async def delete_product_callback_handler(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: dict): product_idx = callback_data['id'] db.query('DELETE FROM products WHERE idx=?', (product_idx, )) await query.answer('Удалено!') await query.message.delete()
async def process_confirm(message: Message, state: FSMContext): enough_money = True # enough money on the balance sheet markup = ReplyKeyboardRemove() if enough_money:'Deal was made.') async with state.proxy() as data: cid = products = [ idx + '=' + str(quantity) for idx, quantity in db.fetchall( '''SELECT idx, quantity FROM cart WHERE cid=?''', (cid, )) ] # idx=quantity db.query('INSERT INTO orders VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (cid, data['name'], data['address'], ' '.join(products))) db.query('DELETE FROM cart WHERE cid=?', (cid, )) await message.answer('Ок! Ваш заказ уже в пути 🚀\nИмя: <b>' + data['name'] + '</b>\nАдрес: <b>' + data['address'] + '</b>', reply_markup=markup) else: await message.answer( 'У вас недостаточно денег на счете. Пополните баланс!', reply_markup=markup) await state.finish()
async def set_category_title_handler(message: Message, state: FSMContext): category = message.text idx = md5(category.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() db.query('INSERT INTO categories VALUES (?, ?)', (idx, category)) await state.finish() await process_settings(message)
async def add_product_callback_handler(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: dict): db.query('INSERT INTO cart VALUES (?, ?, 1)', (, callback_data['id'])) await query.answer('Товар добавлен в корзину!') await query.message.delete()
async def delete_category_handler(message: Message, state: FSMContext): async with state.proxy() as data: if 'category_index' in data.keys(): idx = data['category_index'] db.query( 'DELETE FROM products WHERE tag IN (SELECT title FROM categories WHERE idx=?)', (idx, )) db.query('DELETE FROM categories WHERE idx=?', (idx, )) await message.answer('Готово!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await process_settings(message)
async def product_callback_handler(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: dict, state: FSMContext): idx = callback_data['id'] action = callback_data['action'] if 'count' == action: async with state.proxy() as data: if 'products' not in data.keys(): await process_cart(query.message, state) else: await query.answer('Количество - ' + data['products'][idx][2]) else: async with state.proxy() as data: if 'products' not in data.keys(): await process_cart(query.message, state) else: data['products'][idx][2] += 1 if 'increase' == action else -1 count_in_cart = data['products'][idx][2] if count_in_cart == 0: db.query( '''DELETE FROM cart WHERE cid = ? AND idx = ?''', (, idx)) await query.message.delete() else: db.query( '''UPDATE cart SET quantity = ? WHERE cid = ? AND idx = ?''', (count_in_cart,, idx)) await query.message.edit_reply_markup( product_markup(idx, count_in_cart))
async def process_send_answer(message: Message, state: FSMContext): async with state.proxy() as data: answer = data['answer'] cid = data['cid'] question = db.fetchone('SELECT question FROM questions WHERE cid=?', (cid, ))[0] db.query('DELETE FROM questions WHERE cid=?', (cid, )) text = f'Вопрос: <b>{question}</b>\n\nОтвет: <b>{answer}</b>' await message.answer('Отправлено!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await bot.send_message(cid, text) await state.finish()
async def process_submit(message: Message, state: FSMContext): cid = if db.fetchone('SELECT * FROM questions WHERE cid=?', (cid,)) == None: async with state.proxy() as data: db.query('INSERT INTO questions VALUES (?, ?)', (cid, data['question'])) await message.answer('Отправлено!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: await message.answer('Превышен лимит на количество задаваемых вопросов.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await state.finish()
async def process_cart(message: Message, state: FSMContext): cart_data = db.fetchall('SELECT * FROM cart WHERE cid=?', (, )) if len(cart_data) == 0: await message.answer('Ваша корзина пуста.') else: await bot.send_chat_action(, ChatActions.TYPING) async with state.proxy() as data: data['products'] = {} order_cost = 0 for _, idx, count_in_cart in cart_data: product = db.fetchone('SELECT * FROM products WHERE idx=?', (idx, )) if product == None: db.query('DELETE FROM cart WHERE idx=?', (idx, )) else: _, title, body, image, price, _ = product order_cost += price async with state.proxy() as data: data['products'][idx] = [title, price, count_in_cart] markup = product_markup(idx, count_in_cart) text = f'<b>{title}</b>\n\n{body}\n\nЦена: {price}₽.' await message.answer_photo(photo=image, caption=text, reply_markup=markup) if order_cost != 0: markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True, selective=True) markup.add('📦 Оформить заказ') await message.answer('Перейти к оформлению?', reply_markup=markup)
async def process_confirm(message: Message, state: FSMContext): async with state.proxy() as data: title = data['title'] body = data['body'] image = data['image'] price = data['price'] tag = db.fetchone('SELECT title FROM categories WHERE idx=?', (data['category_index'], ))[0] idx = md5(' '.join([title, body, price, tag]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() db.query('INSERT INTO products VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (idx, title, body, image, int(price), tag)) await state.finish() await message.answer('Готово!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await process_settings(message)