Ejemplo n.º 1
            def _verify_be():
                is_changed = False

                def _update_sourcedir():
                    be.sourcedir = os.environ.get('TOASTER_DIR')
                    return True

                if len(be.sourcedir) == 0:
                    print "\n -- Validation: The layers checkout directory must be set."
                    is_changed = _update_sourcedir()

                if not be.sourcedir.startswith("/"):
                    print "\n -- Validation: The layers checkout directory must be set to an absolute path."
                    is_changed = _update_sourcedir()

                if is_changed:
                    if be.betype == BuildEnvironment.TYPE_LOCAL:
                        be.needs_import = True
                    return True

                def _update_builddir():
                    be.builddir = os.environ.get('TOASTER_DIR') + "/build"
                    return True

                if len(be.builddir) == 0:
                    print "\n -- Validation: The build directory must be set."
                    is_changed = _update_builddir()

                if not be.builddir.startswith("/"):
                    print "\n -- Validation: The build directory must to be set to an absolute path."
                    is_changed = _update_builddir()

                if is_changed:
                    print "\nBuild configuration saved"
                    return True

                if be.needs_import:
                        config_file = os.environ.get('TOASTER_CONF')
                        print "\nImporting file: %s" % config_file
                        from loadconf import Command as LoadConfigCommand

                        # we run lsupdates after config update
                        print "\nLayer configuration imported. Updating information from the layer sources, please wait.\nYou can re-update any time later by running bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py lsupdates"
                        from django.core.management import call_command

                        # we don't look for any other config files
                        return is_changed
                    except Exception as e:
                        print "Failure while trying to import the toaster config file %s: %s" %\
                            (config_file, e)

                return is_changed
            def _verify_be():
                is_changed = False
                print("Verifying the Build Environment type %s id %d." % (be.get_betype_display(), be.pk))
                if len(be.sourcedir) == 0:
                    suggesteddir = self._get_suggested_sourcedir(be)
                    be.sourcedir = raw_input(" -- Layer sources checkout directory may not be empty [guessed \"%s\"]:" % suggesteddir)
                    if len(be.sourcedir) == 0 and len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.sourcedir = suggesteddir
                    is_changed = True

                if not be.sourcedir.startswith("/"):
                    be.sourcedir = raw_input(" -- Layer sources checkout directory must be an absolute path:")
                    is_changed = True

                if len(be.builddir) == 0:
                    suggesteddir = self._get_suggested_builddir(be)
                    be.builddir = raw_input(" -- Build directory may not be empty [guessed \"%s\"]:" % suggesteddir)
                    if len(be.builddir) == 0 and len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.builddir = suggesteddir
                    is_changed = True

                if not be.builddir.startswith("/"):
                    be.builddir = raw_input(" -- Build directory must be an absolute path:")
                    is_changed = True

                if is_changed:
                    print "Build configuration saved"

                if is_changed and be.betype == BuildEnvironment.TYPE_LOCAL:
                    for dirname in self._recursive_list_directories(be.sourcedir,2):
                        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, ".templateconf")):
                            import subprocess
                            conffilepath, error = subprocess.Popen('bash -c ". '+os.path.join(dirname, ".templateconf")+'; echo \"\$TEMPLATECONF\""', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
                            conffilepath = os.path.join(conffilepath.strip(), "toasterconf.json")
                            candidatefilepath = os.path.join(dirname, conffilepath)
                            if os.path.exists(candidatefilepath):
                                i = raw_input(" -- Do you want to import basic layer configuration from \"%s\" ? (y/N):" % candidatefilepath)
                                if len(i) and i.upper()[0] == 'Y':
                                    from loadconf import Command as LoadConfigCommand

                                    # we run lsupdates after config update
                                    print "Layer configuration imported. Updating information from the layer source, please wait."
                                    from django.core.management import call_command

                                    # we don't look for any other config files
                                    return is_changed

                return is_changed
Ejemplo n.º 3
            def _verify_be():
                is_changed = False
                    "Verifying the Build Environment. If the local Build Environment is not properly configured, you will be asked to configure it."

