Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_RALICLoader_conversion(self):
     for project_name, file_name in ALL_FILES_DICT.items():
         if not project_name.startswith('RALIC'):
         # get content
         loader = Loader(project_name)
         neo_cost, neo_profit, _, _ = loader.load()
         # employ a RALICLoader to load original dataset
         loader = RALICLoader()
         level, cost = loader.load(file_name['sreq'], file_name['cost'])
         cost = {x[0]: x[2] for x in cost if len(x) == 3}
         # neo_cost and cost compare length
         assert len(neo_cost) == len(cost)
         # preprocess level
         profit = [x for x in level if x[1] in cost]
         # length
         assert len(profit) == len(neo_profit)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_Motorola_conversion(self):
     for project_name, file_name in ALL_FILES_DICT.items():
         if not project_name.startswith('Motorola'):
         # get content
         loader = Loader(project_name)
         cost, profit, _, _ = loader.load()
         # get content directly from MotorolaLoader
         loader = MotorolaLoader()
         cost_revenue = loader.load(file_name)
         # should not be empty
         assert cost_revenue
         assert cost.keys() == profit.keys()
         # cost and profit <=> cost_revenue
         cost_profit = []
         for ite in cost.keys():
             cost_profit.append((cost[ite], profit[ite]))
         assert cost_profit == cost_revenue
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_BAANLoader(self):
     for project_name, file_name in ALL_FILES_DICT.items():
         if not project_name.startswith('Baan'):
         # load from Loader
         loader = Loader(project_name)
         cost, profit, _, _ = loader.load()
         # should not be empty
         assert cost and profit
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_XuanLoader_conversion(self):
     for project_name, file_name in ALL_FILES_DICT.items():
         if not project_name.startswith(
                 'classic') and not project_name.startswith('realistic'):
             continue  # only test classic* and realistic* NRPs
         # get content
         loader = Loader(project_name)
         content = loader.load()
         # content should be (cost, profit, dependencies, requests)
         assert len(content) == 4
         cost, profit, dependencies, requests = content
         # we employe a XuanLoader to load pre-process data
         loader = XuanLoader()
         xuan_cost, xuan_dependencies, xuan_customers = loader.load(
         # compare
         # cost => xuan_cost
         for req, req_cost in cost.items():
             flag = False
             for cost_line in xuan_cost:
                 cost_dict = dict(cost_line)
                 if req in cost_dict and cost_dict[req] == req_cost:
                     flag = True
             assert flag
         # xuan_cost => cost
         for cost_line in xuan_cost:
             for req, req_cost in cost_line:
                 assert req in cost
                 assert cost[req] == req_cost
         # profit <=> xuan_customers
         xuan_profit = {x[0]: x[1] for x in xuan_customers}
         assert xuan_profit == profit
         # dependencies <=> xuan_dependencies
         assert set(xuan_dependencies) == set(dependencies)
         # requests => customers
         xuan_requests = {x[0]: x[2] for x in xuan_customers}
         for cus, req in requests:
             assert cus in xuan_requests
             assert req in xuan_requests[cus]
         # customers => requests
         for cus, req_list in xuan_requests.items():
             for req in req_list:
                 assert (cus, req) in requests
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __load(self, project_name : str) -> None:
     # employ a loader
     loader = Loader(project_name)
     self.__cost, self.__profit, self.__dependencies, self.__requests = loader.load()