def runTextureMap(): lidarFile = 'Proj4_2018_Train/data/train_lidar0' jointFile = 'Proj4_2018_Train/data/train_joint0' depthFile = 'Proj4_2018_Train_rgb/DEPTH_0' rgbFile = 'Proj4_2018_Train_rgb/RGB_0' plt.ion() lidar = ld.get_lidar(lidarFile) joint = ld.get_joint(jointFile) depth = ld.get_depth(depthFile) rgb = ld.get_rgb(rgbFile) slamWithTM(lidar, joint, depth, rgb) print 'Done'
def _get_all_imgs(self, img_folder='../Proj3_2017_Train_rgb', RGB_file='RGB_0', D_file='DEPTH_0'): """To display RGB images: R = rgb_data[k]['image'] R = np.fliplr(R) plt.imshow(R) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) To display depth images: for k in xrange(len(depth_data)): D = depth_data[k]['depth'] D = np.flip(D,1) for r in xrange(len(D)): for (c,v) in enumerate(D[r]): if (v<=DEPTH_MIN) or (v>=DEPTH_MAX): D[r][c] = 0.0 plt.imshow(D) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001)""" print '---------------Obtaining all images-------------------' RGB_file = os.path.join(img_folder, RGB_file) RGB0 = ld.get_rgb(RGB_file) D_file = os.path.join(img_folder, D_file) D0 = ld.get_depth(D_file) ir_times = np.array([d['t'][0][0] for d in D0]) rgb_times = np.array([d['t'][0][0] for d in RGB0]) print ir_times - rgb_times print ir_times.shape, rgb_times.shape # key_names_depth = ['t','width','imu_rpy','id','odom','head_angles','c','sz','vel','rsz','body_height','tr','bpp','name','height','depth'] self.ir_imgs = D0 # key_names_rgb = ['t','width','imu_rpy','id','odom','head_angles','c','sz','vel','rsz','body_height','tr','bpp','name','height','image'] self.rgb_imgs = RGB0
if __name__ == "__main__": #Specify map properties resolution = .05 xmin = -40 ymin = -40 xmax = 40 ymax = 40 numParticle = 10 N_threshold = 35 yRange = np.arange(-resolution, resolution + 0.01, resolution) xRange = np.arange(-resolution, resolution + 0.01, resolution) depthFolder = 'C:/Users/Baoqian Wang/Google Drive/cam/DEPTH_0' rgbFolder = 'C:/Users/Baoqian Wang/Google Drive/cam/RGB_0' depthImageList = ld.get_depth(depthFolder) rgbImageList = ld.get_rgb(rgbFolder) #Initialize ParticleSlam object particleSlam = ParticleFilterSlam(numParticle, N_threshold, resolution, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, xRange, yRange) # Get lidar data lidar = ld.get_lidar("./lidar/train_lidar0") # Get the head angles data joint = ld.get_joint("./joint/train_joint0") IRcalibration = ld.getIRCalib() # Run the SLAM MAP, bestParticles = particleSlam.slam(lidar, joint, rgbImageList, depthImageList)
def replayDepthData(): depth0 = ld.get_depth('Proj4_2018_Train_rgb/DEPTH_0') # pdb.set_trace() util.replay_depth(depth0)
def textureMap(lidarFilepath, jointFilepath, rgbFilename, depthFilename): #get the calibration data rgbCalibFile = "train_rgb/cameraParam/IRcam_Calib_result.pkl" depthCalibFile = "train_rgb/cameraParam/RGBcamera_Calib_result.pkl" IRToRGBFile = "train_rgb/cameraParam/exParams.pkl" with open(rgbCalibFile, 'rb') as handle: rgbCalib = pickle.load(handle) with open(depthCalibFile, 'rb') as handle: depthCalib = pickle.load(handle) #get the rgb calibration data fRGB = rgbCalib['fc'] fRGBy = fRGB[0] fRGBx = fRGB[1] rgbPrincipalPoint = rgbCalib['cc'] rgbYPrincipalPoint = rgbPrincipalPoint[0] rgbXPrincipalPoint = rgbPrincipalPoint[1] #get the IR calibratin data fIR = depthCalib['fc'] fIRy = fIR[0] fIRx = fIR[1] depthPrincipalPoint = rgbCalib['cc'] depthYPrincipalPoint = depthPrincipalPoint[0] depthXPrincipalPoint = depthPrincipalPoint[1] #get the transformation from IR to RGB with open(IRToRGBFile, 'rb') as handle: IRToRGBData = pickle.load(handle) #get the rotation and translations between the IR camera and the RGB camera IRToRGBRotation = IRToRGBData['R'] IRToRGBTranslation = IRToRGBData['T'] #import the SLAM data #NOTE THAT THESE FILES ARE FROM THE LAST SLAM ROUTINE RUN! #IF YOU WANT TO RUN TEXTUREMAP ON A NEW DATASET, YOU HAVE TO RERUN SLAM by uncommenting the following command #SLAM(lidarFilename,jointFilename) #If you've already run SLAM with the dataset, then just continue with open('allPoses.pickle', 'rb') as handle: allPoses = pickle.load(handle) with open('finalMap.pickle', 'rb') as handle: finalMap = pickle.load(handle) #get the RGB data rgbData = ld.get_rgb(rgbFilename) depthData = ld.get_depth(depthFilename) #initialize the occupancy grid MAP = {} MAP['res'] = 0.05 # meters MAP['xmin'] = -20 # meters MAP['ymin'] = -20 MAP['xmax'] = 20 MAP['ymax'] = 20 MAP['sizex'] = int(np.ceil((MAP['xmax'] - MAP['xmin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) # cells MAP['sizey'] = int(np.ceil((MAP['ymax'] - MAP['ymin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) MAP['map'] = np.zeros((MAP['sizex'], MAP['sizey']), dtype=np.double) # DATA TYPE: char or int8 #number of images numImages = len(rgbData) for i in range(0, numImages): image = rgbData[i]['image'] #1920 x 1080 x 3 depth = depthData[i]['depth'] # 412 x 512 time = rgbData[i]['t'] #create a meshgrid of the depth to do the transformations row = np.arange(0, depth.shape[0], 1) col = np.arange(0, depth.shape[1], 1) cols, rows = np.meshgrid(col, row) #do the RGB and depth image alignment #convert the IR data to 3Dpoints xIR = np.multiply(cols - depthXPrincipalPoint, depth) / fIRx yIR = np.multiply(rows - depthYPrincipalPoint, depth) / fIRy #convert image into X vector of all xyz locations X = np.vstack((np.array(xIR).ravel(), np.array(yIR).ravel(), np.array(depth).ravel())) #transform the IR data into the RGB image frame using the camera parameters XRGB =, X) + IRToRGBTranslation #transform the points in the image to 3D points to project xRGB = XRGB[0, :] yRGB = XRGB[1, :] zRGB = XRGB[2, :] #find the colors associated with the 3D points #convert back to the uv points uRGB = np.round(fRGBy * xRGB / zRGB + rgbXPrincipalPoint).astype('uint8') vRGB = np.round(fRGBx * yRGB / zRGB + rgbYPrincipalPoint).astype('uint8') #get the colors for the 3D Points XRGB rgbColors = image[uRGB, vRGB, :] #convert these colors to the global frame #find the rotations for head and yaw angles #find the head angles of the closest times neckAngle = rgbData[i]['head_angles'].T[0] headAngle = rgbData[i]['head_angles'].T[1] #find the position of the body at this time dNeck = .07 rotNeck = rotzHomo(neckAngle, 0, 0, dNeck) rotHead = rotyHomo(headAngle) totalRotHead =, rotHead) #find the closest timestep from the SLAM data idx = findIndexOfCloestTimeFrame(allPoses[:, 0], time) #find the closest pose x,y position from the SLAM data pose = allPoses[idx, :] xPose = pose[1] yPose = pose[2] thetaPose = pose[3] #convert the 3D RGB points to the global frame dBody = .93 + .33 rotGlobal = rotzHomo(thetaPose, xPose, yPose, dBody) totalRotation =, totalRotHead) #rotate the RGB image and the depth image to the global frame FourDPoints = np.vstack((XRGB, np.ones(XRGB.shape[1], ))) rotated3DPoints =, FourDPoints) #find the ground plane on the rotated data via RANSAC or via thresholding thresh = 1 indicesToKeep = rotated3DPoints[2, :] < thresh pointsToPaint = rotated3DPoints[0:3, indicesToKeep].astype('uint8') rgbValuesOfPointsToKeep = rgbColors[indicesToKeep, :]
