Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, title, task_count, cols=100):
     self.log = get_level() <= logging.INFO
     self.title = title
     self.cols = cols
     self.step = cols if not task_count else self.cols / task_count
     # number of columns we have already written:
     self.written = 0
     # number of tasks
     self.count = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, title, task_count, cols=100):
     self.log = get_level() <= logging.INFO
     self.title = title
     self.cols = cols
     self.step = cols if not task_count else self.cols / task_count
     # number of columns we have already written:
     self.written = 0
     # number of tasks
     self.count = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def as_string(obj, pprint=False):
    obj = text_type(obj)
    if get_level() <= logging.ERROR and pprint:
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 4
def as_string(obj, pprint=False):
    obj = text_type(obj)
    if get_level() <= logging.INFO and pprint:
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 5
def star2qlc(filename, clean_taxnames=False, debug=False):
    Converts a file directly output from starling to LingPy-QLC format.
    if not clean_taxnames:
        cleant = lambda x: x
        cleant = clean_taxnames

    data = csv2list(filename)

    # check for strange chars in data due to notepad errors
    data[0][0] = data[0][0].replace('\ufeff','')

    # get the header
    header = data[0]

    # debugging
    if debug:
        error = False
        print("[i] Header line has length {0}.".format(len(header)))
        for line in data[1:]:
            if len(line) != len(header):
                print("[!] Error for item {0} with length {1}, expected {2}.".format(
                error = True
        if error:
            print("[!] Errors were found, aborting function call.")
            print("[i] Everything went fine, carrying on with function call.")

    # search for '#' char in header
    cognates = False
    for h in header:
        if '#' in h:
            cognates = True

    # determine language names in header   
    taxa = []
    for i in range(len(header)-1):

        prev = header[i]
        post = header[i+1]
        if prev in post and '#' in post:
            taxa += [prev]

            if len(taxa) == 1:
                lngIdx = i

        if prev == 'Number':
            numIdx = i

        if prev == 'Word':
            wrdIdx = i
    if log.get_level() <= logging.INFO:
        print('starling, indices',lngIdx,numIdx,wrdIdx)
        print('starling, taxa:',taxa)

    # start filling in the dictionary
    D = {}
    idx = 1
    cognate_counter = 0
    current_concept = ''
    cognate_sets = []
    for line in data[2:]:
        gloss = line[wrdIdx]
        gnum = line[numIdx]

        # switch to next cognate set if there is a switch in concepts
        if current_concept != gloss and len(cognate_sets) != 0:
            max_cog = max(cognate_sets)
            cognate_counter = max_cog 
            cognate_sets = []
            current_concept = gloss
            if debug:

        for i in range(lngIdx,len(header),2):
            word = line[i]
            if '{' in word:
                ipa = word[:word.index('{')].strip()
                ortho = word[word.index('{')+1:word.index('}')].strip()
                ipa = word
                ortho = word
            cogid = int(line[i+1]) 

            if cogid != 0 and word:
                if cogid > 0:
                    cogid = cogid + cognate_counter

                # append cognate sets, essential for raising the counter
                cognate_sets += [int(cogid)]
                taxon = cleant(header[i])

                D[idx] = [taxon,gloss,gnum,word,ortho,ipa,cogid]
                idx += 1

    # re-iterate through data and reassign cognate sets with negative ids
    for k in D:
        cogid = D[k][-1]
        if cogid < 0:
            cogid = -cognate_counter
            cognate_counter += 1
            D[k][-1] = cogid


    return D
Ejemplo n.º 6
def as_string(obj, pprint=False):
    obj = str(obj)
    if get_level() <= logging.ERROR and pprint:
    return obj