def return_dimension(level=None, weight=None, chi=None, **kwds): if request.method == 'GET': info = to_dict(request.args) else: info = to_dict(request.form) level = my_get(info, 'level', level, int) weight = my_get(info, 'weight', weight, int) chi = my_get(info, 'chi', chi, int) if level is None or weight is None: return emf_error("Please supply level weight (and optional character)!"), 500 ttype = my_get(kwds, 'ttype', info.get('ttype', 'new'), str) emf_logger.debug("level,weight,chi: {0},{1},{2}, type={3}".format(level, weight, chi, ttype)) if chi == 0 or chi is None: x = level else: x = DirichletGroup(level).list()[chi] if ttype == 'new': return str(dimension_new_cusp_forms(x, weight)) if ttype == 'cusp': return str(dimension_cusp_forms(x, weight)) if ttype == 'modular': return str(dimension_modular_forms(x, weight)) if ttype == 'eisenstein': return str(dimension_eis(x, weight)) s = "Please use one of the available table types: 'new', 'cusp','modular', 'eisenstein' Got:{0}".format( ttype) return emf_error(s), 500
def character_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) for field in ["modulus", "conductor", "order"]: info[field] = info.get(field, "") query = {} if "natural" in args: label = info.get("natural", "") try: modulus = int(str(label).partition(".")[0]) number = int(str(label).partition(".")[2]) except ValueError: return "<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: bad query</span>" return redirect(url_character(type="Dirichlet", modulus=modulus, number=number)) else: for field in ["modulus", "conductor", "order"]: if info.get(field): query[field] = parse_range(info[field]) info["bread"] = [("Characters", "/Character"), ("search results", " ")] info["credit"] = "Sage" if len(query) != 0: from sage.modular.dirichlet import DirichletGroup info["contents"] = charactertable(query) info["title"] = "Dirichlet Characters" return render_template("character_search.html", **info) else: return "<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: bad query</span>"
def render_web_modform_space(level=None, weight=None, character=None, label=None, **kwds): r""" Render the webpage for a elliptic modular forms space. """ emf_logger.debug("In render_elliptic_modular_form_space kwds: {0}".format(kwds)) emf_logger.debug( "Input: level={0},weight={1},character={2},label={3}".format(level, weight, character, label)) info = to_dict(kwds) info['level'] = level info['weight'] = weight info['character'] = character info = set_info_for_modular_form_space(**info) emf_logger.debug("keys={0}".format(info.keys())) if 'download' in kwds and 'error' not in kwds: return send_file(info['tempfile'], as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=info['filename']) if 'dimension_newspace' in kwds and kwds['dimension_newspace'] == 1: # if there is only one orbit we list it emf_logger.debug("Dimension of newforms is one!") info['label'] = 'a' return redirect(url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', **info)) info['title'] = "Newforms of weight %s for \(\Gamma_{0}(%s)\) with character \(\chi_{%s}(%s, \cdot)\)" % (weight, level, level, character) bread = [(EMF_TOP, url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms'))] bread.append(("Level %s" % level, url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level))) bread.append( ("Weight %s" % weight, url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=weight))) bread.append( ("Character \(\chi_{%s}(%s, \cdot)\)" % (level, character), url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=weight, character=character))) # emf_logger.debug("friends={0}".format(friends)) info['bread'] = bread emf_logger.debug("info={0}".format(info)) if info.has_key('space'): emf_logger.debug("space={0}".format(info['space'])) emf_logger.debug("dimension={0}".format(info['space'].dimension)) return render_template("emf_web_modform_space.html", **info)
def rational_elliptic_curves(err_args=None): if err_args is None: if len(request.args) != 0: return elliptic_curve_search(to_dict(request.args)) else: err_args = {} for field in ['conductor', 'jinv', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha', 'optimal', 'torsion_structure', 'msg']: err_args[field] = '' err_args['count'] = '100' counts = get_stats().counts() conductor_list_endpoints = [1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, counts['max_N'] + 1] conductor_list = ["%s-%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(conductor_list_endpoints[:-1], conductor_list_endpoints[1:])] rank_list = range(counts['max_rank'] + 1) torsion_list = range(1,11) + [12, 16] info = { 'rank_list': rank_list, 'torsion_list': torsion_list, 'conductor_list': conductor_list, 'counts': counts, 'stats_url': url_for(".statistics") } credit = 'John Cremona and Andrew Sutherland' t = 'Elliptic curves over $\Q$' bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), ('$\Q$', ' ')] return render_template("ec-index.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list_remove('Completeness'), **err_args)
def abelian_varieties_by_gq(g, q): D = to_dict(request.args) if 'g' not in D: D['g'] = g if 'q' not in D: D['q'] = q D['bread'] = get_bread((str(g), url_for(".abelian_varieties_by_g", g=g)), (str(q), url_for(".abelian_varieties_by_gq", g=g, q=q))) return abelian_variety_search(D)
def number_field_render_webpage(): args = to_dict(request.args) sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range( 1 + (d // 2))] for d in range(1, 7)], []) + sum([[[d, 0]] for d in range(7, 11)], []) sig_list = sig_list[:10] if len(args) == 0: init_nf_count() discriminant_list_endpoints = [-10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000] discriminant_list = ["%s..%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip( discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1], discriminant_list_endpoints[1:])] info = { 'degree_list': range(1, max_deg + 1), 'signature_list': sig_list, 'class_number_list': range(1, 6) + ['6..10'], 'count': '20', 'nfields': comma(nfields), 'maxdeg': max_deg, 'discriminant_list': discriminant_list } t = 'Global Number Fields' bread = [('Global Number Fields', url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))] info['learnmore'] = [(Completename, url_for(".render_discriminants_page")), ('How data was computed', url_for(".how_computed_page")), ('Global number field labels', url_for(".render_labels_page")), ('Galois group labels', url_for(".render_groups_page")), ('Quadratic imaginary class groups', url_for(".render_class_group_data"))] return render_template("number_field_all.html", info=info, credit=NF_credit, title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=info.pop('learnmore')) else: return number_field_search(args)
def review_recent(days): if len(request.args) > 0: try: info = to_dict(request.args) beta = None ID = info.get('review') if ID: beta = False else: ID = info.get('beta') if ID: beta = True if beta is not None: k = Knowl(ID), set_beta=beta) return jsonify({"success": 1}) raise ValueError except Exception: return jsonify({"success": 0}) knowls = knowldb.needs_review(days) for k in knowls: k.rendered = render_knowl(, footer="0", raw=True, k=k) k.reviewed_content = json.dumps(k.reviewed_content) k.content = json.dumps(k.content) b = get_bread([("Reviewing Recent", url_for('.review_recent', days=days))]) return render_template("knowl-review-recent.html", title="Reviewing %s days of knowls" % days, knowls=knowls, bread=b)
def render_characterNavigation(): """ FIXME: replace query by ?browse=<key>&start=<int>&end=<int> """ args = to_dict(request.args) info = {} info['bread'] = [ ('Characters',url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) ] info['learnmore'] = learn() if 'modbrowse' in args: arg = args['modbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') modulus_start = int(arg[0]) modulus_end = int(arg[1]) info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Moduli ' + str(modulus_start) + '-' + str(modulus_end) info['credit'] = 'Sage' h, c, rows, cols = ListCharacters.get_character_modulus(modulus_start, modulus_end) info['contents'] = c info['headers'] = h info['rows'] = rows info['cols'] = cols return render_template("ModulusList.html", **info) elif 'condbrowse' in args: arg = args['condbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') conductor_start = int(arg[0]) conductor_end = int(arg[1]) info['conductor_start'] = conductor_start info['conductor_end'] = conductor_end info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Conductors ' + str(conductor_start) + \ '-' + str(conductor_end) info['credit'] = "Sage" info['contents'] = ListCharacters.get_character_conductor(conductor_start, conductor_end + 1) # info['contents'] = c # info['header'] = h # info['rows'] = rows # info['cols'] = cols return render_template("ConductorList.html", **info) elif 'ordbrowse' in args: arg = args['ordbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') order_start = int(arg[0]) order_end = int(arg[1]) info['order_start'] = order_start info['order_end'] = order_end info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Orders ' + str(order_start) + '-' + str(order_end) info['credit'] = 'Sage' info['contents'] = ListCharacters.get_character_order(order_start, order_end + 1) return render_template("OrderList.html", **info) elif args != {}: return character_search(**args) else: info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters' return render_template('CharacterNavigate.html', **info)
def render_web_modform_space_gamma1(level=None, weight=None, character=None, label=None, **kwds): r""" Render the webpage for the space of elliptic modular forms on gamma1 as a table of spaces of spaces on gamma0 with associated characters. """ emf_logger.debug("In render_elliptic_modular_form_space kwds: {0}".format(kwds)) emf_logger.debug( "Input: level={0},weight={1},character={2},label={3}".format(level, weight, character, label)) info = to_dict(kwds) info['level'] = level info['weight'] = weight info['character'] = character title = "Newforms of weight {0} for \(\Gamma_1({1})\)".format(weight, level) bread = [(EMF_TOP, url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms'))] bread.append(("Level %s" % level, url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level))) bread.append( ("Weight %s" % weight, url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level, weight=weight))) info['grouptype'] = 1 info['show_all_characters'] = 1 table = set_info_for_gamma1(level,weight) if table is None: pass #info['error'] = 'The database does not currently contain any spaces matching these parameters!' else: info['table'] = table info['bread'] = bread info['title'] = title info['showGaloisOrbits']=1 emf_logger.debug("info={0}".format(info)) return render_template("emf_render_web_modform_space_gamma1.html", **info)
def character_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) for field in ['modulus', 'conductor', 'order']: info[field] = info.get(field, '') query = {} if 'natural' in args: label = info.get('natural', '') try: modulus = int(str(label).partition('.')[0]) number = int(str(label).partition('.')[2]) except ValueError: return "<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: bad query</span>" return redirect(url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage',modulus=modulus, number=number)) else: for field in ['modulus', 'conductor', 'order']: if info.get(field): query[field] = parse_range(info[field]) info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('search results', ' ') ] info['credit'] = 'Sage' if (len(query) != 0): from sage.modular.dirichlet import DirichletGroup info['contents'] = charactertable(query) info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters' return render_template("character_search.html", **info) else: return "<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: bad query</span>"
def getLfunctionPlot(request, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9): pythonL = generateLfunctionFromUrl( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, to_dict(request.args)) if not pythonL: return "" plotrange = 30 if hasattr(pythonL, 'plotpoints'): F = p2sage(pythonL.plotpoints) plotrange = min(plotrange, F[-1][0]) # F[-1][0] is the highest t-coordinated that we have a value for L else: # obsolete, because lfunc_data comes from DB? L = pythonL.sageLfunction if not hasattr(L, "hardy_z_function"): return None plotStep = .1 if pythonL._Ltype not in ["riemann", "maass", "ellipticmodularform", "ellipticcurve"]: plotrange = 12 F = [(i, L.hardy_z_function(i).real()) for i in srange(-1*plotrange, plotrange, plotStep)] interpolation = spline(F) F_interp = [(i, interpolation(i)) for i in srange(-1*plotrange, plotrange, 0.05)] p = line(F_interp) # p = line(F) # temporary hack while the correct interpolation is being implemented styleLfunctionPlot(p, 10) fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".png") data = file(fn).read() os.remove(fn) return data
def artin_representation_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) if 'natural' in info: label = info['natural'] # test if it is ok try: label = parse_artin_label(label) except ValueError as err: flash(Markup("Error: %s" % (err)), "error") bread = get_bread([('Search results','')]) return search_input_error({'err':''}, bread) return render_artin_representation_webpage(label) title = 'Artin representation search results' bread = [('Artin representation', url_for(".index")), ('Search results', ' ')] sign_code = 0 query = {'Hide': 0} try: parse_primes(info,query,"unramified",name="Unramified primes", qfield="BadPrimes",mode="complement",to_string=True) parse_primes(info,query,"ramified",name="Ramified primes", qfield="BadPrimes",mode="append",to_string=True) parse_restricted(info,query,"root_number",qfield="GaloisConjugates.Sign", allowed=[1,-1],process=int) parse_restricted(info,query,"frobenius_schur_indicator",qfield="Indicator", allowed=[1,0,-1],process=int) parse_galgrp(info,query,"group",name="Group",qfield="Galois_nt",use_bson=False) parse_ints(info,query,'dimension',qfield='Dim') parse_ints(info,query,'conductor',qfield='Conductor_key', parse_singleton=make_cond_key) #parse_paired_fields(info,query,field1='conductor',qfield1='Conductor_key',parse1=parse_ints,kwds1={'parse_singleton':make_cond_key}, #field2='dimension',qfield2='Dim', parse2=parse_ints) except ValueError: return search_input_error(info, bread) count = parse_count(info,10) start = parse_start(info) data = ArtinRepresentation.collection().find(query).sort([("Dim", ASC), ("Conductor_key", ASC)]) nres = data.count() data = data.skip(start).limit(count) if(start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if(start < 0): start = 0 if nres == 1: report = 'unique match' else: if nres > count or start != 0: report = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: report = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres if nres == 0: report = 'no matches' initfunc = ArtinRepresentation return render_template("artin-representation-search.html", req=info, data=data, title=title, bread=bread, query=query, start=start, report=report, nres=nres, initfunc=initfunc, sign_code=sign_code)
