Ejemplo n.º 1
    def findPath(self):
        path = Stack()
        self._mazeCells[self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col] = \
        while not self._exitFound(path.peek().row, path.peek().col):
            curr = path.peek()
            if self._validMove(curr.row - 1, curr.col):
                path.push(_CellPosition(curr.row - 1, curr.col))
                self._markPath(curr.row - 1, curr.col)

            elif self._validMove(curr.row, curr.col - 1):
                path.push(_CellPosition(curr.row, curr.col - 1))
                self._markPath(curr.row, curr.col - 1)

            elif self._validMove(curr.row + 1, curr.col):
                path.push(_CellPosition(curr.row + 1, curr.col))
                self._markPath(curr.row + 1, curr.col)

            elif self._validMove(curr.row, curr.col + 1):
                path.push(_CellPosition(curr.row, curr.col + 1))
                self._markPath(curr.row, curr.col + 1)

                self._markTried(curr.row, curr.col)
                if len(path) == 0:
                    return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def find_path(self):
        stack = Stack()
        current = self.startCell
        current.parent = current

        if current == self.exitCell:
            return True
        home_cords_nei = self.check_neighbors(current.row, current.col)
        for cell in home_cords_nei:
            if cell == self.exitCell:
                return True
        self.mark_tried(current.row, current.col)

        while not stack.isEmpty():
            parent = current
            current = stack.peek()
            current.parent = parent
            current.path += parent.path

            self.mark_tried(current.row, current.col)
            if self.exit_found(current.row, current.col):
                self.exit = current
                return True
            for cell in self.check_neighbors(current.row, current.col):
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: bst.py Proyecto: storypku/tlpi
class _BSTMapIterator:
    """ Iterator for the binary search tree using a software stack """
    def __init__(self, root):
        """Create a stack for use in traversing the tree. """
        self._theStack = Stack()

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        """Returns the next item from the BST in key order"""
        # If the stack is empty, we are done.
        if self._theStack.isEmpty():
            raise StopIteration
        else:       # The top node on the stack contains the next key.
            node = self._theStack.pop()
            key = node.key
            # If this node has a subtree rooted as the right child, we must
            # find the node in that subtree that contains the smallest key.
            # Again, the nodes along the path are pushed on the stack.
            if node.right is not None:
            return key

    def _traverseToMinNode(self, subtree):
        """ Traverses down the subtree to find the node containing the
        smallest key during which the nodes along that path are pushed onto
        the stack."""
        if subtree is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def findPath(self):
        path_stack = Stack()
        new = self._startCell

        while len(path_stack) != 0:
            new.row = path_stack.peek().row
            new.col = path_stack.peek().col
            self._markPath(new.row, new.col)
            flag_valid = False
            for i, j in [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]:
                if self._validMove(path_stack.peek().row + i,
                                   path_stack.peek().col + j):
                    new.row = new.row + i
                    new.col = new.col + j
                    path_stack.push(_CellPosition(new.row, new.col))
                    self._markPath(new.row, new.col)
                    flag_valid = True
            if flag_valid:
                if self._exitFound(new.row, new.col):
                    self._markPath(new.row, new.col)
                    return True
            cell = path_stack.pop()
            self._markTried(cell.row, cell.col)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def findPath( self ):
     traceAcct = Stack()
     curPos = _CellPosition(self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col)
     if not self._validMove(curPos.row, curPos.col):
         return False
     self._markPath(curPos.row, curPos.col)
     trapFlag = False
     while True:
         for i in range(4): # Left, Up, Right, Down
             candidatePos = _CellPosition(curPos.row + self.DIRECT[i][0], \
                                        curPos.col + self.DIRECT[i][1])
             if self._validMove(candidatePos.row, candidatePos.col):
                 curPos = candidatePos
                 self._markPath(curPos.row, curPos.col)
                 if self._exitFound(curPos.row, curPos.col):
                     return True
             if i == 3:
                 trapFlag = True
         if trapFlag:
             trapFlag = False
             self._markTried(curPos.row, curPos.col)
             if traceAcct.isEmpty():
                 return False
                 curPos = traceAcct.pop()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def isValidSource(srcFile):
    The function accepts a file object, which we assume was previously opened and contains C++
    source code.The file is scanned one line at a time and each line is scanned one character
    at a time to determine if it contains properly paired and balanced delimiters.
    s = Stack()
    for line in srcFile:
        for token in line:
            if token in "{[(":
                # if token is one of the opening delimiters it should be pushed
                # into the stack.
            # if token is one of the closing delimiters it should be checke by
            # the following steps.
            elif token in ")]}":
                if s.isEmpty():
                    return False
                    left = s.pop()
                    if token == "}" and left != "{" or \
                            token == "]" and left != "[" or \
                            token == ")" and left != "(":
                        return False
    return s.isEmpty()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def findPath(self):
        finds  path in a Maze and Returns True
        if no path it will return None
        maze_stack = Stack()
        current_cell = self._startCell
        self._markPath(self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col)
        while not maze_stack.isEmpty():
            possible_moves = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]

            current_cell.row = maze_stack.peek().row
            current_cell.col = maze_stack.peek().col

            self._markPath(current_cell.row, current_cell.col)

            moved = False
            for i, j in possible_moves:
                if self._validMove(current_cell.row + i, current_cell.col + j):
                    current_cell.row = current_cell.row + i
                    current_cell.col = current_cell.col + j
                        _CellPosition(current_cell.row, current_cell.col))
                    moved = True
            if moved:
                if self._exitFound(current_cell.row, current_cell.col):
                    self._markPath(current_cell.row, current_cell.col)
                    return True
            visited_cell = maze_stack.pop()
            self._markTried(visited_cell.row, visited_cell.col)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def findPath(self):
        s = Stack()  #stack to save the path
        self._markPath(self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col)
        while True:
            #inside the loop where neighbor cell is checked for valid move
            #same time, checked if we get the exit
            if s.isEmpty():
                return False
            current_cell = s.peek()
            row = current_cell.row
            col = current_cell.col
            if not self._exitFound(row, col):
                for r in [row - 1, row, row + 1]:
                    if not (current_cell.row == s.peek().row and \
                            current_cell.col == s.peek().col):
                    for c in [col - 1, col, col + 1]:
                        if ((r == row) ^ (c == col)):
                            if self._validMove(r, c):
                                self._markPath(r, c)
                                s.push(_CellPosition(r, c))
                if current_cell.row == s.peek().row and\
                        current_cell.col == s.peek().col:
                    not_in_path = s.pop()
                    self._markTried(not_in_path.row, not_in_path.col)

