Ejemplo n.º 1
def gera_codigo(arvore, tabela_simbolos, sema_success):

    global modulo
    global info

    # Define as variáveis globais e funções
    for simbolo in tabela_simbolos:
        # Se o simbolo for uma variavel
        if (simbolo["simbolo_tipo"] == "variable"
                and simbolo["escopo"] == "global"):
            var_type = simbolo["tipo_valor"]

            # Verifica se o tipo é inteiro
            if (var_type == "inteiro"):
                if (len(simbolo["dimensoes"]) == 0):
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(modulo, ir.IntType(32),

                if (len(simbolo["dimensoes"]) == 1):
                    g_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(32),
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(modulo, g_type, simbolo["nome"])

            # Verifica se o tipo é flutuante
            elif (var_type == "flutuante"):

                if (len(simbolo["dimensoes"]) == 0):
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(modulo, ir.FloatType(),

                if (len(simbolo["dimensoes"]) == 1):
                    g_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.FloatType(),
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(modulo, g_type, simbolo["nome"])

            g.linkage = "common"
            g.align = 4

        # Se o simbolo for uma funcao
        elif (simbolo["simbolo_tipo"] == "function"):
            if (simbolo["nome"] == "principal"):
                simbolo["nome"] = "main"

            # Lista de argumentos
            arguments_list = []

            if (len(simbolo["parametros"]) > 0):
                for a in simbolo["parametros"]:
                    if (a["par_type"] == "inteiro"):

            if (len(simbolo["return"]) > 0):
                if (simbolo["return"][0]["ret_type"] == "inteiro"):
                    f_ret = ir.IntType(32)
                    f_ret = ir.FloatType()

                f_func = ir.FunctionType(f_ret, arguments_list)
                f = ir.Function(modulo, f_func, name=simbolo["nome"])
                entryBlock = f.append_basic_block('entry')
                builder = ir.IRBuilder(entryBlock)

                f_func = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), arguments_list)
                f = ir.Function(modulo, f_func, name=simbolo["nome"])
                entryBlock = f.append_basic_block('entry')
                builder = ir.IRBuilder(entryBlock)

            for i in range(len(f.args)):
                f.args[i].name = simbolo["parametros"][i]["par_name"]

                "function": f,
                "builder": builder,
                "arguments": f.args

    # Chama a funcao recursiva que passa pela arvore
    passar_por_arvore(arvore, funcoes)

    file = open('modulo.ll', 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compile_bf(prog):
    Compiles the given BF program text into a llvm.ModuleRef object.

    The module will contain 3 globals:
        - the main function, void bfmain()
        - the memory, int8_t memory[]
        - the memory index, int32_t index
    module = ll.Module()
    func = ll.Function(module, ll.FunctionType(ll.VoidType(), []), 'bfmain')
    builder = ll.IRBuilder()
    g_memory = ll.GlobalVariable(module, MEMORY_TYPE, 'memory')
    g_index = ll.GlobalVariable(module, i32, 'index')

    # Initialize the memory and index pointer to 0.
    g_memory.initializer = ll.Constant(MEMORY_TYPE, None)
    g_index.initializer = ll.Constant(i32, None)

    # Create the "putc" function.
    putc_type = ll.FunctionType(ll.VoidType(), [i8])
    getc_type = ll.FunctionType(i8, [])
    f_putc = create_thunk(module, putc_type, PUTC_WRAPPER, 'putc')
    f_getc = create_thunk(module, getc_type, GETC_WRAPPER, 'getc')

    # The block_stack tracks the current block and remaining blocks. The top
    # block is what we currently compile into, the one below it is the block
    # that follows the next ] (if we're in a loop).
    block_stack = [func.append_basic_block('entry')]
    loop_stack = []

    def current_index_ptr():
        index = builder.load(g_index)
        # The extra dereference here with ZERO is required because g_memory is
        # itself a pointer, so this becomes &g_memory[0][index]. Yeah, it's
        # weird.
        # Ref: https://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html
        return builder.gep(g_memory, [ZERO_i32, index])

    line = 1
    col = 1
    for ch in prog:
        col += 1
        if ch == '\n':
            col = 1
            line += 1

        elif ch == '.':
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            value = builder.load(ptr)
            builder.call(f_putc, [value])

        elif ch == ',':
            res = builder.call(f_getc, [])
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            builder.store(res, ptr)

        elif ch == '>':
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord('>'))])
            index = builder.load(g_index)
            index = builder.add(index, ONE_i32)
            index = builder.and_(index, MEMORY_MASK_i32)
            builder.store(index, g_index)

        elif ch == '<':
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord('<'))])
            index = builder.load(g_index)
            index = builder.sub(index, ONE_i32)
            index = builder.and_(index, MEMORY_MASK_i32)
            builder.store(index, g_index)

        elif ch == '+':
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord('+'))])
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            value = builder.load(ptr)
            value = builder.add(value, ONE_i8)
            builder.store(value, ptr)

        elif ch == '-':
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord('-'))])
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            value = builder.load(ptr)
            value = builder.sub(value, ONE_i8)
            builder.store(value, ptr)

        elif ch == '[':  # start a loop
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord('['))])
            loop_block = func.append_basic_block()
            tail_block = func.append_basic_block()

            # If memory[index] != 0, enter loop, otherwise skip.
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            value = builder.load(ptr)
            nonzero = builder.icmp_unsigned('!=', value, ZERO_i8)
            builder.cbranch(nonzero, loop_block, tail_block)

            # Update our block stack. The current block is finished.

        elif ch == ']':  # end a loop
            # builder.call(f_putc, [ll.Constant(i8, ord(']'))])
            if len(block_stack) <= 1:
                raise ValueError('{}:{}: unmatched ]'.format(line, col))

            # If memory[index] != 0, repeat current loop, otherwise break.
            ptr = current_index_ptr()
            value = builder.load(ptr)
            nonzero = builder.icmp_unsigned('!=', value, ZERO_i8)
            builder.cbranch(nonzero, loop_stack[-1], block_stack[-2])

            # Update our block stack. The current block is finished.


    if len(block_stack) != 1:
        raise ValueError('{}:{}: unmatched ['.format(line, col))

    # Finish the function.

    assembly = str(module)
    # print(assembly)

    return llvm.parse_assembly(assembly)
Ejemplo n.º 3
# memory size
NUM_CELLS = 30000

# Types
cell_t = ir.IntType(8)
pcell_t = cell_t.as_pointer()
memory_t = ir.ArrayType(cell_t, NUM_CELLS)
int32_t = ir.IntType(32)

# Constants
zero = cell_t(0)
one = cell_t(1)
minus_one = cell_t(-1)

# Globals
memory = ir.GlobalVariable(module, memory_t, "memory")
memory.initializer = memory_t([0] * NUM_CELLS)

ptr = irbuilder.gep(memory, [zero, zero], "ptr")

# Function declarations
putchar_t = ir.FunctionType(int32_t, [int32_t])
putchar = ir.Function(module, putchar_t, 'putchar')

getchar_t = ir.FunctionType(int32_t, [])
getchar = ir.Function(module, getchar_t, 'getchar')

