Ejemplo n.º 1
def sort_flashes(files, base_sort_dir, params):
    """ Given a list of LMA ASCII data files, created HDF5 flash-sorted data 
        files in base_sort_dir/h5_files.
        params is a dictionary with the following format
        params = {'stations':(6,99), # range of allowable numbers of contributing stations
                  'chi2':(0,1.0),    # range of allowable chi-sq values
                  'distance':3000.0, 'thresh_critical_time':0.15, # space and time grouping thresholds
                  'thresh_duration':3.0, # maximum expected flash duration
                  'mask_length':6, # length of the hexadecimal station mask column in HDF5 
    # base_sort_dir = outpath

    # files = lmatools.testing.test_gen_autorun_DBSCAN.get_sample_data_list()
    h5_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'h5_files')

    y, m, d, H, M, S = tfromfile(files[0])
    date = datetime(y, m, d, H, M, S)

    # Create HDF5 flash files
    base_out_dir = (h5_dir + "/20%s" % (date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    if os.path.exists(base_out_dir) == False:
            'chmod', 'a+w', base_out_dir,
            h5_dir + '/20%s' % (date.strftime('%y/%b')),
            h5_dir + '/20%s' % (date.strftime('%y'))

    tag = ''
    outdir = os.path.join(base_out_dir, tag)
    info = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'input_params.py'), 'w')

    if True:
        cluster = DBSCANFlashSorter(params).cluster
        sort_files(files, outdir, cluster)
    # Figure out which HDF5 files were created
    h5_filenames = glob.glob(h5_dir + '/20%s/LYLOUT*.dat.flash.h5' %
    return h5_filenames
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sort_flashes(files, base_sort_dir, params):
    """ Given a list of LMA ASCII data files, created HDF5 flash-sorted data 
        files in base_sort_dir/h5_files.
        params is a dictionary with the following format
        params = {'stations':(6,99), # range of allowable numbers of contributing stations
                  'chi2':(0,1.0),    # range of allowable chi-sq values
                  'distance':3000.0, 'thresh_critical_time':0.15, # space and time grouping thresholds
                  'thresh_duration':3.0, # maximum expected flash duration
                  'mask_length':6, # length of the hexadecimal station mask column in HDF5 
    # base_sort_dir = outpath
    # files = lmatools.testing.test_gen_autorun_DBSCAN.get_sample_data_list()
    h5_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'h5_files') 
    y,m,d,H,M,S = tfromfile(files[0])
    date = datetime(y,m,d, H,M,S)

    # Create HDF5 flash files
    base_out_dir = (h5_dir+"/20%s" %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    if os.path.exists(base_out_dir) == False:
        subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', base_out_dir, h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])

    tag = ''
    outdir = os.path.join(base_out_dir, tag) 
    info = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'input_params.py'), 'w')
    if True:
        cluster = DBSCANFlashSorter(params).cluster
        sort_files(files, outdir, cluster)
    # Figure out which HDF5 files were created
    h5_filenames = glob.glob(h5_dir+'/20%s/LYLOUT*.dat.flash.h5' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    return h5_filenames
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_sort_and_grid_and_plot(outpath):
    """ Given an output path, run sample data included in lmatools through flash sorting and gridding"""
    base_sort_dir = outpath
    files = get_sample_data_list()
    center_ID = 'WTLMA'
    ctr_lat, ctr_lon = 33.5, -101.5
    params = {'stations':(6,13),
              'ctr_lat':ctr_lat, 'ctr_lon':ctr_lon,
              'distance':3000.0, 'thresh_critical_time':0.15,
    h5_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'h5_files')
    grid_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'grid_files')
    plot_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'plots')
    y,m,d,H,M,S = tfromfile(files[0])
    date = datetime(y,m,d, H,M,S)

