Ejemplo n.º 1
    def angles(self):
        Returns a dictionary of {point: angle} entries containing the
        measure of all the internal angles of this polygon formed at
        each vertex.

            >>> from sympy.geometry import *
            >>> p1,p2,p3,p4 = map(Point, [(0,0), (1,0), (5,1), (0,1)])
            >>> poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
            >>> poly.angles[p1]
            >>> poly.angles[p2]
        def tarea(a, b, c):
            return (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[1] - a[1])

        def isright(a, b, c):
            return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0)

        # Determine orientation of points
        cw = isright(self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1])

        ret = {}
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)):
            a,b,c = self.vertices[i-2], self.vertices[i-1], self.vertices[i]
            ang = Line.angle_between(Line(b, a), Line(b, c))
            if cw ^ isright(a, b, c):
                ret[b] = 2*S.Pi - ang
                ret[b] = ang
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def angles(self):
        """The internal angle at each vertex.

        angles : dict
            A dictionary where each key is a vertex and each value is the
            internal angle at that vertex. The vertices are represented as

        See Also

        >>> from sympy import Point, Polygon
        >>> p1, p2, p3, p4 = map(Point, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (5, 1), (0, 1)])
        >>> poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
        >>> poly.angles[p1]
        >>> poly.angles[p2]

        def tarea(a, b, c):
            return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] -

        def isright(a, b, c):
            return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0)

        # Determine orientation of points
        cw = isright(self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1])

        ret = {}
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)):
            a, b, c = self.vertices[i - 2], self.vertices[i -
                                                          1], self.vertices[i]
            ang = Line.angle_between(Line(b, a), Line(b, c))
            if cw ^ isright(a, b, c):
                ret[b] = 2 * S.Pi - ang
                ret[b] = ang
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def angles(self):
        """The internal angle at each vertex.

        angles : dict
            A dictionary where each key is a vertex and each value is the
            internal angle at that vertex. The vertices are represented as

        See Also

        >>> from sympy import Point, Polygon
        >>> p1, p2, p3, p4 = map(Point, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (5, 1), (0, 1)])
        >>> poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
        >>> poly.angles[p1]
        >>> poly.angles[p2]


        def tarea(a, b, c):
            return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1])

        def isright(a, b, c):
            return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0)

        # Determine orientation of points
        cw = isright(self[-1], self[0], self[1])

        ret = {}
        for i in xrange(len(self)):
            a, b, c = self[i - 2], self[i - 1], self[i]
            ang = Line.angle_between(Line(b, a), Line(b, c))
            if cw ^ isright(a, b, c):
                ret[b] = 2 * S.Pi - ang
                ret[b] = ang
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def angles(self):
        Returns a dictionary of {point: angle} entries containing the
        measure of all the internal angles of this polygon formed at
        each vertex.

            >>> from sympy import Point, Polygon
            >>> p1,p2,p3,p4 = map(Point, [(0,0), (1,0), (5,1), (0,1)])
            >>> poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
            >>> poly.angles[p1]
            >>> poly.angles[p2]

        def tarea(a, b, c):
            return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] -

        def isright(a, b, c):
            return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0)

        # Determine orientation of points
        cw = isright(self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1])

        ret = {}
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)):
            a, b, c = self.vertices[i - 2], self.vertices[i -
                                                          1], self.vertices[i]
            ang = Line.angle_between(Line(b, a), Line(b, c))
            if cw ^ isright(a, b, c):
                ret[b] = 2 * S.Pi - ang
                ret[b] = ang
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _do_poly_distance(self, e2):
        Calculates the least distance between the exteriors of two
        convex polygons e1 and e2. Does not check for the convexity
        of the polygons as it is assumed only called by Polygon.distance
        which does such checks.

            - Prints a warning if the two polygons possibly intersect as the return
              value will not be valid in such a case. For a more through test of
              intersection use intersection().

            >>> from sympy.geometry import Point, Polygon
            >>> square = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0))
            >>> triangle = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
            >>> square._do_poly_distance(triangle)

        Description of method used
        [1] http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~orm/mind2p.html
        Uses rotating calipers:
        [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers
        and antipodal points:
        [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipodal_point
        e1 = self

        '''Tests for a possible intersection between the polygons and outputs a warning'''
        e1_center = e1.centroid
        e2_center = e2.centroid
        e1_max_radius = S(0)
        e2_max_radius = S(0)
        for vertex in e1.vertices:
            r = Point.distance(e1_center, vertex)
            if e1_max_radius < r:
                e1_max_radius = r
        for vertex in e2.vertices:
            r = Point.distance(e2_center, vertex)
            if e2_max_radius < r:
                e2_max_radius = r
        center_dist = Point.distance(e1_center, e2_center)
        if center_dist <= e1_max_radius + e2_max_radius:
            warnings.warn("Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")