# for loops
stack = []

Ejemplo n.º 4
def lift(filename):
    root = et.parse(filename).getroot()
    module = ir.Module(name="lifted")

    for register in root.find('globals').findall('register'):
        if register.get('name') in flags:
            var = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(1),
            var.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(1), None)
            var.linkage = 'internal'
            registers[register.get('name')] = var
        elif register.get('name') in pointers:
            var = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(8)),
            var.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(8)), None)
            var.linkage = 'internal'
            registers[register.get('name')] = var
            var = ir.GlobalVariable(module,
                                    ir.IntType(8 * int(register.get('size'))),
            var.initializer = ir.Constant(
                ir.IntType(8 * int(register.get('size'))), None)
            var.linkage = 'internal'
            registers[register.get('name')] = var

    for memory_location in root.find('memory').findall('memory'):
        var = ir.GlobalVariable(
            module, ir.IntType(8 * int(memory_location.get('size'))),
        var.initializer = ir.Constant(
            ir.IntType(8 * int(memory_location.get('size'))), None)
        var.linkage = 'internal'
        memory[memory_location.get('name')] = var

    func_return = ir.VoidType()
    fnty = ir.FunctionType(func_return, [])
    ir_func = ir.Function(module, fnty, "intra_function_branch")
    internal_functions["intra_function_branch"] = ir_func

    func_return = ir.VoidType()
    fnty = ir.FunctionType(func_return, [])
    ir_func = ir.Function(module, fnty, "call_indirect")
    internal_functions["call_indirect"] = ir_func

    func_return = ir.VoidType()
    fnty = ir.FunctionType(func_return, [])
    ir_func = ir.Function(module, fnty, "bit_extraction")
    internal_functions["bit_extraction"] = ir_func

    for function in root.findall('function'):
        name = function.get('name')
        x = 1
        while name in function_names:
            name = name + "_" + str(x)
            x += 1
        address = function.get('address')
        functions[address] = [build_function(name, module), function]

    for address in functions:
        ir_func, function = functions[address]
        populate_func(ir_func, function)

    return module
Ejemplo n.º 5
	D[0][1] = D[1][1] + 10;
	return 0;

# Cria o módulo.
module = ir.Module('meu_modulo.bc')

# Array global de 2048 x 2048 elementos.
typeB_0 = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(32), 2048)
typeB = ir.ArrayType(typeB_0, 2048)

arrayB = ir.GlobalVariable(module, typeB, "B")
arrayB.linkage = "common"
arrayB.initializer = ir.Constant(typeB, None)
arrayB.align = 4

# Cria um valor zero para colocar no retorno.
Zero64 = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)

# Declara o tipo do retorno da função main.
mainFnReturnType = ir.IntType(32)
# Cria a função main.
t_func_main = ir.FunctionType(mainFnReturnType, ())

# Declara a função main.
main = ir.Function(module, t_func_main, name='main')
Ejemplo n.º 6
  A[50] = A[49] + 5;

  B[0] = B[1] + 10;
  return 0;

# Cria o módulo.
module = ir.Module('meu_modulo.bc')

# Array global de 1024 elementos.
typeA = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(64), 1024)

arrayA = ir.GlobalVariable(module, typeA, "A")
arrayA.initializer = ir.Constant.array(ir.IntType(64), 0)

# arrayA.initializer = ir.IntType(64)
arrayA.linkage = "common"
# arrayA.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(64), 0)
arrayA.align = 16

# Cria um valor zero para colocar no retorno.
Zero64 = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(64), 0)

# Declara o tipo do retorno da função main.
mainFnReturnType = ir.IntType(64)
# Cria a função main.
t_func_main = ir.FunctionType(mainFnReturnType, ())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def proc_stmt(self, node):
        if node.children[0].type == 'READ':
            addr = self.symbol_table.find(
            python_sca = ""
            ran = str(randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF))
            voidptr_ty = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
            scanf = self.module.globals.get('scanf', None)
            if not scanf:
                scanf_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [voidptr_ty],
                scanf = ir.Function(self.module, scanf_ty, name="scanf")
            if addr.type.pointee.intrinsic_name == 'i32':
                python_sca = python_sca + '%d\0'
            elif addr.type.pointee.intrinsic_name == 'f64':
                python_sca = python_sca + '%f\0'
            elif addr.type.pointee.intrinsic_name == 'i8':
                python_sca = python_sca + '%c\0'
                python_sca = python_sca + '%s\0'
            fmt_sca = ir.Constant(ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), len(python_sca)),
            global_sca = ir.GlobalVariable(self.module,
                                           name='sca' + ran)
            global_sca.linkage = 'internal'
            global_sca.global_constant = True
            global_sca.initializer = fmt_sca
            sca_arg = self.builder.bitcast(global_sca, voidptr_ty)
            self.builder.call(scanf, [sca_arg, addr])

        args = self.args_list(node.children[2])
        if node.children[0].name == 'write':
            ran = str(randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF))
            voidptr_ty = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
            printf = self.module.globals.get('printf', None)
            if not printf:
                printf_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [voidptr_ty],
                printf = ir.Function(self.module, printf_ty, name="printf")
            python_str = "SPL >> "
            for i in args:
                if i.type.intrinsic_name == 'i32':
                    python_str = python_str + "%d "
                elif i.type.intrinsic_name == 'f64':
                    python_str = python_str + "%f "
                    python_str = python_str + "%s "
            python_str = python_str + "\0"
            fmt_str = ir.Constant(ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), len(python_str)),
            global_fmt = ir.GlobalVariable(self.module,
                                           name='fmt' + ran)
            global_fmt.linkage = 'internal'
            global_fmt.global_constant = True
            global_fmt.initializer = fmt_str
            fmt_arg = self.builder.bitcast(global_fmt, voidptr_ty)
            self.builder.call(printf, [fmt_arg] + args)

        elif node.children[0].name == 'writeln':
            ran = str(randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF))
            voidptr_ty = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
            printf = self.module.globals.get('printf', None)
            if not printf:
                printf_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [voidptr_ty],
                printf = ir.Function(self.module, printf_ty, name="printf")
            python_str = "SPL >> "
            for i in args:
                if i.type.intrinsic_name == 'i32':
                    python_str = python_str + "%d "
                elif i.type.intrinsic_name == 'f64':
                    python_str = python_str + "%f "
                    python_str = python_str + "%s "
            python_str = python_str + "\n\0"
            fmt_str = ir.Constant(ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), len(python_str)),
            global_fmt = ir.GlobalVariable(self.module,
                                           name='fmt' + ran)
            global_fmt.linkage = 'internal'
            global_fmt.global_constant = True
            global_fmt.initializer = fmt_str
            fmt_arg = self.builder.bitcast(global_fmt, voidptr_ty)
            self.builder.call(printf, [fmt_arg] + args)

            args = self.args_list(node.children[2])
            func = self.symbol_table.find(node.children[0].name)["entry"]
            args_type = func.args
            for i in range(len(args_type)):
                if args_type[i].type.is_pointer:
                    args[i] = self.find_addr(node.children[2],
                                             len(args) - i - 1)
            return self.builder.call(func, args)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def add_global_variable(module, ty, name, addrspace=0):
    unique_name = module.get_unique_name(name)
    return ir.GlobalVariable(module, ty, unique_name, addrspace)
Ejemplo n.º 9
  float b = 1.0;
  g = 10;
  h = 10.0;
  a = a + 10;
  b = b + h;
  return 0;

# Cria o módulo.
module = ir.Module('meu_modulo.bc')

# Variável inteira global g
g = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(32), "g")
# Inicializa a variavel g
g.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
# Linkage = common
g.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
g.align = 4

# Variável float global h
h = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.FloatType(), "h")
# Inicializa a variavel h
h.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.FloatType(), 0.0)
# Linkage = common
h.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
h.align = 4
Ejemplo n.º 10
# Código de Inicialização.

# Cria o módulo.
module = ir.Module('meu_modulo.bc')
module.triple = llvm.get_process_triple()
target = llvm.Target.from_triple(module.triple)
target_machine = target.create_target_machine()
module.data_layout = target_machine.target_data

# Variável inteira global a
a = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(32), "a")
# Inicializa a variavel a
a.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
# Linkage = common
a.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
a.align = 4

# Variável float global b
b = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.FloatType(), "b")
# Inicializa a variavel h
b.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.FloatType(), 0.0)
# Linkage = common
b.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
b.align = 4
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Código de Inicialização.