                return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def find_path(self):
     Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
     to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
     stack_of_cells = Stack()
     stack_of_cells.push((self._start_cell.row, self._start_cell.col))
     self._mark_path(self._start_cell.row, self._start_cell.col)
     while not stack_of_cells.is_empty():
         current_cell = stack_of_cells.peek()
         valid_neighbor = False
         for direction in directions:
             if self._valid_move(current_cell[0] + direction[0],
                                 current_cell[1] + direction[1]):
                 stack_of_cells.push((current_cell[0] + direction[0],
                                      current_cell[1] + direction[1]))
                 valid_neighbor = True
                 self._mark_path(current_cell[0] + direction[0],
                                 current_cell[1] + direction[1])
                 if self._exit_found(current_cell[0] + direction[0],
                                     current_cell[1] + direction[1]):
                     return True
                 break  #we don't need 2 valid neighbor at the same time
         if not valid_neighbor:
             self._mark_tried(current_cell[0], current_cell[1])
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
class _BSTMapIterator:
    def __init__(self, root):
        # Creates a stack for use in traversing the tree.
        self._theStack = Stack()

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    # Returns the next item from the BST in key order.
    def __next__(self):
        # If the stack is empty, we are done.
        if self._theStack.isEmpty():
            raise StopIteration
            # The top node on the stack contains the next key.
            node = self._theStack.pop()
            key = node.key

            # If this node has a subtree rooted as the right child, we must
            # find the node in that subtree that contains the smallest key.
            # Again, the nodes along the path are pushed onto the stack.
            if node.right is not None:

            return key

    # Traverses down the subtree to find the node containing the smallest
    # key during which the nodes along that path are pushed onto the stack.
    def _traverseToMinNode(self, subtree):
        if subtree is not None:
class _BSTMapIterator:
    def __init__( self, root ):
        self._theStack = Stack()
        # traverse down to the node containing the smallest key during
        # which each node along the path is pushed onto the stack
        self._traverseToMinNode( root )

    def __iter__( self ):
        return self

    # Returns the next item from the BST in key order.
    def next( self ):
        # If the stack is empty, we are done..
        if self._theStack.isEmpty():
            raise StopIteration
            # The top node on the stack contains the key.
            node = self._theStack.pop()
            key = node.key
            # If this node has a subtree rooted as the right child, we must
            # fiind the node in that subtree that contains the smallest key.
            # Again, the nodes along the path are pushed onto the stack.
            if node.right is not None:
                self._traverseToMinNode( node.right )
            return key

    def _traverseToMinNode( self, subtree ):
        if subtree is not None:
            self._theStack.push( subtree )
            self._traverseToMinNode( subtree.left )
 def findPath( self ):
     path_stack = Stack()
     cur_cell = self._startCell
     self._markPath( cur_cell.row, cur_cell.col )
     while len( path_stack ) != 0:
         flag_valid = 0
         for (v, h) in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0 ,1)]:
             cur_row = cur_cell.row + v
             cur_col = cur_cell.col + h
             if self._validMove( cur_row, cur_col ):
                 path_stack.push( _CellPosition(cur_row, cur_col) )
                 self._markPath( cur_row, cur_col )
                 #print "( " + str(cur_row) + ", " + str(cur_col) + " ) is valid Path Point"
                 flag_valid = 1
         if flag_valid == 0:
             pop_cell = path_stack.pop()
             self._markTried( pop_cell.row, pop_cell.col )
             #print "( " + str(pop_cell.row) + ", " + str(pop_cell.col) + " ) is Invalid Path Point"
             if len(path_stack) == 0:
                 return False
         cur_cell = path_stack.peek()
         #print "( " + str(cur_cell.row) + ", " + str(cur_cell.col) + " ) is on the top."
         if self._exitFound( cur_cell.row, cur_cell.col ):
             #print len(path_stack)
             return True
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def findPath(self):
        paths = Stack()
        while not paths.isEmpty():
            currCell = paths.pop()
            self._markTried(currCell.row, currCell.col)
            if currCell.row == self._exitCell.row and currCell.col == self._exitCell.col:
                for el in currCell.path:
                    self._markPath(el.row, el.col)
                return True
            if self._validMove(currCell.row + 1, currCell.col):
                    _CellPosition(currCell.row + 1, currCell.col, currCell))
            if self._validMove(currCell.row - 1, currCell.col):
                    _CellPosition(currCell.row - 1, currCell.col, currCell))
            if self._validMove(currCell.row, currCell.col + 1):
                    _CellPosition(currCell.row, currCell.col + 1, currCell))
            if self._validMove(currCell.row, currCell.col - 1):
                    _CellPosition(currCell.row, currCell.col - 1, currCell))

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 14
class _T23Iter:
    """ Iterator for the 2-3 tree using a software stack """

    FIRST_KEY = 0
    SECOND_KEY = 1

    MID_BRANCH = 1

    def __init__(self, root):
        """Create a stack for use in traversing the tree. """
        self._theStack = Stack()
        if root is not None:
            self._theStack.push((root, _T23Iter.FIRST_KEY))
            self._traverseToMinNode(root, _T23Iter.LEFT_BRANCH)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        """Returns the next item from the BST in key order"""
        # If the stack is empty, we are done.
        if self._theStack.isEmpty():
            raise StopIteration
        else:       # The top node on the stack contains the next key.
            (node, which) = self._theStack.pop()
            if node.isLeaf() and which == _T23Iter.FIRST_KEY:
                key = node.key1
                if node.isFull():
                    self._theStack.push((node, _T23Iter.SECOND_KEY))
            elif node.isLeaf() and which == _T23Iter.SECOND_KEY:
                key = node.key2
            elif not node.isLeaf() and which == _T23Iter.FIRST_KEY:
                key = node.key1
                if node.isFull():
                    self._theStack.push((node, _T23Iter.SECOND_KEY))
                self._traverseToMinNode(node, _T23Iter.MID_BRANCH)
            else: # not node.isLeaf() and which == _T23Iter.SECOND_KEY:
                key = node.key2
                self._traverseToMinNode(node, _T23Iter.RIGHT_BRANCH)
            return key

