Ejemplo n.º 1
def lfuncEPhtml(L, fmt):
    """ Euler product as a formula and a table of local factors.
    texform_gen = "\[L(A,s) = "
    texform_gen += "\prod_{p \\text{ prime}} F_p(p^{-s})^{-1} \]\n"

    pfactors = prime_divisors(L.level)
    if len(pfactors) == 1:  #i.e., the conductor is prime
        pgoodset = "$p \\neq " + str(pfactors[0]) + "$"
        pbadset = "$p = " + str(pfactors[0]) + "$"
        badset = "\\{" + str(pfactors[0])
        for j in range(1, len(pfactors)):
            badset += ",\\;"
            badset += str(pfactors[j])
        badset += "\\}"
        pgoodset = "$p \\notin " + badset + "$"
        pbadset = "$p \\in " + badset + "$"

    ans = ""
    #   ans += texform_gen + "where, for $p\\nmid " + str(L.level) + "$,\n"
    ans += texform_gen + "where, for " + pgoodset + ",\n"
    if L.degree == 4 and L.motivic_weight == 1:
        ans += "\[F_p(T) = 1 - a_p T + b_p T^2 -  a_p p T^3 + p^2 T^4 \]"
        ans += "with $b_p = a_p^2 - a_{p^2}$. "
    elif L.degree == 2 and L.motivic_weight == 1:
        ans += "\[F_p(T) = 1 - a_p T + p T^2 .\]"
        ans += "\(F_p\) is a polynomial of degree " + str(L.degree) + ". "

#  ans += "If $p \mid "  + str(L.level) + "$, then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most 3, "
#  ans += "If " + pbadset + ", then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most 3, "
    ans += "If " + pbadset + ", then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most "
    ans += str(L.degree - 1) + ". "
    #    ans += "with $F_p(0) = 1$."
    factN = list(factor(L.level))
    bad_primes = []
    for lf in L.bad_lfactors:
    eulerlim = 25
    good_primes = []
    for j in range(0, eulerlim):
        this_prime = Primes().unrank(j)
        if this_prime not in bad_primes:
    eptable = "<table id='eptable' class='ntdata euler'>\n"
    eptable += "<thead>"
    eptable += "<tr class='space'><th class='weight'></th><th class='weight'>$p$</th><th class='weight'>$F_p$</th>"
    if L.degree > 2:
        eptable += "<th class='weight galois'>$\Gal(F_p)$</th>"
    eptable += "</tr>\n"
    eptable += "</thead>"
    numfactors = len(L.localfactors)
    goodorbad = "bad"
    C = getDBConnection()
    for lf in L.bad_lfactors:
            thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(lf[1], galois=True)
            eptable += ("<tr><td>" + goodorbad + "</td><td>" + str(lf[0]) +
                        "</td><td>" + "$" + thispolygal[0] + "$" + "</td>")
            if L.degree > 2:
                eptable += "<td class='galois'>"
                this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
                if this_gal_group[0] == [0, 0]:
                    pass  # do nothing, because the local faco is 1
                elif this_gal_group[0] == [1, 1]:
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],
                                                   this_gal_group[0][1], C,
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],
                                                   this_gal_group[0][1], C)
                for j in range(1, len(thispolygal[1])):
                    eptable += "$\\times$"
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],
                                                   this_gal_group[j][1], C)
                eptable += "</td>"
            eptable += "</tr>\n"

        except IndexError:
            eptable += "<tr><td></td><td>" + str(
                j) + "</td><td>" + "not available" + "</td></tr>\n"
        goodorbad = ""
    goodorbad = "good"
    firsttime = " class='first'"
    good_primes1 = good_primes[:9]
    good_primes2 = good_primes[9:]
    for j in good_primes1:
        this_prime_index = prime_pi(j) - 1
        thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(
            L.localfactors[this_prime_index], galois=True)
        eptable += ("<tr" + firsttime + "><td>" + goodorbad + "</td><td>" +
                    str(j) + "</td><td>" + "$" + thispolygal[0] + "$" +
        if L.degree > 2:
            eptable += "<td class='galois'>"
            this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
            eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],
                                           this_gal_group[0][1], C)
            for j in range(1, len(thispolygal[1])):
                eptable += "$\\times$"
                eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],
                                               this_gal_group[j][1], C)
            eptable += "</td>"
        eptable += "</tr>\n"

