Ejemplo n.º 1
def getFileUploadMaximumSize(request):
    Return a nicely rendered string of the maximum file size for uploads as
    defined in the ini configuration of the application.
    maxSize = upload_max_file_size(request)
    if maxSize < (1024*1024):
        maxSize = '%s KB' % (maxSize / 1024)
        maxSize = '%s MB' % round(maxSize / (1024*1024.0), 1)
    return maxSize
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_upload(request, filedict):
    Handle the upload of a new file.

    TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "temp"

    ret = {"success": False, "msg": ""}

    filename = None
    filetype = None
    file = None

        filename = filedict["filename"]
        file = filedict["fp"]
        filetype = filedict["mimetype"]
        ret["msg"] = _("Not all necessary values were provided.")
        valid = False

    if filename is None or file is None or filetype is None:
        ret["msg"] = "Uploaded file not found."

    # Check upload directory
    upload_path = upload_directory_path(request)
    if upload_path is None or not os.path.exists(upload_path):
        ret["msg"] = _("Upload directory not specified or not found.")
        return ret

    # Check filetype
    fileextension = get_valid_file_extension(request, filetype)
    if fileextension is None:
        ret["msg"] = _("File type is not valid.")
        return ret

    # Check filesize
    size = get_file_size(file)
    if size > upload_max_file_size(request):
        ret["msg"] = _("File is too big.")
        return ret

    # Do the actual file processing

    # Strip leading path from file name to avoid directory traversal
    # attacks
    old_filename = os.path.basename(filename)

    # Internet Explorer will attempt to provide full path for filename
    # fix
    old_filename = old_filename.split("\\")[-1]

    # Remove the extension and check the filename
    clean_filename = ".".join(old_filename.split(".")[:-1])
    clean_filename = _clean_filename(clean_filename)

    # Make sure the filename is not too long
    if len(clean_filename) > 500:
        clean_filename = clean_filename[:500]

    # Append the predefined file extension
    clean_filename = "%s%s" % (clean_filename, fileextension)

    # Use a randomly generated UUID as filename
    file_identifier = uuid.uuid4()
    new_filename = "%s%s" % (file_identifier, fileextension)

    # Check if the directories already exist. If not, create them.
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME)):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME))

    new_filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME, new_filename)

    # Open the new file for writing
    f = open(new_filepath, "wb", 10000)

    datalength = 0

    # Read the file in chunks
    for chunk in _file_buffer(file):
        datalength += len(chunk)

    # Open the file again to get the hash
    hash = get_file_hash(new_filepath)

    # Database values
    db_file = File(identifier=file_identifier, name=clean_filename, mime=filetype, size=datalength, hash=hash)

    log.debug("The uploaded file (%s) was saved as %s at %s" % (clean_filename, new_filename, new_filepath))

    ret["filename"] = clean_filename
    ret["fileidentifier"] = str(file_identifier)

    ret["msg"] = _("File was successfully uploaded")
    ret["success"] = True

    localizer = get_localizer(request)
    ret["msg"] = localizer.translate(ret["msg"])

    return ret