        Find the upper rightmost vertex of e1 and the lowest leftmost vertex of e2
        e1_ymax = (S(0), -oo)
        e2_ymin = (S(0), oo)

        for vertex in e1.vertices:
            if vertex[1] > e1_ymax[1] or (vertex[1] == e1_ymax[1] and vertex[0] > e1_ymax[0]):
                e1_ymax = vertex
        for vertex in e2.vertices:
            if vertex[1] < e2_ymin[1] or (vertex[1] == e2_ymin[1] and vertex[0] < e2_ymin[0]):
                e2_ymin = vertex
        min_dist = Point.distance(e1_ymax, e2_ymin)

        Produce a dictionary with vertices of e1 as the keys and, for each vertex, the points
        to which the vertex is connected as its value. The same is then done for e2.
        e1_connections = {}
        e2_connections = {}

        for side in e1.sides:
            if side.p1 in e1_connections:
                e1_connections[side.p1] = [side.p2]

            if side.p2 in e1_connections:
                e1_connections[side.p2] = [side.p1]

        for side in e2.sides:
            if side.p1 in e2_connections:
                e2_connections[side.p1] = [side.p2]

            if side.p2 in e2_connections:
                e2_connections[side.p2] = [side.p1]

        e1_current = e1_ymax
        e2_current = e2_ymin
        support_line = Line(Point(S(0), S(0)), Point(S(1), S(0)))

        Determine which point in e1 and e2 will be selected after e2_ymin and e1_ymax,
        this information combined with the above produced dictionaries determines the
        path that will be taken around the polygons
        point1 = e1_connections[e1_ymax][0]
        point2 = e1_connections[e1_ymax][1]
        angle1 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_ymax, point1))
        angle2 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_ymax, point2))
        if angle1 < angle2: e1_next = point1
        elif angle2 < angle1: e1_next = point2
        elif Point.distance(e1_ymax, point1) > Point.distance(e1_ymax, point2):
            e1_next = point2
        else: e1_next = point1

        point1 = e2_connections[e2_ymin][0]
        point2 = e2_connections[e2_ymin][1]
        angle1 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e2_ymin, point1))
        angle2 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e2_ymin, point2))
        if angle1 > angle2: e2_next = point1
        elif angle2 > angle1: e2_next = point2
        elif Point.distance(e2_ymin, point1) > Point.distance(e2_ymin, point2):
            e2_next = point2
        else: e2_next = point1

        Loop which determins the distance between anti-podal pairs and updates the
        minimum distance accordingly. It repeats until it reaches the starting position.
        while True:
            e1_angle = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_current, e1_next))
            e2_angle = pi - support_line.angle_between(Line(e2_current, e2_next))

            if e1_angle < e2_angle:
                support_line = Line(e1_current, e1_next)
                e1_segment = Segment(e1_current, e1_next)
                min_dist_current = e1_segment.distance(e2_current)

                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf(): min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e1_connections[e1_next][0] != e1_current:
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][0]
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][1]
            elif e1_angle > e2_angle:
                support_line = Line(e2_next, e2_current)
                e2_segment = Segment(e2_current, e2_next)
                min_dist_current = e2_segment.distance(e1_current)

                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf(): min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e2_connections[e2_next][0] != e2_current:
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][0]
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][1]
                support_line = Line(e1_current, e1_next)
                e1_segment = Segment(e1_current, e1_next)
                e2_segment = Segment(e2_current, e2_next)
                min1 = e1_segment.distance(e2_next)
                min2 = e2_segment.distance(e1_next)

                min_dist_current = min(min1, min2)
                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf(): min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e1_connections[e1_next][0] != e1_current:
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][0]
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][1]

                if e2_connections[e2_next][0] != e2_current:
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][0]
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][1]
            if e1_current == e1_ymax and e2_current == e2_ymin: break
        return min_dist
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _do_poly_distance(self, e2):
        Calculates the least distance between the exteriors of two
        convex polygons e1 and e2. Does not check for the convexity
        of the polygons as it is assumed only called by Polygon.distance
        which does such checks.

            - Prints a warning if the two polygons possibly intersect as the return
              value will not be valid in such a case. For a more through test of
              intersection use intersection().

