def run(self): self.process = run(self.cmd, asynchronous=True, shell=False)
def start_infra_in_docker(): container_name = config.MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME if DOCKER_CLIENT.is_container_running(container_name): raise Exception('LocalStack container named "%s" is already running' % container_name) if config.TMP_FOLDER != config.HOST_TMP_FOLDER and not config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER: print( f"WARNING: The detected temp folder for localstack ({config.TMP_FOLDER}) is not equal to the " f"HOST_TMP_FOLDER environment variable set ({config.HOST_TMP_FOLDER})." ) # Logger is not initialized at this point, so the warning is displayed via print os.environ[ENV_SCRIPT_STARTING_DOCKER] = "1" # load plugins before starting the docker container plugin_configs = load_plugins() # prepare APIs canonicalize_api_names() entrypoint = os.environ.get("ENTRYPOINT", "") cmd = os.environ.get("CMD", "") user_flags = config.DOCKER_FLAGS image_name = get_docker_image_to_start() service_ports = config.SERVICE_PORTS force_noninteractive = os.environ.get("FORCE_NONINTERACTIVE", "") # get run params plugin_run_params = " ".join([ entry.get("docker", {}).get("run_flags", "") for entry in plugin_configs ]) # container for port mappings port_mappings = PortMappings(bind_host=config.EDGE_BIND_HOST) # get port ranges defined via DOCKER_FLAGS (if any) user_flags = extract_port_flags(user_flags, port_mappings) plugin_run_params = extract_port_flags(plugin_run_params, port_mappings) # construct default port mappings if service_ports.get("edge") == 0: service_ports.pop("edge") for port in service_ports.values(): if port: port_mappings.add(port) env_vars = {} for env_var in config.CONFIG_ENV_VARS: value = os.environ.get(env_var, None) if value is not None: env_vars[env_var] = value bind_mounts = [] data_dir = os.environ.get("DATA_DIR", None) if data_dir is not None: container_data_dir = "/tmp/localstack_data" bind_mounts.append((data_dir, container_data_dir)) env_vars["DATA_DIR"] = container_data_dir bind_mounts.append((config.TMP_FOLDER, "/tmp/localstack")) bind_mounts.append((config.DOCKER_SOCK, config.DOCKER_SOCK)) env_vars["DOCKER_HOST"] = f"unix://{config.DOCKER_SOCK}" env_vars["HOST_TMP_FOLDER"] = config.HOST_TMP_FOLDER if config.DEVELOP: port_mappings.add(config.DEVELOP_PORT) docker_cmd = [config.DOCKER_CMD, "run"] if not force_noninteractive and not in_ci(): docker_cmd.append("-it") if entrypoint: docker_cmd += shlex.split(entrypoint) if env_vars: docker_cmd += [ item for k, v in env_vars.items() for item in ["-e", "{}={}".format(k, v)] ] if user_flags: docker_cmd += shlex.split(user_flags) if plugin_run_params: docker_cmd += shlex.split(plugin_run_params) docker_cmd += ["--rm", "--privileged"] docker_cmd += ["--name", container_name] docker_cmd += port_mappings.to_list() docker_cmd += [ volume for host_path, docker_path in bind_mounts for volume in ["-v", f"{host_path}:{docker_path}"] ] docker_cmd.append(image_name) docker_cmd += shlex.split(cmd) mkdir(config.TMP_FOLDER) try: run(["chmod", "-R", "777", config.TMP_FOLDER], print_error=False, shell=False) except Exception: pass class ShellRunnerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cmd): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.cmd = cmd def run(self): self.process = run(self.cmd, asynchronous=True, shell=False) # keep this print output here for debugging purposes print(docker_cmd) t = ShellRunnerThread(docker_cmd) t.start() time.sleep(2) if DO_CHMOD_DOCKER_SOCK: # fix permissions on /var/run/docker.sock for i in range(0, 100): if DOCKER_CLIENT.is_container_running(container_name): break time.sleep(2) DOCKER_CLIENT.exec_in_container( container_name, command=["chmod", "777", "/var/run/docker.sock"], user="******") t.process.wait() sys.exit(t.process.returncode)