def TM(data_folder_name, datanum, rgbd_flag): if test: name0 = 'test' else: name0 = 'train' if not if_multiple_data: datanum = '' ''' # Load kinect parameters fex = open('./cameraParam/exParams.pkl', 'rb') fIR = open('./cameraParam/IRcam_Calib_result.pkl', 'rb') fRGB = open('./cameraParam/RGBcamera_Calib_result.pkl', 'rb') exParams = pickle.load(fex, encoding = 'bytes') irParams = pickle.load(fIR, encoding = 'bytes') rgbParams = pickle.load(fRGB, encoding = 'bytes') # get camera intrinsic parameters fx_ir = irParams[b'fc'][0] fy_ir = irParams[b'fc'][1] px_ir = irParams[b'cc'][0] py_ir = irParams[b'cc'][1] fx_rgb = rgbParams[b'fc'][0] fy_rgb = rgbParams[b'fc'][1] px_rgb = rgbParams[b'cc'][0] py_rgb = rgbParams[b'cc'][1] ''' fx_ir, fy_ir = 364.457362486, 364.542810627 px_ir, py_ir = 258.422487562, 202.48713994 fx_rgb, fy_rgb = 1049.3317526, 1051.31847629 px_rgb, py_rgb = 956.910516428, 533.452032441 # get transformation from depth/IR camera to RGB camera # T_alignCams = alignCams(exParams[b'R'], exParams[b'T']) T_alignCams = np.array([[0.99996855, 0.00589981, 0.00529992, 52.2682/1000], [-0.00589406, 0.99998202, -0.00109998, 1.5192/1000], [-0.00530632, 0.00106871, 0.99998535, -0.6059/1000], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) # load data lidar_new = ld.get_lidar(os.path.join(data_folder_name, name0 + '_lidar' + str(datanum))) joint_new = ld.get_joint(os.path.join(data_folder_name, name0 + '_joint' + str(datanum))) dpt_name = os.path.join(rgbd_folder_name, 'DEPTH' + (if_multiple_data * ('_' + str(datanum)))) dpt_mat = ld.get_depth(dpt_name) image_name = os.path.join(rgbd_folder_name, 'RGB' + (if_multiple_data * ('_' + str(datanum))) + ( \ if_multiple_mat * ('_' + str(1)))) rgb = ld.get_rgb(image_name) # starting time and intervals for data scan mints = 0 int_skip = 1 #prev_img_ind = 0 h = 424 # depth image height & width w = 512 xr = np.arange(w) yr = np.arange(h) u_dpt, v_dpt = np.meshgrid(xr, yr) # v=rows in mat/y-axis # u=cols in mat/x-axis # threshold of plane fitting eps = 0.02 # init video for texture map map = np.load('map' + str(datanum) + '.npy') texture_videoname = 'goodtexture' + str(datanum) + '.mp4' video_t = cv2.VideoWriter(texture_videoname, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v'), \ 15, (np.shape(map)[1], np.shape(map)[0])) cv2.namedWindow(texture_videoname, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) img_videoname = 'grounddetection' + str(datanum) + '.mp4' video_img=cv2.VideoWriter(img_videoname, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v'), \ 15, (1920, 1080)) cv2.namedWindow('im_to_show', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) display_floor = np.tile((map > 0)[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, 3)) * 125 display_floor = display_floor.astype('uint8') #path_rx = np.load('path_rx'+str(datanum)+'.npy') #path_ry = np.load('path_ry'+str(datanum)+'.npy') path_x = np.load('path_x'+str(datanum)+'.npy') path_y = np.load('path_y'+str(datanum)+'.npy') path_theta=np.load('path_theta'+str(datanum)+'.npy') path_ts=np.load('path_ts'+str(datanum)+'.npy') # cell to meter path_x=(path_x+1)*0.1-50 path_y = (path_y + 1) * 0.1 - 50 # SLAM for i in np.arange(mints, len(dpt_mat), int_skip): i=int(i) print('\ndepth image ' + str(i)) # check whether to get frames from different RGB mat samergb=(i+1)%300 this_rgb=int((i+1)/300) if not samergb: if this_rgb ==rgbnum: print('\n...texture mapping end!') video_t.release() video_img.release() break print('\nTime to go with another RGB mat...') rgb=ld.get_rgb(os.path.join(rgbd_folder_name, 'RGB' + (if_multiple_data * ('_' + str(datanum))) + ( \ if_multiple_mat * ('_' + str(this_rgb+1))))) # sync time stamps ts_diff = abs(joint_new['ts'] - dpt_mat[i]['t'])[0, :] ind_j = np.where(ts_diff == min(ts_diff))[0][0] ts_diff = abs(path_ts- dpt_mat[i]['t']) ind_p = np.where(ts_diff == min(ts_diff))[0] #pdb.set_trace() # load image #pdb.set_trace() image=rgb[i - 300*(this_rgb)]['image'] dpt=dpt_mat[i]['depth'] dpt = dpt / 1000 # depth in meter now head_angles = joint_new['head_angles'][:, ind_j] rpy = joint_new['rpy'][:, ind_j] - joint_new['rpy'][:, 0] # 3D in dpt frame Pts_dpt = img_to_world(fx_ir, fy_ir, px_ir, py_ir, u_dpt, v_dpt, dpt[v_dpt, u_dpt]) # 3D in cam frame valid_homo = np.hstack((Pts_dpt, np.ones([np.shape(Pts_dpt)[0], 1])))# n*4 Pts_rgb =, valid_homo.T) # 4*n # 2D in cam frame u_rgb, v_rgb = world_to_img(fx_rgb, fy_rgb, px_rgb, py_rgb, Pts_rgb.T) u_rgb = u_rgb.astype( v_rgb = v_rgb.astype( # get valid indices ind_max = np.logical_and(u_rgb < 1920, v_rgb < 1080) ind_min = np.logical_and(u_rgb >= 0, v_rgb >= 0) ind_range=np.logical_and(ind_max, ind_min) # 3D in world frame T=kinectToGlobal(head_angles, rpy, \ np.array([path_x[ind_p], path_y[ind_p], path_theta[ind_p]])) #pdb.set_trace() R = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0,0,0,1]]),,Pts_rgb)) #4*n #pdb.set_trace() # get points close to ground plane mask_g=(Pts_w[2,:]<eps) ind_valid=np.logical_and(ind_range, mask_g) true_pos=Pts_w[:2, ind_valid] # pos in grid cells x_true_pos= np.ceil((true_pos[0,:] - (-50)) / 0.1).astype(np.int16) - 1 y_true_pos = np.ceil((true_pos[1,:] - (-50)) / 0.1).astype(np.int16) - 1 x_true_pos = x_true_pos.astype( y_true_pos = y_true_pos.astype( # visualization img_base = np.zeros_like(image) img_base[v_rgb[ind_valid], u_rgb[ind_valid]] += 1 img_base = cv2.dilate(img_base, kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8), iterations = 1) gmask = img_base[:, :, 2].copy() g = np.stack((np.zeros_like(gmask), np.zeros_like(gmask), gmask), 2) im_to_show = image.copy()+g*255*0.3 cv2.imshow('im_to_show', im_to_show.astype(np.uint8)) key = cv2.waitKey(100) video_img.write(im_to_show.astype(np.uint8)) # adding texture display_floor[x_true_pos, y_true_pos, 2] = image[v_rgb[ind_valid], u_rgb[ind_valid], 0] display_floor[x_true_pos, y_true_pos, 1] = image[v_rgb[ind_valid], u_rgb[ind_valid], 1] display_floor[x_true_pos, y_true_pos, 0] = image[v_rgb[ind_valid], u_rgb[ind_valid], 2] cv2.imshow(texture_videoname, display_floor) key = cv2.waitKey(100) video_t.write(display_floor)
