Ejemplo n.º 1
 def Params(cls, metadata):
   """Params builder for APMetrics."""
   p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
       'metadata', metadata,
       'Instance of class obeying EvaluationMetadata interface consisting of '
       'parameters specifying the details of the evaluation.')
       'breakdown_metrics', [],
       'List of extra breakdown metrics when computing AP.  Valid values '
       'include: ["num_points", "distance", "rotation"].  See '
       'breakdown_metric.py:ByName for the full list. ByDifficulty is '
       'always used.')
       'metric_weights', None,
       'For metrics that have multiple breakdown metrics, '
       'a user may want the value() function to be a function '
       'of the various breakdowns.  If provided, this specifies '
       'the weights assigned to each class\'s metric contribution. '
       'metric_weights should be a dictionary mapping every difficulty '
       'level to a numpy vector of weights whose values corresponds '
       'to the order of metadata.EvalClassIndices() weighting.')
       'box_type', '3d', 'Specifies what kind of box evaluation will '
       'be performed (only supported by waymo metric).  '
       'One of ["2d", "3d"]: 3d means to do 3D AP calculation, and 2d '
       'means to do a top down Birds-Eye-View AP calculation.')
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def Params(cls):
        """Params for a MLPerfProgramSchedule."""
        p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)

        p.Define('task_dict', None, 'dataset_name -> task params')
        p.Define('task_name', None, 'High level task name')
        p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
        p.Define('train_program', None, 'Train program params')
        p.Define('train_executions_per_eval', 1, '')
        p.Define('dataset_names', [], 'List of all dataset names.')
        p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')

        p.Define('ml_perf', hyperparams.Params(), 'MlPerf configuration.')

        mlp = p.ml_perf
        mlp.Define('benchmark_name', None,
                   'Benchmark name for compliance log.')
        mlp.Define('decoder_metric_name', None,
                   'Name of the decoder metric to report for compliance log.')
        mlp.Define('decoder_metric_success_threshold', None,
                   'Benchmark run must exceed this value to succeeed.')
        mlp.Define('steps_per_epoch', None,
                   'Number of training steps per epoch.')
        mlp.Define('global_batch_size', None, 'Global batch size.')
        mlp.Define('max_sequence_length', None, 'Maximum sequence length.')
        mlp.Define('optimizer_name', None, 'Optimizer used.')
        mlp.Define('base_learning_rate', None, 'Base learning rate.')
        mlp.Define('warmup_steps', None, 'Number of warm-up steps.')