# Cria o módulo.
module = ir.Module('meu_modulo.bc')
module.triple = llvm.get_process_triple()
target = llvm.Target.from_triple(module.triple)
target_machine = target.create_target_machine()
module.data_layout = target_machine.target_data

# Variável inteira global a
a = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(32), "a")
# Inicializa a variavel a
a.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
# Linkage = common
a.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
a.align = 4

# Variável inteira global b
b = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(32), "b")
# Inicializa a variavel b
b.initializer = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
# Linkage = common
b.linkage = "common"
# Define o alinhamento em 4
b.align = 4
Ejemplo n.º 12
def astToLLVM(jast):
    Convert the input json encoded AST to LLVM code properly, using llvm-lite
    JSON jast: the AST in JSON form produced by the main Haskell routine
    Returns the new function name, and an ir module containing the LLVM code matching the input json encoded AST
    # create a module for the output
    l_module = ir.Module(name=__file__)

    curBlock = jast
    parents = []
    knownFuncs = ["print", "seq"]
    funcs = []
    annotations = []
    # traverse the AST matching functions to their corresponding body contents
    Will contain a function.
    If it is built in, will have the tag "BuiltIn" and its "contents"
    Otherwise, will contain 3 fields: "function", "tag", "body"
    Will contain 2 fields: "annotation", "expression"
    Will contain 2 fields: "annotation", "expression"
    "Arrow" tag:
    Defines an input and output
    "Constructor" tag:
    Defines a type
    "Application" tag:
    Defines a function
    "BuiltIn" tag:
    Defines a function literal
    Perhaps the best way to go is look at the tag first, then decide what to do next
        if (curBlock.get("Right")):
            curBlock = curBlock["Right"]["expression"]
            while (True):
                if (curBlock.get("function")):
                    annot = curBlock["function"]["annotation"]
                    curBlock = curBlock["function"]["expression"]
                    if (annot["tag"] == "Arrow"):  #grab arrow types
                        arrow_in = "NONE"
                        arrow_out = "NONE"
                        if (annot["input"]["tag"] == "Constructor"):
                            arrow_in = annot["input"]["contents"]
                            pass  #TODO figure out what goes here
                        if (annot["output"]["tag"] == "Constructor"):
                            arrow_out = annot["output"]["contents"]
                            pass  #TODO figure out what goes here
                        if (arrow_in != "NONE" and arrow_out != "NONE"):
                            annotations.append((arrow_in, arrow_out))

                    if (curBlock["tag"] == "BuiltIn"):
                        if (curBlock["contents"] in knownFuncs):
                    curBlock = parents.pop()
                    curBlock = curBlock["body"]["expression"]
                    if (curBlock["tag"] == "BuiltIn"):
        else:  #error occurred
        print("finished parsing AST. discovered code:", funcs)
    #now each function matched with it's input/output type. Use for more complex compilation
    func_and_types = list(zip(funcs, annotations))
    # define llvm types
    l_int = ir.IntType(
    )  # TODO: replace hard-coded int with a type extracted from the AST, once type info is merged in
    l_funcType = ir.FunctionType(l_int, [])
    #l_funcType = ir.FunctionType(l_int, [*([l_int]*len(funcArgs))]) # match number of function arguments
    # declare our new function
    funcName = "main"
    l_func = ir.Function(l_module, l_funcType, name=funcName)

    # function entry point
    block = l_func.append_basic_block(name="entry")
    # create a builder for constructing the function code
    builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)

    #add printing support if our code uses it anywhere
    if ("print" == f[0] for f in funcs):
        # Source: https://blog.usejournal.com/writing-your-own-programming-language-and-compiler-with-python-a468970ae6df
        voidptr_ty = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
        fmt = "%i \n\0"
        c_fmt = ir.Constant(ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), len(fmt)),
        global_fmt = ir.GlobalVariable(l_module, c_fmt.type, name="fstr")
        global_fmt.linkage = 'internal'
        global_fmt.global_constant = True
        global_fmt.initializer = c_fmt
        fmt_arg = builder.bitcast(global_fmt, voidptr_ty)
        printf_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [voidptr_ty], var_arg=True)
        printf = ir.Function(l_module, printf_ty, name="printf")

    # now add the code from our ast
    for f in funcs:
        if (f[0] == "print"):
            if (getTypeFromStr(f[1]) == "int"):
                    [fmt_arg, ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), int(f[1]))])
                #TODO: printing non-int primitives

    # return 0

    return funcName, l_module
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def generate_declaration(self, n, status=0, motifiers=[]):
            status == 0: allocate local
            status == 1: allocate global
            status == 2: return element type
        typ = type(n)

        if typ == ast.IdentifierType:

            current = self.get_element(n.spec[0], None)
            decl = motifiers.pop(0)
            name = decl.name
            for m in motifiers:
                current = self.get_element(m, current)

            if status == 0:
                self.g_named_memory[n.name] = self.g_llvm_builder.alloca(current, name=name)
            elif status == 1:
                self.g_global_variable[name] = \
                    ir.GlobalVariable(self.g_llvm_module, current, name=name)
                self.g_global_variable[name].initializer = ir.Constant(current, None)
            elif status == 2:
                if len(motifiers) > 0 and type(motifiers[0]) == ast.FuncDecl:
                    function = ir.Function(self.g_llvm_module, current, name=name)
                    if motifiers[0].args:
                        paranames = [param.name for param in motifiers[0].args.params]
                        for arg, arg_name in zip(function.args, paranames):
                            arg.name = arg_name
                            # Add arguments to variable symbol table.
                            self.g_named_argument[arg_name] = arg
                            # Set signed extension for char
                            if isinstance(arg.type, ir.IntType) and arg.type.width == 8:
                    self.g_named_function[name] = function
                    return function
                    return current

        elif typ == ast.Struct:
            context = self.g_llvm_module.context
            current = context.get_identified_type(n.name)

            # define struct
            if n.name not in self.g_type_define:
                self.g_type_define[n.name] = [ele.name for ele in n.decls]
                types = [self.generate_declaration(ele, status=2) for ele in n.decls]

            decl = motifiers.pop(0)
            name = decl.name
            for m in motifiers:
                current = self.get_element(m, current)

            if status == 0:
                return current
            elif status == 1:
                self.g_global_variable[name] = \
                    ir.GlobalVariable(self.g_llvm_module, current, name=name)
                self.g_global_variable[name].initializer = ir.Constant(current, None)

            elif len(motifiers) > 0 and type(motifiers[0]) == ast.FuncDecl:
                function = ir.Function(self.g_llvm_module, current, name=name)
                paranames = [param.name for param in motifiers[0].args]
                for arg, arg_name in zip(function.args, paranames):
                    arg.name = arg_name
                    # Add arguments to variable symbol table.
                    self.g_named_argument[arg_name] = arg
                self.g_named_function[name] = function
                return function
                return current

        elif typ in {ast.ArrayDecl, ast.FuncDecl, ast.PtrDecl, ast.Decl}:
            return self.generate_declaration(n.type, status, motifiers+[n])
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def codegen(self, node, builder):

        if isinstance(node, pc_ast.Constant):

            if node.dType == float:
                dType = ir.DoubleType()

                return dType(node.value)

            elif node.dType == int:
                dType = ir.IntType(32)

                return dType(node.value)

            elif node.dType == str:

                if node.value not in self.constants:
                    dType = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), node.length)
                    str_val = ir.Constant(
                        dType, bytearray((node.value + "\0").encode("utf8")))
                    str_global = ir.GlobalVariable(self.module, str_val.type,
                                                   "_str." + node.value)
                    str_global.global_constant = True
                    str_global.initializer = str_val
                    self.constants[node.value] = str_global

                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],
                    name=node.value + "_ptr")

                return fmt_ptr

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Variable):

            if node.dType == float:
                ptr_type = ir.PointerType(ir.DoubleType(), addrspace=0)

            elif node.dType == int:
                ptr_type = ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(32), addrspace=0)

            elif node.dType == str:
                ptr_type = ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(8), addrspace=0)

            return ptr_type('%"' + node.name + '"')

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Array_Declaration):

            self.variables[(node.name, self.scope)] = node.dType

            r = node.elements

            if isinstance(r, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    r, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

                if r.dType == float or r.dType == int:
                    rvalue = builder.load(rvalue,
                                          name=r.name + "_val",

                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

            if node.dType == int:
                raw = builder.call(self.malloc, [rvalue],
                                   name=node.name + "_raw")
                                ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(32), addrspace=0),

            elif node.dType == float:
                raw = builder.call(self.malloc, [rvalue],
                                   name=node.name + "_raw")
                                ir.PointerType(ir.DoubleType(), addrspace=0),

