Ejemplo n.º 1
def _getVolumeQuotaStatusOutput(hostgroup, volume):
    # get current volume quota status
    table = livestatus.readLiveStatus("GET services\n"
                                      "Columns: state long_plugin_output\n"
                                      "Filter: description = "
                                      "Volume Quota - %s" % volume)
    servicestatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN
    statusoutput = ''
    if len(table) > 0:
        servicetab = table[0]
        servicestatus = servicetab[0]
        statusoutput = servicetab[1]
    if (int(servicestatus) == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
            and statusoutput.find("QUOTA: OK") > -1):
        # if ok, don't poll
        return servicestatus, statusoutput
    return _executeRandomHost(hostgroup, _getVolQuotaStatusNRPECommand(volume))
def _getVolumeQuotaStatusOutput(hostgroup, volume):
    # get current volume quota status
    table = livestatus.readLiveStatus("GET services\n"
                                      "Columns: state long_plugin_output\n"
                                      "Filter: description = "
                                      "Volume Quota - %s" % volume)
    servicestatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN
    statusoutput = ''
    if len(table) > 0:
        servicetab = table[0]
        servicestatus = servicetab[0]
        statusoutput = servicetab[1]
    if (int(servicestatus) == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK and
            statusoutput.find("QUOTA: OK") > -1):
        # if ok, don't poll
        return servicestatus, statusoutput
    return _executeRandomHost(hostgroup, _getVolQuotaStatusNRPECommand(volume))
def findClusterStatus(clusterName):
    exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
    # Write command to socket
    cmd = "GET services\nColumns: state\n" \
          "Filter: description ~~ %s\n" \
          "Filter: host_name = %s" % ('Volume Status -', clusterName)
    table = livestatus.readLiveStatus(cmd)
    noOfVolumesInCriticalState = 0
    noOfVolumesInUnknownState = 0
    noOfVolumesInWarningState = 0
    noOfVolumes = len(table)
    if noOfVolumes == 0:
        print "OK : No Volumes present in the cluster"
        return exitStatus
    for row in table:
        if len(row) > 0:
            if row[0] == '1':
                noOfVolumesInWarningState += 1
            elif row[0] == '2':
                noOfVolumesInCriticalState += 1
            elif row[0] == '3':
                noOfVolumesInUnknownState += 1

    if noOfVolumesInCriticalState == noOfVolumes:
        print "CRITICAL: All Volumes in the cluster are in Critical State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
    elif noOfVolumesInUnknownState == noOfVolumes:
        print "CRITICAL: All Volumes in the cluster are in Unknown State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
    elif noOfVolumesInCriticalState > 0:
        print "WARNING : Some Volumes in the cluster are in Critical State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
    elif noOfVolumesInUnknownState > 0:
        print "WARNING : Some Volumes in the cluster are in Unknown State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
    elif noOfVolumesInWarningState == noOfVolumes:
        print "WARNING : All Volumes in the cluster are in Warning State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
    elif noOfVolumesInWarningState > 0:
        print "WARNING : Some Volumes in the cluster are in Warning State"
        exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
        print "OK : None of the Volumes in the cluster are in Critical State"
    return exitStatus