    def _traverseToMinNode(self, node, branch):
        """ Traverses down <node>'s branch indecated by <branch> to find
        the node containing the in-order successor"""
        if not node.isLeaf():
            if branch == _T23Iter.LEFT_BRANCH:
                node = node.left
            elif branch == _T23Iter.MID_BRANCH:
                node = node.middle
            else: # branch == _T23Iter.RIGHT_BRANCH
                node = node.right
            self._theStack.push((node, _T23Iter.FIRST_KEY))
            while not node.isLeaf():
                node = node.left
                self._theStack.push((node, _T23Iter.FIRST_KEY))
def printListStack(head):

    s = Stack()
    curNode = head
    while curNode is not None:
        curNode = curNode.next
    while not s.isEmpty():
        item = s.pop()
        print item
def printListStack(head):

	s = Stack()
	curNode = head
	while curNode is not None:
		curNode = curNode.next
	while not s.isEmpty():
		item = s.pop()
		print item
class ExtoPostfix:
	Receive an infix expression and turn it into a postfix expression.
	This is a helper module of postfixCal.py.
	def __init__(self):
		self._isp = {'#':0, '(':1, '*':5, '/':5, '+':3, '-':3, ')':6}	#in stack priority
		self._icp = {'#':0, '(':6, '*':4, '/':4, '+':2, '-':2, ')':1}	#in coming priority
		self._postfix = []		#the list used to save the final postfix expression.
		self._oprtStack = Stack()	#the stack used to change the order of operators.

	def __str__(self):
		self._postfix = [elem for elem in self._postfix if elem != ')' and elem != '(']
		return ','.join(self._postfix)

	def _getPostfix(self,expr):
		1)initialize the _oprtStack by pushing '#' into it.
		2)read in the first element of the infix expr, and assign it to variable ch.
		3)repeat the following steps until ch = '#', meanwhile, the top element of the _oprtStack is also '#':
			a)if ch is operand, append it to the _postfix, and read the next ch;
			b)if ch is operator, compare the priority(icp) of ch and the priority(isp) of the top element(op) in  _oprtStack:
				if icp(ch) > isp(op), push ch onto _oprtStack, and read another ch
				if icp(ch) < isp(op), pop the top element in _oprtStack, and append it to _postfix
				if icp(ch) == isp(op), pop the top element in _oprtStack,if op is '(', read another ch.
		expr = expr.split()
		ch = expr.pop(0)
		while self._oprtStack.isEmpty()==False and ch != '#':
				if ch.isdigit():
						ch = expr.pop(0)
						ch1 = self._oprtStack.peek()
						if self._isp[ch1] < self._icp[ch]:
								ch = expr.pop(0)
						elif self._isp[ch1] > self._icp[ch]:
								out = self._oprtStack.pop()
								out = self._oprtStack.pop()
								if out == '(':
										ch = expr.pop(0)

		for i in range(len(self._oprtStack)-1):
				ch1 = self._oprtStack.pop()

	def backExpr(self,expr):
		return self._postfix
    def findPath( self ):
        stack = Stack()
        self._markPath(self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col) 

        while not stack.isEmpty():
            # debug

            cur = _CellPosition(0, 0)
            cur.row = stack.peek().row
            cur.col = stack.peek().col
            print "current:"
            print (cur.row, cur.col) 
            if cur.row == self._exitCell.row and \
               cur.col == self._exitCell.col:
                print "findPath ok"
                return 1

            if self.haveUp(cur.row, cur.col):
                cur.row = cur.row - 1
                self._markPath(cur.row, cur.col) 

            if self.haveRight(cur.row, cur.col):
                cur.col = cur.col + 1
                self._markPath(cur.row, cur.col) 
            if self.haveDown(cur.row, cur.col):
                cur.row = cur.row + 1
                self._markPath(cur.row, cur.col) 
            if self.haveLeft(cur.row, cur.col):
                cur.col = cur.col - 1
                self._markPath(cur.row, cur.col) 

            print "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"
            self._markTried(cur.row, cur.col) 

        print "findPath fail"
        return 0
def printListStack(head):
    # Createe a stack to store the items
    s = Stack()
    # Iterate throught the list and push each item onto the stack
    curNode = head
    while curNode is not None:
        curNode = curNode.next

    # Repeatedly pop the items from the stack and print them until the stack is empty
    while not s.isEmpty():
        item = s.pop()
        print item
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def find_path(self):
        Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
        to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
        empty = self.empty_path()

        mid_pos = self._start_cell
        path = Stack()
        self._mark_path(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)

        while mid_pos != self._exit_cell and empty:
            if _CellPosition(mid_pos.row - 1, mid_pos.col) in empty:
                mid_pos = _CellPosition(mid_pos.row - 1, mid_pos.col)
                self._mark_path(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)

            elif _CellPosition(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col + 1) in empty:
                mid_pos = _CellPosition(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col + 1)
                self._mark_path(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)

            elif _CellPosition(mid_pos.row + 1, mid_pos.col) in empty:
                mid_pos = _CellPosition(mid_pos.row + 1, mid_pos.col)
                self._mark_path(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)

            elif _CellPosition(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col - 1) in empty:
                mid_pos = _CellPosition(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col - 1)
                self._mark_path(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)

                self._mark_tried(mid_pos.row, mid_pos.col)
                    mid_pos = path.peek()
                except AssertionError:
                    return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 21
def isValidSource(srcfile):
    s = Stack()
    for line in srcfile:
        for token in line:
            if token in "{[(":
            elif token in "}])":
                if s.isEmpty():
                    return False
                    left = s.pop()
                    if (token == "}" and left != "{") or \
                            (token == "]" and left != "[") or \
                            (token == ")" and left != "("):
                        return False
    return s.isEmpty()
def printListStack( head ):
    from lliststack import Stack

    s = Stack()