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Array_Element):

            if node.dType == int:
                ptr_type = ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(32), addrspace=0)
            elif node.dType == float:
                ptr_type = ir.PointerType(ir.DoubleType(), addrspace=0)

            index = self.codegen(node.index, builder)

            if isinstance(node.index, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    node.index, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                index = builder.load(index, name="_val", align=None)

            arr = ptr_type('%"' + node.name + '"')
            index_ptr = builder.gep(arr, [index], name="element")

            return index_ptr

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Assignment):

            l, r = node.children()

            lvalue = self.codegen(l, builder)

            if isinstance(r, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    r, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

                if r.dType == float or r.dType == int:
                    rvalue = builder.load(rvalue,
                                          name=r.name + "_val",

                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

            if node.dType == float:
                if (l.name, self.scope) not in self.variables:
                    self.variables[(l.name, self.scope)] = 0
                    builder.alloca(ir.DoubleType(), size=None, name=l.name)

                builder.store(rvalue, lvalue, align=None)

            elif node.dType == int:
                if (l.name, self.scope) not in self.variables:
                    self.variables[(l.name, self.scope)] = 0
                    builder.alloca(ir.IntType(32), size=None, name=l.name)

                builder.store(rvalue, lvalue, align=None)

            elif node.dType == str:
                if (l.name, self.scope) in self.variables:
                    if self.variables[(l.name, self.scope)] != l.length:
                                     [lvalue, ir.IntType(32)(l.length)])
                        self.variables[(l.name, self.scope)] = l.length

                    self.variables[(l.name, self.scope)] = l.length
                    builder.call(self.malloc, [ir.IntType(32)(l.length)],

                if isinstance(r, pc_ast.Constant):
                    temp = builder.bitcast(rvalue,
                    temp = rvalue

                    [lvalue, temp, ir.IntType(32)(l.length)])

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.BinaryOp):

            cmp_op = {">", "<", "!=", ">=", '<=', "=="}

            l, r = node.children()

            if isinstance(l, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    l, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                lvalue = self.codegen(l, builder)

                if l.dType == float or l.dType == int:
                    lvalue = builder.load(lvalue,
                                          name=l.name + "_val",

                lvalue = self.codegen(l, builder)

            if isinstance(r, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    r, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

                if r.dType == float or r.dType == int:
                    rvalue = builder.load(rvalue,
                                          name=r.name + "_val",

                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

            if l.dType == float and r.dType == int:
                rvalue = builder.sitofp(rvalue,

            elif l.dType == int and r.dType == float:
                lvalue = builder.sitofp(lvalue,

            if node.op == '+':

                if node.dType == str:

                    res = builder.call(self.malloc,
                                 [res, lvalue,
                                  ir.IntType(32)(l.length - 1)])
                    pt2 = builder.gep(res, [ir.IntType(32)(l.length - 1)],
                        [pt2, rvalue, ir.IntType(32)(r.length)])

                elif node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fadd(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.add(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

            elif node.op == '-':
                if node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fsub(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.sub(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

            elif node.op == '*':
                if node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fmul(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.mul(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

            elif node.op == '/':
                if node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fdiv(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.sdiv(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

            elif node.op == '%':
                if node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.frem(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.srem(lvalue, rvalue, name="t")

            elif node.op in cmp_op:

                if node.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fcmp_unordered(node.op,

                elif node.dType == int:
                    res = builder.icmp_signed(node.op,

            return res

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.UnaryOp):

            r = node.right

            if isinstance(r, pc_ast.Variable) or isinstance(
                    r, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

                if r.dType == float or r.dType == int:
                    rvalue = builder.load(rvalue,
                                          name=r.name + "_val",

                rvalue = self.codegen(r, builder)

            if node.op == '-':

                if r.dType == int:
                    res = builder.neg(rvalue)

                elif r.dType == float:
                    res = builder.fsub(ir.DoubleType()(0), rvalue)

            return res

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Output):

            raw_data = node.children()

            data = self.codegen(raw_data, builder)

            if isinstance(raw_data, pc_ast.Array_Element):
                data = builder.load(data,
                                    name=raw_data.name + "_val",

            if raw_data.dType == float:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

                if isinstance(raw_data, pc_ast.Variable):
                    data = builder.load(data,
                                        name=raw_data.name + "_val",

            elif raw_data.dType == str:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

            elif raw_data.dType == int:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

                if isinstance(raw_data, pc_ast.Variable):
                    data = builder.load(data,
                                        name=raw_data.name + "_val",

            builder.call(self.printf, [fmt_ptr, data], name="print")

            fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],
            builder.call(self.printf, [fmt_ptr], name="print")

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.If):

            condition, if_true, if_false = node.children()

            condition = self.codegen(condition, builder)

            if if_false == None:

                with builder.if_then(condition) as then:
                    for statement in if_true:
                        builder = self.codegen(statement, builder)

                with builder.if_else(condition) as (then, otherwise):

                    with then:
                        for statement in if_true:
                            builder = self.codegen(statement, builder)

                    with otherwise:
                        for statement in if_false:
                            builder = self.codegen(statement, builder)

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.While):

            condition, body = node.children()

            loop_body = self.scope.append_basic_block(name="while.body")

            loop_body_builder = ir.IRBuilder(loop_body)

            for statement in body:
                loop_body_builder = self.codegen(statement, loop_body_builder)

            condition = self.codegen(condition, loop_body_builder)

            loop_exit = self.scope.append_basic_block(name="while.exit")
            loop_exit_builder = ir.IRBuilder(loop_exit)

            loop_body_builder.cbranch(condition, loop_body, loop_exit)

            return loop_exit_builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Input):

            variable = self.codegen(node.variable, builder)

            #builder.call(self.realloc, [variable, ir.IntType(32)(5)]) for strings
            self.variables[(node.variable.name, self.scope)] = 0

            if node.dType == int:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

            elif node.dType == float:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

            elif node.dType == str:
                fmt_ptr = builder.gep(
                    [ir.IntType(32)(0), ir.IntType(32)(0)],

            builder.call(self.scanf, [fmt_ptr, variable], name="scan")

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Function_Decl):

            args = []

            for arg in node.args:
                if arg[1] == int:

                elif arg[1] == float:

            if node.dType == int:
                dType = ir.IntType(32)

            elif node.dType == float:
                dType = ir.DoubleType()

            fnty = ir.FunctionType(dType, args)

            func = ir.Function(self.module, fnty, name=node.name)

            self.variables[(node.name, self.scope)] = dType
            self.functions[node.name] = func

            for i in range(0, len(func.args)):
                func.args[i].name = node.args[i][0] + "_arg"

            block = func.append_basic_block(name="entry")
            func_builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)

            self.scope = func

            for i in range(0, len(node.args)):
                arg = node.args[i]

                if arg[1] == int:
                    dType = ir.IntType(32)

                elif arg[1] == float:
                    dType = ir.DoubleType()

                var = func_builder.alloca(dType, size=None, name=arg[0])
                func_builder.store(func.args[i], var, align=None)

            for statement in node.body:
                func_builder = self.codegen(statement, func_builder)

            if not func_builder.block.is_terminated:
                if node.dType == int:
                    dType = ir.IntType(32)

                elif node.dType == float:
                    dType = ir.DoubleType()

            self.scope = self.main

            return builder

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Function_Call):

            func = self.functions[node.name]

            args = []

            for arg in node.args:

                built_arg = self.codegen(arg, builder)

                if isinstance(arg, pc_ast.Array_Element) or isinstance(
                        arg, pc_ast.Variable):
                    built_arg = builder.load(built_arg,
                                             name=arg.name + "_val",


            res = builder.call(func, args, name=node.name + '_call')

            return res

        elif isinstance(node, pc_ast.Return):

            res = self.codegen(node.data, builder)

            if isinstance(node.data, pc_ast.Array_Element) or isinstance(
                    node.data, pc_ast.Variable):
                res = builder.load(res, name="res", align=None)


            return builder
Ejemplo n.º 15
def gen_code(tree, symbol_table, sema_success):
    # symbol = {
    #         "symbol_type": None,
    #         "name": None,
    #         "value_type": None,
    #         "scope": None,
    #         "parameters": [],
    #         "dimensions": [],
    #         "declared": True,
    #         "inicialized": False,
    #         "used": False
    #     }
    global module
    global info