    # Create HDF5 flash files
    base_out_dir = (h5_dir+"/20%s" %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    if os.path.exists(base_out_dir) == False:
        subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', base_out_dir, h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])

    tag = ''
    outdir = os.path.join(base_out_dir, tag) 
    info = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'input_params.py'), 'w')
    if True:
        cluster = DBSCANFlashSorter(params).cluster
        sort_files(files, outdir, cluster)
    # Figure out which HDF5 files were created
    h5_filenames = glob.glob(h5_dir+'/20%s/LYLOUT*.dat.flash.h5' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    # Create NetCDF gridded data
    frame_interval=60.0*2 # seconds
    dx_km=3.0e3 # meters
    x_bnd_km = (-200e3, 200e3)
    y_bnd_km = (-200e3, 200e3)
    z_bnd_km = (0.0e3, 15.0e3)

    # There are similar functions in lmatools to grid on a regular x,y grid in some map projection.
    # dx, dy, x_bnd, y_bnd = dlonlat_at_grid_center(ctr_lat, ctr_lon,
    #                             dx=dx_km, dy=dy_km,
    #                             x_bnd = x_bnd_km, y_bnd = y_bnd_km )
    dx, dy, x_bnd, y_bnd = dx_km, dy_km, x_bnd_km, y_bnd_km
    # print("dx, dy = {0}, {1} deg".format(dx,dy))
    # print("lon_range = {0} deg".format(x_bnd))
    # print("lat_range = {0} deg".format(y_bnd))
    for f in h5_filenames:
        y,m,d,H,M,S = tfromfile(f)
        # print y,m,d,H,M,S
        start_time = datetime(y,m,d, H,M,S)
        end_time   = start_time + timedelta(0,600)
        # print start_time, end_time
        outpath = grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d'))
        if os.path.exists(outpath) == False:
            subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', outpath, grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])
        if True:
            grid_h5flashfiles(h5_filenames, start_time, end_time, frame_interval=frame_interval,
                    dx=dx, dy=dy, x_bnd=x_bnd, y_bnd=y_bnd, z_bnd=z_bnd_km,
                    ctr_lon=ctr_lon, ctr_lat=ctr_lat, outpath = outpath,
                    output_writer = write_cf_netcdf,
                    output_writer_3d = write_cf_netcdf_3d,
                    output_filename_prefix=center_ID, spatial_scale_factor=1.0e-3,
                    # proj_name='latlong',
                    # output_writer = write_cf_netcdf_latlon,
                    # output_writer_3d = write_cf_netcdf_3d_latlon,
                    # output_filename_prefix=center_ID, spatial_scale_factor=1.0,
                    energy_grids = True
    # Create plots
    mapping = { 'source':'lma_source',
                'total_energy': 'total_energy'
    nc_names = glob.glob(grid_dir+'/20%s/*.nc' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    nc_names_3d = glob.glob(grid_dir+'/20%s/*_3d.nc' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    nc_names_2d = list(set(nc_names) - set(nc_names_3d))
    outpath = plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d'))
    if os.path.exists(outpath) == False:
        subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', outpath, plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])

    for f in nc_names_2d:
        gridtype = f.split('dx_')[-1].replace('.nc', '')
        var = mapping[gridtype]
        # make_plot(f, var, n_cols=n_cols, x_name='longitude', y_name='latitude', outpath = outpath)
        make_plot(f, var, n_cols=n_cols, x_name='x', y_name='y', outpath = outpath)
    for f in nc_names_3d:
        gridtype = f.split('dx_')[-1].replace('.nc', '').replace('_3d', '')
        var = mapping[gridtype]
        # grid_range = range_mapping[gridtype]
        ###Read grid files, then plot in either 2d or 3d space###
        # grid, grid_name, x, y, z, t, grid_t_idx, grid_x_idx, grid_z_idx = read_file_3d(f, var, x_name='longitude', y_name='latitude', z_name='altitude')
        grid, grid_name, x, y, z, t, grid_t_idx, grid_x_idx, grid_z_idx = read_file_3d(f, var, x_name='x', y_name='y', z_name='z')
        make_plot_3d(grid, grid_name, x, y, z, t, 
                     grid_t_idx, grid_x_idx, grid_z_idx, 
                     n_cols = n_cols, outpath = outpath)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_sort_and_grid_and_plot(outpath):
    """ Given an output path, run sample data included in lmatools through flash sorting and gridding"""
    base_sort_dir = outpath
    files = get_sample_data_list()
    center_ID = 'WTLMA'
    ctr_lat, ctr_lon = 33.5, -101.5
    params = {'stations':(6,13),
              'ctr_lat':ctr_lat, 'ctr_lon':ctr_lon,
              'distance':3000.0, 'thresh_critical_time':0.15,
    h5_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'h5_files')
    grid_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'grid_files')
    plot_dir = os.path.join(base_sort_dir, 'plots')
    y,m,d,H,M,S = tfromfile(files[0])
    date = datetime(y,m,d, H,M,S)