    # Iterate through the list and push each item onto the stack
    curNode = head
    while curNode is not None:
        s.push( curNode.data )
        curNode = curNode.next

    # Repeatedly pop the items from the stack and print them
    while not s.isEmpty():
        item = s.pop()
        print item,
    print ''
Ejemplo n.º 23
def is_validSource(srcfile):
    s = Stack()
    for line in srcfile:
        for token in line:
            if token in "{[(":
            elif token in '}])':
                if s.is_empty():
                    return False
                    left = s.pop()
                    if (token == '}' and left != '{') or \
                            (token == ']' and left != '[') or \
                            (token == '(' and left != ')'):
                        return False

    return s.is_empty()
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def findPath(self):
        path_stack = Stack()
        # print(path_stack.peek().row, path_stack.peek().col)

        while len(path_stack) > 0:
            pos_row = path_stack.peek().row
            pos_col = path_stack.peek().col

            if self._validMove(pos_row - 1, pos_col):
                self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                path_stack.push(_CellPosition(pos_row - 1, pos_col))
                if self._exitFound(pos_row - 1, pos_col):
                    self._mazeCells[pos_row - 1, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                    return True

            elif self._validMove(pos_row + 1, pos_col):
                self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                path_stack.push(_CellPosition(pos_row + 1, pos_col))
                if self._exitFound(pos_row + 1, pos_col):
                    self._mazeCells[pos_row + 1, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                    return True

            elif self._validMove(pos_row, pos_col - 1):
                self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                path_stack.push(_CellPosition(pos_row, pos_col - 1))
                if self._exitFound(pos_row, pos_col - 1):
                    self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col - 1] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                    return True

            elif self._validMove(pos_row, pos_col + 1):
                self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                path_stack.push(_CellPosition(pos_row, pos_col + 1))
                if self._exitFound(pos_row, pos_col + 1):
                    self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col + 1] = self.PATH_TOKEN
                    return True

                self._mazeCells[pos_row, pos_col] = self.TRIED_TOKEN

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def find_path(self):
     if not self.maze_cells[self.exit_cell.row, self.exit_cell.col] is None:
         return False
     tmp = Stack()
     i, j = self.start_cell.row, self.start_cell.col
     dead_ends = [self.CELL_PATH, self.CELL_TRIED, self.CELL_WALL]
     directions = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]
     tmp.push([i, j])
     self.maze_cells[i, j] = self.CELL_PATH
     while True:
         for direction in directions:
                 i1, j1 = i + direction[0], j + direction[1]
                 t = self.maze_cells[i1, j1]
             except IndexError:
             while self.maze_cells[i1, j1] \
                     not in dead_ends:
                 i += direction[0]
                 j += direction[1]
                 tmp.push([i, j])
                 self.maze_cells[i, j] = self.CELL_PATH
                 if i == self.exit_cell.row and j == self.exit_cell.col:
                     return True
                 if i == self.start_cell.row and j == self.start_cell.col:
                     return False
         if self.check_cell(i, j) is None:
             while True:
                 coor = tmp.pop()
                 if tmp.isEmpty():
                     return False
                 self.maze_cells[coor[0], coor[1]] = self.CELL_TRIED
                 coor = tmp.peek()
                 tmpcoor = self.check_cell(coor[0], coor[1])
                 if tmpcoor:
                     i, j = coor[0], coor[1]
         if i == self.start_cell.row and j == self.start_cell.col:
             return False
         if i == self.exit_cell.row and j == self.exit_cell.col:
             return True
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def find_path(self):
        Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
        to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
        maze_path = Stack()
        first_position = self._start_cell
        curr_row = first_position.row
        curr_col = first_position.col
        maze_path.push(_CellPosition(curr_row, curr_col))
        self._mark_path(curr_row, curr_col)

        while not self._exit_found(curr_row, curr_col):

            for direction in [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]:
                new_row = curr_row + direction[0]
                new_col = curr_col + direction[1]
                if self._valid_move(new_row, new_col):
                    curr_row = new_row
                    curr_col = new_col
                    maze_path.push(_CellPosition(curr_row, curr_col))
                    self._mark_path(curr_row, curr_col)


                self._mark_tried(curr_row, curr_col)
                if maze_path.is_empty():
                    return False
                previous_cell = maze_path.peek()
                curr_row = previous_cell.row
                curr_col = previous_cell.col

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def solveNQueen(self, findAll = False):
        """ method to solve the n-queens problem. If the findAll flag
        is set to be true, all solutions will be printed. """

        solution = 0

        queen_stack = Stack()
        row = 0
        col = 0
        while True:
            while row < self.size() and not self.unguarded(row, col):
                row += 1
            if row == self.size():
                if col == 0: # All solutions have been found.
                    return False
                (row, col) = queen_stack.pop()
                self.removeQueen(row, col)
                row += 1
                self.placeQueen(row, col)
                queen_stack.push((row, col))
                if self.numQueens() == self.size():
                    if findAll == False:
                        return True
                        solution = solution + 1
                        print "Solution %2d found:" % solution
                        print ""
                        (row, col) = queen_stack.pop()
                        self.removeQueen(row, col)
                        row += 1

                row = 0
                col += 1
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def solveNQueen(self, findAll=False):
        """ method to solve the n-queens problem. If the findAll flag
        is set to be true, all solutions will be printed. """

        solution = 0

        queen_stack = Stack()
        row = 0
        col = 0
        while True:
            while row < self.size() and not self.unguarded(row, col):
                row += 1
            if row == self.size():
                if col == 0:  # All solutions have been found.
                    return False
                (row, col) = queen_stack.pop()
                self.removeQueen(row, col)
                row += 1
                self.placeQueen(row, col)
                queen_stack.push((row, col))
                if self.numQueens() == self.size():
                    if findAll == False:
                        return True
                        solution = solution + 1
                        print "Solution %2d found:" % solution
                        print ""
                        (row, col) = queen_stack.pop()
                        self.removeQueen(row, col)
                        row += 1