    # Define Global Variables and Functions
    for symbol in symbol_table:
        if (symbol["symbol_type"] == "variable"
                and symbol["scope"] == "global"):
            var_type = symbol["value_type"]

            if (var_type == "inteiro"):
                if (len(symbol["dimensions"]) == 0):
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(32),

                if (len(symbol["dimensions"]) == 1):
                    g_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(32),
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(module, g_type, symbol["name"])

            elif (var_type == "flutuante"):

                if (len(symbol["dimensions"]) == 0):
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.FloatType(),

                if (len(symbol["dimensions"]) == 1):
                    g_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.FloatType(),
                    g = ir.GlobalVariable(module, g_type, symbol["name"])

            g.linkage = "common"
            g.align = 4

        elif (symbol["symbol_type"] == "function"):
            if (symbol["name"] == "principal"):
                symbol["name"] = "main"

            arguments_list = []

            if (len(symbol["parameters"]) > 0):
                for a in symbol["parameters"]:
                    if (a["par_type"] == "inteiro"):

            if (len(symbol["return"]) > 0):
                if (symbol["return"][0]["ret_type"] == "inteiro"):
                    f_ret = ir.IntType(32)
                    f_ret = ir.FloatType()

                f_func = ir.FunctionType(f_ret, arguments_list)
                f = ir.Function(module, f_func, name=symbol["name"])
                entryBlock = f.append_basic_block('entry')
                builder = ir.IRBuilder(entryBlock)

                f_func = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), arguments_list)
                f = ir.Function(module, f_func, name=symbol["name"])
                entryBlock = f.append_basic_block('entry')
                builder = ir.IRBuilder(entryBlock)

            for i in range(len(f.args)):
                f.args[i].name = symbol["parameters"][i]["par_name"]

                "function": f,
                "builder": builder,
                "arguments": f.args

    go_through_tree(tree, functions)

    file = open('module.ll', 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 16
from __future__ import print_function
import llvmlite.ir as ll

i32 = ll.IntType(32)
i8 = ll.IntType(8)

builder = ll.IRBuilder()
module = ll.Module()
module.triple = ''

hellostr = 'hello, world!'

stringtype = ll.ArrayType(i8, len(hellostr))
hello = ll.GlobalVariable(module, stringtype, '.str4')
hello.initializer = builder.constant(stringtype, bytearray(hellostr))

fntype = ll.FunctionType(i32, [i8.as_pointer()])
puts = ll.Function(module, fntype, 'puts')

fntype = ll.FunctionType(i32, [])
func = ll.Function(module, fntype, name='main')
bb_entry = func.append_basic_block()


zero = builder.constant(i32, 0)
builder.call(puts, [hello.gep((zero, zero))])

Ejemplo n.º 17
 def add_global_variable(self, ty, name, addrspace=0):
     return ir.GlobalVariable(self, ty, self.get_unique_name(name),
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def declara_string_global(self, module, string_parametro):
     typ = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), len(string_parametro))
     temp = ir.GlobalVariable(module, typ, name=str("scanf"))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def addIR(self, pattern):
        # done
            # in typecheck assignment, check if in.out.inout
            # should be done, in's are handled in typecheck, out and inout are declared beforehand?
            # handle strings and chars... and arrays.. and type checking/conversions
                # what else do i need to do? too many things...
            # if stmt with return inside
            # puInteger and etc
            # limit char length to only 1 !!!! somewhere...
            # initial array functionality
            # getBool etc.... these need pointers....
                # everything will need to use pointers....
            # advanced array functionality
                # adding 2 arrays
                # add 1 to all elems in array
            # fix for loop apparently
            # make for loop actually do the arithOp
            # do "error on line" according to last reduce!
            # in if stmt, make it necessary for there to be at least 1 stmt?
                # results in parsing error, that's fine
                # could make more robust by detecting "if", "lparen" "rparen"
                # oh well
            # type conversions in assignments?
                # not sure if this is necessary/desired functionality
            # figure out how to declare globals
            # getChar not working
                # characters suck. everything is a string.

        # todo:

        # and main enemy: err handling

        # clean up  anything with arrays... so gross
            # need some global "is this array" function or thing
            # arrayExprIRHandle seems good, I am dumb
            # maybe even make array access different token from name
            # as that screws everything up
            # arithop, assignment huge if stmts

        tokType = pattern.tokType

        numChildren = len(pattern.children)
        if tokType in ["term", "relation", "arithOp", "expression"] and numChildren == 1:
            pattern.irHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle

        elif tokType == "factor":
            # ("lparen", "expression", "rparen"): "factor",
            # ("minus", "name"): "factor",
            # ("name",): "factor",
            # ("minus", "number"): "factor",
            # ("number",): "factor",
            # ("string",): "factor",
            # ("char",): "factor",
            # ("true",): "factor",
            # ("false",): "factor",
            if numChildren == 1:
                child = pattern.children[0]

                if child.irHandle:
                    pattern.irHandle = child.irHandle # pretty much for just name

                # elif child.name in ["true", "false"]:
                elif child.tokType in ["true", "false"]:  # why does child.name not work? no idea. but it doesn't.
                    typ = self.getType(child.resultType)
                    # constant
                    pattern.irHandle = typ
                elif child.tokType == "string_val": # tokType is not sanitize, resultType is
                    typ = self.getType("string") # i am fed up with this, whatever
                    const = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)
                    const = const[1:-1] # chop off quotes

                    # all strings are exactly 256 len I guess
                    if len(const) > 256:
                        raise TypeCheckError("Strings may only be 256 characters long.")
                        null = "\0" + "0" * (255-len(const))
                        const = const + null

                    const = bytearray(const.encode()) # convert to bytearray
                    #const = [ord(char) for char in const]
                    pattern.irHandle = ir.Constant(typ, const)

                elif child.tokType == "char_val":
                    typ = self.getType("char")
                    const = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)
                    const = const[1:-1] # chop off quotes

                    # ord() gives decimal value for ascii
                    # NO idea why this works
                    # just take it man
                    const = ord(const)
                    pattern.irHandle = ir.Constant(typ, const)

            elif numChildren == 2:
                # minus something
                #rhs should have ir handle?
                child = pattern.children[1]
                if child.tokType == "number":
                    pattern.irHandle = self.builder.neg(pattern.children[1].irHandle)
                    pattern.irHandle = self.builder.neg(child.irHandle)

                #print("Is this tested?")
                pattern.irHandle = pattern.children[1].irHandle
                # should be handled in expression

        elif tokType == "number":

            const = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)
            typ = self.getType(pattern.resultType)

            # floatType doesn't like float strings
            # look into this future michael
            # maybe contribute to llvmlite
            pattern.irHandle = ir.Constant(typ, const)
            if pattern.resultType == "float":
                pattern.irHandle = ir.Constant(typ, float(const))

        elif tokType == "name":
            name = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)

            if name in self.symTable:
                symItem = self.symTable[name]

                if pattern.arrayExprIRHandle:
                    loc =  pattern.arrayExprIRHandle
                    loc = self.builder.sub(loc, ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(symItem.arrayStart)))

                    ptr = symItem.irPtr

                    zero = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
                    ptrInArray = self.builder.gep(ptr, [zero, loc])
                    #val = self.builder.extract_value(self.builder.load(ptrInArray), [0])
                    val = self.builder.load(ptrInArray)

                    val = self.builder.load(symItem.irPtr)