        #        eptable += "<td>" + group_display_knowl(4,1,C) + "</td>"
        #        eptable += "</tr>\n"
        goodorbad = ""
        firsttime = ""
    firsttime = " id='moreep'"
    for j in good_primes2:
        this_prime_index = prime_pi(j) - 1
        thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(
            L.localfactors[this_prime_index], galois=True)
        eptable += ("<tr" + firsttime + " class='more nodisplay'" + "><td>" +
                    goodorbad + "</td><td>" + str(j) + "</td><td>" + "$" +
                        L.localfactors[this_prime_index], galois=True)[0] +
                    "$" + "</td>")
        if L.degree > 2:
            this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
            eptable += "<td class='galois'>"
            eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],
                                           this_gal_group[0][1], C)
            for j in range(1, len(thispolygal[1])):
                eptable += "$\\times$"
                eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],
                                               this_gal_group[j][1], C)
            eptable += "</td>"

        eptable += "</tr>\n"
        firsttime = ""

    eptable += "<tr class='less toggle'><td></td><td></td><td> <a onclick='"
    eptable += 'show_moreless("more"); return true' + "'"
    eptable += ' href="#moreep" '
    eptable += ">show more</a></td></tr>\n"
    eptable += "<tr class='more toggle nodisplay'><td></td><td></td><td> <a onclick='"
    eptable += 'show_moreless("less"); return true' + "'"
    eptable += ' href="#eptable" '
    eptable += ">show less</a></td></tr>\n"
    eptable += "</table>\n"
    ans += "\n" + eptable
    return (ans)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def lfuncEPhtml(L,fmt):
    """ Euler product as a formula and a table of local factors.
    texform_gen = "\[L(A,s) = "
    texform_gen += "\prod_{p \\text{ prime}} F_p(p^{-s})^{-1} \]\n"

    pfactors = prime_divisors(L.level)
    if len(pfactors) == 1:  #i.e., the conductor is prime
        pgoodset = "$p \\neq " + str(pfactors[0]) + "$"
        pbadset = "$p = " + str(pfactors[0]) + "$"
        badset = "\\{" + str(pfactors[0])
        for j in range(1,len(pfactors)):
            badset += ",\\;"
            badset += str(pfactors[j])
        badset += "\\}"
        pgoodset = "$p \\notin " + badset + "$"
        pbadset = "$p \\in " + badset + "$"

