Ejemplo n.º 1
    def checkResponse4Challenge(self, user, passw, options=None, challenges=None):
        verify the response of a previous challenge

        :param user:     the requesting user
        :param passw:    the to be checked pass (pin+otp)
        :param options:  options an additional argument, which could be token
        :param challenges: the list of challenges, where each challenge is
                            described as dict
        :return: tuple of (otpcounter and the list of matching challenges)

        otp_counter = -1
        transid = None
        matching = None
        matchin_challenges = []

        if 'transactionid' in options or 'state' in options:
            ## fetch the transactionid
            transid = options.get('transactionid', options.get('state', None))

        # check if the transactionid is in the list of challenges
        if transid is not None:
            for challenge in challenges:
                if Challenges.is_same_transaction(challenge, transid):
                    matching = challenge
            if matching is not None:
                otp_counter = check_otp(self, passw, options=options)
                if otp_counter >= 0:

        return (otp_counter, matchin_challenges)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def checkResponse4Challenge(self, user, passw, options=None, challenges=None):
        This method verifies if the given ``passw`` matches any existing ``challenge``
        of the token.

        It then returns the new otp_counter of the token and the
        list of the matching challenges.

        In case of success the otp_counter needs to be > 0.
        The matching_challenges is passed to the method
        to clean up challenges.

        :param user: the requesting user
        :type user: User object
        :param passw: the password (pin+otp)
        :type passw: string
        :param options:  additional arguments from the request, which could be token specific
        :type options: dict
        :param challenges: A sorted list of valid challenges for this token.
        :type challenges: list
        :return: tuple of (otpcounter and the list of matching challenges)
        otp_counter = -1
        transid = None
        matching = None
        matching_challenges = []

        # fetch the transactionid
        if "transactionid" in options:
            transid = options.get("transactionid", None)

        # check if the transactionid is in the list of challenges
        if transid is not None:
            for challenge in challenges:
                if Challenges.is_same_transaction(challenge, transid):
                    matching = challenge
            if matching is not None:
                # Split pin from otp and check the resulting pin and otpval
                (pin, otpval) = self.splitPinPass(passw)
                if not check_pin(self, pin, user=user, options=options):
                    otpval = passw
                # The U2F checkOtp functions needs to know the saved challenge
                # to compare the received challenge value to the saved one,
                # thus we add the transactionid to the options
                options["transactionid"] = transid
                options["challenges"] = challenges
                otp_counter = check_otp(self, otpval, options=options)
                if otp_counter >= 0:

        return (otp_counter, matching_challenges)