                # print(name, val)
                pattern.irHandle = val
                pass # it has to be declaring when this happens. Hopefully. or something

        elif tokType == "term":
            # ("term", "multiply", "factor"): "term",
            # ("term", "divide", "factor"): "term",
            # ("factor",): "term",
            op = pattern.grabLeafValue(1)
            lhs = pattern.children[0].irHandle
            rhs = pattern.children[2].irHandle

            if op == "/":
                pattern.irHandle = self.builder.sdiv(lhs, rhs)
            elif op == "*":
                pattern.irHandle = self.builder.mul(lhs, rhs)

        elif tokType == "relation":
            # ("relation", "less", "term"): "relation",
            # ("relation", "lessequal", "term"): "relation",
            # ("relation", "greater", "term"): "relation",
            # ("relation", "greaterequal", "term"): "relation",
            # ("relation", "equalequal", "term"): "relation",
            # ("relation", "notequal", "term"): "relation",
            # ("term",): "relation",

            op = pattern.grabLeafValue(1)
            # The string cmpop can be one of <, <=, ==, !=, >= or >.

            lhs = pattern.children[0].irHandle
            rhs = pattern.children[2].irHandle

            if pattern.children[0].resultType == "bool":
                lhs = self.builder.zext(lhs, ir.IntType(32))

            if pattern.children[2].resultType == "bool":
                rhs = self.builder.zext(rhs, ir.IntType(32))

            pattern.irHandle = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, lhs, rhs)

        elif tokType == "arithOp":
            # ("arithOp", "plus", "relation"): "arithOp",
            # ("arithOp", "minus", "relation"): "arithOp",
            # ("arithOp", "minus", "number"): "arithOp", # gross
            # ("arithOp", "minus", "name"): "arithOp",   # but this fixes it? I guess?
            # ("relation",): "arithOp",

            op = pattern.grabLeafValue(1)
            opFunc = None
            if op == "+":
                #pattern.irHandle = self.builder.add(lhs, rhs)
                opFunc = self.builder.add
            elif op == "-":
                #print("ASDF",lhs, "ASD", rhs)
                #pattern.irHandle = self.builder.sub(lhs, rhs)
                opFunc = self.builder.sub

            lhsPattern = pattern.children[0]
            rhsPattern = pattern.children[2]
            lhs = lhsPattern.irHandle
            rhs = rhsPattern.irHandle

            lhsArray = False
            rhsArray = False

            rhsName = lhsPattern.grabLeafValue(0)
            if rhsName in self.symTable and self.symTable[rhsName].arraySize > 0 and lhsPattern.isVariable():
                lhsArray = True

            lhsName = rhsPattern.grabLeafValue(0)
            if lhsName in self.symTable and self.symTable[lhsName].arraySize > 0 and rhsPattern.isVariable():
                rhsArray = True

            if lhsArray or rhsArray:
                irHandleList = []

                if lhsArray and rhsArray:
                    # adding 2 arrays
                    lhsItem = self.symTable[lhsName]
                    rhsItem = self.symTable[rhsName]

                    if lhsItem.arraySize != rhsItem.arraySize:
                        raise TypeCheckError("Tried to assign array to array of different size")

                    lhsPtr = lhsItem.irPtr
                    rhsPtr = rhsItem.irPtr

                    for x in range(0, lhsItem.arraySize):
                        zero = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)

                        lhsLoc = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(x))
                        lhsPtrInArray = self.builder.gep(lhsPtr, [zero, lhsLoc])
                        rhsLoc = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(x))
                        rhsPtrInArray = self.builder.gep(rhsPtr, [zero, rhsLoc])

                        lhsVal = self.builder.load(lhsPtrInArray)
                        rhsVal = self.builder.load(rhsPtrInArray)
                        if pattern.children[0].resultType != pattern.children[2].resultType:
                            # one is float and one is int, convert both to float
                            lhsVal = self.builder.uitofp(lhsVal, ir.FloatType)
                            rhsVal = self.builder.uitofp(rhsVal, ir.FloatType)

                        result = opFunc(lhsVal, rhsVal)


                    this is like c := c + 15

                    arrPattern, otherVal = (lhsPattern, rhsPattern) if lhsArray else (rhsPattern, lhsPattern)
                    symItem = self.symTable[arrPattern.grabLeafValue(0)]
                    ptr = symItem.irPtr

                    for x in range(0, symItem.arraySize):
                        loc = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(x))
                        zero = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
                        ptrInArray = self.builder.gep(ptr, [zero, loc])

                        val = self.builder.load(ptrInArray)
                        if pattern.children[0].resultType != pattern.children[2].resultType:
                            # one is float and one is int, convert both to float
                            val = self.builder.uitofp(val, ir.FloatType)
                            otherVal = self.builder.uitofp(otherVal, ir.FloatType)

                        result = opFunc(val, otherVal.irHandle)

                        #self.builder.store(result, ptrInArray)

                pattern.irHandle = irHandleList
                # regular addition
                if pattern.children[0].resultType != pattern.children[2].resultType:
                    # one is float and one is int, convert both to float
                    lhs = self.builder.uitofp(lhs, ir.FloatType)
                    rhs = self.builder.uitofp(rhs, ir.FloatType)

                pattern.irHandle = opFunc(lhs, rhs)

        elif tokType == "expression":
            # ("expression", "and", "arithOp"): "expression",
            # ("expression", "or", "arithOp"): "expression",
            # ("not", "arithOp"): "expression",
            # ("arithOp",): "expression",
            if numChildren == 2:
                pattern.irHandle = self.builder.not_(pattern.children[1].irHandle)
                op = pattern.grabLeafValue(1)
                lhs = pattern.children[0].irHandle
                rhs = pattern.children[2].irHandle

                if op == "and":
                    pattern.irHandle = self.builder.and_(lhs, rhs)
                elif op == "or":
                    pattern.irHandle = self.builder.or_(lhs, rhs)

        elif tokType == "if_start":
            # self.builder.select(cond, lhs, rhs,
            # test = ir.cbranch(cond, truebr, falsebr)
            if numChildren == 5:
                cond = pattern.children[2].irHandle

                # with self.builder.if_else(cond) as (then, orelse):
                    # self.condStack.extend([orelse, then])
                    # self.condStack[-1].__enter__()
                bb = self.builder.basic_block
                bbif = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.if')
                bbelse = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.ifelse')
                bbend = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.ifend')

                br = self.builder.cbranch(cond, bbif, bbelse)
                self.condStack.extend([bbend, bbelse, bbif])

                # if not a new stmt, statement will be handled by builder

                # do this in typechecking/parser, for parse errors of if stmt w/o statements. Also do else stmt
                pattern.irHandle = pattern.children[1].irHandle # keep this for the phi node!!

        elif tokType == "else_start":
            if numChildren == 2:
                # self.ifBlock = self.builder.basic_block
                # self.ifHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle
                # print(self.condStack)
                # self.condStack[-1].__exit__()
                # del self.condStack[-1]

                # enter else
                # self.condStack[-1].__enter__()


                pattern.irHandle = pattern.children[1].irHandle # for the phi node

        elif tokType == "if_stmt":
            if self.condStack[-1].is_terminated:
                # return was called within if statements

                del self.condStack[-1]
                # do I need to do anything here?
                # if statement will return voiding
                # I think then the rest of the function is in else stmt
                # so we are good to go?