                row = 0
                col += 1
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def findPath(self):
        _pathStack = Stack()
        assert self._startPos is not None, "starting position is not defined"
        _currentCellRow = _pathStack.peek().row
        _currentCellCol = _pathStack.peek().col
        while ([_currentCellRow, _currentCellCol] !=
               [self._endPos.row, self._endPos.col]):
            _nextPath = False
            _check = False
            for i, j in itertools.product(range(-1, 2, 1), repeat=2):
                if (abs(i - j) == 1):
                    _nextPath = self._validMove(_currentCellRow + i,
                                                _currentCellCol + j)
                    if (_nextPath):
                        _check = True
                        print(_currentCellRow + i, _currentCellCol + j, "\n")
                        self._maze[_currentCellRow + i,
                                   _currentCellCol + j] = self.MAZE_PATH_TOKEN
                            CellPosition(_currentCellRow + i,
                                         _currentCellCol + j))

            if (not _check):
                removedPath = _pathStack.pop()
                           removedPath.col] = self.MAZE_TRIED_TOKEN
            if (_pathStack is None):

                return False
            _currentCellRow = _pathStack.peek().row
            _currentCellCol = _pathStack.peek().col

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def find_path(self):
        Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
        to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
        path = Stack()
        curr_pos = _CellPosition(self._start_cell.row, self._start_cell.col)

        # self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
        # path.push(curr_pos)

        while True:
            if self._valid_move(curr_pos.row - 1, curr_pos.col):
                self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col = curr_pos.row - 1, curr_pos.col
                # print("up..")
            elif self._valid_move(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col + 1):
                self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col = curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col + 1
                # print("right..")
            elif self._valid_move(curr_pos.row + 1, curr_pos.col):
                self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col = curr_pos.row + 1, curr_pos.col
                # print("down..")
            elif self._valid_move(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col - 1):
                self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col = curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col - 1
                # print("left..")
                # print("wrong..")
                self._mark_tried(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                old_pos = path.pop()
                curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col = old_pos.row, old_pos.col
                # print(curr_pos)

            if self._exit_found(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col):
                self._mark_path(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                return True
            if (curr_pos.row == self._start_cell.row
                    and curr_pos.col == self._start_cell.col):
                self._mark_tried(curr_pos.row, curr_pos.col)
                return False
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def findPath(self):
     stack_path = Stack()
     while not stack_path.isEmpty():
         use_cell = stack_path.pop()
         self._markTried(use_cell.row, use_cell.col)
         if use_cell.row == self._exitCell.row and use_cell.col == self._exitCell.col:
             for i in use_cell.path:
                 self._markPath(i.row, i.col)
             return True
         if self._validMove(use_cell.row + 1, use_cell.col):
                 _CellPosition(use_cell.row + 1, use_cell.col, use_cell))
         if self._validMove(use_cell.row - 1, use_cell.col):
                 _CellPosition(use_cell.row - 1, use_cell.col, use_cell))
         if self._validMove(use_cell.row, use_cell.col + 1):
                 _CellPosition(use_cell.row, use_cell.col + 1, use_cell))
         if self._validMove(use_cell.row, use_cell.col - 1):
                 _CellPosition(use_cell.row, use_cell.col - 1, use_cell))
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __delitem__(self, target):
        assert target is not None, "Invalid map key."
        keyFound = False
        nodeTrack = Stack()

        node = self._root
        while node is not None:
            if node.hasKey(target):
                keyFound = True
                node = node.getBranch(target)

        if not keyFound:   # If target key not found...
            raise KeyError(target)
        # If the target node is not a leaf node, swap item with its in-order
        # successor (always leaf), and then go to the new location of item
        # to delete.
        if not nodeTrack.peek().isLeaf():
            transNode = nodeTrack.peek()
            if transNode.key1 == target:
                node = transNode.middle
                node = transNode.right
            while not node.isLeaf():
                node = node.left
            # <node> is anow the leaf node containing the in-order successor
            # key of <target>.
            if transNode.key1 == target:
                transNode.key1, node.key1 = node.key1, transNode.key1
                transNode.value1, node.value1 = node.value1, transNode.value1
                transNode.key2, node.key1 = node.key1, transNode.key2
                transNode.value2, node.value1 = node.value1, transNode.value2

        leafNode = nodeTrack.pop()
        if leafNode.isFull():
            self._t23DegFull(leafNode, target)
            leafNode.key1 = None
            leafNode.value1 = None
            self._t23FixNode(nodeTrack, leafNode)

        self._size -= 1
# Test the Stack

#from liststack import Stack
from lliststack import Stack

PROMPT = "Enter an int value (<0 to end): "
myStack = Stack()
value = int(input( PROMPT ))
while value >= 0:
    myStack.push( value )
    value = int(input( PROMPT ))

while not myStack.isEmpty():
    value = myStack.pop()
    print( value )
Ejemplo n.º 34
class Maze:
    # Define constants to represent contents of the maze cells.
    MAZE_WALL = "%"  #*
    PATH_TOKEN = "."  #x
    TRIED_TOKEN = "-"  #o

    # Creates a maze object with all cells marked as open.
    def __init__(self, numRows, numCols):
        self._mazeCells = Array2D(numRows, numCols)
        self._startCell = None
        self._exitCell = None
        self._path = Stack()
        self._path_found = False

    # Returns the number of rows in the maze.
    def numRows(self):
        return self._mazeCells.numRows()

    # Returns the number of columns in the maze.
    def numCols(self):
        return self._mazeCells.numCols()

    # Fills the indicated cell with a "wall" marker.
    def setWall(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and \
        col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.MAZE_WALL)