def abelian_variety_browse(**args): info = to_dict(args) if not('table_dimension_range' in info) or (info['table_dimension_range']==''): info['table_dimension_range'] = "1-6" if not('table_field_range' in info) or (info['table_field_range']==''): info['table_field_range'] = "2-27" table_params = {} av_stats=AbvarFqStats() # Handle dimension range gs = try: if ',' in info['table_dimension_range']: flash(Markup("Error: You cannot use commas in the table ranges."), "error") raise ValueError parse_ints(info,table_params,'table_dimension_range',qfield='g') except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): gmin, gmax = 1, 6 else: if isinstance(table_params['g'], int): gmin = gmax = table_params['g'] else: gmin = table_params['g'].get('$gte',min(gs) if gs else table_params['g'].get('$lte',1)) gmax = table_params['g'].get('$lte',max(gs) if gs else table_params['g'].get('$gte',20)) # Handle field range qs = av_stats.qs try: if ',' in info['table_field_range']: flash(Markup("Error: You cannot use commas in the table ranges."), "error") raise ValueError parse_ints(info,table_params,'table_field_range',qfield='q') except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): qmin, qmax = 2, 27 else: if isinstance(table_params['q'], int): qmin = qmax = table_params['q'] else: qmin = table_params['q'].get('$gte',min(qs) if qs else table_params['q'].get('$lte',0)) qmax = table_params['q'].get('$lte',max(qs) if qs else table_params['q'].get('$gte',1000)) info['table'] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) if gmin == gmax: info['table_dimension_range'] = "{0}".format(gmin) else: info['table_dimension_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(gmin, gmax) if qmin == qmax: info['table_field_range'] = "{0}".format(qmin) else: info['table_field_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(qmin, qmax) for (g,q), cnt in av_stats._counts.items(): if qmin <= q <= qmax and gmin <= g <= gmax: info['table'][q][g] = cnt info['col_heads'] = [q for q in qs if q >= qmin and q <= qmax] info['row_heads'] = [g for g in gs if g >= gmin and g <= gmax] return render_template("abvarfq-index.html", title="Isogeny Classes of Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields", info=info, credit=abvarfq_credit, bread=get_bread(), learnmore=learnmore_list())
def get_args_upload(): r""" Extract parameters for upload data. Note: we need a "post" here """ info = dict() if request.method == 'GET': info = to_dict(request.args) # print "req:get=", request.args else: info = to_dict(request.form) # print "req:post=", request.form # fix formatting of certain standard parameters info['files'] = request.files['file'] tmp = get_format_for_file_to_db(info) info['format'] = tmp return info
def get_args(request, level=0, weight=0, character=-1, label='', keys=[]): r""" Use default input of the same type as desired output. """ if request.method == 'GET': dd = to_dict(request.args) else: dd = to_dict(request.form) info = dict() info['level'] = my_get(dd, 'level', level, int) info['weight'] = my_get(dd, 'weight', weight, int) info['character'] = my_get(dd, 'character', character, int) info['label'] = my_get(dd, 'label', label, str) for key in keys: if key in dd: info[key] = my_get(dd, key, '', str) return info
def render_family_page(family, args, bread): sams = family.samples() forms = [ (k, [(, f.degree_of_field()) for f in sams if k == f.weight()]) for k in Set(f.weight() for f in sams)] info = { 'family': family, 'forms': forms, 'args': to_dict(args) } if family.computes_dimensions(): build_dimension_table (info, family, args) bread.append(('$'+family.latex_name+'$', '')) return render_template("ModularForm_GSp4_Q_family.html", title='Siegel modular forms $'+family.latex_name+'$', bread=bread, info=info)
def modlmf_search(**args): C = getDBConnection() info = to_dict(args) # what has been entered in the search boxes if 'download' in info: return download_search(info) if 'label' in info and info.get('label'): return modlmf_by_label(info.get('label'), C) query = {} try: for field, name in (('characteristic','Field characteristic'),('deg','Field degree'),('level', 'Level'), ('conductor','Conductor'), ('weight_grading', 'Weight grading')): parse_ints(info, query, field, name) except ValueError as err: info['err'] = str(err) return search_input_error(info) # miss search by character, search up to twists and gamma0, gamma1 count = parse_count(info,50) start = parse_start(info) info['query'] = dict(query) res = C.mod_l_eigenvalues.modlmf.find(query).sort([('characteristic', ASC), ('deg', ASC), ('level', ASC), ('weight_grading', ASC)]).skip(start).limit(count) nres = res.count() if(start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if(start < 0): start = 0 info['number'] = nres info['start'] = int(start) info['more'] = int(start + count < nres) if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres == 0: info['report'] = 'no matches' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres res_clean = [] for v in res: v_clean = {} for m in ['label','characteristic','deg','level','weight_grading']: v_clean[m]=v[m] res_clean.append(v_clean) info['modlmfs'] = res_clean t = 'Mod ℓ Modular Forms Search Results' bread=[('Modular Forms', "/ModularForm"),('mod ℓ', url_for(".modlmf_render_webpage")),('Search Results', ' ')] properties = [] return render_template("modlmf-search.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list())
def artin_representation_search(**args): req = to_dict(args) title = 'Artin representations search results' bread = [('Artin representations', url_for(".index")), ('Search results', ' ')] query = {} if req.get("ramified", "") != "": tmp = req["ramified"].split(",") query["BadPrimes"] = {"$all": [str(x) for x in tmp]} if req.get("unramified", "") != "": tmp = req["unramified"].split(",") a = query.get("BadPrimes", {}) a.update({"$not": {"$in": [str(x) for x in tmp]}}) query["BadPrimes"] = a if req.get("root_number", "") != "": try: assert req["root_number"] in ["1", "-1"] except: raise AssertionError("The root number can only be 1 or -1") query["Sign"] = int(req["root_number"]) if req.get("frobenius_schur_indicator", "") != "": try: assert req["frobenius_schur_indicator"] in ["1", "-1", "0"] except: raise AssertionError("The Frobenius-Schur indicator can only be 0, 1 or -1") query["Indicator"] = int(req["frobenius_schur_indicator"]) tmp_conductor = [] if req.get("conductor", "") != "": from utils import len_val_fn tmp_conductor = parse_compound(req["conductor"], fn=len_val_fn) # examples of tmp_conductor: [], # [{"len":2,"val":"44"},{"len":3,"val":"444"},{"$gte":{"len":2,"val":"44"}, # "$lte":{"len":5,"val";"44444"}}] tmp_dimension = [] if req.get("dimension", "") != "": tmp_dimension = parse_compound(req["dimension"], fn=int) # examples of tmp_dimension: [], [17], [5,7,{"$gte":4, "$lte":10}] tmp_both = [{"Conductor_plus": c, "Dim": d} for c in tmp_conductor for d in tmp_dimension] if len(tmp_conductor) == 0: tmp_both += [{"Dim": d} for d in tmp_dimension] if len(tmp_dimension) == 0: tmp_both += [{"Conductor_plus": c} for c in tmp_conductor] if len(tmp_both) == 1: query.update(tmp_both[0]) elif len(tmp_both) >= 2: query["$or"] = tmp_both count = int(req.get('count', 20)) for i in range(10): print query from pymongo import ASCENDING ArtinRepresentation.collection().ensure_index([("Dim", ASCENDING), ("Conductor_plus", ASCENDING)]) data = [ArtinRepresentation(data=x) for x in ArtinRepresentation.collection( ).find(query).sort([("Dim", ASCENDING), ("Conductor_plus", ASCENDING)]).limit(count)] return render_template("artin-representation-search.html", req=req, data=data, data_count=len(data), title=title, bread=bread, query=query)
def draw_table(nrows=None, ncols=None, **kwds): if request.method == 'GET': info = to_dict(request.args) else: info = to_dict(request.form) ncols = my_get(info, 'ncols', ncols, int) nrows = my_get(info, 'nrows', nrows, int) if nrows is None or ncols is None: return emf_error("Please supply level weight (and optional character)!"), 500 ttype = my_get(info, 'ttype', 'new', str) ttype = my_get(kwds, 'ttype', info.get('ttype'), str) info = to_dict(kwds) ttype = my_get(kwds, 'ttype', 'new', str) info['title'] = 'Title of table' info['ttype'] = ttype info['nrows'] = nrows info['ncols'] = ncols return render_template("emf_table2.html", **info)
def render_characterNavigation(): """ FIXME: replace query by ?browse=<key>&start=<int>&end=<int> """ args = to_dict(request.args) info = {} info["bread"] = [("Characters", "/Character")] if "modbrowse" in args: arg = args["modbrowse"] arg = arg.split("-") modulus_start = int(arg[0]) modulus_end = int(arg[1]) info["title"] = "Dirichlet Characters of Moduli " + str(modulus_start) + "-" + str(modulus_end) info["credit"] = "Sage" h, c, rows, cols = ListCharacters.get_character_modulus(modulus_start, modulus_end) info["contents"] = c info["headers"] = h info["rows"] = rows info["cols"] = cols return render_template("ModulusList.html", **info) elif "condbrowse" in args: arg = args["condbrowse"] arg = arg.split("-") conductor_start = int(arg[0]) conductor_end = int(arg[1]) info["conductor_start"] = conductor_start info["conductor_end"] = conductor_end info["title"] = "Dirichlet Characters of Conductors " + str(conductor_start) + "-" + str(conductor_end) info["credit"] = "Sage" info["contents"] = ListCharacters.get_character_conductor(conductor_start, conductor_end + 1) # info['contents'] = c # info['header'] = h # info['rows'] = rows # info['cols'] = cols return render_template("ConductorList.html", **info) elif "ordbrowse" in args: arg = args["ordbrowse"] arg = arg.split("-") order_start = int(arg[0]) order_end = int(arg[1]) info["order_start"] = order_start info["order_end"] = order_end info["title"] = "Dirichlet Characters of Orders " + str(order_start) + "-" + str(order_end) info["credit"] = "Sage" info["contents"] = ListCharacters.get_character_order(order_start, order_end + 1) return render_template("OrderList.html", **info) elif args != {}: return character_search(**args) else: return render_template("CharacterNavigate.html", **info)
def by_conductor(cond): data = {} if len(request.args) > 0: # if changed conductor or discriminat, fall back to a general search if 'cond' in request.args and request.args['cond'] != str(cond): return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 301) data = to_dict(request.args) data['cond'] = cond data['bread'] = (('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")), ('%s' % cond, '.')) data['title'] = 'Genus 2 Curve search results for conductor %s' % cond return genus2_curve_search(data=data, **request.args)
def by_url_belyi_search_group(group): info = to_dict(request.args) info['title'] = 'Belyi maps with group %s' % group info['bread'] = [('Belyi Maps', url_for(".index")), ('%s' % group, url_for(".by_url_belyi_search_group", group=group))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if the group changed, fall back to a general search if 'group' in request.args and request.args['group'] != str(group): return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' search results' info['bread'].append(('search results','')) info['group'] = group return belyi_search(info)
def by_conductor(conductor): info = to_dict(request.args) info['bread'] = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")), ('%s' % conductor, url_for(".by_conductor", conductor=conductor))] info['title'] = 'Elliptic Curves over $\Q$ of Conductor %s' % conductor if len(request.args) > 0: # if conductor changed, fall back to a general search if 'conductor' in request.args and request.args['conductor'] != str(conductor): return redirect (url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' Search Results' info['bread'].append(('Search Results','')) info['conductor'] = conductor return elliptic_curve_search(info)
def get_args(request, level=0, weight=0, character=-1, group=2, label='', keys=[]): r""" Use default input of the same type as desired output. """ if request.method == 'GET': dd = to_dict(request.args) else: dd = to_dict(request.form) emf_logger.debug("REQUEST:{0}".format(dd)) info = dict() info['level'] = my_get(dd, 'level', level, int) info['weight'] = my_get(dd, 'weight', weight, int) info['character'] = my_get(dd, 'character', character, int) emf_logger.debug("group={0}".format(group)) info['group'] = my_get(dd, 'group', group, int) emf_logger.debug("info[group]={0}".format(info['group'])) info['label'] = my_get(dd, 'label', label, str) for key in keys: if key in dd: info[key] = my_get(dd, key, '', str) return info
def by_conductor(cond): data = to_dict(request.args) data['title'] = 'Genus 2 Curves of Conductor %s' % cond data['bread'] = [('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")), ('%s' % cond, url_for(".by_conductor", cond=cond))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if conductor changed, fall back to a general search if 'cond' in request.args and request.args['cond'] != str(cond): return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) data['title'] += ' Search Results' data['bread'].append(('Search Results','')) data['cond'] = cond return genus2_curve_search(data)
def by_url_belyi_search_group_triple(group, abc): info = to_dict(request.args) info['title'] = 'Belyi maps with group %s and orders %s' % (group, abc) info['bread'] = [('Belyi Maps', url_for(".index")), ('%s' % group, url_for(".by_url_belyi_search_group", group=group)), ('%s' % abc, url_for(".by_url_belyi_search_group_triple", group=group, abc=abc)) ] if len(request.args) > 0: # if group or abc changed, fall back to a general search if 'group' in request.args and (request.args['group'] != str(group) or request.args['abc_list'] != str(abc)): return redirect(url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' search results' info['bread'].append(('search results','')) info['group'] = group info['abc_list'] = abc return belyi_search(info)