def texture_mapping(MAP, w_T_b_best): IRCalib = getIRCalib() Matrix_IRCalib = np.array([[ IRCalib['fc'][0], IRCalib['ac'] * IRCalib['fc'][0], IRCalib['cc'][0] ], [0, IRCalib['fc'][1], IRCalib['cc'][1]], [0, 0, 1]]) RGBCalib = getRGBCalib() Matrix_RGBCalib = np.array([[ RGBCalib['fc'][0], RGBCalib['ac'] * RGBCalib['fc'][0], RGBCalib['cc'][0] ], [0, RGBCalib['fc'][1], RGBCalib['cc'][1]], [0, 0, 1]]) exIR_RGB = getExtrinsics_IR_RGB() l0 = get_lidar("lidar/train_lidar0") r0 = get_rgb("cam/RGB_0") d0 = get_depth("cam/DEPTH_0") lidar_t = [] depth_t = [] Tneck = np.zeros((4, 4)) Thead = np.zeros((4, 4)) for i in range(len(l0)): lidar_t1 = np.array(l0[i]['t'][0]) lidar_t.append(lidar_t1) for j in range(len(d0)): depth_t1 = np.array(d0[j]['t'][0]) depth_t.append(depth_t1) rgb_it = [r['image'] for r in r0] rgb_angle = [r['head_angles'] for r in r0] rgb_neck = rgb_angle[0] rgb_head = rgb_angle[1] depth_dt = [d['depth'] for d in d0] ############## do the time alignment for lidar time compare with depth time xxx = np.array((lidar_t)) yyy = np.array((depth_t)) xx = np.array(([l[0] for l in xxx])) yy = np.array(([l[0] for l in yyy])) idx1 = np.searchsorted(xx, yy, side="left").clip(max=xx.size - 1) mask = (idx1 > 0) & \ ((idx1 == len(xx)) | (np.fabs(yy - xx[idx1 - 1]) < np.fabs(yy - xx[idx1]))) ##### the index is the resulting lidar timestamp index that has the closest time step as the depth's timestamp index1 = np.array((idx1 - mask)).tolist() #print(index) # transform from ir to rgb frame rgb T_ir rgb_T_ir = np.zeros((4, 4)) rgb_T_ir[0:3, 0:3] = exIR_RGB['rgb_R_ir'] rgb_T_ir[0, 3] = exIR_RGB['rgb_T_ir'][0] rgb_T_ir[1, 3] = exIR_RGB['rgb_T_ir'][1] rgb_T_ir[2, 3] = exIR_RGB['rgb_T_ir'][2] rgb_T_ir[3, 3] = 1 # tranform from rgb to body frame b_T_rgb # use the idxs to track the Rn = euler2mat(0, 0, rgb_neck, axes='sxyz') Tneck[0:3, 0:3] = Rn Tneck[0, 3] = 0 Tneck[1, 3] = 0 Tneck[2, 3] = 0.07 Tneck[3, 3] = 1 Rh = euler2mat(0, rgb_head, 0, axes='sxyz') Thead[0:3, 0:3] = Rh # transform from lidar to body frame Thead[0, 3] = 0 Thead[1, 3] = 0 Thead[2, 3] = 0.33 Thead[3, 3] = 1 b_T_rgb =, Tneck) # w_T_b is the current best particle w_T_c_rgb =, b_T_rgb) o_T_c = np.array([[0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) map_x = MAP['sizex'] map_y = MAP['sizey'] my_x = map_x.tolist() my_y = map_y.tolist() tmt = np.zeros((MAP['sizex'], MAP['sizey'], 3)) #tmt[my_x, my_y, 0] = #tmt[my_x, my_y, 1] = #tmt[my_x, my_y, 2] = return tmt
print " Loading RGB data..." RGBs.extend(load.get_rgb(RGB_folder + "/" + RGB_filename_prefix)) print " Done!" else: print " Loading " + str(len(RGB_filenames)) + " RGB datafiles..." for i in xrange(len(RGB_filenames)): print " Loading RBG data #" + str(i + 1) RGB_filename = RGB_folder + "/" + RGB_filename_prefix + "_" + str( i + 1) RGBs.extend(load.get_rgb(RGB_filename)) print " Done!" print " Done!" if load_depth: print " Loading DEPTH data..." depth_filename = folder + "/cam/DEPTH" + len(dataset) * "_" + dataset depths = load.get_depth(depth_filename) print " Done!" rgb_exists = True except: print " Error loading RGB or DEPTH data." print "Done!\n" #################################################################################################### # INITIALIZE VARIABLES # #################################################################################################### # particle related variables (particles are in SE3) n_particles_thresh = 10 n_particles = 100 particle_weights = np.ones(n_particles) / (1.0 * n_particles) particle_corrs = np.zeros(n_particles)