    # Create HDF5 flash files
    base_out_dir = (h5_dir+"/20%s" %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    if os.path.exists(base_out_dir) == False:
        subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', base_out_dir, h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), h5_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])

    tag = ''
    outdir = os.path.join(base_out_dir, tag) 
    info = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'input_params.py'), 'w')
    if True:
        cluster = DBSCANFlashSorter(params).cluster
        sort_files(files, outdir, cluster)
    # Figure out which HDF5 files were created
    h5_filenames = glob.glob(h5_dir+'/20%s/LYLOUT*.dat.flash.h5' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    # Create NetCDF gridded data
    frame_interval=60.0*2 # seconds
    dx_km=3.0e3 # meters
    x_bnd_km = (-200e3, 200e3)
    y_bnd_km = (-200e3, 200e3)
    z_bnd_km = (0.0e3, 15.0e3)

    # There are similar functions in lmatools to grid on a regular x,y grid in some map projection.
    dx, dy, x_bnd, y_bnd = dlonlat_at_grid_center(ctr_lat, ctr_lon, 
                                dx=dx_km, dy=dy_km,
                                x_bnd = x_bnd_km, y_bnd = y_bnd_km )
    # print("dx, dy = {0}, {1} deg".format(dx,dy))
    # print("lon_range = {0} deg".format(x_bnd))
    # print("lat_range = {0} deg".format(y_bnd))
    for f in h5_filenames:
        y,m,d,H,M,S = tfromfile(f)
        # print y,m,d,H,M,S
        start_time = datetime(y,m,d, H,M,S)
        end_time   = start_time + timedelta(0,600)
        # print start_time, end_time
        outpath = grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d'))
        if os.path.exists(outpath) == False:
            subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', outpath, grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), grid_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])
        if True:
            grid_h5flashfiles(h5_filenames, start_time, end_time, frame_interval=frame_interval, proj_name='latlong',
                    dx=dx, dy=dy, x_bnd=x_bnd, y_bnd=y_bnd, z_bnd=z_bnd_km,
                    ctr_lon=ctr_lon, ctr_lat=ctr_lat, outpath = outpath,
                    output_writer = write_cf_netcdf_latlon, output_writer_3d = write_cf_netcdf_3d_latlon,
                    output_filename_prefix=center_ID, spatial_scale_factor=1.0
    # Create plots
    mapping = { 'source':'lma_source',
    nc_names = glob.glob(grid_dir+'/20%s/*.nc' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    nc_names_3d = glob.glob(grid_dir+'/20%s/*_3d.nc' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d')))
    nc_names_2d = list(set(nc_names) - set(nc_names_3d))
    outpath = plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b/%d'))
    if os.path.exists(outpath) == False:
        subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', outpath, plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y/%b')), plot_dir+'/20%s' %(date.strftime('%y'))])

    for f in nc_names_2d:
        gridtype = f.split('dx_')[-1].replace('.nc', '')
        var = mapping[gridtype]
        make_plot(f, var, n_cols=n_cols, x_name='longitude', y_name='latitude', outpath = outpath)
    for f in nc_names_3d:
        gridtype = f.split('dx_')[-1].replace('.nc', '').replace('_3d', '')
        var = mapping[gridtype]
        # grid_range = range_mapping[gridtype]
        ###Read grid files, then plot in either 2d or 3d space###
        grid, grid_name, x, y, z, t, grid_t_idx, grid_x_idx, grid_z_idx = read_file_3d(f, var, x_name='longitude', y_name='latitude', z_name='altitude')
        make_plot_3d(grid, grid_name, x, y, z, t, 
                     grid_t_idx, grid_x_idx, grid_z_idx, 
                     n_cols = n_cols, outpath = outpath)