def abelian_varieties(): args = request.args if args: info = to_dict(args) #information has been entered, but not requesting to change the parameters of the table if not('table_field_range' in info) and not('table_dimension_range' in info): return abelian_variety_search(**args) #information has been entered, requesting to change the parameters of the table else: return abelian_variety_browse(**args) # no information was entered else: return abelian_variety_browse(**args)
def __call__(self, info): info = to_dict(info) # I'm not sure why this is required... for key, func in self.shortcuts.items(): if info.get(key,'').strip(): return func(info) query = {} template_kwds = {} for key in self.kwds: template_kwds[key] = info.get(key, self.kwds[key]()) try: errpage = self.f(info, query) except ValueError as err: # Errors raised in parsing info['err'] = str(err) err_title = query.pop('__err_title__', self.err_title) return render_template(self.template, info=info, title=err_title, **template_kwds) if errpage is not None: return errpage if 'result_count' in info: nres = self.table.count(query) return jsonify({"nres":str(nres)}) sort = query.pop('__sort__', None) table = query.pop('__table__', self.table) proj = query.pop('__projection__', self.projection) # We want to pop __title__ even if overridden by info. title = query.pop('__title__', self.title) title = info.get('title', title) template = query.pop('__template__', self.template) count = parse_count(info, self.per_page) start = parse_start(info) try: res =, proj, limit=count, offset=start, sort=sort, info=info) except QueryCanceledError as err: ctx = ctx_proc_userdata() flash_error('The search query took longer than expected! Please help us improve by reporting this error <a href="%s" target=_blank>here</a>.' % ctx['feedbackpage']) info['err'] = str(err) info['query'] = dict(query) return render_template(self.template, info=info, title=self.err_title, **template_kwds) else: if self.cleaners: for v in res: for name, func in self.cleaners.items(): v[name] = func(v) if self.postprocess is not None: res = self.postprocess(res, info, query) for key, func in self.longcuts.items(): if info.get(key,'').strip(): return func(res, info, query) info['results'] = res return render_template(template, info=info, title=title, **template_kwds)
def get_args_mwf(**kwds): get_params = ['level', 'weight', 'character', 'id', 'db', 'search', 'search_all', 'eigenvalue', 'browse', 'ev_skip', 'ev_range', 'maass_id', 'skip', 'limit', 'level_range', 'weight_range', 'ev_range', 'download'] defaults = {'level': 0, 'weight': -1, 'character': 0, 'skip': 0, 'limit': 2000, 'maass_id': None, 'search': None, 'eigenvalue': None, 'browse': None} if request.method == 'GET': req = to_dict(request.args) #print "req:get=", request.args else: req = to_dict(request.form) #print "req:post=", request.form res = {} if kwds.get('parameters', []) != []: get_params.extend(kwds['parameters']) for key in get_params: if key in kwds or key in req or key in defaults: res[key] = req.get(key, kwds.get(key, defaults.get(key, None))) mwf_logger.debug("res[{0}]={1}:{2}:{3}".format(key, kwds.get(key, None), req.get(key, None), res[key])) return res
def half_integral_weight_form_search(**args): C = getDBConnection() C.halfintegralmf.forms.ensure_index([('level', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('label', pymongo.ASCENDING)]) info = to_dict(args) # what has been entered in the search boxes if 'label' in info: args = {'label': info['label']} return render_hiwf_webpage(**args) query = {} for field in ['character', 'weight', 'level']: if info.get(field): if field == 'weight': query[field] = int(info[field]) elif field == 'character': query[field] = parse_field_string(info[field]) elif field == 'label': query[field] = info[field] elif field == 'level': query[field] = int(info[field]) info['query'] = dict(query) res = C.halfintegralmf.forms.find(query).sort([('level', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('label', pymongo.ASCENDING)]) nres = res.count() count = 100 if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count: info['report'] = 'displaying first %s of %s matches' % (count, nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres res_clean = [] for v in res: v_clean = {} v_clean['level'] = v['level'] v_clean['label'] = v['label'] v_clean['weight'] = v['weight'] v_clean['ch_lab']= v['character'].replace('.','/') v_clean['char']= "\chi_{"+v['character'].split(".")[0]+"}("+v['character'].split(".")[1]+",\cdot)" v_clean['dimension'] = v['dim'] res_clean.append(v_clean) info['forms'] = res_clean t = 'Half Integral Weight Cusp Forms search results' bread = [('Half Integral Weight Cusp Forms', url_for(".half_integral_weight_form_render_webpage")),('Search results', ' ')] properties = [] return render_template("half_integral_weight_form_search.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread)
def show_ecnf1(nf): if LABEL_RE.fullmatch(nf): nf, cond_label, iso_label, number = split_full_label(nf) return redirect( url_for(".show_ecnf", nf=nf, conductor_label=cond_label, class_label=iso_label, number=number), 301) if CLASS_LABEL_RE.fullmatch(nf): nf, cond_label, iso_label = split_class_label(nf) return redirect( url_for(".show_ecnf_isoclass", nf=nf, conductor_label=cond_label, class_label=iso_label), 301) if not FIELD_RE.fullmatch(nf): return abort(404) try: nf_label, nf_pretty = get_nf_info(nf) except ValueError: return abort(404) if nf_label == '': return redirect(url_for("ec.rational_elliptic_curves", **request.args), 301) info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=ECNFSearchArray()) info['title'] = 'Elliptic curves over %s' % nf_pretty info['bread'] = [('Elliptic curves', url_for(".index")), (nf_pretty, url_for(".show_ecnf1", nf=nf))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if requested field differs from nf, redirect to general search if 'field' in request.args and request.args['field'] != nf_label: return redirect(url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' Search results' info['bread'].append(('Search results', '')) info['field'] = nf_label return elliptic_curve_search(info)
def lattice_render_webpage(): info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=LatSearchArray()) if not request.args: maxs = lattice_summary_data() dim_list = list(range(1, 11, 1)) max_class_number = 20 class_number_list = list(range(1, max_class_number + 1, 1)) det_list_endpoints = [1, 5000, 10000, 20000, 25000, 30000] det_list = [ "%s-%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip( det_list_endpoints[:-1], det_list_endpoints[1:]) ] name_list = [ "A2", "Z2", "D3", "D3*", "3.1942.3884.56.1", "A5", "E8", "A14", "Leech" ] info.update({ 'dim_list': dim_list, 'class_number_list': class_number_list, 'det_list': det_list, 'name_list': name_list }) credit = lattice_credit t = 'Integral Lattices' bread = [('Lattice', url_for(".lattice_render_webpage"))] info['summary'] = lattice_summary() info['max_cn'] = maxs[0] info['max_dim'] = maxs[1] info['max_det'] = maxs[2] return render_template("lattice-index.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, learnmore=learnmore_list(), bread=bread) else: return lattice_search(info)
def by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant(cond, alpha, disc): data = to_dict(request.args, search_array=G2CSearchArray()) clabel = str(cond) + "." + alpha # if the isogeny class is not present in the database, return a 404 (otherwise title and bread crumbs refer to a non-existent isogeny class) if not db.g2c_curves.exists({"class": clabel}): return abort(404, f"Genus 2 isogeny class {clabel} not found in database.") data[ "title"] = f"Genus 2 curves in isogeny class {clabel} of discriminant {disc}" data["bread"] = get_bread([(f"{cond}", url_for(".by_conductor", cond=cond)), ( f"{alpha}", url_for(".by_url_isogeny_class_label", cond=cond, alpha=alpha), ), (f"{disc}", url_for( ".by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant", cond=cond, alpha=alpha, disc=disc, ))]) if len(request.args) > 0: # if conductor or discriminant changed, fall back to a general search if ("cond" in request.args and request.args["cond"] != str(cond)) or ( "abs_disc" in request.args and request.args["abs_disc"] != str(disc)): return redirect(url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) data["title"] += " Search results" data["bread"].append(("Search results", "")) data["cond"] = cond data["class"] = clabel data["abs_disc"] = disc return genus2_curve_search(data)
def show_ecnf1(nf): if "-" in nf: try: nf, cond_label, iso_label, number = split_full_label(nf.strip()) except ValueError: return redirect(url_for("ecnf.index")) return redirect(url_for(".show_ecnf", nf=nf, conductor_label=cond_label, class_label=iso_label, number=number), 301) try: nf_label, nf_pretty = get_nf_info(nf) except ValueError: return redirect(url_for(".index")) if nf_label == '': return redirect(url_for("ec.rational_elliptic_curves", **request.args), 301) info = to_dict(request.args) info['title'] = 'Elliptic Curves over %s' % nf_pretty info['bread'] = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for(".index")), (nf_pretty, url_for(".show_ecnf1", nf=nf))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if requested field differs from nf, redirect to general search if 'field' in request.args and request.args['field'] != nf_label: return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' Search Results' info['bread'].append(('Search Results','')) info['field'] = nf_label return elliptic_curve_search(info)
def show_ecnf_conductor(nf, conductor_label): conductor_label = unquote(conductor_label) if re.match(OLD_COND_RE, conductor_label): conductor_label = '.'.join(conductor_label[1:-1].split(',')) return redirect(url_for('.show_ecnf_conductor',nf=nf,conductor_label=conductor_label),301) try: nf_label, nf_pretty = get_nf_info(nf) conductor_norm = conductor_label_norm(conductor_label) except ValueError: return search_input_error() info = to_dict(request.args) info['title'] = 'Elliptic Curves over %s of conductor %s' % (nf_pretty, conductor_label) info['bread'] = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for(".index")), (nf_pretty, url_for(".show_ecnf1", nf=nf)), (conductor_label, url_for(".show_ecnf_conductor",nf=nf,conductor_label=conductor_label))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if requested field or conductor norm differs from nf or conductor_lable, redirect to general search if ('field' in request.args and request.args['field'] != nf_label) or \ ('conductor_norm' in request.args and request.args['conductor_norm'] != conductor_norm): return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' search results' info['bread'].append(('search results','')) info['field'] = nf_label info['conductor_label'] = conductor_label info['conductor_norm'] = conductor_norm return elliptic_curve_search(info)
def rational_elliptic_curves(err_args=None): info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=ECSearchArray()) if err_args is None: if request.args: return elliptic_curve_search(info) else: err_args = {} for field in ['conductor', 'jinv', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha', 'optimal', 'torsion_structure', 'msg']: err_args[field] = '' err_args['count'] = '50' counts = get_stats().counts() conductor_list_endpoints = [1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, counts['max_N'] + 1] conductor_list = ["%s-%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(conductor_list_endpoints[:-1], conductor_list_endpoints[1:])] rank_list = list(range(counts['max_rank'] + 1)) torsion_list = list(range(1, 11)) + [12, 16] info['rank_list'] = rank_list info['torsion_list'] = torsion_list info['conductor_list'] = conductor_list info['counts'] = counts info['stats_url'] = url_for(".statistics") t = r'Elliptic Curves over $\Q$' bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), (r'$\Q$', ' ')] if err_args.get("err_msg"): # this comes from elliptic_curve_jump_error flash_error(err_args.pop("err_msg"), err_args.pop("label")) return redirect(url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")) return render_template("ec-index.html", info=info, credit=ec_credit(), title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list(), calling_function="ec.rational_elliptic_curves", **err_args)
def number_field_render_webpage(): args = to_dict(request.args) sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range(1 + (d // 2))] for d in range(1, 7)], []) + sum( [[[d, 0]] for d in range(7, 11)], []) sig_list = sig_list[:10] if not args: init_nf_count() discriminant_list_endpoints = [ -10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000 ] discriminant_list = [ "%s..%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1], discriminant_list_endpoints[1:]) ] info = { 'degree_list': list(range(1, max_deg + 1)), 'signature_list': sig_list, 'class_number_list': list(range(1, 6)) + ['6..10'], 'count': '50', 'nfields': comma(nfields), 'maxdeg': max_deg, 'discriminant_list': discriminant_list } t = 'Global number fields' bread = [('Global Number Fields', url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))] return render_template("nf-index.html", info=info, credit=NF_credit, title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list()) else: return number_field_search(args)
def by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant(cond, alpha, disc): data = {} if len(request.args) > 0: # if changed conductor or discriminat, fall back to a general search if ('cond' in request.args and request.args['cond'] != str(cond)) or \ ('abs_disc' in request.args and request.args['abs_disc'] != str(disc)): return redirect(url_for(".index", **request.args), 301) data = to_dict(request.args) class_label = str(cond) + "." + alpha data['cond'] = cond data['class'] = class_label data['abs_disc'] = disc data['bread'] = (('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")), ('%s' % cond, url_for(".by_conductor", cond=cond)), ('%s' % alpha, url_for(".by_url_isogeny_class_label", cond=cond, alpha=alpha)), ('%s' % disc, '.')) data[ 'title'] = 'Genus 2 Curve search results for isogeny class %s and discriminant %s' % ( class_label, disc) return genus2_curve_search(data=data, **request.args)