                # go into else and then end

                orelseHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle # get the out handle here. if no else stmt, will get fixed
                if pattern.children[0].tokType == "if_start":
                    # self.ifBlock = self.builder.basic_block
                    # self.ifHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle
                    # self.condStack[-1].__exit__()
                    # del self.condStack[-1]

                    # self.condStack[-1].__enter__()
                    # orelseHandle = self.builder.add(self.getType("true"),self.getType("true"))  # dead code, return handle
                    # self.builder.add(self.getType("true"),self.getType("true"))  # dead code

                # exit out of else, reattach to end
                # now delete end just for good measure
                # self.builder.add(self.getType("true"),self.getType("true"))
                # print(self.condStack[-1])
                    # now this is up to speed
                # orelseBlock = self.builder.basic_block

                #...... do I need a phi node????????? I think not...
                # out_phi = builder.phi(i32)
                # out_phi.add_incoming(out_then, bb_then)
                # out_phi.add_incoming(out_orelse, bb_orelse)

                # self.condStack[-1].__exit__()
                # del self.condStack[-1]
                # self.ifBlock = None
                # self.ifHandle = None

                del self.condStack[-1]

        elif tokType == "loop_open":
            ("for", "lparen","name", "assignment", "expression", "semic"): "loop_open",
            ("loop_open", "expression", "rparen"): "loop_start",
            ("loop_start", "statement", "semic",): "loop_start",
            ("loop_start", "end", "for",): "loop_stmt",
            bb = self.builder.basic_block
            bbbranch = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.loopstart')

            self.builder.branch(bbbranch)  # small block just for deciding

            pattern.irHandle = bbbranch

        elif tokType == "loop_start":
            firstChild = pattern.children[0]
            if firstChild.tokType == "loop_open":
                cond = pattern.children[1].irHandle

                bb = self.builder.basic_block
                bbloop = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.loopblock')
                bbend = self.builder.append_basic_block(name=bb.name + '.loopend')

                br = self.builder.cbranch(cond, bbloop, bbend)

                self.loopStack.extend([bbend, bbloop])
                bbbranch = pattern.children[0].irHandle # loop_open, use as handle to start the whole thing
                #bbbranch consists of assignment, conditional, and cbranch
                pattern.irHandle = bbbranch

                name = pattern.children[1].grabLeafValue(0)
                ptr = self.symTable[name].irPtr
                val = self.builder.load(ptr)
                result = self.builder.add(val, ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), "1"))
                self.builder.store(result, ptr)

                pattern.irHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle

        elif tokType == "loop_stmt":
            #("name", "assignment", "expression"): "assignment_stmt",
                This is honestly some black magic, it's really gross
                We need to re-parse the expression in the assignment
                So that the IR can be readded
                (I wish I could just move the LLVM instructions but oh well)
                (Future library contribution?)

                Also, this needs to be done here as it is the END of the for loop
                if something uses i, it needs to be 0, not 1

                These are the steps:
                1) Descend to loop_open to get the assignment pattern
                2) clear all IR handles for the expression
                3) reparse the expression in new location
                4) create custom assignment pattern and parse it

                The clearing of IR handles works because each of expr, factor, etc
                Will assign to the 0th child handle if there is not one
                So we clear them one by one and build a list of patterns to reparse
                Note: this probably doesn't always work (shh)

            # descend to the first loop start to grab the name
            tmpPattern = pattern
            while tmpPattern.tokType != "loop_open":
                tmpPattern = tmpPattern.children[0]

            #("for", "lparen","name", "assignment", "expression", "semic"): "loop_open",

            namePattern = tmpPattern.children[2]
            exprPattern = tmpPattern.children[4]

            toReParse = []
            tmpPattern = exprPattern
            while tmpPattern.irHandle:
                tmpPattern.irHandle = None
                tmpPattern = tmpPattern.children[0]

            for tmpPattern in reversed(toReParse):

            assignPattern = Pattern("assignment_stmt", [namePattern, "assignment", exprPattern])

            # still in loop, loop back to start of loop
            # pattern handle should be bbbranch

            loopHandle = pattern.children[0].irHandle
            self.builder.branch(loopHandle)  # loop back to the bbbranch to decide to keep going

            self.exitLoop() # position ptr to end of loop

        elif tokType == "argument_list":
            argsToAdd = []
            if pattern.children[0].tokType == "expression":
                pattern.irHandleList = pattern.children[0].irHandleList


            # all arguments to a function come in as ptrs to maintain in/out/inout
            for argPattern in argsToAdd:

                name = argPattern.grabLeafValue(0)

                if name in self.symTable and argPattern.isVariable():
                    # turn a constant into a ptr to the constant
                    handle = argPattern.irHandle
                    typ = handle.type
                    ptr = self.builder.alloca(typ)
                    self.builder.store(handle, ptr)


            pattern.children[0].irHandleList = [] # just save space

        elif tokType == "parameter_list":
            if numChildren == 1:
                pattern.irHandleList = pattern.children[0].irHandleList
                pattern.children[0].irHandleList = [] # just save space

        elif tokType == "procedure_header":
            # matters
            # ("procedure", "identifier", "lparen", "rparen",): "procedure_header",
            # ("procedure", "identifier", "lparen", "parameter_list","rparen"): "procedure_header",

            # just for parsing
            # ("procedure_header", "procedure_body",): "procedure_declaration",
            # ("procedure_header_w_vars", "procedure_body",): "procedure_declaration",

            # handled when declaration occurs?? I think so... routes to appropriate builder...
            # ("procedure_header", "declaration", "semic",): "procedure_header_w_vars",
            # ("procedure_header_w_vars", "declaration", "semic",): "procedure_header_w_vars",

            # what procedure actually does, also routes to builder?
            # ("begin",): "procedure_body_start",
            # ("procedure_body_start", "statement", "semic",): "procedure_body_start",
            # ("procedure_body_start", "end", "procedure",): "procedure_body",
            func = None
            void = self.getType("void")
            procName = pattern.grabLeafValue(1)
            if numChildren == 4:
                fnty = ir.FunctionType(void, tuple())
                func = ir.Function(self.module, fnty, name=procName)
                irHandleList = []
                for paramPattern in pattern.myList:
                    # child = pattern.children[0]
                    symItem = self.symTable[paramPattern.name]
                    typ = None
                    if symItem.arrayType:
                        typ = self.getType(symItem.valType, arr=True, arrSize=symItem.arraySize)
                        typ = self.getType(paramPattern.resultType)

                    # params hsould not be able to be global....?
                    # if pattern is global:
                        # irHandleList.append(ir.GlobalVariable(self.module, typ, paramPattern.name))
                    # else:

                    # include name of variable somehow? not really important? IDK
                    # irHandleList.append(self.builder.alloca(typ, name=paramPattern.name))
                    # print(self.symTable[paramPattern.name])

                    symItem.irPtr = pattern.irHandle
                # fnty = ir.FunctionType(void, pattern.children[3].irHandleList)
                fnty = ir.FunctionType(void, irHandleList)
                func = ir.Function(self.module, fnty, name=procName)

                funcArgs = func.args
                for i in range(0, len(pattern.myList)):
                    self.symTable[pattern.myList[i].name].irPtr = func.args[i]

            self.symTable[procName].irPtr = func

        elif tokType == "procedure_call":
            argList = []
            procName = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)

            if pattern.children[2].tokType == "expression":
                name = pattern.grabLeafValue(2)
                if name in self.symTable and pattern.children[2].isVariable():
                    #print(name, pattern.children[2].isVariable())
                    # this is a variable, not a constant!!
                    # NOTE: This also handles array indexing args because
                    # they will have their irhandle set

                    # argList.append(pattern.children[2].irHandle)
                    # turn a constant into a stored variable. gross :( but necessary
                    handle = pattern.children[2].irHandle
                    typ = handle.type
                    ptr = self.builder.alloca(typ)
                    self.builder.store(handle, ptr)


            elif pattern.children[2].tokType == "argument_list":
                argList = pattern.children[2].irHandleList

            # ptrList = []
            # for arg in argList:
                # arg =
                # ptrList.append( ir.PointerType(arg))
            #if procName in self.defaults and len(argList) == 1 and procName != "putstring":
            #    argList[0] = self.builder.load(argList[0])
                # for default functions e.g. putInteger()
                # arguments come in as pointers
                # this results in a type mismatch
                # even when I make the C function argument a pointers
                # therefore, I need to dereference for these functions
                # and write C functions as NOT taking pointers

            pattern.irHandle = self.builder.call(self.symTable[procName].irPtr, argList)

        elif tokType == "declaration":
            loc = 0
            if numChildren == 2:
                loc = 1

            child = pattern.children[loc]
            symItem = self.symTable[child.name]

            if pattern.children[loc].tokType == "procedure_declaration":
                # variable declaration
                # ("type_mark", "identifier"): "variable_declaration",
                # ("type_mark", "identifier","lbracket", "number", "colon", "number", "rbracket"): "variable_declaration",
                # ("type_mark", "identifier","lbracket", "expression", "rbracket"): "variable_declaration",

