'A' == _command: '' else: break self.curves.append(_obj)
def createMask(self,ps_,ind):; self.size=len(ps_); self.lines=[]; for i in range(0,self.size): self.lines.append(line([i],[i-1])); for i in range(0,480): for j in range(0,640): p=point(j,i) h_=True; for ln in self.lines: if(ln.check_outside(p,35)): self.mask[i][j]=1; if(ln.check_within_p1(p,35)): self.mask[i][j]=1; if(not ln.check_within(p)): h_=False; if(h_): self.mask[i][j]=1;
def fill(): toppoint = None botpoint = None if self.points[0].y <= self.points[1].y: if self.points[0].y <= self.points[2].y: botpoint = self.points[0] else: botpoint = self.points[2] elif self.points[1].y <= self.ponts[2].y: botpoint = self.points[1] else: botpoint = self.points[2] if self.points[0].y >= self.points[1].y: if self.points[0].y >= self.points[2].y: toppoint = self.points[0] else: toppoint = self.points[2] elif self.points[1].y >= self.ponts[2].y: toppoint = self.points[1] else: toppoint = self.points[2] side = line(self.points[0], self.points[1], 100)
def features(): city = open(home + '\\CITY', 'w') city.write(sub(r'.*/', '', str(get_localzone())).upper()) city.close() if isdir(home + '\\.CGT'): if not isfile(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY'): move(home + '\\CITY', home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY') try: _language = open(home + '\\CITY', 'r').read() except: _language = open(home + '\\.CGT\\files\\CITY', 'r').read() if isfile(Lang): if language == 'EN': clear() print(line()) print('\t\t\t ' + c.RED + ':' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.BLUE + ': ' + c.RED + version + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.BLUE + 'C' + c.GREEN + 'G' + c.RED + 'T' + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.RED + language + c.BLUE + ' :' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.RED + ':') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' c' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'clear screen' + ' ' + c.RED + 'z' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'change language to' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + 'persian' + ' ' + c.RED + 'e' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'exit from CGT') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' 1' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'convert' + c.GREEN + ' .img.lz4 ' + c.YELLOW + 'to' + c.GREEN + ' .img') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 2' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'unpack ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 3' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'repack ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 4' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'bypass screen lock' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'samsung' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'method one ' + c.GREEN + '[' + c.RED + 'need to boot' + c.GREEN + ']') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 5' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'generate imei') elif language == 'FA': clear() print(line()) print('\t\t\t ' + c.RED + ':' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.BLUE + ': ' + c.RED + version + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.BLUE + 'C' + c.GREEN + 'G' + c.RED + 'T' + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.RED + language + c.BLUE + ' :' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.RED + ':') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' e' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'khoroj az CGT' + ' ' + c.RED + 'z' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'taghir zaban be' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + 'english' + ' ' + c.RED + 'c' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tamiz kardan safhe') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' 1' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tabdil' + c.GREEN + ' .img.lz4 ' + c.YELLOW + 'be' + c.GREEN + ' .img') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 2' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'estekhraj ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 3' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'feshorde kardan dobare ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 4' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'dor zadan ghofle safhe' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'samsung ' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'ravesh aval ' + c.GREEN + '[' + c.RED + 'niaz be boot' + c.GREEN + ']') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 5' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tolid imei') else: if _language == 'TEHRAN': clear() print(line()) print('\t\t\t ' + c.RED + ':' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.BLUE + ': ' + c.RED + version + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.BLUE + 'C' + c.GREEN + 'G' + c.RED + 'T' + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.RED + 'FA' + c.BLUE + ' :' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.RED + ':') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' e' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'khoroj az CGT' + ' ' + c.RED + 'z' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'taghir zaban be' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + 'english' + ' ' + c.RED + 'c' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tamiz kardan safhe') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' 1' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tabdil' + c.GREEN + ' .img.lz4 ' + c.YELLOW + 'be' + c.GREEN + ' .img') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 2' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'estekhraj ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 3' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'feshorde kardan dobare ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 4' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'dor zadan ghofle safhe' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'samsung ' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'ravesh aval ' + c.GREEN + '[' + c.RED + 'niaz be boot' + c.GREEN + ']') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 5' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'tolid imei') elif _language != 'TEHRAN': clear() print(line()) print('\t\t\t ' + c.RED + ':' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.BLUE + ': ' + c.RED + version + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.BLUE + 'C' + c.GREEN + 'G' + c.RED + 'T' + c.GREEN + ' - ' + c.RED + 'EN' + c.BLUE + ' :' + c.GREEN + ':' + c.RED + ':') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' c' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'clear screen' + ' ' + c.RED + 'z' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'change language to' + c.GREEN + ' : ' + c.RED + 'persian' + ' ' + c.RED + 'e' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'exit from CGT') print(line()) print(c.END + c.RED + ' 1' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'convert' + c.GREEN + ' .img.lz4 ' + c.YELLOW + 'to' + c.GREEN + ' .img') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 2' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'unpack ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 3' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'repack ' + c.GREEN + 'boot' + c.RED + '/' + c.GREEN + 'recovery') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 4' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'bypass screen lock' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'samsung' + c.RED + ' - ' + c.YELLOW + 'method one ' + c.GREEN + '[' + c.RED + 'need to boot' + c.GREEN + ']') print(c.END + c.RED + ' 5' + c.BLUE + '.' + c.YELLOW + 'generate imei')
def getpoints(self): mtx = matrix() mtx.translate(self.loc) mtx.rotatex(self.angles.x) mtx.rotatey(self.angles.y) mtx.rotatez(self.angles.z) tatered = [] for vertex in self.vertices: tatered.append(vertex.transform(mtx)) for p, q in zip( line(tatered[0], tatered[1], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[2], tatered[3], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for p, q in zip( line(tatered[4], tatered[5], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[6], tatered[7], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for p, q in zip( line(tatered[0], tatered[1], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[4], tatered[5], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for p, q in zip( line(tatered[2], tatered[3], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[6], tatered[7], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for p, q in zip( line(tatered[0], tatered[2], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[4], tatered[6], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for p, q in zip( line(tatered[1], tatered[3], 50).getpoints(), line(tatered[5], tatered[7], 50).getpoints()): for r in line(p, q, 50).getpoints(): yield r for v in self.vertices: yield v.transform(mtx)
pedistrain = cv2.Canny(pedistrain, 50, 200) W, H = 64, 64 w, h = 240, 320 width = w - W + 1 height = h - H + 1 NoDr, Noth, Ped, maxZ = 0, 0, 0, "Nothing" s = '111' while True: ret, frame = crop_frame = frame[:240, 320:] res = mt.signs(crop_frame, noDrive, pedistrain, W, H, w, h) lineRes = line.line(frame, ser) if res == 'NoDr': NoDr += 1 elif res == 'Ped': Ped += 1 else: Noth += 1 if max(NoDr, Ped, Noth) >= 13: if max(NoDr, Ped, Noth) == NoDr: maxZ = "1" elif max(NoDr, Ped, Noth) == Ped: maxZ = "2" elif max(NoDr, Ped, Noth) == Noth: maxZ = "3"
def rect_border_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y): # closure of canvas and border line(canvas, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, border)