def show_ecnf_conductor(nf, conductor_label): if not FIELD_RE.fullmatch(nf): return abort(404) conductor_label = unquote(conductor_label) conductor_label = convert_IQF_label(nf,conductor_label) try: nf_label, nf_pretty = get_nf_info(nf) conductor_norm = conductor_label_norm(conductor_label) except ValueError: return abort(404) info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=ECNFSearchArray()) info['title'] = 'Elliptic curves over %s of conductor %s' % (nf_pretty, conductor_label) info['bread'] = [('Elliptic curves', url_for(".index")), (nf_pretty, url_for(".show_ecnf1", nf=nf)), (conductor_label, url_for(".show_ecnf_conductor",nf=nf,conductor_label=conductor_label))] if len(request.args) > 0: # if requested field or conductor norm differs from nf or conductor_lable, redirect to general search if ('field' in request.args and request.args['field'] != nf_label) or \ ('conductor_norm' in request.args and request.args['conductor_norm'] != conductor_norm): return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307) info['title'] += ' Search results' info['bread'].append(('Search results','')) info['field'] = nf_label info['conductor_label'] = conductor_label info['conductor_norm'] = conductor_norm return elliptic_curve_search(info)
def abelian_varieties_by_g(g): D = to_dict(request.args, search_array=AbvarSearchArray()) if "g" not in D: D["g"] = g D["bread"] = get_bread((str(g), url_for(".abelian_varieties_by_g", g=g))) return abelian_variety_search(D)
def galois_group_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) bread = get_bread([("Search results", url_for('.search'))]) C = base.getDBConnection() query = {} if 'jump_to' in info: return render_group_webpage({'label': info['jump_to']}) for param in ['n', 't']: if info.get(param): info[param] = clean_input(info[param]) ran = info[param] ran = ran.replace('..', '-') if LIST_RE.match(ran): tmp = parse_range2(ran, param) else: names = {'n': 'degree', 't': 't'} info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s. It needs to be an integer (such as 5), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 2,3,8 or 3-5, 7, 8-11).' % names[ param] return search_input_error(info, bread) # work around syntax for $or # we have to foil out multiple or conditions if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query: newors = [] for y in tmp[1]: oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']] for x in oldors: x.update(y) newors.extend(oldors) tmp[1] = newors query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] for param in ['cyc', 'solv', 'prim', 'parity']: if info.get(param): info[param] = str(info[param]) if info[param] == str(1): query[param] = 1 elif info[param] == str(-1): query[param] = -1 if param == 'parity' else 0 # Determine if we have any composite degrees info['show_subs'] = True if info.get('n'): info[ 'show_subs'] = False # now only show subs if a composite n is allowed nparam = info.get('n') nparam.replace('..', '-') nlist = nparam.split(',') found = False for nl in nlist: if '-' in nl: inx = nl.index('-') ll, hh = nl[:inx], nl[inx + 1:] hh = int(hh) jj = int(ll) while jj <= hh and not found: if not (ZZ(jj).is_prime() or ZZ(jj) == 1): found = True jj += 1 if found: break else: jj = ZZ(nl) if not (ZZ(jj).is_prime() or ZZ(jj) == 1): found = True break if found: info['show_subs'] = True count_default = 20 if info.get('count'): try: count = int(info['count']) except: count = count_default else: count = count_default info['count'] = count start_default = 0 if info.get('start'): try: start = int(info['start']) if (start < 0): start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count except: start = start_default else: start = start_default if info.get('paging'): try: paging = int(info['paging']) if paging == 0: start = 0 except: pass res = C.transitivegroups.groups.find(query).sort([('n', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('t', pymongo.ASCENDING) ]) nres = res.count() res = res.skip(start).limit(count) if (start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if (start < 0): start = 0 info['groups'] = res info['group_display'] = group_display_shortC(C) info['report'] = "found %s groups" % nres info['yesno'] = yesno info['wgg'] = WebGaloisGroup.from_data info['start'] = start info['number'] = nres if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres return render_template("gg-search.html", info=info, title="Galois Group Search Result", bread=bread, credit=GG_credit)
def bmf_field_dim_table(**args): argsdict = to_dict(args) argsdict.update(to_dict(request.args)) gl_or_sl = argsdict['gl_or_sl'] field_label = argsdict['field_label'] field_label = nf_string_to_label(field_label) start = 0 if 'start' in argsdict: start = int(argsdict['start']) info = {} info['gl_or_sl'] = gl_or_sl # level_flag controls whether to list all levels ('all'), only # those with positive cuspidal dimension ('cusp'), or only those # with positive new dimension ('new'). Default is 'cusp'. level_flag = argsdict.get('level_flag', 'cusp') info['level_flag'] = level_flag count = 50 if 'count' in argsdict: count = int(argsdict['count']) pretty_field_label = field_pretty(field_label) bread = [('Bianchi Modular Forms', url_for(".index")), (pretty_field_label, ' ')] properties = [] if gl_or_sl == 'gl2_dims': info['group'] = 'GL(2)' info['bgroup'] = '\GL(2,\mathcal{O}_K)' else: info['group'] = 'SL(2)' info['bgroup'] = '\SL(2,\mathcal{O}_K)' t = ' '.join([ 'Dimensions of spaces of {} Bianchi modular forms over'.format( info['group']), pretty_field_label ]) query = {} query['field_label'] = field_label query[gl_or_sl] = {'$exists': True} if level_flag != 'all': # find which weights are present (TODO: get this from a stats collection) wts = list( sum((Set(d.keys()) for d in db_dims().distinct(gl_or_sl)), Set())) if level_flag == 'cusp': # restrict the query to only return levels where at least one # cuspidal dimension is positive: query.update({ '$or': [{ gl_or_sl + '.{}.cuspidal_dim'.format(w): { '$gt': 0 } } for w in wts] }) if level_flag == 'new': # restrict the query to only return levels where at least one # new dimension is positive: query.update({ '$or': [{ gl_or_sl + '.{}.new_dim'.format(w): { '$gt': 0 } } for w in wts] }) data = db_dims().find(query) data = data.sort([('level_norm', ASCENDING)]) info['number'] = nres = data.count() if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'Displaying items %s-%s of %s levels,' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'Displaying all %s levels,' % nres data = list(data.skip(start).limit(count)) info['field'] = field_label info['field_pretty'] = pretty_field_label nf = WebNumberField(field_label) info['base_galois_group'] = nf.galois_string() info['field_degree'] = info['field_disc'] = str(nf.disc()) info['field_poly'] = teXify_pol(str(nf.poly())) weights = set() for dat in data: weights = weights.union(set(dat[gl_or_sl].keys())) weights = list([int(w) for w in weights]) weights.sort() info['weights'] = weights info['nweights'] = len(weights) info['count'] = count info['start'] = start info['more'] = int(start + count < nres) dims = {} for dat in data: dims[dat['level_label']] = d = {} for w in weights: sw = str(w) if sw in dat[gl_or_sl]: d[w] = { 'd': dat[gl_or_sl][sw]['cuspidal_dim'], 'n': dat[gl_or_sl][sw]['new_dim'] } else: d[w] = {'d': '?', 'n': '?'} info['nlevels'] = len(data) dimtable = [{ 'level_label': dat['level_label'], 'level_norm': dat['level_norm'], 'level_space': url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage", field_label=field_label, level_label=dat['level_label']) if gl_or_sl == 'gl2_dims' else "", 'dims': dims[dat['level_label']] } for dat in data] print("Length of dimtable = {}".format(len(dimtable))) info['dimtable'] = dimtable return render_template("bmf-field_dim_table.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread)
def render_elliptic_modular_form_navigation_wp(**args): r""" Renders the webpage for the navigational page. """ from sage.all import is_even from lmfdb.modular_forms.elliptic_modular_forms import WebModFormSpace dimension_table_name = WebModFormSpace._dimension_table_name info = to_dict(args) args = to_dict(request.args) info.update(args) form = to_dict(request.form) info.update(form) emf_logger.debug("render_c_m_f_n_wp info={0}".format(info)) level = my_get(info, 'level', None, int) weight = my_get(info, 'weight', None, int) character = my_get(info, 'character', 1, int) label = info.get('label', '') #disp = ClassicalMFDisplay('modularforms2') emf_logger.debug("info={0}".format(info)) emf_logger.debug("level=%s, %s" % (level, type(level))) emf_logger.debug("label=%s, %s" % (label, type(label))) emf_logger.debug("wt=%s, %s" % (weight, type(weight))) emf_logger.debug("character=%s, %s" % (character, type(character))) if ('plot' in info and level is not None): return render_fd_plot(level, info) is_set = dict() is_set['weight'] = False is_set['level'] = False limits_weight = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'weight') limits_level = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'level') if isinstance(weight, int) and weight > 0: is_set['weight'] = True weight = int(weight) else: weight = None info.pop('weight', None) if isinstance(level, int) and level > 0: is_set['level'] = True level = int(level) else: level = None info.pop('level', None) ## This is the list of weights we initially put on the form title = "Holomorphic Cusp Forms" bread = [(MF_TOP, url_for('mf.modular_form_main_page'))] bread.append((EMF_TOP, url_for('.render_elliptic_modular_forms'))) if is_set['weight']: limits_weight = (weight, weight) elif limits_weight is None: limits_weight = (2, 12) # default values if is_set['level']: limits_level = (level, level) elif limits_level is None: limits_level = (1, 24) # default values try: group = info.get('group', 0) # default group is gamma_0 group = int(group) except ValueError: group = 0 if group not in [0, 1]: group = 0 if group == 0: info['grouptype'] = 0 info['groupother'] = 1 else: info['grouptype'] = 1 info['groupother'] = 0 emf_logger.debug("group=%s, %s" % (group, type(group))) emf_logger.debug("level:{0},level_range={1}".format(level, limits_level)) emf_logger.debug("weight:{0},weight_range={1}".format( weight, limits_weight)) # Special case: if the range reduces to a singleton for both level # and weight then we return a single page rather than a table: if limits_weight[0] == limits_weight[1] and limits_level[ 0] == limits_level[1]: return redirect(url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=limits_level[0], weight=limits_weight[0], group=group), code=301) info['show_switch'] = True emf_logger.debug("dimension table name={0}".format(dimension_table_name)) db_dim = getDBConnection()['modularforms2'][dimension_table_name] s = { 'level': { "$lt": int(limits_level[1] + 1), "$gt": int(limits_level[0] - 1) }, 'weight': { "$lt": int(limits_weight[1] + 1), "$gt": int(limits_weight[0] - 1) } } if group == 0: s['cchi'] = int(1) else: s['gamma1_label'] = {"$exists": True} g = db_dim.find(s).sort([('level', int(1)), ('weight', int(1))]) table = {} info['table'] = {} level_range = range(limits_level[0], limits_level[1] + 1) # we don't have weight 1 in database if limits_weight[0] == 1: limits_weight = (2, limits_weight[1]) weight_range = range(limits_weight[0], limits_weight[1] + 1) if group == 0: weight_range = filter(is_even, weight_range) if len(weight_range) > 1: info['weight_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(limits_weight[0], limits_weight[1]) if len(level_range) > 1: info['level_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(limits_level[0], limits_level[1]) for n in level_range: info['table'][n] = {} for k in weight_range: info['table'][n][k] = {'dim_new': int(0), 'in_db': -1} for r in db_dim.find(s): N = r['level'] k = r['weight'] if group != 0 or k % 2 == 0: #emf_logger.debug("Found:k={0},N={1}".format(k,N)) dim = r['d_newf'] # dimension of newforms info['table'][N][k]['dim_new'] = dim if group == 0: indb = r['in_wdb'] # 1 if it is in the webmodforms db else 0 else: indb = r.get('one_in_wdb', 0) # 1 if it is in the webmodforms db else 0 if dim == 0: indb = 1 info['table'][N][k]['in_db'] = indb info['col_heads'] = level_range info['row_heads'] = weight_range return render_template("emf_browse_spaces.html", info=info, title=title, bread=bread)
def render_sample_page(family, sam, args, bread): info = { 'args': to_dict(args), 'sam': sam, 'latex': latex, 'type': sam.type(), 'name':, 'full_name': sam.full_name(), 'weight': sam.weight(), 'fdeg': sam.degree_of_field(), 'is_eigenform': sam.is_eigenform(), 'field_poly': sam.field_poly() } if sam.is_integral() != None: info['is_integral'] = sam.is_integral() if 'Sp4Z' in sam.collection(): info['space_url'] = url_for('.Sp4Z_j_space', k=info['weight'], j=0) if 'Sp4Z_2' in sam.collection(): info['space_url'] = url_for('.Sp4Z_j_space', k=info['weight'], j=2) info['space'] = '$' + family.latex_name.replace( 'k', '{' + str(sam.weight()) + '}') + '$' if 'space_url' in info: bread.append((info['space'], info['space_url'])) info['space_href'] = '<a href="%s">%s</d>' % ( info['space_url'], info['space']) if 'space_url' in info else info['space'] if info['field_poly'].disc() < 10**10: label = poly_to_field_label(info['field_poly']) if label: info['field_label'] = label info['field_url'] = url_for('number_fields.by_label', label=label) info['field_href'] = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (info['field_url'], field_pretty(label)) bread.append((info['name'], '')) title = 'Siegel modular forms sample ' + info['full_name'] properties = [('Space', info['space_href']), ('Name', info['name']), ('Type', '<br>'.join(info['type'].split(','))), ('Weight', str(info['weight'])), ('Hecke eigenform', str(info['is_eigenform'])), ('Field degree', str(info['fdeg']))] try: evs_to_show = parse_ints_to_list_flash(args.get('ev_index'), 'list of $l$') fcs_to_show = parse_ints_to_list_flash(args.get('fc_det'), 'list of $\\det(F)$') except ValueError: evs_to_show = [] fcs_to_show = [] info['evs_to_show'] = sorted([ n for n in (evs_to_show if len(evs_to_show) else sam.available_eigenvalues()[:10]) ]) info['fcs_to_show'] = sorted([ n for n in (fcs_to_show if len(fcs_to_show) else sam. available_Fourier_coefficients()[1:6]) ]) info['evs_avail'] = [n for n in sam.available_eigenvalues()] info['fcs_avail'] = [n for n in sam.available_Fourier_coefficients()] # Do not attempt to constuct a modulus ideal unless the field has a reasonably small discriminant # otherwise sage may not even be able to factor the discriminant info['field'] = sam.field() if info['field_poly'].disc() < 10**80: null_ideal = sam.field().ring_of_integers().ideal(0) info['modulus'] = null_ideal modulus = args.get('modulus', '').strip() m = 0 if modulus: try: O = sam.field().ring_of_integers() m = O.ideal([O(str(b)) for b in modulus.split(',')]) except Exception: info['error'] = True flash_error( "Unable to construct modulus ideal from specified generators %s.", modulus) if m == 1: info['error'] = True flash_error( "The ideal %s is the unit ideal, please specify a different modulus.", '(' + modulus + ')') m = 0 info['modulus'] = m # Hack to reduce polynomials and to handle non integral stuff def redc(c): return m.reduce(c * c.denominator()) / m.reduce(c.denominator()) def redp(f): c = f.dict() return f.parent()(dict((e, redc(c[e])) for e in c)) def safe_reduce(f): if not m: return latex(f) try: if f in sam.field(): return latex(redc(f)) else: return latex(redp(f)) except ZeroDivisionError: return '\\textrm{Unable to reduce} \\bmod\\mathfrak{m}' info['reduce'] = safe_reduce else: info['reduce'] = latex # check that explicit formula is not ridiculously big if sam.explicit_formula(): info['explicit_formula_bytes'] = len(sam.explicit_formula()) if len(sam.explicit_formula()) < 100000: info['explicit_formula'] = sam.explicit_formula() return render_template("ModularForm_GSp4_Q_sample.html", title=title, bread=bread, properties2=properties, info=info)