        return p
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def Params(cls):
   """The params of this layer."""
   p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
   p.Define('deterministic_dropout', False,
            'Used deterministic dropout or not.')
       'fprop_dtype', None,
       'Activations datatype to use. To enable bfloat16 activations for '
       'layers built using model builder, set fprop_dtype to '
       'tf.bfloat16, which will be propagated to layers that support '
       'bfloat16 activations. Default is None, which will use float32 '
   # SPMD partition related params.
       'device_mesh', None,
       'A numpy.ndarray specifying the topology of a device mesh to place the '
       'computations onto. If device_mesh is None, it is assumed to be a '
       'single device. Here are some examples: '
       'np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) which is a 1d mesh with 8 devices, '
       'np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]) which is 2d matrix of 8 '
       'weight_split_dims_mapping', None,
       'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
       'specifies how weight of this layer or those of the sublayers should '
       'be sharded over device mesh. ')
       'activation_split_dims_mapping', None,
       'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
       'specifies how activation of this layer or those of the sublayers '
       'should be sharded over device mesh. ')
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def Params(cls: Type[BaseLayerT]) -> BaseLayerParamsT:
     """Returns the layer params."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('inference_driver_name', cls._INFERENCE_DRIVER_NAME,
              'Name of the inference driver used to construct this layer.')
     p.Define('name', '', 'Name of this layer object.')
     p.Define('dtype', tf.float32, 'Datatype to use.')
     # None value will make FProp use dtype instead of fprop_dtype.
     # TODO(lepikhin): all @tf.Defun should use p.fprop_dtype if it is set.
     p.Define('fprop_dtype', None, 'Activations datatype to use.')
         'random_seed', None,
         'Random seed for deterministic unittests. This '
         'is inherited by child layers if they do not set a random_seed.')
     p.Define('vn', py_utils.DefaultVN(),
              'How variational noise should be applied.')
         'params_init', py_utils.DefaultParamInit(),
         'How model weights should be initialized. Not to be confused with '
     p.Define('add_name_to_theta', False,
              'Wrap theta with tf.identity(var_name).')
     # Makes additional alterations for graphs being used for inference.
     p.Define('is_inference', None, 'True if in inference mode.')
     # In addition to is_inference, indicate that the inference graph is
     # for a single step.
         'allow_implicit_capture', None,
         'When using Defuns, code often asserts that the Defun does not '
         'capture undeclared inputs. This eliminates a source of bugs '
         'at the expense of making some kinds of models or utilities '
         'hard/impossible to use. Setting this to True/False (versus None) '
         'causes the setting to apply to this layer and its children.')
         'skip_lp_regularization', None,
         'If True, all variables in this layer will skip Lp regularization. '
         'If None/False, only variables explicitly in the '
         'SKIP_LP_REGULARIZATION collection will skip Lp regularization. '
         'Also propagated to child layers with default settings (None).')
     # SPMD partition related params.
         'device_mesh', None,
         'A numpy.ndarray specifying the topology of a device mesh to place the'
         ' computations onto. If device_mesh is None, it is assumed to be a'
         ' single device. Here are some examples:'
         ' np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) which is a 1d mesh with 8 devices,'
         ' np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]) which is 2d matrix of 8'
         ' devices.')
         'weight_split_dims_mapping', None,
         'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
         'specifies how weight of this layer or those of the sublayers should '
         'be sharded over device mesh. ')
         'activation_split_dims_mapping', None,
         'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
         'specifies how activation of this layer or those of the sublayers '
         'should be sharded over device mesh. ')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def Params(cls):
        """Defaults parameters for a cluster."""
        p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
            'mode', 'async', 'A string noting the overall training method. '
            'Valid values: sync, async.')
            'job', 'trainer', 'The role of this job in the training cluster. '
            'E.g., trainer_client, trainer, controller,  etc.')
        p.Define('task', 0, 'This process is the task-th task in the job.')
        p.Define('logdir', '', 'The log directory.')

        # How the cluster is composed.
        # A typical training cluster has a few jobs (controller, worker, ps, etc).
        # One can potentially place computation on any device of these jobs.
        # Here, we specify how each job is configured. E.g., number of GPUs each
        # task is equipped with, the number of replicas, etc.
        # Note that trainer client may dispatch operations on just a
        # smaller subset of jobs. For example, the controller only places
        # computations onto the controller and ps devices; while evaler
        # only places computations on the evaler devices.
        # cluster.job refers to the role of a client process performs.  It
        # can be 'controller', 'trainer', 'trainer_client', 'evaler' and
        # 'decoder', etc. Often, a client can be the same process as one
        # of the compute devices (e.g., controller). Sometimes, they can
        # be a separate processes. E.g., trainer_client is a separate
        # standalone process. It places computations on the worker and
        # ps devices, while itself does not host any.
        p.Define('controller', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The controller job.')
        p.Define('worker', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The worker job.')
        p.Define('ps', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The ps job.')
        p.Define('input', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The input job.')
        p.Define('evaler', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The evaler job.')
        p.Define('decoder', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The decoder job.')

        # A few 'global' knobs.
        p.Define('tf_data_service_address', '',
                 'The address of the tf.data service.')
            'add_summary', None, 'Whether to add summaries. If None, '
            'decides based on the job type.')
        p.Define('do_eval', None, 'Whether to do eval.')
        p.Define('split_id', 0, 'Split id for the model.')
        p.Define('immediately_instantiate_variables', True,
                 'Whether to create variables immediately.')
            'xla_device', None, 'If set to non-None, '
            'this value is used instead of FLAGS.xla_device '
            'for running multiple runners in the same process, '
            'eg: Controller and TrainerTpu')
            'enable_asserts', None, 'If set to non-None, '
            'this value is used instead of FLAGS.enable_asserts. '
            'If False, we disable all asserts ops and return tf.no_op() instead.'
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testIsLayerParams(self):
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def testInstantiate(self):
    a = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(InstantiableClass)
    a.Define('new_param', None, 'A meaningless param.')
    a.new_param = 'hi'

    obj = a.Instantiate()
    self.assertIsInstance(obj, InstantiableClass)
    self.assertEqual(obj.params.new_param, 'hi')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def Params(cls):
   p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
   p.Define('task_dict', None, 'dataset_name -> task params')
   p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
   p.Define('train_program', None, '')
   p.Define('train_executions_per_eval', 1, '')
   p.Define('eval_programs', [], '')
   p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def testInstantiateWithParams(self):
    a = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(InstantiableClass)
    a.Define('new_param', None, 'A meaningless param.')
    a.new_param = 'hi'