def line_message(message): line(message) return 'OK! message: ' + message
plt.figure() x, y, z = _test_profile() plt.contour(x, y, z) chord = [(0,1.0), (0.5, 0.5)] plt.plot(*chord) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1); plt.clf() x, y, f = _test_profile() plt.contour(x, y, f) plt.colorbar() chord = [(0,0.6), (0.0, 0.6)] plt.plot(*chord) endpoints = chord_endpoints(chord, x, y) l = line(*endpoints) x_coords = get_values_between_indices(x, endpoints) y_coords = get_values_between_indices(y, endpoints) plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'ko') d, p = profile_along_chord(chord, x, y, f) plt.draw()
def camtest(): import shape fov = 100 cam = Camera(0.5,0.5,0.8,0,0,0,0,0,1 / math.tan(fov / 2.)) camargs = [100,100,-50,-300] camT = transform.C3(*camargs)*transform.T(-250, -250,-175) print camT ncamT = transform.C3invT(*camargs) print ncamT v = [250,250,1000] lights = [Light(500,0,500,(20,20,20),(200,200,200),(255,255,255)), Light(500,500,200,(20,20,20),(200,200,200),(255,255,255)), Light(0,250,500,(20,20,20),(200,200,200),(255,255,255)) ] camlights = [] for l in lights: x = dot4xyz(camT[0], l.x, l.y, l.z) y = dot4xyz(camT[1], l.x, l.y, l.z) z = dot4xyz(camT[2], l.x, l.y, l.z) w = dot4xyz(camT[3], l.x, l.y, l.z)*1. print x/w*250,y/w*250,z/w*250 camlights.append(Light(x/w*250, y/w*250, z/w*250,l.Ia,l.Id,l.Is)) tris, norms =,200,-100,100,100,200) print norms print ncamT * norms print list(triIter(tris)) trot = transform.R('y',5) nrot = transform.TransMatrix() nrot.lst = matrix.transpose(transform.R('y',-5)) tmat = transform.T(250,250,0)*trot*transform.T(-250,-250,0) tris = tmat*tmat*tmat*tris norms= trot*trot*trot*norms print norms print ncamT*norms amb = Texture(False, [255,0,0]) diff = Texture(False, [255,0,0]) spec = Texture(False, [255,150,150]) mat = Material(amb, diff, spec, 10) for i in range(72): #print tris tricam = camT * tris #print tricam #tricam[3] = [1.] * len(tricam[3]) #tricam = transform.T(*v) * tricam print 'trans done' a = time() zbuf = [[None]*500 for _ in range(500)] img = Image(500,500) trit = list(triIter(tricam)) #print trit,tricam trit.sort(key=lambda tri: -tri[0][2] - tri[1][2] - tri[2][2]) normcam = ncamT*norms normt = [] for j in range(len(normcam[0])): sgn = (normcam[3][j] > 0) * 2 - 1 normt.append(normalize(normcam[0][j]*sgn, normcam[1][j]*sgn, normcam[2][j]*sgn)) print normt #print len(trit), len(normt) for j in range(len(trit)): # (p1, p2, p3, mat, vx, vy, vz, lights, texcache, zbuf): t = trit[j] ps = [] for pt in t: pt[0]+=250 pt[1]+=250 pt[2]+=0 print pt ps.append(Point(*pt + normt[j] + [0,0])) img.setPixels(renderTriangle(*ps + [mat] + v + [camlights, {}, zbuf])) for t in trit: l = line(*t[0][:2]+t[1][:2]) l += line(*t[0][:2]+t[2][:2]) l += line(*t[2][:2]+t[1][:2]) img.setPixels([p + ((0,0,0),) for p in l]) for j in range(len(trit)): t = trit[j] ps = [] for pt in t: nls = line(pt[0] - 4, pt[1], pt[0] + 4, pt[1]) nls += line(pt[0], pt[1] - 4, pt[0], pt[1] + 4) nls += line(pt[0] - 4, pt[1] - 4, pt[0] + 4, pt[1] + 4) nls += line(pt[0] - 4, pt[1] + 4, pt[0] + 4, pt[1] - 4) nls += line(pt[0], pt[1], pt[0] + normt[j][0]*20, pt[1] + normt[j][1]*20) print normt[j][0], normt[j][1] img.setPixels([p + ((0,255,0),) for p in nls]) img.savePpm('cube/%d.ppm'%(i)) tris = tmat * tris norms = nrot * norms print norms print i, (time() - a) * 1000, 'ms'
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) colors = [,,, Qt.yellow, Qt.magenta, Qt.gray] painter.setPen(QPen(colors[1], 2)) # print(self.lines) allLines = [] allWalls = [] for b in self.lines: walls = [] for x in range(6): walls.append(wall(colors[x])) counter = 0 for l in b: viewedLine = [] for p in l: # tutaj sa rzutowane punkty x = (self.lens / p[1]) * p[0] + self.screen_size[0] / 2 y = self.screen_size[1] / 2 - (self.lens / p[1]) * p[2] viewedPoint = (x, y) # if(p[1] > self.lens): // to jest usuwanie krawedzie po za ekranem viewedLine.append(viewedPoint) # if(len(viewedLine) > 1): to jest usuwanie krawedzie po za ekranem objL = line(viewedLine, l) if counter in [0, 1, 2, 3]: objL.attachWall(walls[0]) walls[0].attachLine(objL) if counter in [1, 4, 9, 6]: objL.attachWall(walls[1]) walls[1].attachLine(objL) if counter in [9, 8, 11, 10]: objL.attachWall(walls[2]) walls[2].attachLine(objL) if counter in [3, 7, 11, 5]: objL.attachWall(walls[3]) walls[3].attachLine(objL) if counter in [6, 2, 10, 7]: objL.attachWall(walls[4]) walls[4].attachLine(objL) if counter in [0, 4, 8, 5]: objL.attachWall(walls[5]) walls[5].attachLine(objL) allLines.append(objL) # stare rysowanie painter.drawPolyline( QPolygon([ QPoint(int(viewedLine[0][0]), int(viewedLine[0][1])), QPoint(int(viewedLine[1][0]), int(viewedLine[1][1])) ])) counter += 1 for w in walls: w.createEquation() allWalls.append(w) print(allWalls) print(allLines)