def dirichlet_table(): args = to_dict(request.args) mod = args.get('modulus', 1) return redirect(url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=mod))
def render_DirichletNavigation(): args = to_dict(request.args) info = {'args': args} info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage"))] info['learnmore'] = learn() if 'modbrowse' in args: arg = args['modbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') modulus_start = int(arg[0]) modulus_end = int(arg[1]) info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Modulus ' + str( modulus_start) + '-' + str(modulus_end) info['credit'] = 'Sage' h, c, rows, cols = ListCharacters.get_character_modulus( modulus_start, modulus_end) info['contents'] = c info['headers'] = h info['rows'] = rows info['cols'] = cols return render_template("ModulusList.html", **info) elif 'condbrowse' in args: arg = args['condbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') conductor_start = int(arg[0]) conductor_end = int(arg[1]) info['conductor_start'] = conductor_start info['conductor_end'] = conductor_end info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Conductor ' + str( conductor_start) + '-' + str(conductor_end) info['credit'] = "Sage" info['contents'] = ListCharacters.get_character_conductor( conductor_start, conductor_end + 1) return render_template("ConductorList.html", **info) elif 'ordbrowse' in args: arg = args['ordbrowse'] arg = arg.split('-') order_start = int(arg[0]) order_end = int(arg[1]) info['order_start'] = order_start info['order_end'] = order_end info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters of Orders ' + str( order_start) + '-' + str(order_end) info['credit'] = 'SageMath' info['contents'] = ListCharacters.get_character_order( order_start, order_end + 1) return render_template("OrderList.html", **info) elif 'label' in args: label = args['label'].replace(' ', '') if re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*$', label): slabel = label.split('.') m, n = int(slabel[0]), int(slabel[1]) if m == n == 1 or n < m and gcd(m, n) == 1: return redirect( url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=slabel[0], number=slabel[1])) if re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*\.[a-z]+$', label): slabel = label.split('.') return redirect( url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=int(slabel[0]), number=slabel[1])) if re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*$', label): return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=label), 301) flash_error( "%s is not a valid label for a Dirichlet character. It should be of the form <span style='color:black'>q.n</span>, where q and n are coprime positive integers with n < q, or q=n=1.", label) return render_template('CharacterNavigate.html', **info) if args: # if user clicked refine search, reset start to 0 if args.get('refine'): args['start'] = '0' try: search = ListCharacters.CharacterSearch(args) except ValueError as err: info['err'] = str(err) return render_template( "CharacterNavigate.html" if "search" in args else "character_search_results.html", **info) info['info'] = search.results() info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Character Search Results' info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('Search Results', '')] info['credit'] = 'SageMath' return render_template("character_search_results.html", **info) else: info['title'] = 'Dirichlet Characters' return render_template('CharacterNavigate.html', **info)
def galois_group_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) bread = get_bread([("Search results", url_for('.search'))]) C = base.getDBConnection() query = {} if 'jump_to' in info: return render_group_webpage({'label': info['jump_to']}) def includes_composite(s): s = s.replace(' ', '').replace('..', '-') for interval in s.split(','): if '-' in interval[1:]: ix = interval.index('-', 1) a, b = int(interval[:ix]), int(interval[ix + 1:]) if b == a: if a != 1 and not a.is_prime(): return True if b > a and b > 3: return True else: a = ZZ(interval) if a != 1 and not a.is_prime(): return True try: parse_ints(info, query, 'n', 'degree') parse_ints(info, query, 't') for param in ('cyc', 'solv', 'prim', 'parity'): parse_bool(info, query, param, minus_one_to_zero=(param != 'parity')) degree_str = prep_ranges(info.get('n')) info['show_subs'] = degree_str is None or ( LIST_RE.match(degree_str) and includes_composite(degree_str)) except ValueError as err: info['err'] = str(err) return search_input_error(info, bread) count = parse_count(info, 50) start = parse_start(info) res = C.transitivegroups.groups.find(query).sort([('n', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('t', pymongo.ASCENDING) ]) nres = res.count() res = res.skip(start).limit(count) if (start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if (start < 0): start = 0 info['groups'] = res info['group_display'] = group_display_prettyC(C) info['report'] = "found %s groups" % nres info['yesno'] = yesno info['wgg'] = WebGaloisGroup.from_data info['start'] = start info['number'] = nres if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres return render_template("gg-search.html", info=info, title="Galois Group Search Result", bread=bread, credit=GG_credit)
def bmf_field_dim_table(**args): argsdict = to_dict(args) argsdict.update(to_dict(request.args)) gl_or_sl = argsdict['gl_or_sl'] field_label=argsdict['field_label'] field_label = nf_string_to_label(field_label) start = 0 if 'start' in argsdict: start = int(argsdict['start']) info={} info['gl_or_sl'] = gl_or_sl # level_flag controls whether to list all levels ('all'), only # those with positive cuspidal dimension ('cusp'), or only those # with positive new dimension ('new'). Default is 'cusp'. level_flag = argsdict.get('level_flag', 'cusp') info['level_flag'] = level_flag count = 50 if 'count' in argsdict: count = int(argsdict['count']) pretty_field_label = field_pretty(field_label) bread = [('Bianchi Modular Forms', url_for(".index")), ( pretty_field_label, ' ')] properties = [] if gl_or_sl=='gl2_dims': info['group'] = 'GL(2)' info['bgroup'] = '\GL(2,\mathcal{O}_K)' else: info['group'] = 'SL(2)' info['bgroup'] = '\SL(2,\mathcal{O}_K)' t = ' '.join(['Dimensions of Spaces of {} Bianchi Modular Forms over'.format(info['group']), pretty_field_label]) query = {} query['field_label'] = field_label query[gl_or_sl] = {'$exists': True} data = db_dims().find(query) data = data.sort([('level_norm', ASCENDING)]) info['number'] = nres = data.count() if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'Displaying items %s-%s of %s levels,' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'Displaying all %s levels,' % nres # convert data to a list and eliminate levels where all # new/cuspidal dimensions are 0. (This could be done at the # search stage, but that requires adding new fields to each # record.) def filter(dat, flag): dat1 = dat[gl_or_sl] return any([int(dat1[w][flag])>0 for w in dat1]) flag = 'cuspidal_dim' if level_flag=='cusp' else 'new_dim' data = [dat for dat in data if level_flag == 'all' or filter(dat, flag)] data = data[start:start+count] info['field'] = field_label info['field_pretty'] = pretty_field_label nf = WebNumberField(field_label) info['base_galois_group'] = nf.galois_string() info['field_degree'] = info['field_disc'] = str(nf.disc()) info['field_poly'] = teXify_pol(str(nf.poly())) weights = set() for dat in data: weights = weights.union(set(dat[gl_or_sl].keys())) weights = list([int(w) for w in weights]) weights.sort() info['weights'] = weights info['nweights'] = len(weights) info['count'] = count info['start'] = start info['more'] = int(start + count < nres) data.sort(key = lambda x: [int(y) for y in x['level_label'].split(".")]) dims = {} for dat in data: dims[dat['level_label']] = d = {} for w in weights: sw = str(w) if sw in dat[gl_or_sl]: d[w] = {'d': dat[gl_or_sl][sw]['cuspidal_dim'], 'n': dat[gl_or_sl][sw]['new_dim']} else: d[w] = {'d': '?', 'n': '?'} info['nlevels'] = len(data) dimtable = [{'level_label': dat['level_label'], 'level_norm': dat['level_norm'], 'level_space': url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage", field_label=field_label, level_label=dat['level_label']) if gl_or_sl=='gl2_dims' else "", 'dims': dims[dat['level_label']]} for dat in data] info['dimtable'] = dimtable return render_template("bmf-field_dim_table.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread)
def browse_elliptic_modular_forms_ranges(**kwds): r""" Renders the webpage for browsing modular forms of given level and/or weight ranges. """ emf_logger.debug("In browse_elliptic_modular_forms_ranges kwds: {0}".format(kwds)) emf_logger.debug("args={0}".format(request.args)) default = {} default['level'] = '1-12' default['weight'] = '2-36' default['character'] = 0 info = dict() args = to_dict(request.args) emf_logger.debug("args={0}".format(args)) for field in ['level', 'weight', 'character']: if args.get(field): info[field] = parse_range(args[field]) else: info[field] = parse_range(default[field]) if info['weight'] == 1: return render_template("not_available.html") elif (type(info['weight']) == dict) and info['weight'].get('min') == 1: info['weight']['min'] = 2 emf_logger.debug("Input: info={0}".format(info)) bread = [(MF_TOP, url_for('mf.modular_form_main_page'))] bread.append((EMF_TOP, url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms'))) limits_weight = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'weight') limits_level = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'level') if limits_weight[0] == limits_weight[1] and limits_level[0] == limits_level[1]: return render_elliptic_modular_form_space_list_chars(limits_level[0], limits_weight[0]) if limits_level[0] > N_max_db: emf_logger.debug("limits_level={0} > N_max_db={1}".format(limits_level, N_max_db)) return render_template("not_available.html") if limits_weight[0] > k_max_db: emf_logger.debug("limits_weight={0} > k_max_db={1}".format(limits_weight, k_max_db)) return render_template("not_available.html") if info['character'] == 0: info['grouptype'] = 0 info['groupother'] = 1 dimtbl = DimensionTable(0) else: info['grouptype'] = 1 info['groupother'] = 0 dimtbl = DimensionTable(1) if info['character'] == -1: info['show_all_characters'] = 1 disp = ClassicalMFDisplay('modularforms') disp.set_table_browsing(limit=[limits_weight, limits_level], keys=['Weight', 'Level'], character=info['character'], dimension_table=dimtbl, title='Dimension of newforms') tbl = disp._table if tbl is None: return render_template("not_available.html") else: info['browse_table'] = tbl if limits_level[0] == limits_level[1]: drawdomain = False level = limits_level[0] if info['grouptype'] == 0 and level <= N_max_Gamma0_fdraw: drawdomain = True elif level <= N_max_Gamma1_fdraw: drawdomain = True info['geometric'] = get_geometric_data(level, info['grouptype']) if drawdomain: info['fd_plot_url'] = url_for('emf.render_plot', level=level, grouptype=info['grouptype']) title = "Newforms for \(\Gamma_{0}({1})\)".format(info['grouptype'], level) level = int(level) # info['list_spaces']=ajax_more(make_table_of_spaces_fixed_level,*largs,text='more') bread.append(("Level %s" % level, url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level))) info['browse_type'] = " of level %s " % level info['title'] = title info['bread'] = bread info['level'] = level return render_template("emf_browse_fixed_level.html", **info) title = "Newforms for \(\Gamma_{0}(N)\)".format(info['grouptype']) info['browse_type'] = "" info['title'] = title info['bread'] = bread # info['level']=level return render_template("emf_navigation.html", info=info, title=title, bread=bread)
def _series_index(query, sort=None, subsection=None, conference=True, past=False, keywords="", visible_counter=0): search_array = SeriesSearchArray(conference=conference, past=past) info = to_dict(read_search_cookie(search_array), search_array=search_array) info.update(request.args) if keywords: info["keywords"] = keywords query = dict(query) if conference: # Be permissive on end-date since we don't want to miss ongoing conferences, and we could have time zone differences. # Ignore the possibility that the user/conference is in Kiribati. recent = - timedelta(days=1) query["end_date"] = {"$lt" if past else "$gte": recent} query["visibility"] = 2 # only show public talks query[ "display"] = True # don't show talks created by users who have not been endorsed kw_query = query.copy() parse_substring(info, kw_query, "keywords", series_keyword_columns()) org_query, more = {}, {} # we will be selecting talks satsifying the query and recording whether they satisfy the "more" query seminars_parser(info, more, org_query) results = list( seminars_search(kw_query, organizer_dict=all_organizers(org_query), more=more)) if info.get("keywords", ""): parse_substring(info, org_query, "keywords", organizers_keyword_columns()) results += list( seminars_search(query, organizer_dict=all_organizers(org_query), more=more)) unique = {s.shortname: s for s in results} results = [unique[key] for key in unique] series = series_sorted(results, conference=conference, reverse=past) counters = _get_counters(series) row_attributes = _get_row_attributes(series, visible_counter) response = make_response( render_template("browse_series.html", title="Browse " + ("past " if past else "") + ("conferences" if conference else "seminar series"), section="Browse", subsection=subsection, info=info, series_row_attributes=zip(series, row_attributes), is_conference=conference, past=past, **counters)) if request.cookies.get("topics", ""): # TODO: when we move cookie data to server with ajax calls, this will need to get updated again # For now we set the max_age to 30 years response.set_cookie("topics_dict", topic_dag.port_cookie(), max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 30) response.set_cookie("topics", "", max_age=0) return response
