Ejemplo n.º 1
    def render(self, api_context: ApiInvocationContext):
        response = api_context.response
        integration = api_context.integration
        # we set context data with the response content because later on we use context data as
        # the body field in the template. We need to improve this by using the right source
        # depending on the type of templates.
        api_context.data = response._content
        int_responses = integration.get("integrationResponses") or {}
        if not int_responses:
            return response._content
        entries = list(int_responses.keys())
        return_code = str(response.status_code)
        if return_code not in entries and len(entries) > 1:
            LOG.info("Found multiple integration response status codes: %s",
            return response._content
        return_code = entries[0]

        response_templates = int_responses[return_code].get(
            "responseTemplates", {})
        template = response_templates.get(APPLICATION_JSON, {})
        if not template:
            return response

        variables = self.build_variables_mapping(api_context)
        response._content = self.render_vtl(template, variables=variables)
        LOG.info("Endpoint response body after transformations:\n%s",
        return response._content
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, api_context: ApiInvocationContext,
               **kwargs) -> Union[bytes, str]:
        # XXX: keep backwards compatibility until we migrate all integrations to this new classes
        # api_context contains a response object that we want slowly remove from it
        data = kwargs["response"] if "response" in kwargs else ""
        response = data or api_context.response
        integration = api_context.integration
        # we set context data with the response content because later on we use context data as
        # the body field in the template. We need to improve this by using the right source
        # depending on the type of templates.
        api_context.data = response._content

        integration_responses = integration.get("integrationResponses") or {}
        if not integration_responses:
            return response._content
        entries = list(integration_responses.keys())
        return_code = str(response.status_code)
        if return_code not in entries and len(entries) > 1:
            LOG.info("Found multiple integration response status codes: %s",
            return response._content
        return_code = entries[0]

        response_templates = integration_responses[return_code].get(
            "responseTemplates", {})
        template = response_templates.get(APPLICATION_JSON, {})
        if not template:
            return response._content

        variables = self.build_variables_mapping(api_context)
        response._content = self.render_vtl(template, variables=variables)
        LOG.info("Endpoint response body after transformations:\n%s",
        return response._content
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def forward_request(self, method, path, data, headers):
        invocation_context = ApiInvocationContext(method, path, data, headers)

        forwarded_for = headers.get(HEADER_LOCALSTACK_EDGE_URL, "")
        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_USER_REQUEST,
                    path) or "execute-api" in forwarded_for:
            result = invoke_rest_api_from_request(invocation_context)
            if result is not None:
                return result

        data = data and json.loads(to_str(data))

        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_AUTHORIZERS, path):
            return handle_authorizers(method, path, data, headers)

        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_DOC_PARTS, path):
            return handle_documentation_parts(method, path, data, headers)

        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_VALIDATORS, path):
            return handle_validators(method, path, data, headers)

        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_RESPONSES, path):
            return handle_gateway_responses(method, path, data, headers)

        if re.match(PATH_REGEX_PATH_MAPPINGS, path):
            return handle_base_path_mappings(method, path, data, headers)

        if helpers.is_test_invoke_method(method, path):
            # if call is from test_invoke_api then use http_method to find the integration,
            #   as test_invoke_api makes a POST call to request the test invocation
            match = re.match(PATH_REGEX_TEST_INVOKE_API, path)
            invocation_context.method = match[3]
            if data:
                orig_data = data
                path_with_query_string = orig_data.get("pathWithQueryString",
                if path_with_query_string:
                    invocation_context.path_with_query_string = path_with_query_string
                invocation_context.data = data.get("body")
                invocation_context.headers = orig_data.get("headers", {})
            result = invoke_rest_api_from_request(invocation_context)
            result = {
                "status": result.status_code,
                "body": to_str(result.content),
                "headers": dict(result.headers),
            return result

        return True