    # Sets the starting cell position.
    def setStart(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and \
        col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._startCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Sets the exit cell position.
    def setExit(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and \
        col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), \
        "Cell index out of range."
        self._exitCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
    # to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
    def findPath(self):
        start = (self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col)
        end = (self._exitCell.row, self._exitCell.col)
        # If start is the same as end, then there's an error
        if start == end:
            return False
        return self._path_found

    def make_a_move(self):
        # Keep recursion going until stack is empty from not
        # finding a path
        if self._path._size > 0:
            cur_row, cur_col = self._path.peek()
            # If the current cell is also the exit cell
            # Break out of the recursion and return True!
            if self._exitFound(cur_row, cur_col):
                self._markPath(cur_row, cur_col)
                self._path_found = True
            # Checks to see if any of the surrounding cells are
            # valid to move into- up, right, bottom, left
            # If there are valid moves available, move into one
            if (self._validMove(cur_row - 1, cur_col) or \
                self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col + 1) or \
                self._validMove(cur_row + 1, cur_col) or \
                self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col - 1)):
                # Mark the current cell we're on as 'tried'
                self._markPath(cur_row, cur_col)
                # We will now go for one of the next cells
                if self._validMove(cur_row - 1, cur_col):
                    self._path.push((cur_row - 1, cur_col))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col + 1):
                    self._path.push((cur_row, cur_col + 1))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row + 1, cur_col):
                    self._path.push((cur_row + 1, cur_col))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col - 1):
                    self._path.push((cur_row, cur_col - 1))
            # Otherwise, we are at a dead end and must backtrace
                self._markTried(self._path.peek()[0], self._path.peek()[1])

    # Resets the maze by removing all "path" and "tried" tokens.
    #def reset( self ):

    # Prints a text-based representation of the maze.
    def draw(self):
        # For each row
        for row, row_ndx in enumerate(range(self.numRows())):
            row_display = ''
            # Iterate through the number of columns there are
            # And then print the (row) value
            for col, col_ndx in enumerate(range(self.numCols())):
                if self._mazeCells.__getitem__((row_ndx, col_ndx)) == None:
                    row_display += ' '
                    row_display += str(
                        self._mazeCells.__getitem__((row_ndx, col_ndx)))
            print row_display

    # Returns True if the given cell position is a valid move.
    def _validMove(self, row, col):
        return row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() \
        and col >= 0 and col < self.numCols() \
        and self._mazeCells[row, col] is None

    # Helper method to determine if the exit was found.
    def _exitFound(self, row, col):
        return row == self._exitCell.row and \
        col == self._exitCell.col

    # Drops a "tried" token at the given cell.
    def _markTried(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.TRIED_TOKEN)

    # Drops a "path" token at the given cell.
    def _markPath(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.PATH_TOKEN)
class Calculator:
    A simple calculator which process a postfix expr and return the result of the arithmetic expr.
    def __init__(self, expr):
        # _expr is a list, which contains the split of the expr.
        self._expr = []
        # _stack is a stack, whick is a main structure in the processing.
        self._stack = Stack()

        # split the expr string into a list, which turn operands into floats
        # and remain the operators              #as string.
        for elem in expr:
            if elem not in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:

    def _calResult(self):
        _calResult is the main process routine which calculate the result of the expr:
        1.If the current item is an operand, push its value onto the stack.
        2.If the current item is an operator:
                a)Pop the top two operands off the stack.
                b)Perform the operation.(Note the top value is the right operand while the next to the top value is the left operand.
                c)Push the reuslt of the operation back onto the stack.

        Invalid Exprs:
                a)More operands than operators:
                If the stack is empty, we can stop the evaluation and flag an error.
                b)More operators than operands:
                If the stack is not empty(at the end), the expression was invalid and we must flag an error.
                Actually, we can check the size of the stack when all the elements in _expr is used.If it equals 1, the expr is valid,
                otherwise invalid.
        for elem in self._expr:
            if elem not in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
                    roprd = self._stack.pop()
                    loprd = self._stack.pop()
                    if elem == '+':
                        self._stack.push(loprd + roprd)
                    elif elem == '-':
                        self._stack.push(loprd - roprd)
                    elif elem == '*':
                        self._stack.push(loprd * roprd)
                        self._stack.push(loprd / roprd)
                # AssertionError indicates the _stack is already empty, expr
                # invalid.
                except AssertionError as AssErr:
                    print "The expression you input is wrong(too many operators). Please check it again."
                    print "Error Message:", AssErr.message if AssErr.message else "None"
                # used for division operators, zero can not be used as an
                # divident.
                except ZeroDivisionError as DivErr:
                    print "Zero can not used as an divident."
                    print "Error Message:", DivErr.message if DivErr.message else "None"
                except Exception as ExcErr:  # catch the unexpected exceptions.
                    print "Unknown Error."
                    print "Error Message", ExcErr.message if ExcErr.message else "None"

            # at the end of the for loop, check the size of _stack, if equals
            # 1, valid, otherwise invalid.
            if len(self._stack) != 1:
                raise AssertionError
                result = self._stack.pop()
                return result
        except AssertionError as AssErr:
            print "The expression you input is wrong(too many operands). Please check it again."
            print "Error Message:", AssErr.message if AssErr.message else "None"

    def backResult(self):
        Format the result of the expr.
        print "The result of the arithmetic is:%.2f" % self._calResult()
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def find_path(self):
     Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
     to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
     path = Stack()
     i = self._start_cell.row
     j = self._start_cell.col
     counter = 0
     while True:
         check = 0
         if self._exit_found(i, j):
             for _ in range(len(path)):
                 coord = path.pop()
                 self._maze_cells[coord[0], coord[1]] = "x"
                              self._exit_cell.col] = "x"
             return True
         if (self._valid_move(i - 1, j)
                 and self._maze_cells[i - 1, j] == None and check == 0):
             if path.is_empty() or path.peek() != (i - 1, j):
                 path.push((i, j))
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 i -= 1
             elif counter == 1:
                 self._maze_cells[i, j] = "o"
                 except AssertionError:
                     return False
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 i -= 1
                 counter += 1
         if (self._valid_move(i, j + 1)
                 and self._maze_cells[i, j + 1] == None and check == 0):
             if path.is_empty() or path.peek() != (i, j + 1):
                 path.push((i, j))
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 j += 1
             elif counter == 1:
                 self._maze_cells[i, j] = "o"
                 except AssertionError:
                     return False
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 j += 1
                 counter += 1
         if (self._valid_move(i + 1, j)
                 and self._maze_cells[i + 1, j] == None and check == 0):
             if path.is_empty() or path.peek() != (i + 1, j):
                 path.push((i, j))
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 i += 1
             elif counter == 1:
                 self._maze_cells[i, j] = "o"
                 except AssertionError:
                     return False
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 i += 1
                 counter += 1
         if (self._valid_move(i, j - 1)
                 and self._maze_cells[i, j - 1] == None and check == 0):
             if path.is_empty() or path.peek() != (i, j - 1):
                 path.push((i, j))
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 j -= 1
             elif counter == 1:
                 self._maze_cells[i, j] = "o"
                 except AssertionError:
                     return False
                 counter = 0
                 check = 1
                 j -= 1
                 counter += 1
         if check == 0 and counter == 0:
             return False
Ejemplo n.º 37
class Maze:
    # Define constants to represent contents of the maze cells.
    MAZE_WALL = " *"
    PATH_TOKEN = " x"
    TRIED_TOKEN = " o"

