Ejemplo n.º 1
def format_date(d, format='medium'):
    """Return the given date `d` formatted with `Babel's date formatting
    <http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/dates.html>`_ and
    using Django's current language.

    if not d:
        return ''
    if isinstance(d, IncompleteDate):
        d = d.as_date()
    if not isinstance(d, datetime.date):
        raise Exception("Not a date: {0!r}".format(d))
    lng = translation.get_language()
    if lng is None:  # occured during syncdb
        lng = settings.SITE.languages[0].django_code
    return babel_format_date(d, format=format, locale=to_locale(lng))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_catalog_code(ctx):
    """Update .po files from .pot file."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    ld = get_locale_dir(ctx)
    if not ld:
    for loc in ctx.languages:
        if loc != ctx.languages[0]:
            args = [sys.executable, "setup.py"]
            args += ["update_catalog"]
            args += ["--domain django"]
            args += ["-o", ld.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')]
            args += ["-i", ld.child("django.pot")]
            args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
            cmd = ' '.join(args)
            # ~ must_confirm(cmd)
            ctx.run(cmd, pty=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_catalog_code(ctx):
    """Update .po files from .pot file."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    ld = get_locale_dir(ctx)
    if not ld:
    for loc in ctx.languages:
        if loc != ctx.languages[0]:
            args = [sys.executable, "setup.py"]
            args += ["update_catalog"]
            args += ["--domain django"]
            args += ["-o", ld.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')]
            args += ["-i", ld.child("django.pot")]
            args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
            cmd = ' '.join(args)
            # ~ must_confirm(cmd)
            ctx.run(cmd, pty=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compile_catalog():
    """Compile .po files to .mo files."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale 
    locale_dir = env.locale_dir
    # locale_dir = get_locale_dir()
    if locale_dir is None:
    for loc in env.languages:
        if loc != env.languages[0]:
            args = ["python", "setup.py"]
            args += ["compile_catalog"]
            args += ["-i", locale_dir.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')]
            args += ["-o", locale_dir.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.mo')]
            args += ["--domain django"]
            #~ args += [ "-d" , locale_dir ]
            args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
            cmd = ' '.join(args)
            #~ must_confirm(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_catalog_code():
    """Update .po files from .pot file."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    locale_dir = env.locale_dir
    # locale_dir = get_locale_dir()
    if locale_dir is None:
    locale_dir = Path(locale_dir)
    for loc in env.languages:
        if loc != env.languages[0]:
            args = ["python", "setup.py"]
            args += ["update_catalog"]
            args += ["--domain django"]
            #~ args += [ "-d" , locale_dir ]
            args += ["-o", locale_dir.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')]
            args += ["-i", locale_dir.child("django.pot")]
            args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
            cmd = ' '.join(args)
            #~ must_confirm(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def format_date(d, format='medium'):
    """Return the given date `d` formatted with `Babel's date formatting
    <http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/dates.html>`_ and
    using Django's current language.

    if not d:
        return ''
    if isinstance(d, IncompleteDate):
        d = d.as_date()
    if not isinstance(d, datetime.date):
        if isinstance(d, six.text_type):
            d = str(d)  # remove the "u" in Python 2
        raise Exception(str("Not a date: {0!r}").format(d))
    lng = translation.get_language()
    if lng is None:  # occured during syncdb
        lng = settings.SITE.languages[0].django_code
    loc = to_locale(lng)
    if loc == 'en':
        loc = 'en_UK'  # I hate US date format
    return babel_format_date(d, format=format, locale=loc)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def format_date(d, format='medium'):
    """Return the given date `d` formatted with `Babel's date formatting
    <http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/dates.html>`_ and
    using Django's current language.

    if not d:
        return ''
    if isinstance(d, IncompleteDate):
        d = d.as_date()
    if not isinstance(d, datetime.date):
        if isinstance(d, six.text_type):
            d = str(d)  # remove the "u" in Python 2
        raise Exception(str("Not a date: {0!r}").format(d))
    lng = translation.get_language()
    if lng is None:  # occured during syncdb
        lng = settings.SITE.languages[0].django_code
    loc = to_locale(lng)
    if loc == 'en':
        loc = 'en_UK'  # I hate US date format
    return babel_format_date(d, format=format, locale=loc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def init_catalog_code(ctx):
    """Create code .po files if necessary."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    ld = get_locale_dir(ctx)
    if not ld:
    for loc in ctx.languages:
        if loc != 'en':
            f = ld.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
            if f.exists():
                print("Skip %s because file exists." % f)
                args = [sys.executable, "setup.py"]
                args += ["init_catalog"]
                args += ["--domain django"]
                args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
                args += ["-d", ld]
                # ~ args += [ "-o" , f ]
                args += ["-i", ld.child('django.pot')]
                cmd = ' '.join(args)
                ctx.run(cmd, pty=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def init_catalog_code(ctx):
    """Create code .po files if necessary."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    ld = get_locale_dir(ctx)
    if not ld:
    for loc in ctx.languages:
        if loc != 'en':
            f = ld.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
            if f.exists():
                print("Skip %s because file exists." % f)
                args = [sys.executable, "setup.py"]
                args += ["init_catalog"]
                args += ["--domain django"]
                args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
                args += ["-d", ld]
                # ~ args += [ "-o" , f ]
                args += ["-i", ld.child('django.pot')]
                cmd = ' '.join(args)
                ctx.run(cmd, pty=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def init_catalog_code():
    """Create code .po files if necessary."""
    from lino.core.site import to_locale
    locale_dir = env.locale_dir
    # locale_dir = get_locale_dir()
    if locale_dir is None:
    locale_dir = Path(locale_dir)
    for loc in env.languages:
        if loc != 'en':
            f = locale_dir.child(loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
            if f.exists():
                print("Skip %s because file exists." % f)
                args = ["python", "setup.py"]
                args += ["init_catalog"]
                args += ["--domain django"]
                args += ["-l", to_locale(loc)]
                args += ["-d", locale_dir]
                #~ args += [ "-o" , f ]
                args += ["-i", locale_dir.child('django.pot')]
                cmd = ' '.join(args)