Ejemplo n.º 1
class LinkedListStack(StackABC):
    Implementation of the stack data structure
    using a linked list for LIFO operations
    def __init__(self):
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def __len__(self):
        return self.size()

    def __iter__(self):
        for i in self._list:
            yield i

    def size(self):
        Return number of items in stack
        return len(self._list)

    def peek(self):
        Return the obj, but leave it on the stack
        :return: object
        :raise: StackException
        if self._list.first:
            return self._list.first.element
            raise StackException("Cannot peek into empty stack")

    def push(self, x):
        Add element x to top of stack
        :param x: object to push on stack

    def is_empty(self):
        Return True if empty stack else False
        :return: True/False
        return False if len(self._list) else True

    def pop(self):
        Remove element from top of stack and return it
        :return: newest object
        :raise: StackException
        if len(self._list):
            return self._list.delete_first()
            raise StackException("Cannot pop from empty stack")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class OrderedLinkedList(OrderedListABC):
    The OrderedLinkedList class implements a linked list
    that will insert elements based on their ordering.
    It expects that elements are of the same type and
    An order-comparable class defines
        __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__

    def __init__(self, element_class):
        :param element_class: class that this linked list will store
        self.element_class = element_class
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def __iter__(self):
        for obj in self._list:
            yield obj

    def add(self, x):
        Add an element into the list at its appropriate spot
        if not isinstance(x, self.element_class):
            raise ListException(
                "Cannot add element because is not an instance of {}".format(

        # find where the element belongs in the order
        # base case, empty list
        if len(self._list) == 0:
        # > 0 element
            # loop until we hit a bigger item then insert
            prev_node = None
            node = self._list.first
            while node:
                if node.element > x:
                prev_node = node
                node = node.next_node

            if prev_node is None:
                # first item was greater than x
                self._list.insert_after_node(prev_node, x)


    def first(self):
        Examine the element at the front of the list
        :return: element at front
        # if there is nothing in the list then raise an exception
        if self.is_empty:
            raise ListException("Cannot fetch first element from empty list")
        return self._list.first.element

    def last(self):
        Examine the element at the rear of the list
        :return: element at rear
        # if there is nothing in the list then raise an exception
        if self.is_empty:
            raise ListException("Cannot fetch last element from empty list")
        return self._list.last.element

    def __len__(self):
        Return the length of the list
        :return: number of elements
        return len(self._list)

    def size(self):
        Return the number of elements in the list
        return len(self._list)

    def remove_first(self):
        # if there is nothing in the list then raise an exception
        if self.is_empty:
            raise ListException("Cannot remove first from empty list")
        return self._list.delete_first()

    def remove_last(self):
        # if there is nothing in the list then raise an exception
        if self.is_empty:
            raise ListException("Cannot remove last from empty list")
        return self._list.delete_last()

    def is_empty(self):
        Return true if list is empty else False
        :return: True or False
        return True if self.size == 0 else False

    def contains(self, x):
        Return True if list contains element x, else False
        :param x: object to check for
        :return: True if in list, else False
        return self._list.search(x)