            >>> from sympy.geometry import Point, Polygon
            >>> square = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0))
            >>> triangle = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
            >>> square._do_poly_distance(triangle)

        Description of method used
        [1] http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~orm/mind2p.html
        Uses rotating calipers:
        [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers
        and antipodal points:
        [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipodal_point
        e1 = self
        '''Tests for a possible intersection between the polygons and outputs a warning'''
        e1_center = e1.centroid
        e2_center = e2.centroid
        e1_max_radius = S(0)
        e2_max_radius = S(0)
        for vertex in e1.vertices:
            r = Point.distance(e1_center, vertex)
            if e1_max_radius < r:
                e1_max_radius = r
        for vertex in e2.vertices:
            r = Point.distance(e2_center, vertex)
            if e2_max_radius < r:
                e2_max_radius = r
        center_dist = Point.distance(e1_center, e2_center)
        if center_dist <= e1_max_radius + e2_max_radius:
            warnings.warn("Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
        Find the upper rightmost vertex of e1 and the lowest leftmost vertex of e2
        e1_ymax = (S(0), -oo)
        e2_ymin = (S(0), oo)

        for vertex in e1.vertices:
            if vertex[1] > e1_ymax[1] or (vertex[1] == e1_ymax[1]
                                          and vertex[0] > e1_ymax[0]):
                e1_ymax = vertex
        for vertex in e2.vertices:
            if vertex[1] < e2_ymin[1] or (vertex[1] == e2_ymin[1]
                                          and vertex[0] < e2_ymin[0]):
                e2_ymin = vertex
        min_dist = Point.distance(e1_ymax, e2_ymin)
        Produce a dictionary with vertices of e1 as the keys and, for each vertex, the points
        to which the vertex is connected as its value. The same is then done for e2.
        e1_connections = {}
        e2_connections = {}

        for side in e1.sides:
            if side.p1 in e1_connections:
                e1_connections[side.p1] = [side.p2]

            if side.p2 in e1_connections:
                e1_connections[side.p2] = [side.p1]

        for side in e2.sides:
            if side.p1 in e2_connections:
                e2_connections[side.p1] = [side.p2]

            if side.p2 in e2_connections:
                e2_connections[side.p2] = [side.p1]

        e1_current = e1_ymax
        e2_current = e2_ymin
        support_line = Line(Point(S(0), S(0)), Point(S(1), S(0)))
        Determine which point in e1 and e2 will be selected after e2_ymin and e1_ymax,
        this information combined with the above produced dictionaries determines the
        path that will be taken around the polygons
        point1 = e1_connections[e1_ymax][0]
        point2 = e1_connections[e1_ymax][1]
        angle1 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_ymax, point1))
        angle2 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_ymax, point2))
        if angle1 < angle2: e1_next = point1
        elif angle2 < angle1: e1_next = point2
        elif Point.distance(e1_ymax, point1) > Point.distance(e1_ymax, point2):
            e1_next = point2
            e1_next = point1

        point1 = e2_connections[e2_ymin][0]
        point2 = e2_connections[e2_ymin][1]
        angle1 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e2_ymin, point1))
        angle2 = support_line.angle_between(Line(e2_ymin, point2))
        if angle1 > angle2: e2_next = point1
        elif angle2 > angle1: e2_next = point2
        elif Point.distance(e2_ymin, point1) > Point.distance(e2_ymin, point2):
            e2_next = point2
            e2_next = point1
        Loop which determins the distance between anti-podal pairs and updates the
        minimum distance accordingly. It repeats until it reaches the starting position.
        while True:
            e1_angle = support_line.angle_between(Line(e1_current, e1_next))
            e2_angle = pi - support_line.angle_between(
                Line(e2_current, e2_next))

            if e1_angle < e2_angle:
                support_line = Line(e1_current, e1_next)
                e1_segment = Segment(e1_current, e1_next)
                min_dist_current = e1_segment.distance(e2_current)

                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf():
                    min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e1_connections[e1_next][0] != e1_current:
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][0]
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][1]
            elif e1_angle > e2_angle:
                support_line = Line(e2_next, e2_current)
                e2_segment = Segment(e2_current, e2_next)
                min_dist_current = e2_segment.distance(e1_current)

                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf():
                    min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e2_connections[e2_next][0] != e2_current:
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][0]
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][1]
                support_line = Line(e1_current, e1_next)
                e1_segment = Segment(e1_current, e1_next)
                e2_segment = Segment(e2_current, e2_next)
                min1 = e1_segment.distance(e2_next)
                min2 = e2_segment.distance(e1_next)

                min_dist_current = min(min1, min2)
                if min_dist_current.evalf() < min_dist.evalf():
                    min_dist = min_dist_current

                if e1_connections[e1_next][0] != e1_current:
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][0]
                    e1_current = e1_next
                    e1_next = e1_connections[e1_next][1]

                if e2_connections[e2_next][0] != e2_current:
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][0]
                    e2_current = e2_next
                    e2_next = e2_connections[e2_next][1]
            if e1_current == e1_ymax and e2_current == e2_ymin: break
        return min_dist