    # Same as the previous test, but InstantiableClass should also get
    # other=15 passed as a keyword argument to the constructor.
    obj = a.Instantiate(other=15)
    self.assertIsInstance(obj, InstantiableClass)
    self.assertEqual(obj.params.new_param, 'hi')
    self.assertEqual(obj.other, 15)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def Params(cls):
   """"Defaults parameters for Programs."""
   p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
   p.Define('task', None, 'Underlying task')
   p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
   p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')
   p.Define('steps_per_loop', None, 'Number of steps to run.')
   p.Define('dataset_name', None,
            'Dataset the program is operating on, eg: "Test"')
   p.Define('name', 'base_program', 'Program name.')
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def Params(cls):
     """Params for a SimpleProgramSchedule."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('task_dict', None, 'dataset_name -> task params')
     p.Define('task_name', None, 'High level task name')
     p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
     p.Define('train_program', None, 'Train program params')
     p.Define('train_executions_per_eval', 1, '')
     p.Define('eval_programs', [], 'List of eval program params.')
     p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')
     p.Define('dataset_names', [], 'List of all dataset names.')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def Params(cls):
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
         'split_paths', dict(train='train-*', dev='dev-*', test='test-*'),
         'Paths of each split of the dataset (split name => filepattern).')
         'data_dir', '',
         'Optional; base directory of any relative paths in split_paths.')
         'bert_max_length', 48,
         'Max token length of the precomputed BERT caption embeddings.')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def Params(cls):
     """The params of this layer."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('deterministic_dropout', False,
              'Used deterministic dropout or not.')
         'fprop_dtype', None,
         'Activations datatype to use. To enable bfloat16 activations for '
         'layers built using model builder, set fprop_dtype to '
         'tf.bfloat16, which will be propagated to layers that support '
         'bfloat16 activations. Default is None, which will use float32 '
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def Params(cls):
     """"Defaults parameters for Programs."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('task', None, 'Underlying task')
     p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
     p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')
     p.Define('steps_per_loop', None, 'Number of steps to run.')
     p.Define('dataset_name', None,
              'Dataset the program is operating on, eg: "Test"')
     p.Define('name', 'base_program', 'Program name.')
     p.Define('task_name', None,
              'If multi-task, what the high-level task name is')
     p.Define('num_threads', 1,
              'Number of threads in multiprocessing pool.')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def Params(cls):
   p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
   p.Define('name', 'EarlyStop', '')
   p.Define('metric_history', MetricHistory.Params(), 'Metric history params.')
       'tolerance', 0.0, 'Minimum significant difference in metric; '
       'useful if progress is asymptotic.')
   p.Define('window', 0, 'Maximum number of steps between best and current.')
   p.Define('verbose', True, 'Log early-stop checks.')
   p.Define('min_steps', 0, 'Minimum number of steps before stopping.')
       'logging_interval', 100,
       'The number of global steps after which the early stop metric '
       'history is updated.')
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 16
  def Params(cls):
    """Params for a SimpleProgramSchedule."""
    p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
    p.Define('task_dict', None, 'dataset_name -> task params')
    p.Define('task_name', None, 'High level task name')
    p.Define('logdir', None, 'Log directory')
    p.Define('train_program', None, 'Train program params')
    p.Define('train_executions_per_eval', 1, '')
    p.Define('eval_programs', [], 'List of eval program params.')
    p.Define('num_splits_per_client', None, '')
    p.Define('dataset_names', [], 'List of all dataset names.')

    # TODO(blee): Clean these up.
    p.Define('ml_perf', hyperparams.Params(), 'MlPerf configuration.')
    mlp = p.ml_perf
    mlp.Define('benchmark_name', None, 'Benchmark name for compliance log.')
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def Params(cls):
        """Defaults parameters for a cluster."""
        p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
            'mode', 'async', 'A string noting the overall training method. '
            'Valid values: sync, async.')
            'job', 'trainer', 'The role of this job in the training cluster. '
            'E.g., trainer_client, trainer, controller,  etc.')
        p.Define('task', 0, 'This process is the task-th task in the job.')
        p.Define('logdir', '', 'The log directory.')