def search(self, fmin=-1, fmax=-1, species=[], origin='All', dbsource='All', energy=-1, einstein=-1): """ Search lines in the cache Arguments: fmin -- the minimum frequency in MHz fmax -- the maximum frequency in MHz species -- the species name (a string or list of strings). String 'All' is an alias for no selection. origin -- (default All) energy -- maximum upper level energy expressed in Kelvins (default -1) einstein -- coefficient to match (default -1) """ if (type(species) == str): if (species == 'All'): lspecies = [] # Empty list (no selection by species) else: lspecies = [species] # Store single string to a list elif (type(species) == list): lspecies = species else: raise Exception, "Unexpected kind of argument: "+repr(species) db_connect = self.connect(new=False) db_connect.row_factory = sqlite3.Row db_cursor = db_connect.cursor() lines = [] if fmin < 0: fmin = 0 fmi = "%f" % fmin args = (fmi, ) query = "select * from line where frequency >= ?" if fmax > 0: fma = "%f" % fmax query += " and frequency <= ?" args = args + (fma, ) started = False for s in lspecies: # NB: AND logical operator has precedence over OR. Must use parenthesis e.g. # ... and ( species = AA or species like B* or species = CC ) s = s.replace('*','%') query += (" and (" if not started else "or") + " species " + ('like' if ('%' in s) else '=') + " ? " args = args + (s, ) started = True if started: query += ")" if origin != "All": query += " and origin = ?" args = args + (origin.lower(), ) # Case-insensitive search if dbsource != "All": query += " and dbsource = ?" args = args + (dbsource, ) if energy > 0: uel = "%f" % energy query += " and upper_level_energy <= ?" args = args + (uel, ) if einstein > 0: ein = "%f" % einstein query += " and einstein_coefficient >= ?" args = args + (ein, ) db_cursor.execute(query, args) db_connect.commit() for row in db_cursor: l = line.line() l.species = row ['species'] l.frequency = row ['frequency'] l.err_frequency = row ['uncertainty'] l.einstein_coefficient = row ['einstein_coefficient'] = row ['upper_level_energy'] l.upper_level.statistical_weight = row ['upper_level_statistical_weight'] l.upper_level.quantum_numbers = row ['upper_level_quantum_numbers'] = row ['lower_level_energy'] l.lower_level.statistical_weight = row ['lower_level_statistical_weight'] l.lower_level.quantum_numbers = row ['lower_level_quantum_numbers'] l.origin = row ['origin'] l.prev = row ['dbsource'] # we need to keep that info as well, for when calling part_func, while inserting lines. = row ['date'] lines.append(l) db_cursor.close() return lines
center = [0.0, -len(img)/2.0] PI = 3.1416 ds = 0.75 dt = 0.75 offspring = 2 # initial branch b1 = Branch(0) b1.angle = 90 b1.size = size b1.thick = thick b1.begin = [center[0] + 0.0, center[1] + 0.0] b1.end = [center[0] + b1.size * math.cos((b1.angle) * PI / 180.0), center[1] + b1.size * math.sin((b1.angle) * PI / 180.0)] branches = [] branches.append(b1) ln.line(branches[0].begin, branches[0].end, thick, color, img) i = 0 fr = 0 drawing = True while(True): length = len(branches) for b in range(offspring): son = Branch(length - (i + 1)) son.angle = branches[son.father].angle + (angle) * (-1)**(b) son.size = branches[son.father].size * ds son.thick = branches[son.father].thick * dt x = son.size * math.cos((son.angle) * PI / 180.0) + branches[son.father].end[0] y = son.size * math.sin((son.angle) * PI / 180.0) + branches[son.father].end[1] son.begin = branches[son.father].end
import line notify = line.line('token') notify.send_message('hello world') notify.send_photo( '') notify.send_photo('a.png')
from line import line from base import Image img = Image(500, 500) y = lambda x: 500 * (x / 250. - 1)**2 dy = lambda x: 4 * (x / 250. - 1) xs = range(0, 501, 4) ys = [y(x) for x in xs] xys = zip(xs, ys) points = [] for x, y in xys: slope = dy(x) y0 = int(-slope * x + y) y500 = int(slope * (500 - x) + y) pts = line(0, y0, 500, y500) pts = filter(lambda tup: 500 > tup[0] >= 0 and 500 > tup[1] >= 0, pts) coloredpoints = [(px, py, (x / 2, y / 2, (x + y) / 4)) for px, py in pts] points.extend(coloredpoints) img.setPixels(points) img.saveAs('cool.png') img.display()
def drawEdges(m, image, color=(255, 0, 0)): # draws the edges to an image for i in range(0, len(m[0]) - 1, 2): lin = line(m[0][i], m[1][i], m[0][i + 1], m[1][i + 1]) coloredlin = [xy + (color, ) for xy in lin] image.setPixels(coloredlin)
p = top_point[i - 2] koch_edges.append([p, top_point[i - 1]]) koch_edges.append( [top_point[len(top_point) - 1], segs[len(segs) - 1]]) koch_edges.append([segs[len(segs) - 1], pt2]) else: return # create the first polygon sides for i in range(sides): angle = (i * step_angle) + (step_angle / 2.0) + 90.0 x = radius * math.cos(angle * (3.1416 / 180.0)) y = radius * math.sin(angle * (3.1416 / 180.0)) fig_pts.append([int(x), int(y)]) # call function for each edge for i in range(sides): curr_iter = 0 koch_curve(fig_pts[i], fig_pts[(i + 1) % sides], curr_iter) # draw the fractal for i in range(len(koch_edges)): ln.line(koch_edges[i][0], koch_edges[i][1], thick, color, img) # show image plt.plot(), plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.title('Iterations = {}, Thick = {}'.format(num_iter, thick)), plt.xticks( []), plt.yticks([])
