def test_calculate_q_c1n():
    qc = 0.58
    CN = 1.7
    qc1n = bim14.calculate_q_c1n(qc, CN)
    # expected_qc1n = 9.73
    expected_qc1n = 9.8
    assert ct.isclose(qc1n, expected_qc1n, rel_tol=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_bray_and_macedo_settlement():
    # Load ground motion
    fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR + "input_acc.his"
    acc_file = np.loadtxt(fpath, skiprows=4)
    acc = acc_file[:, 1]
    acc = acc / 9.81

    time = acc_file[:, 0]
    dt = time[1] - time[0]

    models = sfsi_files.load_json(TEST_DATA_DIR + "test_ecp_models.json")
    soil_profile = models["soil_profiles"][0]
    building = models["buildings"][0]

    q_f = 80000

    # building.mass_eff = 10000 * length  # kg
    building.mass_ratio = 1.
    fd = models["foundations"][0]
    # fd = gm.create_foundation(length=length, width=foundations.width, depth=foundations.depth)

    zliq = soil_profile.layer_depth(2) - soil_profile.layer_depth(1)
    sett_dyn_bray = lqs.bray_and_macedo_settlement(
        q=(float(building.mass_eff) / 1000),
    assert ct.isclose(sett_dyn_bray, 70.537,
                      rel_tol=0.001)  # 70.537 Not validated, liquepy 0.1.0
def test_calculate_k_sigma():
    sigma_eff = 42.6*np.ones(1)
    qc1ncs = 9.73*np.ones(1)
    expected_ksigma = bim14.calculate_k_sigma(sigma_eff, qc1ncs)
    ksigma = 1.07 * np.ones(1)
    ksigma = 1.038 * np.ones(1)
    assert ct.isclose(expected_ksigma, ksigma, rel_tol=0.001)
def test_calculate_big_q_values():
    qt = 20.
    sigmav = 15.
    CN = 0.8
    qq = bim14.calculate_big_q_values(CN, qt, sigmav)
    assert ct.isclose(qq, 0.04, rel_tol=0.011)
def test_crr_7p5_from_cpt():
    q_c1n_cs = 62.1
    gwl = 1.6
    depth = 5.35
    expected_crr_7p5 = 0.1
    crr = bim14.crr_7p5_from_cpt(q_c1n_cs, gwl, depth, i_c=1.8)
    assert ct.isclose(crr, expected_crr_7p5, rel_tol=0.011)
def test_can_calculate_fos():
    depths, q_c, f_s, u_2, gwl = trigger.load_cpt_data(TEST_DATA_DIR + "standard_1.csv")
    bi2014 = trigger.BoulangerIdriss2014(depths, q_c, f_s, u_2, gwl=gwl, pga=0.25, magnitude=7.5, ar=0.8)
    factor_safety_values = bi2014.factor_of_safety

    expected_fos_at_40 = 2.0
    expected_fos_at_500 = 0.541205215
    assert factor_safety_values[40] == expected_fos_at_40
    assert ct.isclose(factor_safety_values[500], expected_fos_at_500, rel_tol=0.0001)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_karamitros():

    # Load ground motion
    fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR + "input_acc.his"
    acc_file = np.loadtxt(fpath, skiprows=4)
    acc = acc_file[:, 1]

    # define the soils and soil profile
    sl_0 = sm.Soil()
    sl_0.phi = 0
    sl_0.cohesion = 50000
    sl_0.unit_dry_weight = 19600
    sl_0.unit_sat_weight = 21000

    sl_1 = sm.Soil()
    sl_1.phi = 33.
    sl_1.cohesion = 0
    sl_1.unit_dry_weight = 19700
    sl_1.unit_sat_weight = 21000

    soil_profile = sm.SoilProfile()
    soil_profile.add_layer(0, sl_0)
    soil_profile.add_layer(4.0, sl_1)
    soil_profile.gwl = 2.

    # Define a foundation
    length = 1000000.
    fd = sm.Foundation()
    fd.length = length
    fd.width = 10.0
    fd.depth = 0.0

    q = 80000  # applied load

    z_c = lqs.cal_z_c(fd, z_liq=4, h0=2)
    vertical_effective_stress = soil_profile.vertical_effective_stress(z_c)
    sl_1.phi = lqs.calc_degraded_phi(sl_1.phi, vertical_effective_stress, q=q)
    q_ult = gf.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0,
    dt = 0.005

    sett_dyn = lqs.karamitros_settlement(fd,
    assert ct.isclose(sett_dyn, 0.034615,
                      rel_tol=0.001)  # 0.034615 Not validated, liquepy 0.1.0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_cavdp():

    fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR + "input_acc.his"
    acc_file = np.loadtxt(fpath, skiprows=4)
    acc = acc_file[:, 1]
    acc = acc / 9.81
    time = acc_file[:, 0]
    dt = time[1] - time[0]

    cav_dp = settlements.calculate_cav_dp(acc, dt)

    # 1.4598176 from liquepy 0.1.0  tested with several motions
    assert ct.isclose(cav_dp, 1.4598176, rel_tol=0.001), cav_dp
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_lu_settlement():

    # Load ground motion
    fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR + "input_acc.his"
    acc_file = np.loadtxt(fpath, skiprows=4)
    acc = acc_file[:, 1]
    acc = acc / 9.81  # TODO: confirm should be in m/s2

    # Define a foundation
    length = 1000000.
    fd = sm.Foundation()
    fd.length = length
    fd.width = 10.0
    fd.depth = 0.0

    sett_dyn = lqs.lu_settlements(q=80, fd=fd, Dr=55, acc=acc)
    assert ct.isclose(sett_dyn, 0.366247,
                      rel_tol=0.001)  # 0.366247 Not validated, liquepy 0.1.0

# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     test_bray_and_macedo_settlement()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_calc_degraded_phi():
    phi_deg = lqs.calc_degraded_phi(33., 800, q=800)
    assert ct.isclose(phi_deg, 10.12554, rel_tol=0.001)
def test_calculate_m():
    q_c1ncs = 62.1
    m = bim14.calculate_m(q_c1ncs)
    expected_m = 0.6
    assert ct.isclose(m, expected_m, rel_tol=0.01)
def test_calculate_cn_values():
    m = 0.58
    sigma_veff = 42.6
    cn = bim14.calculate_cn_values(m, sigma_veff)
    expected_cn = 1.7
    assert ct.isclose(cn, expected_cn, rel_tol=0.04)
def test_calculate_ic():
    big_q = 0.04
    big_f = 300.
    expected_ic = bim14.calculate_ic(big_q, big_f)
    assert ct.isclose(expected_ic , 5.07, rel_tol=0.09)
def test_calculate_q_c1ncs():
    q_c1n = 9.73
    delta_q_c1n = 63.26
    expected_qc1ncs = 9.73
    qc1ncs = bim14.calculate_q_c1ncs(q_c1n, delta_q_c1n)
    assert ct.isclose(qc1ncs, expected_qc1ncs, rel_tol=0.9)
def test_calculate_delta_q_c1n():
    q_c1n = 9.73
    fc = 64.21
    delta_q = bim14.calculate_delta_q_c1n(q_c1n, fc)
    expected_delta_q = 52.37
    assert ct.isclose(delta_q, expected_delta_q, rel_tol=0.02)