    # Creates a maze object with all cells marked as open.
    def __init__(self, num_rows, num_cols):
        self.stack = Stack()
        self._mazeCells = Array2D(num_rows, num_cols)
        self._startCell = None
        self._exitCell = None
        self.st = Stack()

    # Returns the number of rows in the maze.
    def num_rows(self):
        return self._mazeCells.num_rows()

    # Returns the number of columns in the maze.
    def num_cols(self):
        return self._mazeCells.num_cols()

    # Fills the indicated cell with a "wall" marker.
    def setWall(self, row, col):
        assert 0 <= row < self.num_rows() and \
               0 <= col < self.num_cols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._mazeCells[row, col] = self.MAZE_WALL

    # Sets the starting cell position.
    def setStart(self, row, col):
        assert 0 <= row < self.num_rows() and \
               0 <= col < self.num_cols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._startCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Sets the exit cell position.
    def setExit(self, row, col):
        assert 0 <= row < self.num_rows() and \
               0 <= col < self.num_cols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._exitCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Method to find neighbour cells
    def neighbours(self, _row, _col):
        info = []
        for coord in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]:
            row, col = _row + coord[0], _col + coord[1]
            if self._validMove(row, col):
                if not self._mazeCells[row, col]:
                    info.append(_CellPosition(row, col))
        return info

    # Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
    # to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
    def findPath(self):

        while len(self.stack):
            current = self.stack.peek()
            row, col = current.row, current.col

            if self._exitFound(row, col):
                self._markPath(row, col)
                return True

            fine_cells = self.neighbours(row, col)
            if fine_cells:
                self._markPath(row, col)
                for element in fine_cells:
                self._markTried(row, col)

    # Resets the maze by removing all "path" and "tried" tokens.
    def reset(self):
        for row in range(self._mazeCells.num_rows()):
            for col in range(self._mazeCells.num_cols()):
                if self._mazeCells[row, col] in [" x", " o"]:
                    self._mazeCells[row, col] = None

    # Prints a text-based representation of the maze.
    def draw(self):
        for row in range(self._mazeCells.num_rows()):
            for col in range(self._mazeCells.num_cols()):
                if self._mazeCells[row, col]:
                    print(self._mazeCells[row, col], end=" ")
                    print("  ", end=" ")

    # Returns True if the given cell position is a valid move.
    def _validMove(self, row, col):
        return 0 <= row < self.num_rows() \
               and 0 <= col < self.num_cols() \
               and self._mazeCells[row, col] is None

    # Helper method to determine if the exit was found.
    def _exitFound(self, row, col):
        return row == self._exitCell.row and col == self._exitCell.col

    # Drops a "tried" token at the given cell.
    def _markTried(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells[row, col] = self.TRIED_TOKEN

    # Drops a "path" token at the given cell.
    def _markPath(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells[row, col] = self.PATH_TOKEN
class Calculator:
    A simple calculator which process a postfix expr and return the result of the arithmetic expr.

    def __init__(self, expr):
        # _expr is a list, which contains the split of the expr.
        self._expr = []
        # _stack is a stack, whick is a main structure in the processing.
        self._stack = Stack()

        # split the expr string into a list, which turn operands into floats
        # and remain the operators              #as string.
        for elem in expr:
            if elem not in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:

    def _calResult(self):
        _calResult is the main process routine which calculate the result of the expr:
        1.If the current item is an operand, push its value onto the stack.
        2.If the current item is an operator:
                a)Pop the top two operands off the stack.
                b)Perform the operation.(Note the top value is the right operand while the next to the top value is the left operand.
                c)Push the reuslt of the operation back onto the stack.

        Invalid Exprs:
                a)More operands than operators:
                If the stack is empty, we can stop the evaluation and flag an error.
                b)More operators than operands:
                If the stack is not empty(at the end), the expression was invalid and we must flag an error.
                Actually, we can check the size of the stack when all the elements in _expr is used.If it equals 1, the expr is valid,
                otherwise invalid.
        for elem in self._expr:
            if elem not in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
                    roprd = self._stack.pop()
                    loprd = self._stack.pop()
                    if elem == '+':
                        self._stack.push(loprd + roprd)
                    elif elem == '-':
                        self._stack.push(loprd - roprd)
                    elif elem == '*':
                        self._stack.push(loprd * roprd)
                        self._stack.push(loprd / roprd)
                # AssertionError indicates the _stack is already empty, expr
                # invalid.
                except AssertionError as AssErr:
                    print "The expression you input is wrong(too many operators). Please check it again."
                    print "Error Message:", AssErr.message if AssErr.message else "None"
                # used for division operators, zero can not be used as an
                # divident.
                except ZeroDivisionError as DivErr:
                    print "Zero can not used as an divident."
                    print "Error Message:", DivErr.message if DivErr.message else "None"
                except Exception as ExcErr:  # catch the unexpected exceptions.
                    print "Unknown Error."
                    print "Error Message", ExcErr.message if ExcErr.message else "None"

            # at the end of the for loop, check the size of _stack, if equals
            # 1, valid, otherwise invalid.
            if len(self._stack) != 1:
                raise AssertionError
                result = self._stack.pop()
                return result
        except AssertionError as AssErr:
            print "The expression you input is wrong(too many operands). Please check it again."
            print "Error Message:", AssErr.message if AssErr.message else "None"

    def backResult(self):
        Format the result of the expr.
        print "The result of the arithmetic is:%.2f" % self._calResult()
from lliststack import Stack

values = Stack()

for i in range(16):
    if i % 3 == 0:
    elif i % 4 == 0:

while not values.isEmpty():
Ejemplo n.º 40
class Maze:
    # Define constants to represent contents of the maze cells.
    MAZE_WALL = "%"  # *
    PATH_TOKEN = "."  # x
    TRIED_TOKEN = "-"  # o