def but_start(self): keyword = self.lineEdit_keyword.text() pagenum = self.lineEdit_page.text() if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'ALL': stormClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) EBCclimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) ETtodayClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) udnClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) BBCclimb(int(pagenum), keyword) chinatimeClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) pttGossip(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) pttMoney(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) TVBSclimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) todayClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) pchome(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) crossing_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) CW(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) hket_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) liberty_times(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) line(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) tech_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) dcard(keyword) set_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'Storm(1頁16筆)': stormClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'EBC(1頁30筆)': EBCclimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'ETtoday(1頁20筆)': ETtodayClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'udn(1頁20筆)': udnClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'BBC(1頁10筆)': BBCclimb(int(pagenum), keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '中時(1頁20筆)': chinatimeClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'ptt八卦版(1頁20筆)': pttGossip(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'ptt省錢版(1頁20筆)': pttMoney(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'TVBS(1頁25筆)': TVBSclimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '今周刊(1頁10筆)': todayClimb(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'pchome': pchome(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '天下雜誌': CW(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '換日線': crossing_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'hket_news': hket_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '自由時報(請輸入筆數)': liberty_times(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'line新聞': line(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'tech_news': tech_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'Dcard(僅輸入關鍵字)': dcard(keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!') if self.comboBox.currentText() == '三立新聞': set_news(int(pagenum) + 1, keyword) self.label_news.setText('done!')
def plotline(self, line, res=0, scale=1, transform=True, interpolate=False, save=False): """ FUNCTION plotline plots the field along the defined line INPUT: line: line, the input line, defined along the cartesian basis integer: res, the resolution (if 0 then assume gridsize) bool: interpolate, a flag that determines whether trilinear interpolation should be used Shows a matplotlib output """ if res == 0: res = self.f_size[np.argmax(line.dir)] # transform the position and direction to fit the grid, move position # to edge of grid if transform: tpos = self.trans_point_to_space(line.pos) tdir = self.trans_point_to_space(line.dir) tline = li.line(pos=tpos, dir=tdir) else: tline = line validCheck = self.has_line(tline) if not validCheck[0]: sys.exit("line choice invalid") start = validCheck[1][0] end = validCheck[1][1] # hacky way to avoid dups if np.array_equal(start, end): end = validCheck[1][2] if not tline.dir[0] == 0: if tline.dir[0] / (end[0] - start[0]) < 0: tstart = end tend = start else: tstart = start tend = end elif not tline.dir[1] == 0: if tline.dir[1] / (end[1] - start[1]) < 0: tstart = end tend = start else: tstart = start tend = end elif not tline.dir[2] == 0: if tline.dir[2] / (end[2] - start[2]) < 0: tstart = end tend = start else: tstart = start tend = end else: sys.exit("direction invalid") ndir = (tend - tstart) / res # pick integer values of position each time # ppos = parameterized position ppos = np.arange(res) data = np.zeros(res) for i in ppos: ipos = tstart + (ndir * i) if not interpolate: ipos = np.rint(ipos) try: data[i] = self.f_field[int(ipos[0]), int(ipos[1]), int(ipos[2])] except IndexError: # fix later print("WARNING: plotpoint (%i, %i, %i) ignored" % (ipos[0], ipos[1], ipos[2])) continue else: data[i] = self.interpolate(ipos) data = scale * data if save: f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 1), dpi=133) plt.plot(ppos, data) if save: f.savefig('temp.png', transparent=True) return data