def _talks_index( query={}, sort=None, subsection=None, past=False, keywords="", limit=None, # this is an upper bound on desired number of talks, we might filter some extra out limitbuffer=1000, # the number of extra talks that we give ourselves to try to get the limit right asblock=False, # the number of talks returned is based on star time blocks getcounters=True, # doesn't limit the SQL search to get the full counters visible_counter=0, fully_filtered=True, ): # Eventually want some kind of cutoff on which talks are included. search_array = TalkSearchArray(past=past) info = to_dict(read_search_cookie(search_array), search_array=search_array) info.update(request.args) if keywords: info["keywords"] = keywords keywords = info.get("keywords", "") query = dict(query) parse_substring(info, query, "keywords", [ "title", "abstract", "speaker", "speaker_affiliation", "seminar_id", "comments", "speaker_homepage", "paper_link" ]) more = { } # we will be selecting talks satsifying the query and recording whether they satisfy the "more" query # Note that talks_parser ignores the "time" field at the moment; see below for workaround talks_parser(info, more) if topdomain() == "": query["topics"] = {"$contains": "math"} query["display"] = True query["hidden"] = {"$or": [False, {"$exists": False}]} query["audience"] = {"$lte": DEFAULT_AUDIENCE} now = if past: query["end_time"] = {"$lt": now} query["seminar_ctr"] = {"$gt": 0} # don't show rescheduled talks if sort is None: sort = [("start_time", -1), "seminar_id"] else: query["end_time"] = {"$gte": now} if sort is None: sort = ["start_time", "seminar_id"] def dosearch(limit=limit, limitbuffer=limitbuffer): if limit and not getcounters: # we fetch extra talks to account for filtering talks = talks_search(query, sort=sort, seminar_dict=all_seminars(), more=more, limit=limit + limitbuffer) else: talks = talks_search(query, sort=sort, seminar_dict=all_seminars(), more=more) # Filtering on display and hidden isn't sufficient since the seminar could be private talks = [talk for talk in talks if talk.searchable()] return talks def truncateasblock(talks, retry=True): if not talks: return talks last_time = None # find enough talks such that the next talk has a different starting time for i, t in enumerate(talks): if last_time is None: last_time = t.start_time continue if t.start_time != last_time: if i > limit: return talks[:i - 1] else: last_time = t.start_time else: if retry and limit and not getcounters: # redo the search without limits talks = dosearch(limit=None) return truncateasblock(talks, retry=False) return talks def truncate(talks): if asblock and limit: return truncateasblock(talks) elif limit: return talks[:limit] else: return talks talks = dosearch() if getcounters: counters = _get_counters(talks) else: counters = _get_counters([]) if getcounters and fully_filtered: # the initial query was not limited as getcounters = True # we will first filter after figuring out the more attribute # and then truncate pass else: # we are not going to filter or the query was already limited, so we can truncate talks = truncate(talks) # While we may be able to write a query specifying inequalities on the timestamp in the user's timezone, it's not easily supported by talks_search. So we filter afterward timerange = info.get("timerange", "").strip() if timerange: tz = try: timerange = process_user_input(timerange, col="search", typ="daytimes") except ValueError: try: onetime = process_user_input(timerange, col="search", typ="daytime") except ValueError: flash_error("Invalid time range input: %s", timerange) else: for talk in talks: if talk.more: talkstart = adapt_datetime(talk.start_time, tz) t = date_and_daytime_to_time(, onetime, tz) talk.more = (t == talkstart) else: for talk in talks: if talk.more: talkstart = adapt_datetime(talk.start_time, tz) talkend = adapt_datetime(talk.end_time, tz) t0, t1 = date_and_daytimes_to_times(, timerange, tz) talk.more = (t0 <= talkstart) and (talkend <= t1) # get last_time before potential filtering last_time = int(talks[-1].start_time.timestamp()) if talks else None if fully_filtered: # first filter then truncate row_attributes, talks = _get_row_attributes(talks, visible_counter, fully_filtered) if getcounters: # we have not yet truncated the results if limit and len(talks) > limit: talks = truncate(talks) row_attributes = row_attributes[:len(talks)] last_time = int( talks[-1].start_time.timestamp()) if talks else None else: row_attributes = _get_row_attributes(talks, visible_counter) response = make_response( render_template("browse_talks.html", title="Browse past talks" if past else "Browse talks", section="Browse", info=info, subsection=subsection, talk_row_attributes=zip(talks, row_attributes), past=past, last_time=last_time, extraargs=urlencode({'keywords': keywords}), **counters)) if request.cookies.get("topics", ""): # TODO: when we move cookie data to server with ajax calls, this will need to get updated again # For now we set the max_age to 30 years response.set_cookie("topics_dict", topic_dag.port_cookie(), max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 30) response.set_cookie("topics", "", max_age=0) # disable cache response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' return response
def lattice_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) # what has been entered in the search boxes if 'download' in info: return download_search(info) if 'label' in info and info.get('label'): return lattice_by_label_or_name(info.get('label')) query = {} try: for field, name in (('dim','Dimension'),('det','Determinant'),('level',None), ('minimum','Minimal vector length'), ('class_number',None), ('aut','Group order')): parse_ints(info, query, field, name) # Check if length of gram is triangular gram = info.get('gram') if gram and not (9 + 8*ZZ(gram.count(','))).is_square(): flash(Markup("Error: <span style='color:black'>%s</span> is not a valid input for Gram matrix. It must be a list of integer vectors of triangular length, such as [1,2,3]." % (gram)),"error") raise ValueError parse_list(info, query, 'gram', process=vect_to_sym) except ValueError as err: info['err'] = str(err) return search_input_error(info) count = parse_count(info,50) start = parse_start(info) info['query'] = dict(query) res = lattice_db().find(query).sort([('dim', ASC), ('det', ASC), ('level', ASC), ('class_number', ASC), ('label', ASC), ('minimum', ASC), ('aut', ASC)]).skip(start).limit(count) nres = res.count() # here we are checking for isometric lattices if the user enters a valid gram matrix but not one stored in the database_names, this may become slow in the future: at the moment we compare against list of stored matrices with same dimension and determinant (just compare with respect to dimension is slow) if nres==0 and info.get('gram'): A=query['gram']; n=len(A[0]) d=matrix(A).determinant() result=[B for B in lattice_db().find({'dim': int(n), 'det' : int(d)}) if isom(A, B['gram'])] if len(result)>0: result=result[0]['gram'] query_gram={ 'gram' : result } query.update(query_gram) res = lattice_db().find(query) nres = res.count() if(start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if(start < 0): start = 0 info['number'] = nres info['start'] = int(start) info['more'] = int(start + count < nres) if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres == 0: info['report'] = 'no matches' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres res_clean = [] for v in res: v_clean = {} v_clean['label']=v['label'] v_clean['dim']=v['dim'] v_clean['det']=v['det'] v_clean['level']=v['level'] v_clean['class_number']=v['class_number'] v_clean['min']=v['minimum'] v_clean['aut']=v['aut'] res_clean.append(v_clean) info['lattices'] = res_clean t = 'Integral Lattices Search Results' bread = [('Lattices', url_for(".lattice_render_webpage")),('Search Results', ' ')] properties = [] return render_template("lattice-search.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list())
def higher_genus_w_automorphisms_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) bread = get_bread([("Search results", '')]) C = base.getDBConnection() query = {} if 'jump_to' in info: labs = info['jump_to'] if label_is_one_passport(labs): return render_passport({'passport_label': labs}) elif label_is_one_family(labs): return render_family({'label': labs}) else: flash_error( "The label %s is not a legitimate label for this data.", labs) return redirect(url_for(".index")) #allow for ; in signature if info.get('signature'): info['signature'] = info['signature'].replace(';', ',') try: parse_gap_id(info, query, 'group', 'Group') parse_ints(info, query, 'genus', name='Genus') parse_bracketed_posints(info, query, 'signature', split=False, name='Signature', keepbrackets=True) if query.get('signature'): query['signature'] = info['signature'] = str( sort_sign(ast.literal_eval(query['signature']))).replace( ' ', '') parse_ints(info, query, 'dim', name='Dimension of the family') if 'inc_hyper' in info: if info['inc_hyper'] == 'exclude': query['hyperelliptic'] = False elif info['inc_hyper'] == 'only': query['hyperelliptic'] = True if 'inc_cyc_trig' in info: if info['inc_cyc_trig'] == 'exclude': query['cyclic_trigonal'] = False elif info['inc_cyc_trig'] == 'only': query['cyclic_trigonal'] = True if 'inc_full' in info: if info['inc_full'] == 'exclude': query['full_auto'] = {'$exists': True} elif info['inc_full'] == 'only': query['full_auto'] = {'$exists': False} query['cc.1'] = 1 except ValueError: return search_input_error(info, bread) count = parse_count(info) start = parse_start(info) if 'groupsize' in info and info['groupsize'] != '': err, result = add_group_order_range(query, info['groupsize'], C) if err != None: flash_error( 'Parse error on group order field. <font face="Courier New"><br />Given: ' + err + '<br />-------' + result + '</font>') """ res = C.curve_automorphisms.passports.find(query).sort([( 'genus', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('dim', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('cc'[0],pymongo.ASCENDING)]) nres = res.count() res = res.skip(start).limit(count) if(start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if(start < 0): start = 0 L = [ ] for field in res: field['signature'] = ast.literal_eval(field['signature']) L.append(field) code = "" download_code = 'download' in info first_download_entry = True for field in L: field['signature'] = ast.literal_eval(field['signature']) if download_code: if first_download_entry: code += '\n'.join(hgcwa_code(label=field['passport_label'], download_type='magma').split('\n')[1:]) else: code += hgcwa_code(label=field['passport_label'], download_type='magma').split('result_record:=[];')[1] first_download_entry = False if 'download' in info: response = make_response(code) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain' return response """ res = C.curve_automorphisms.passports.find(query).sort([ ('genus', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('dim', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('cc'[0], pymongo.ASCENDING) ]) nres = res.count() res = res.skip(start).limit(count) if (start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if (start < 0): start = 0 L = [] for field in res: field['signature'] = ast.literal_eval(field['signature']) L.append(field) if 'download_magma' in info: code = "// MAGMA CODE FOR SEACH RESULTS\n\n" first_download_entry = True for field in L: #print field if first_download_entry: code += ('\n'.join( hgcwa_code(label=field['passport_label'], download_type='magma').split('\n')[1:] )).replace( ", and generate data which is the same for all entries", "") else: code += hgcwa_code( label=field['passport_label'], download_type='magma').split('result_record:=[];')[1] first_download_entry = False response = make_response(code) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain' return response elif 'download_gap' in info: code = "# GAP CODE FOR SEARCH RESULTS\n\n" first_download_entry = True for field in L: print field['group'] if first_download_entry: code += ('\n'.join( hgcwa_code(label=field['passport_label'], download_type='gap').split('\n') [1:])).replace( "# Generate data which is the same for all entries.\n", "") else: code += hgcwa_code( label=field['passport_label'], download_type='gap').split('result_record:=[];')[1] first_download_entry = False response = make_response(code) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain' return response info['fields'] = L info['number'] = nres info['group_display'] = sg_pretty info['show_downloads'] = len(L) > 0 info['sign_display'] = sign_display info['start'] = start if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres return render_template( "hgcwa-search.html", info=info, title= "Families of Higher Genus Curves with Automorphisms Search Result", credit=credit, bread=bread)