        # How the cluster is composed.
        # A typical training cluster has a few jobs (controller, worker, ps, etc).
        # One can potentially place computation on any device of these jobs.
        # Here, we specify how each job is configured. E.g., number of GPUs each
        # task is equipped with, the number of replicas, etc.
        # Note that trainer client may dispatch operations on just a
        # smaller subset of jobs. For example, the controller only places
        # computations onto the controller and ps devices; while evaler
        # only places computations on the evaler devices.
        # cluster.job refers to the role of a client process performs.  It
        # can be 'controller', 'trainer', 'trainer_client', 'evaler' and
        # 'decoder', etc. Often, a client can be the same process as one
        # of the compute devices (e.g., controller). Sometimes, they can
        # be a separate processes. E.g., trainer_client is a separate
        # standalone process. It places computations on the worker and
        # ps devices, while itself does not host any.
        p.Define('controller', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The controller job.')
        p.Define('worker', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The worker job.')
        p.Define('ps', cls._JobSpec(1), 'The ps job.')
        p.Define('input', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The input job.')
        p.Define('evaler', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The evaler job.')
        p.Define('decoder', cls._JobSpec(0), 'The decoder job.')

        # A few 'global' knobs.
            'add_summary', None, 'Whether to add summaries. If None, '
            'decides based on the job type.')
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def Params(cls):
     """Returns the layer params."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('inference_driver_name', cls._INFERENCE_DRIVER_NAME,
              'Name of the inference driver used to construct this layer.')
     p.Define('name', '', 'Name of this layer object.')
     p.Define('dtype', tf.float32, 'Datatype to use.')
     # None value will make FProp use dtype instead of fprop_dtype.
     # TODO(lepikhin): all @function.Defun should use p.fprop_dtype if it is set.
     p.Define('fprop_dtype', None, 'Activations datatype to use.')
         'random_seed', None,
         'Random seed for deterministic unittests. This '
         'is inherited by child layers if they do not set a random_seed.')
     p.Define('vn', DefaultVN(), 'How variational noise should be applied.')
         'params_init', py_utils.DefaultParamInit(),
         'How model weights should be initialized. Not to be confused with '
     # is_eval is used to generate graph for eval purpose, typically
     # the eval graph is forward pass of training graph without
     # regularization, e.g. dropout.
     p.Define('is_eval', None, 'True if in eval mode.')
     # In addition to is_eval, also makes additional alterations for graphs
     # being used for inference.
     p.Define('is_inference', None, 'True if in inference mode.')
     # In addition to is_eval/is_inference, indicate that the inference graph is
     # for a single step.
         'allow_implicit_capture', None,
         'When using Defuns, code often asserts that the Defun does not '
         'capture undeclared inputs. This eliminates a source of bugs '
         'at the expense of making some kinds of models or utilities '
         'hard/impossible to use. Setting this to True/False (versus None) '
         'causes the setting to apply to this layer and its children.')
         'skip_lp_regularization', None,
         'If True, all variables in this layer will skip Lp regularization. '
         'If None/False, only variables explicitly in the '
         'SKIP_LP_REGULARIZATION collection will skip Lp regularization. '
         'Also propagated to child layers with default settings (None).')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def testCopyFieldsToDoesNotCopyClass(self):
     source = _params.InstantiableParams(cls=_params.Params)
     dest = _params.InstantiableParams(cls=_params.InstantiableParams)
     _params.CopyFieldsTo(source, dest)
     self.assertEqual(dest.cls, _params.InstantiableParams)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def Params(cls):
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('program_schedule_dict', None,
              'task_name -> ProgramScheduleParams')
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def testCopyFieldsToDoesNotCopyClass(self):
   source = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(hyperparams.Params)
   dest = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(hyperparams.InstantiableParams)
   hyperparams.CopyFieldsTo(source, dest)
   self.assertEqual(dest.cls, hyperparams.InstantiableParams)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def Params(cls):
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def testMergeCommonKeysFromDoesNotCopyClass(self):
     source = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(hyperparams.Params)
     dest = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(hyperparams.InstantiableParams)
     self.assertEqual(dest.cls, hyperparams.InstantiableParams)