    ans = ""
 #   ans += texform_gen + "where, for $p\\nmid " + str(L.level) + "$,\n"
    ans += texform_gen + "where, for " + pgoodset + ",\n"
    if L.degree == 4 and L.motivic_weight == 1:
        ans += "\[F_p(T) = 1 - a_p T + b_p T^2 -  a_p p T^3 + p^2 T^4 \]"
        ans += "with $b_p = a_p^2 - a_{p^2}$. "
    elif L.degree == 2 and L.motivic_weight == 1:
        ans += "\[F_p(T) = 1 - a_p T + p T^2 .\]"
        ans += "\(F_p\) is a polynomial of degree " + str(L.degree) + ". "
  #  ans += "If $p \mid "  + str(L.level) + "$, then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most 3, "
  #  ans += "If " + pbadset + ", then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most 3, "
    ans += "If " + pbadset + ", then $F_p$ is a polynomial of degree at most "
    ans += str(L.degree - 1) + ". "
#    ans += "with $F_p(0) = 1$."
    factN = list(factor(L.level))
    bad_primes = []
    for lf in L.bad_lfactors:
    eulerlim = 25
    good_primes = []
    for j in range(0, eulerlim):
        this_prime = Primes().unrank(j)
        if this_prime not in bad_primes:
    eptable = "<table id='eptable' class='ntdata euler'>\n"
    eptable += "<thead>"
    eptable += "<tr class='space'><th class='weight'></th><th class='weight'>$p$</th><th class='weight'>$F_p$</th>"
    if L.degree > 2:
        eptable += "<th class='weight galois'>$\Gal(F_p)$</th>"
    eptable += "</tr>\n"
    eptable += "</thead>"
    numfactors = len(L.localfactors)
    goodorbad = "bad"
    C = getDBConnection()
    for lf in L.bad_lfactors:
            thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(lf[1], galois=True)
            eptable += ("<tr><td>" + goodorbad + "</td><td>" + str(lf[0]) + "</td><td>" + 
                        "$" + thispolygal[0] + "$" +
            if L.degree > 2:
                eptable += "<td class='galois'>" 
                this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
                if this_gal_group[0]==[0,0]:
                    pass   # do nothing, because the local faco is 1
                elif this_gal_group[0]==[1,1]:
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],this_gal_group[0][1],C,'$C_1$') 
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],this_gal_group[0][1],C) 
                for j in range(1,len(thispolygal[1])):
                    eptable += "$\\times$"
                    eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],this_gal_group[j][1],C)
                eptable += "</td>"
            eptable += "</tr>\n"

        except IndexError:
            eptable += "<tr><td></td><td>" + str(j) + "</td><td>" + "not available" + "</td></tr>\n"
        goodorbad = ""
    goodorbad = "good"
    firsttime = " class='first'"
    good_primes1 = good_primes[:9]
    good_primes2 = good_primes[9:]
    for j in good_primes1:
        this_prime_index = prime_pi(j) - 1
        thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(L.localfactors[this_prime_index],galois=True)
        eptable += ("<tr" + firsttime + "><td>" + goodorbad + "</td><td>" + str(j) + "</td><td>" +
                    "$" + thispolygal[0] + "$" +
        if L.degree > 2:
            eptable += "<td class='galois'>"
            this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
            eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],this_gal_group[0][1],C) 
            for j in range(1,len(thispolygal[1])):
                eptable += "$\\times$"
                eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],this_gal_group[j][1],C)
            eptable += "</td>"
        eptable += "</tr>\n"

#        eptable += "<td>" + group_display_knowl(4,1,C) + "</td>"
#        eptable += "</tr>\n"
        goodorbad = ""
        firsttime = ""
    firsttime = " id='moreep'"
    for j in good_primes2:
        this_prime_index = prime_pi(j) - 1
        thispolygal = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(L.localfactors[this_prime_index],galois=True)
        eptable += ("<tr" + firsttime +  " class='more nodisplay'" + "><td>" + goodorbad + "</td><td>" + str(j) + "</td><td>" +
                    "$" + list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(L.localfactors[this_prime_index], galois=True)[0] + "$" +
        if L.degree > 2:
            this_gal_group = thispolygal[1]
            eptable += "<td class='galois'>"
            eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[0][0],this_gal_group[0][1],C)
            for j in range(1,len(thispolygal[1])):
                eptable += "$\\times$"
                eptable += group_display_knowl(this_gal_group[j][0],this_gal_group[j][1],C)
            eptable += "</td>"

        eptable += "</tr>\n"
        firsttime = ""

    eptable += "<tr class='less toggle'><td></td><td></td><td> <a onclick='"
    eptable += 'show_moreless("more"); return true' + "'"
    eptable += ' href="#moreep" '
    eptable += ">show more</a></td></tr>\n"
    eptable += "<tr class='more toggle nodisplay'><td></td><td></td><td> <a onclick='"
    eptable += 'show_moreless("less"); return true' + "'"
    eptable += ' href="#eptable" '
    eptable += ">show less</a></td></tr>\n"
    eptable += "</table>\n"
    ans += "\n" + eptable