def set_info_for_web_newform(level=None, weight=None, character=None, label=None, **kwds): r""" Set the info for on modular form. """ info = to_dict(kwds) info['level'] = level info['weight'] = weight info['character'] = character info['label'] = label if level is None or weight is None or character is None or label is None: s = "In set info for one form but do not have enough args!" s += "level={0},weight={1},character={2},label={3}".format( level, weight, character, label) emf_logger.critical(s) emf_logger.debug("In set_info_for_one_mf: info={0}".format(info)) prec = my_get(info, 'prec', default_prec, int) bprec = my_get(info, 'bprec', default_display_bprec, int) emf_logger.debug("PREC: {0}".format(prec)) emf_logger.debug("BITPREC: {0}".format(bprec)) try: WNF = WebNewForm_cached(level=level, weight=weight, character=character, label=label) emf_logger.critical("defined webnewform for rendering!") # if info.has_key('download') and info.has_key('tempfile'): # WNF._save_to_file(info['tempfile']) # info['filename']=str(weight)+'-'+str(level)+'-'+str(character)+'-'+label+'.sobj' # return info except IndexError as e: WNF = None info['error'] = e.message url1 = url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms") url2 = url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level) url3 = url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level, weight=weight) url4 = url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=level, weight=weight, character=character) bread = [(EMF_TOP, url1)] bread.append(("of level %s" % level, url2)) bread.append(("weight %s" % weight, url3)) if int(character) == 0: bread.append(("trivial character", url4)) else: bread.append(("\( %s \)" % (WNF.character.latex_name), url4)) info['bread'] = bread properties2 = list() friends = list() space_url = url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=weight, character=character) friends.append( ('\( S_{%s}(%s, %s)\)' % (WNF.weight, WNF.level, WNF.character.latex_name), space_url)) if WNF.coefficient_field_label(check=True): friends.append(('Number field ' + WNF.coefficient_field_label(), WNF.coefficient_field_url())) friends.append( ('Number field ' + WNF.base_field_label(), WNF.base_field_url())) friends = uniq(friends) friends.append(("Dirichlet character \(" + WNF.character.latex_name + "\)", WNF.character.url())) if WNF.dimension == 0: info['error'] = "This space is empty!" # emf_logger.debug("WNF={0}".format(WNF)) #info['name'] = name info['title'] = 'Modular Form ' + WNF.hecke_orbit_label if 'error' in info: return info # info['name']=WNF._name ## Until we have figured out how to do the embeddings correctly we don't display the Satake ## parameters for non-trivial characters.... cdeg = WNF.coefficient_field.absolute_degree() bdeg = WNF.base_ring.absolute_degree() if WNF.coefficient_field.absolute_degree() == 1: rdeg = 1 else: rdeg = WNF.coefficient_field.relative_degree() if cdeg == 1: info['satake'] = WNF.satake info['qexp'] = WNF.q_expansion_latex(prec=10, name='a') info['qexp_display'] = url_for(".get_qexp_latex", level=level, weight=weight, character=character, label=label) # info['qexp'] = WNF.q_expansion_latex(prec=prec) #c_pol_st = str(WNF.absolute_polynomial) #b_pol_st = str(WNF.polynomial(type='base_ring',format='str')) #b_pol_ltx = str(WNF.polynomial(type='base_ring',format='latex')) #print "c=",c_pol_ltx #print "b=",b_pol_ltx if cdeg > 1: ## Field is QQ if bdeg > 1 and rdeg > 1: p1 = WNF.coefficient_field.relative_polynomial() c_pol_ltx = latex(p1) lgc = p1.variables()[0] c_pol_ltx = c_pol_ltx.replace(lgc, 'a') z = p1.base_ring().gens()[0] p2 = z.minpoly() b_pol_ltx = latex(p2) b_pol_ltx = b_pol_ltx.replace(latex(p2.variables()[0]), latex(z)) info['polynomial_st'] = 'where \({0}=0\) and \({1}=0\).'.format( c_pol_ltx, b_pol_ltx) else: c_pol_ltx = latex(WNF.coefficient_field.relative_polynomial()) lgc = str( latex(WNF.coefficient_field.relative_polynomial().variables() [0])) c_pol_ltx = c_pol_ltx.replace(lgc, 'a') info['polynomial_st'] = 'where \({0}=0\)'.format(c_pol_ltx) else: info['polynomial_st'] = '' info['degree'] = int(cdeg) if cdeg == 1: info['is_rational'] = 1 else: info['is_rational'] = 0 # info['q_exp_embeddings'] = WNF.print_q_expansion_embeddings() # if(int(info['degree'])>1 and WNF.dimension()>1): # s = 'One can embed it into \( \mathbb{C} \) as:' # bprec = 26 # print s # info['embeddings'] = ajax_more2(WNF.print_q_expansion_embeddings,{'prec':[5,10,25,50],'bprec':[26,53,106]},text=['more coeffs.','higher precision']) # elif(int(info['degree'])>1): # s = 'There are '+str(info['degree'])+' embeddings into \( \mathbb{C} \):' # bprec = 26 # print s # info['embeddings'] = ajax_more2(WNF.print_q_expansion_embeddings,{'prec':[5,10,25,50],'bprec':[26,53,106]},text=['more coeffs.','higher precision']) # else: # info['embeddings'] = '' emf_logger.debug("PREC2: {0}".format(prec)) info['embeddings'] = WNF._embeddings[ 'values'] #q_expansion_embeddings(prec, bprec,format='latex') info['embeddings_len'] = len(info['embeddings']) properties2 = [] if (ZZ(level)).is_squarefree(): info['twist_info'] = WNF.twist_info if isinstance(info['twist_info'], list) and len(info['twist_info']) > 0: info['is_minimal'] = info['twist_info'][0] if (info['twist_info'][0]): s = '- Is minimal<br>' else: s = '- Is a twist of lower level<br>' properties2 = [('Twist info', s)] else: info['twist_info'] = 'Twist info currently not available.' properties2 = [('Twist info', 'not available')] args = list() for x in range(5, 200, 10): args.append({'digits': x}) alev = None CM = WNF._cm_values if CM is not None: if CM.has_key('tau') and len(CM['tau']) != 0: info['CM_values'] = CM info['is_cm'] = WNF.is_cm if WNF.is_cm is None: s = '- Unknown (insufficient data)<br>' elif WNF.is_cm is True: s = '- Is a CM-form<br>' else: s = '- Is not a CM-form<br>' properties2.append(('CM info', s)) alev = WNF.atkin_lehner_eigenvalues() info['atkinlehner'] = None if isinstance(alev, dict) and len(alev.keys()) > 0 and level != 1: s1 = " Atkin-Lehner eigenvalues " s2 = "" for Q in alev.keys(): s2 += "\( \omega_{ %s } \) : %s <br>" % (Q, alev[Q]) properties2.append((s1, s2)) emf_logger.debug("properties={0}".format(properties2)) # alev = WNF.atkin_lehner_eigenvalues_for_all_cusps() # if isinstance(alev,dict) and len(alev.keys())>0: # emf_logger.debug("alev={0}".format(alev)) # info['atkinlehner'] = list() # for Q in alev.keys(): # s = "\(" + latex(c) + "\)" # Q = alev[c][0] # ev = alev[c][1] # info['atkinlehner'].append([Q, c, ev]) if (level == 1): poly = WNF.explicit_formulas.get('as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6', '') if poly <> '': d, monom, coeffs = poly emf_logger.critical("poly={0}".format(poly)) info['explicit_formulas'] = '\(' for i in range(d): c = QQ(coeffs[i]) s = "" if d > 1 and i > 0 and c > 0: s = "+" if c < 0: s = "-" if c.denominator() > 1: cc = "\\frac{{ {0} }}{{ {1} }}".format( abs(c.numerator()), c.denominator()) else: cc = str(abs(c)) s += "{0} \cdot ".format(cc) a = monom[i][0] b = monom[i][1] if a == 0 and b <> 0: s += "E_6^{{ {0} }}".format(b) elif b == 0 and a <> 0: s += "E_4^{{ {0} }}".format(a) else: s += "E_4^{{ {0} }}E_6^{{ {1} }}".format(a, b) info['explicit_formulas'] += s info['explicit_formulas'] += " \)" cur_url = '?&level=' + str(level) + '&weight=' + str(weight) + '&character=' + str(character) + \ '&label=' + str(label) if len(WNF.parent.hecke_orbits) > 1: for label_other in WNF.parent.hecke_orbits.keys(): if (label_other != label): s = 'Modular form ' if character: s = s + str(level) + '.' + str(weight) + '.' + str( character) + str(label_other) else: s = s + str(level) + '.' + str(weight) + str(label_other) url = url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=weight, character=character, label=label_other) friends.append((s, url)) s = 'L-Function ' if character: s = s + str(level) + '.' + str(weight) + '.' + str(character) + str( label) else: s = s + str(level) + '.' + str(weight) + str(label) # url = # "/L/ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic?level=%s&weight=%s&character=%s&label=%s&number=%s" # %(level,weight,character,label,0) url = '/L' + url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=weight, character=character, label=label) if WNF.coefficient_field_degree > 1: for h in range(WNF.coefficient_field_degree): s0 = s + ".{0}".format(h) url0 = url + "{0}/".format(h) friends.append((s0, url0)) else: friends.append((s, url)) # if there is an elliptic curve over Q associated to self we also list that if WNF.weight == 2 and WNF.coefficient_field_degree == 1: llabel = str(level) + '.' + label s = 'Elliptic curve isogeny class ' + llabel url = '/EllipticCurve/Q/' + llabel friends.append((s, url)) info['properties2'] = properties2 info['friends'] = friends info['max_cn'] = WNF.max_cn() return info
def bianchi_modular_form_search(**args): """Function to handle requests from the top page, either jump to one newform or do a search. """ info = to_dict(args) # what has been entered in the search boxes if 'label' in info: # The Label button has been pressed. return bianchi_modular_form_by_label(info['label']) query = {} for field in ['field_label', 'weight', 'level_norm', 'dimension']: if info.get(field): if field == 'weight': query['weight'] = info[field] elif field == 'field_label': parse_nf_string(info, query, field, 'base number field', field) elif field == 'label': query[field] = info[field] elif field == 'dimension': query['dimension'] = int(info[field]) elif field == 'level_norm': query[field] = parse_range(info[field]) else: query[field] = info[field] if not 'sfe' in info: info['sfe'] = "any" elif info['sfe'] != "any": query['sfe'] = int(info['sfe']) if 'include_cm' in info: if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude': query['CM'] = 0 elif info['include_cm'] == 'only': query['CM'] = {'$nin': [0, '?']} if 'include_base_change' in info and info['include_base_change'] == 'off': query['bc'] = 0 else: info['include_base_change'] = "on" start = 0 if 'start' in request.args: start = int(request.args['start']) count = 50 if 'count' in request.args: count = int(request.args['count']) info['query'] = dict(query) res = db_forms().find(query).sort([('level_norm', ASCENDING), ('label', ASCENDING) ]).skip(start).limit(count) nres = res.count() if nres > 0: info['field_pretty_name'] = field_pretty(res[0]['field_label']) else: info['field_pretty_name'] = '' info['number'] = nres if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' elif nres == 2: info['report'] = 'displaying both matches' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying items %s-%s of %s matches' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres res_clean = [] for v in res: v_clean = {} v_clean['field_label'] = v['field_label'] v_clean['short_label'] = v['short_label'] v_clean['level_label'] = v['level_label'] v_clean['label_suffix'] = v['label_suffix'] v_clean['label'] = v['label'] v_clean['level_ideal'] = teXify_pol(v['level_ideal']) v_clean['dimension'] = v['dimension'] v_clean['sfe'] = "+1" if v['sfe'] == 1 else "-1" v_clean['url'] = url_for('.render_bmf_webpage', field_label=v['field_label'], level_label=v['level_label'], label_suffix=v['label_suffix']) v_clean['bc'] = bc_info(v['bc']) v_clean['cm'] = cm_info(v['CM']) res_clean.append(v_clean) info['forms'] = res_clean info['count'] = count info['start'] = start info['more'] = int(start + count < nres) t = 'Bianchi modular form search results' bread = [('Bianchi Modular Forms', url_for(".index")), ('Search results', ' ')] properties = [] return render_template("bmf-search_results.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list())
def index(): # if 'jump' in request.args: # return show_ecnf1(request.args['label']) info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=ECNFSearchArray(), stats=ECNF_stats()) if request.args: return elliptic_curve_search(info) bread = get_bread() # the dict data will hold additional information to be displayed on # the main browse and search page # info['fields'] holds data for a sample of number fields of different # signatures for a general browse: info['fields'] = [] # Rationals # info['fields'].append(['the rational field', (('', [url_for('ec.rational_elliptic_curves'), '$\Q$']),)]) # Removed due to ambiguity # Real quadratics (sample) rqfs = [ '2.2.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [8, 12, 5, 24, 28, 40, 44, 13, 56, 60] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">real quadratic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_signature', d=2, r=2)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in rqfs) ]) # Imaginary quadratics (sample) iqfs = [ '2.0.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [4, 8, 3, 7, 11, 19, 43, 67, 163, 23, 31] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">imaginary quadratic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_signature', d=2, r=0)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in iqfs) ]) # Cubics (sample) cubics = [''] + [ '3.3.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [49, 81, 148, 169, 229, 257, 316] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">cubic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_degree', d=3)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in cubics) ]) # Quartics (sample) quartics = [ '4.4.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [725, 1125, 1600, 1957, 2000, 2048, 2225, 2304] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">totally real quartic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_degree', d=4)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in quartics) ]) # Quintics (sample) quintics = [ '5.5.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [14641, 24217, 36497, 38569, 65657, 70601, 81509] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">totally real quintic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_degree', d=5)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in quintics) ]) # Sextics (sample) sextics = [ '6.6.{}.1'.format(d) for d in [300125, 371293, 434581, 453789, 485125, 592661, 703493] ] info['fields'].append([ 'By <a href="{}">totally real sextic field</a>'.format( url_for('.statistics_by_degree', d=6)), ((nf, [url_for('.show_ecnf1', nf=nf), field_pretty(nf)]) for nf in sextics) ]) return render_template("ecnf-index.html", title="Elliptic curves over number fields", info=info, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore_list())