                def _update_sourcedir():
                    suggesteddir = self._get_suggested_sourcedir(be)
                    if len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.sourcedir = raw_input(
                            "Toaster needs to know in which directory it should check out the layers that will be needed for your builds.\n Toaster suggests \"%s\". If you select this directory, a layer like \"meta-intel\" will end up in \"%s/meta-intel\".\n Press Enter to select \"%s\" or type the full path to a different directory (must be a parent of current checkout directory): "
                            % (suggesteddir, suggesteddir, suggesteddir))
                        be.sourcedir = raw_input(
                            "Toaster needs to know in which directory it should check out the layers that will be needed for your builds. Type the full path to the directory (for example: \"%s\": "
                            % os.environ.get('HOME', '/tmp/'))
                    if len(be.sourcedir) == 0 and len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.sourcedir = suggesteddir
                    return True

                if len(be.sourcedir) == 0:
                    print "\n -- Validation: The checkout directory must be set."
                    is_changed = _update_sourcedir()

                if not be.sourcedir.startswith("/"):
                    print "\n -- Validation: The checkout directory must be set to an absolute path."
                    is_changed = _update_sourcedir()

                if not be.sourcedir in DN(__file__):
                    print "\n -- Validation: The checkout directory must be a parent of the current checkout."
                    is_changed = _update_sourcedir()

                if is_changed:
                    if be.betype == BuildEnvironment.TYPE_LOCAL:
                        be.needs_import = True
                    return True

                def _update_builddir():
                    suggesteddir = self._get_suggested_builddir(be)
                    if len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.builddir = raw_input(
                            "Toaster needs to know where your build directory is located.\n The build directory is where all the artifacts created by your builds will be stored. Toaster suggests \"%s\".\n Press Enter to select \"%s\" or type the full path to a different directory: "
                            % (suggesteddir, suggesteddir))
                        be.builddir = raw_input(
                            "Toaster needs to know where is your build directory.\n The build directory is where all the artifacts created by your builds will be stored. Type the full path to the directory (for example: \" %s/build\")"
                            % os.environ.get('HOME', '/tmp/'))
                    if len(be.builddir) == 0 and len(suggesteddir) > 0:
                        be.builddir = suggesteddir
                    return True

                if len(be.builddir) == 0:
                    print "\n -- Validation: The build directory must be set."
                    is_changed = _update_builddir()

                if not be.builddir.startswith("/"):
                    print "\n -- Validation: The build directory must to be set to an absolute path."
                    is_changed = _update_builddir()

                if is_changed:
                    print "Build configuration saved"
                    return True

                if be.needs_import:
                    print "\nToaster can use a SINGLE predefined configuration file to set up default project settings and layer information sources.\n"

                    # find configuration files
                    config_files = []
                    for dirname in self._recursive_list_directories(
                            be.sourcedir, 2):
                        if os.path.exists(
                                os.path.join(dirname, ".templateconf")):
                            import subprocess
                            proc = subprocess.Popen(
                                'bash -c ". ' +
                                os.path.join(dirname, ".templateconf") +
                                '; echo \"\$TEMPLATECONF\""',
                            conffilepath, stderroroutput = proc.communicate()
                            if proc.returncode != 0:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Failed to source TEMPLATECONF: %s" %

                            conffilepath = os.path.join(
                                conffilepath.strip(), "toasterconf.json")
                            candidatefilepath = os.path.join(
                                dirname, conffilepath)
                            if "toaster_cloned" in candidatefilepath:
                            if os.path.exists(candidatefilepath):

                    if len(config_files) > 0:
                        print " Toaster will list now the configuration files that it found. Select the number to use the desired configuration file."
                        for cf in config_files:
                            print "  [%d] - %s" % (config_files.index(cf) + 1,
                        print "\n  [0] - Exit without importing any file"
                            i = raw_input("\n Enter your option: ")
                            if len(i) and (int(i) - 1 >= 0
                                           and int(i) - 1 < len(config_files)):
                                print "Importing file: %s" % config_files[
                                    int(i) - 1]
                                from loadconf import Command as LoadConfigCommand

                                    config_files[int(i) - 1])
                                # we run lsupdates after config update
                                print "Layer configuration imported. Updating information from the layer sources, please wait.\n You can re-update any time later by running bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py lsupdates"
                                from django.core.management import call_command

                                # we don't look for any other config files
                                return is_changed
                        except Exception as e:
                            print "Failure while trying to import the toaster config file: %s" % e
                        print "\n Toaster could not find a configuration file. You need to configure Toaster manually using the web interface, or create a configuration file and use\n  bitbake/lib/toaster/managepy.py loadconf [filename]\n command to load it. You can use https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/File:Toasterconf.json.txt.patch as a starting point."

                return is_changed