    # Creates a maze object with all cells marked as open.
    def __init__(self, numRows, numCols):
        self._mazeCells = Array2D(numRows, numCols)
        self._startCell = None
        self._exitCell = None
        self._path = Stack()
        self._path_found = False

    # Returns the number of rows in the maze.
    def numRows(self):
        return self._mazeCells.numRows()

    # Returns the number of columns in the maze.
    def numCols(self):
        return self._mazeCells.numCols()

    # Fills the indicated cell with a "wall" marker.
    def setWall(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.MAZE_WALL)

    # Sets the starting cell position.
    def setStart(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._startCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Sets the exit cell position.
    def setExit(self, row, col):
        assert row >= 0 and row < self.numRows() and col >= 0 and col < self.numCols(), "Cell index out of range."
        self._exitCell = _CellPosition(row, col)

    # Attempts to solve the maze by finding a path from the starting cell
    # to the exit. Returns True if a path is found and False otherwise.
    def findPath(self):
        start = (self._startCell.row, self._startCell.col)
        end = (self._exitCell.row, self._exitCell.col)
        # If start is the same as end, then there's an error
        if start == end:
            return False
        return self._path_found

    def make_a_move(self):
        # Keep recursion going until stack is empty from not
        # finding a path
        if self._path._size > 0:
            cur_row, cur_col = self._path.peek()
            # If the current cell is also the exit cell
            # Break out of the recursion and return True!
            if self._exitFound(cur_row, cur_col):
                self._markPath(cur_row, cur_col)
                self._path_found = True
            # Checks to see if any of the surrounding cells are
            # valid to move into- up, right, bottom, left
            # If there are valid moves available, move into one
            if (
                self._validMove(cur_row - 1, cur_col)
                or self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col + 1)
                or self._validMove(cur_row + 1, cur_col)
                or self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col - 1)
                # Mark the current cell we're on as 'tried'
                self._markPath(cur_row, cur_col)
                # We will now go for one of the next cells
                if self._validMove(cur_row - 1, cur_col):
                    self._path.push((cur_row - 1, cur_col))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col + 1):
                    self._path.push((cur_row, cur_col + 1))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row + 1, cur_col):
                    self._path.push((cur_row + 1, cur_col))
                elif self._validMove(cur_row, cur_col - 1):
                    self._path.push((cur_row, cur_col - 1))
            # Otherwise, we are at a dead end and must backtrace
                self._markTried(self._path.peek()[0], self._path.peek()[1])

    # Resets the maze by removing all "path" and "tried" tokens.
    # def reset( self ):
    # ......

    # Prints a text-based representation of the maze.
    def draw(self):
        # For each row
        for row, row_ndx in enumerate(range(self.numRows())):
            row_display = ""
            # Iterate through the number of columns there are
            # And then print the (row) value
            for col, col_ndx in enumerate(range(self.numCols())):
                if self._mazeCells.__getitem__((row_ndx, col_ndx)) == None:
                    row_display += " "
                    row_display += str(self._mazeCells.__getitem__((row_ndx, col_ndx)))
            print row_display

    # Returns True if the given cell position is a valid move.
    def _validMove(self, row, col):
        return (
            row >= 0
            and row < self.numRows()
            and col >= 0
            and col < self.numCols()
            and self._mazeCells[row, col] is None

    # Helper method to determine if the exit was found.
    def _exitFound(self, row, col):
        return row == self._exitCell.row and col == self._exitCell.col

    # Drops a "tried" token at the given cell.
    def _markTried(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.TRIED_TOKEN)

    # Drops a "path" token at the given cell.
    def _markPath(self, row, col):
        self._mazeCells.__setitem__((row, col), self.PATH_TOKEN)
Ejemplo n.º 41
class ExtoPostfix:
    Receive an infix expression and turn it into a postfix expression.
    This is a helper module of postfixCal.py.
    def __init__(self):
        self._isp = {
            '#': 0,
            '(': 1,
            '*': 5,
            '/': 5,
            '+': 3,
            '-': 3,
            ')': 6
        }  # in stack priority
        self._icp = {
            '#': 0,
            '(': 6,
            '*': 4,
            '/': 4,
            '+': 2,
            '-': 2,
            ')': 1
        }  # in coming priority
        # the list used to save the final postfix expression.
        self._postfix = []
        # the stack used to change the order of operators.
        self._oprtStack = Stack()

    def __str__(self):
        self._postfix = [
            elem for elem in self._postfix if elem != ')' and elem != '('
        return ','.join(self._postfix)

    def _getPostfix(self, expr):
        1)initialize the _oprtStack by pushing '#' into it.
        2)read in the first element of the infix expr, and assign it to variable ch.
        3)repeat the following steps until ch = '#', meanwhile, the top element of the _oprtStack is also '#':
                a)if ch is operand, append it to the _postfix, and read the next ch;
                b)if ch is operator, compare the priority(icp) of ch and the priority(isp) of the top element(op) in  _oprtStack:
                        if icp(ch) > isp(op), push ch onto _oprtStack, and read another ch
                        if icp(ch) < isp(op), pop the top element in _oprtStack, and append it to _postfix
                        if icp(ch) == isp(op), pop the top element in _oprtStack,if op is '(', read another ch.
        expr = expr.split()
        ch = expr.pop(0)
        while self._oprtStack.isEmpty() == False and ch != '#':
            if ch.isdigit():
                ch = expr.pop(0)
                ch1 = self._oprtStack.peek()
                if self._isp[ch1] < self._icp[ch]:
                    ch = expr.pop(0)
                elif self._isp[ch1] > self._icp[ch]:
                    out = self._oprtStack.pop()
                    out = self._oprtStack.pop()
                    if out == '(':
                        ch = expr.pop(0)

        for i in range(len(self._oprtStack) - 1):
            ch1 = self._oprtStack.pop()

    def backExpr(self, expr):
        return self._postfix