def elliptic_curve_search(**args): info = to_dict(args) query = {} bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Search Results', '.')] if 'jump' in args: label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "") m = lmfdb_label_regex.match(label) if m: try: return by_ec_label(label) except ValueError: return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True) elif label.startswith("Cremona:"): label = label[8:] m = cremona_label_regex.match(label) if m: try: return by_ec_label(label) except ValueError: return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True) elif cremona_label_regex.match(label): return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True) elif label: # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] lab = re.sub(r'\s', '', label) lab = re.sub(r'^\[', '', lab) lab = re.sub(r']$', '', lab) try: labvec = lab.split(',') labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed E = EllipticCurve(labvec) ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()] C = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection() data = C.elliptic_curves.curves.find_one({'ainvs': ainvs}) if data is None: return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info) return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label']) except (ValueError, ArithmeticError): return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info) else: query['label'] = '' if info.get('jinv'): j = clean_input(info['jinv']) j = j.replace('+', '') if not QQ_RE.match(j): info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant. It needs to be a rational number.' return search_input_error(info, bread) query['jinv'] = j for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha_an']: if info.get(field): info[field] = clean_input(info[field]) ran = info[field] ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '') if not LIST_RE.match(ran): names = { 'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank': 'rank', 'sha_an': 'analytic order of Ш' } info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s. It needs to be an integer (such as 5), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 2,3,8 or 3-5, 7, 8-11).' % names[ field] return search_input_error(info, bread) # Past input check tmp = parse_range2(ran, field) # work around syntax for $or # we have to foil out multiple or conditions if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query: newors = [] for y in tmp[1]: oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']] for x in oldors: x.update(y) newors.extend(oldors) tmp[1] = newors if field == 'sha_an': # database sha_an values are not all exact! query[tmp[0]] = {'$gt': tmp[1] - 0.1, '$lt': tmp[1] + 0.1} else: query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on': # fails on 990h3 query['number'] = 1 if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']: info['torsion_structure'] = clean_input(info['torsion_structure']) if not TORS_RE.match(info['torsion_structure']): info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the torsion structure. It needs to be one or more integers in square brackets, such as [6], [2,2], or [2,4]. Moreover, each integer should be bigger than 1, and each divides the next.' return search_input_error(info, bread) query['torsion_structure'] = [ str(a) for a in parse_list(info['torsion_structure']) ] if info.get('surj_primes'): info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes']) format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes']) if format_ok: surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')] format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes]) if format_ok: query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes} else: info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes. It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).' return search_input_error(info, bread) if info.get('nonsurj_primes'): info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes']) format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes']) if format_ok: nonsurj_primes = [ int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',') ] format_ok = all( [ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes]) if format_ok: if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly': nonsurj_primes.sort() query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes else: if 'non-surjective_primes' in query: query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$nin": surj_primes, "$all": nonsurj_primes } else: query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$all": nonsurj_primes} else: info[ 'err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes. It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).' return search_input_error(info, bread) info['query'] = query count_default = 100 if info.get('count'): try: count = int(info['count']) except: count = count_default else: count = count_default info['count'] = count start_default = 0 if info.get('start'): try: start = int(info['start']) if (start < 0): start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count except: start = start_default else: start = start_default cursor = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection().elliptic_curves.curves.find(query) nres = cursor.count() if (start >= nres): start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count if (start < 0): start = 0 res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count) info['curves'] = res info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs info['number'] = nres info['start'] = start if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count or start != 0: info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % ( start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres credit = 'John Cremona' if 'non-surjective_primes' in query: credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland' t = 'Elliptic Curves' return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
def _talks_index(query={}, sort=None, subsection=None, past=False): # Eventually want some kind of cutoff on which talks are included. search_array = TalkSearchArray(past=past) info = to_dict(read_search_cookie(search_array), search_array=search_array) info.update(request.args) query = dict(query) parse_substring(info, query, "keywords", ["title", "abstract", "speaker", "speaker_affiliation", "seminar_id", "comments", "speaker_homepage", "paper_link"]) more = {} # we will be selecting talks satsifying the query and recording whether they satisfy the "more" query # Note that talks_parser ignores the "time" field at the moment; see below for workaround talks_parser(info, more) if topdomain() == "": query["topics"] = {"$contains": "math"} query["hidden"] = {"$or": [False, {"$exists": False}]} if past: query["end_time"] = {"$lt":} if sort is None: sort = [("start_time", -1), "seminar_id"] else: query["end_time"] = {"$gte":} if sort is None: sort = ["start_time", "seminar_id"] talks = list(talks_search(query, sort=sort, seminar_dict=all_seminars(), more=more)) # Filtering on display and hidden isn't sufficient since the seminar could be private talks = [talk for talk in talks if talk.searchable()] # While we may be able to write a query specifying inequalities on the timestamp in the user's timezone, it's not easily supported by talks_search. So we filter afterward timerange = info.get("timerange", "").strip() if timerange: tz = try: timerange = process_user_input(timerange, col="search", typ="daytimes") except ValueError: try: onetime = process_user_input(timerange, col="search", typ="daytime") except ValueError: flash_error("Invalid time range input: %s", timerange) else: for talk in talks: if talk.more: talkstart = adapt_datetime(talk.start_time, tz) t = date_and_daytime_to_time(, onetime, tz) talk.more = (t == talkstart) else: for talk in talks: if talk.more: talkstart = adapt_datetime(talk.start_time, tz) talkend = adapt_datetime(talk.end_time, tz) t0, t1 = date_and_daytimes_to_times(, timerange, tz) talk.more = (t0 <= talkstart) and (talkend <= t1) counters = _get_counters(talks) row_attributes = _get_row_attributes(talks) response = make_response(render_template( "browse_talks.html", title="Browse talks", section="Browse", info=info, subsection=subsection, talk_row_attributes=zip(talks, row_attributes), past=past, **counters )) if request.cookies.get("topics", ""): # TODO: when we move cookie data to server with ajax calls, this will need to get updated again # For now we set the max_age to 30 years response.set_cookie("topics_dict", topic_dag.port_cookie(), max_age=60*60*24*365*30) response.set_cookie("topics", "", max_age=0) return response
def half_integral_weight_form_search(**args): C = getDBConnection() C.halfintegralmf.forms.ensure_index([('level', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('label', pymongo.ASCENDING)]) info = to_dict(args) # what has been entered in the search boxes if 'label' in info: args = {'label': info['label']} return render_hiwf_webpage(**args) query = {} try: parse_ints(info, query, 'weight') parse_ints(info, query, 'level') if info.get('character', '').strip(): if re.match('^\d+.\d+$', info['character'].strip()): query['character'] = info['character'].strip() else: flash_error( "%s is not a valid Dirichlet character label, it should be of the form q.n", info['character']) except: return redirect(url_for(".half_integral_weight_form_render_webpage")) info['query'] = dict(query) res = C.halfintegralmf.forms.find(query).sort([ ('level', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('label', pymongo.ASCENDING) ]) nres = res.count() count = 100 if nres == 1: info['report'] = 'unique match' else: if nres > count: info['report'] = 'displaying first %s of %s matches' % (count, nres) else: info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres res_clean = [] for v in res: v_clean = {} v_clean['level'] = v['level'] v_clean['label'] = v['label'] v_clean['weight'] = v['weight'] v_clean['ch_lab'] = v['character'].replace('.', '/') v_clean['char'] = "\chi_{" + v['character'].split( ".")[0] + "}(" + v['character'].split(".")[1] + ",\cdot)" v_clean['dimension'] = v['dim'] res_clean.append(v_clean) info['forms'] = res_clean t = 'Half Integral Weight Cusp Forms search results' bread = [('Half Integral Weight Cusp Forms', url_for(".half_integral_weight_form_render_webpage")), ('Search Results', ' ')] properties = [] return render_template("half_integral_weight_form_search.html", info=info, title=t, properties=properties, bread=bread)
def render_elliptic_modular_form_navigation_wp1(**args): r""" Renders the webpage for the navigational page. """ from sage.all import is_even info = to_dict(args) args = to_dict(request.args) info.update(args) form = to_dict(request.form) info.update(form) emf_logger.debug("render_c_m_f_n_wp info={0}".format(info)) level = my_get(info, 'level', 0, int) weight = my_get(info, 'weight', 0, int) group = my_get(info, 'group', 1, int) if group == int(0): pass character = my_get(info, 'character', 1, int) label = info.get('label', '') #disp = ClassicalMFDisplay('modularforms2') emf_logger.debug("info={0}".format(info)) emf_logger.debug("level=%s, %s" % (level, type(level))) emf_logger.debug("label=%s, %s" % (label, type(label))) emf_logger.debug("wt=%s, %s" % (weight, type(weight))) emf_logger.debug("character=%s, %s" % (character, type(character))) emf_logger.debug("group=%s, %s" % (group, type(group))) if ('plot' in info and level is not None): return render_fd_plot(level, info) is_set = dict() is_set['weight'] = False is_set['level'] = False limits_weight = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'weight') limits_level = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'level') if isinstance(weight, int) and weight > 0: is_set['weight'] = True weight = int(weight) else: weight = None info.pop('weight', None) if isinstance(level, int) and level > 0: is_set['level'] = True level = int(level) else: level = None info.pop('level', None) ## This is the list of weights we initially put on the form title = "Holomorphic Cusp Forms" bread = [(MF_TOP, url_for('mf.modular_form_main_page')), (title, url_for('.render_elliptic_modular_forms'))] limits_weight = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'weight') limits_level = extract_limits_as_tuple(info, 'level') # Special case: if the range reduces to a singleton for both level # and weight then we return a single page rather than a table: if limits_weight[0] == limits_weight[1] and limits_level[ 0] == limits_level[1]: return render_elliptic_modular_form_space_list_chars( limits_level[0], limits_weight[0]) if is_set['weight']: limits_weight = (weight, weight) elif limits_weight is None: limits_weight = (2, 12) # default values if is_set['level']: limits_level = (level, level) elif limits_level is None: limits_level = (1, 24) # default values try: group = info.get('group', 0) # default group is gamma_0 group = int(group) except ValueError: group = 0 if group not in [0, 1]: group = 0 if group == 0: info['grouptype'] = 0 info['groupother'] = 1 else: info['grouptype'] = 1 info['groupother'] = 0 emf_logger.debug("level:{0},level_range={1}".format(level, limits_level)) emf_logger.debug("weight:{0},weight_range={1}".format( weight, limits_weight)) if limits_weight[0] == limits_weight[1] and limits_level[ 0] == limits_level[1]: return redirect(url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=limits_level[0], weight=limits_weight[0], group=group), code=301) info['show_switch'] = True db = getDBConnection()['modularforms2']['webmodformspace_dimension'] table = {} q = db.find_one({'group': 'gamma{0}'.format(group)}) if q: table = q.get('data', {}) if table != {}: table = json.loads(table) info['table'] = {} level_range = range(limits_level[0], limits_level[1] + 1) # we don't have weight 1 in database if limits_weight[0] == 1: limits_weight = (2, limits_weight[1]) weight_range = range(limits_weight[0], limits_weight[1] + 1) #print "levels=",level_range #print "weights=",weight_range if len(weight_range) > 1: info['weight_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(limits_weight[0], limits_weight[1]) if len(level_range) > 1: info['level_range'] = "{0}-{1}".format(limits_level[0], limits_level[1]) if group == 0: weight_range = filter(is_even, weight_range) for n in level_range: info['table'][n] = {} sn = unicode(n) for k in weight_range: info['table'][n][k] = {} sk = unicode(k) if table.has_key(sn): if table[sn].has_key(sk): info['table'][n][k] = table[sn][ sk] #.get(str(n),{}).get(str(k),"n/a") else: emf_logger.debug("Set table for Gamma1") for n in level_range: info['table'][n] = {} for k in weight_range: info['table'][n][k] = table.get(str(n), {}).get(str(k), {}).get( str(-1), "n/a") #print "table=\n",table #print "info=\n",info #info['table']=table info['col_heads'] = level_range info['row_heads'] = weight_range return render_template("emf_browse_spaces.html", info=info, title=title, bread=bread)