                # ("global", "procedure_declaration",): "declaration",
                # ("global", "variable_declaration",): "declaration",
                # ("procedure_declaration",): "declaration",
                # ("variable_declaration",): "declaration",

                typ = None
                if symItem.arrayType:
                    typ = self.getType(symItem.valType, arr=True, arrSize=symItem.arraySize)
                    typ = self.getType(child.resultType)

                if numChildren == 2:
                    # is this really it? damn. that was easy
                    # thanks LLVM testing code
                    # saved me about 5 hours there
                    pattern.irHandle = ir.GlobalVariable(self.module, typ, child.name)
                    pattern.irHandle.linkage = "internal"

                    #declaring a variable
                    # alignSize = child.arraySize if child.arraySize else None
                    # print(alignSize, child.name)
                    # what actually is align??
                    # pattern.irHandle = self.builder.alloca(typ, name=child.name, size=alignSize)
                    pattern.irHandle = self.builder.alloca(typ, name=child.name)

                symItem.irPtr = pattern.irHandle

        elif tokType == "assignment_stmt":
            # ("name", "assignment", "expression"): "assignment_stmt",
            #typ = self.getType(pattern.children[2].resultType)
            result = pattern.children[2].irHandle

            name = pattern.grabLeafValue(0)
            symItem = self.symTable[name]
            ptr = self.symTable[name].irPtr
            if symItem.arraySize > 0:
                tmpPattern = pattern
                # this may be dangerous!
                while tmpPattern.tokType != "name":
                    tmpPattern = tmpPattern.children[0]

                # assigning entire array at once
                if len(tmpPattern.children) == 1:
                    # left side of assignment is only name of an array
                    if isinstance(result, type([])):
                        # right side is either adding 2 arrays or adding 1 val to entire array
                        if symItem.arraySize != len(result):
                            raise TypeCheckError("Tried to assign array to array of different size")

                        for x in range(0, symItem.arraySize):
                            loc = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(x))
                            zero = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
                            ptrInArray = self.builder.gep(ptr, [zero, loc])

                            self.builder.store(result[x], ptrInArray)
                        # right side needs to be name of equal size array

                    #self.builder.store(result, ptr)
                    loc =  tmpPattern.arrayExprIRHandle
                    loc = self.builder.sub(loc, ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), str(symItem.arrayStart)))

                    #newArr = self.builder.insert_value(self.builder.load(ptr), result, 2)
                    #self.builder.store(newArr, ptr)

                    zero = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 0)
                    ptrInArray = self.builder.gep(ptr, [zero, loc])

                    self.builder.store(result, ptrInArray)

                self.builder.store(result, ptr)

            if symItem.valType != pattern.children[2].resultType:
                # print(item.valType)
                # TODO: future michael, incorporate type conversions!
                typeConvert = self.getTypeConversion(symItem.valType, pattern.children[2].resultType)

        elif tokType == "return_stmt":
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def codegen(self, builder, symbolTable, module=None):
        # codegen each operand and check for errors
        LHS_val = self.LHS.codegen(builder, symbolTable, module)
        if not LHS_val:
            self.errList += self.LHS.errList
            return None

        RHS_val = self.RHS.codegen(builder, symbolTable, module)
        if not RHS_val:
            self.errList += self.LHS.errList
            return None
        # handle array element extraction
        if isinstance(self.LHS, VariableExpr):
            if self.LHS.array_index != None:
                index_val = self.LHS.array_index.codegen(
                    builder, symbolTable, module)
                LHS_ptr = builder.gep(LHS_val, [index_val], name="indexPtr")
                LHS_val = builder.load(LHS_ptr, name="arrayElement")

        if isinstance(self.RHS, VariableExpr):
            if self.RHS.array_index != None:
                index_val = self.RHS.array_index.codegen(
                    builder, symbolTable, module)
                RHS_ptr = builder.gep(RHS_val, [index_val], name="indexPtr")
                RHS_val = builder.load(RHS_ptr, name="arrayElement")

        # check operands for type compatability, then
        # call llvm codegen for given operator and operand types
        numeric_types = [tkn.INT_TYPE, tkn.FLOAT_TYPE]
        relation_ops = {
            tkn.OP_LT: "<",
            tkn.OP_GE: ">=",
            tkn.OP_LE: "<=",
            tkn.OP_GT: ">",
            tkn.OP_EQ: "==",
            tkn.OP_NE: "!="
        if self.LHS.data_type == tkn.INT_TYPE and \
           self.RHS.data_type == tkn.INT_TYPE:
            # INTEGER operations
            self.data_type = tkn.INT_TYPE
            if self.Op == tkn.OP_ADD:
                return builder.add(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="addTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_SUB:
                return builder.sub(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="subTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_MUL:
                return builder.mul(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="mulTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_DIV:
                return builder.sdiv(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="divTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.BOOL_AND:
                return builder.and_(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="andTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.BOOL_OR:
                return builder.or_(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="orTmp")
            elif self.Op in relation_ops.keys():
                # compare and set data_type to bool
                self.data_type = tkn.BOOL_TYPE
                return builder.icmp_signed(relation_ops[self.Op],

        elif self.LHS.data_type in numeric_types and \
             self.RHS.data_type in numeric_types:
            # promote to float
            if self.LHS.data_type == tkn.INT_TYPE:
                ir_type = symbolTable.get_ir_type(tkn.FLOAT_TYPE)
                LHS_val = builder.sitofp(LHS_val, ir_type, name="floatTmp")

            if self.RHS.data_type == tkn.INT_TYPE:
                ir_type = symbolTable.get_ir_type(tkn.FLOAT_TYPE)
                RHS_val = builder.sitofp(LHS_val, ir_type, name="floatTmp")
            # FLOAT Operations
            self.data_type = tkn.FLOAT_TYPE
            if self.Op == tkn.OP_ADD:
                return builder.fadd(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="floatTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_SUB:
                return builder.fsub(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="floatTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_MUL:
                return builder.fMul(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="floatTmp")
            elif self.Op == tkn.OP_DIV:
                return builder.fdiv(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="floatTmp")
            elif self.Op in relation_ops.keys():
                # compare and set data_type to bool
                res = builder.fcmp_unordered(relation_ops[self.Op],
                self.data_type = tkn.BOOL_TYPE
                return res

        elif self.LHS.data_type == tkn.STRING_TYPE and \
             self.RHS.data_type == tkn.STRING_TYPE:
            # STRING operations
            # strings have no operations defined by the language
            # spec other than assignment and equality checking
            # strings are basically character arrays.
            if self.Op == tkn.OP_EQ:
                self.data_type = tkn.BOOL_TYPE
                args = []
                # parse params for string comparison function
                for param, p_val in [(self.LHS, LHS_val), (self.RHS, RHS_val)]:
                    if isinstance(param, LiteralExpr
                                  ) and param.data_type == tkn.STRING_TYPE:
                        # create a tmp variable to pass the string literal
                        varName = symbolTable.get_unique_name()
                        valuePtr = ir.GlobalVariable(module, ir.IntType(8),
                        valuePtr.initializer = p_val
                        p_val = valuePtr
                func = symbolTable.get("main.StringEquals").value
                return builder.call(func, args, name="boolTmp")

        elif self.LHS.data_type == tkn.BOOL_TYPE and \
             self.RHS.data_type == tkn.BOOL_TYPE:
            # BOOL Operations
            self.data_type = tkn.BOOL_TYPE
            if self.Op == tkn.BOOL_AND:
                res = builder.and_(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="boolTmp")
                return res
            elif self.Op == tkn.BOOL_OR:
                res = builder.or_(LHS_val, RHS_val, name="boolTmp")
                return res

        # handle any undefined operations
        err = "operation {} is not defined for operands of type {} and {}".format(
            self.Op, self.LHS.data_type, self.RHS.data_type)
        self.errList.append((self.line, err))
        return None