def validate_localstack_config(name): # TODO: separate functionality from CLI output # (use exceptions to communicate errors, and return list of warnings) from subprocess import CalledProcessError from localstack.cli import console dirname = os.getcwd() compose_file_name = name if os.path.isabs(name) else os.path.join( dirname, name) warns = [] # validating docker-compose file cmd = ["docker-compose", "-f", compose_file_name, "config"] try: run(cmd, shell=False, print_error=False) except CalledProcessError as e: msg = f"{e}\n{to_str(e.output)}".strip() raise ValueError(msg) # validating docker-compose variable import yaml # keep import here to avoid issues in test Lambdas with open(compose_file_name) as file: compose_content = yaml.full_load(file) services_config = compose_content.get("services", {}) ls_service_name = [ name for name, svc in services_config.items() if "localstack" in svc.get("image", "") ] if not ls_service_name: raise Exception( 'No LocalStack service found in config (looking for image names containing "localstack")' ) if len(ls_service_name) > 1: warns.append( f"Multiple candidates found for LocalStack service: {ls_service_name}" ) ls_service_name = ls_service_name[0] ls_service_details = services_config[ls_service_name] image_name = ls_service_details.get("image", "") if image_name.split(":")[0] not in constants.OFFICIAL_IMAGES: warns.append( 'Using custom image "%s", we recommend using an official image: %s' % (image_name, constants.OFFICIAL_IMAGES)) # prepare config options network_mode = ls_service_details.get("network_mode") image_name = ls_service_details.get("image") container_name = ls_service_details.get("container_name") or "" docker_ports = (port.split(":")[-2] for port in ls_service_details.get("ports", [])) docker_env = dict((env.split("=")[0], env.split("=")[1]) for env in ls_service_details.get("environment", {})) edge_port = str(docker_env.get("EDGE_PORT") or config.EDGE_PORT) main_container = config.MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME # docker-compose file validation cases if (docker_env.get("PORT_WEB_UI") not in ["${PORT_WEB_UI- }", None, ""] and image_name == "localstack/localstack"): warns.append( '"PORT_WEB_UI" Web UI is now deprecated, ' 'and requires to use the "localstack/localstack-full" image.') if not docker_env.get("HOST_TMP_FOLDER"): warns.append( 'Please configure the "HOST_TMP_FOLDER" environment variable to point to the ' + "absolute path of a temp folder on your host system (e.g., HOST_TMP_FOLDER=${TMPDIR})" ) if (main_container not in container_name ) and not docker_env.get("MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME"): warns.append( 'Please use "container_name: %s" or add "MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME" in "environment".' % main_container) def port_exposed(port): for exposed in docker_ports: if re.match(r"^([0-9]+-)?%s(-[0-9]+)?$" % port, exposed): return True if not port_exposed(edge_port): warns.append( ("Edge port %s is not exposed. You may have to add the entry " 'to the "ports" section of the docker-compose file.') % edge_port) if network_mode != "bridge" and not docker_env.get( "LAMBDA_DOCKER_NETWORK"): warns.append( 'Network mode is not set to "bridge" which may cause networking issues in Lambda containers. ' 'Consider adding "network_mode: bridge" to your docker-compose file, or configure ' "LAMBDA_DOCKER_NETWORK with the name of the Docker network of your compose stack." ) # print warning/info messages for warning in warns: console.print("[yellow]:warning:[/yellow]", warning) if not warns: return True return False
def add_file_to_jar(class_file, class_url, target_jar, base_dir=None): base_dir = base_dir or os.path.dirname(target_jar) patch_class_file = os.path.join(base_dir, class_file) if not os.path.exists(patch_class_file): download(class_url, patch_class_file) run(["zip", target_jar, class_file], cwd=base_dir)
def install_stepfunctions_local(): if not os.path.exists(INSTALL_PATH_STEPFUNCTIONS_JAR): # pull the JAR file from the Docker image, which is more up-to-date than the downloadable JAR file if not DOCKER_CLIENT.has_docker(): # TODO: works only when a docker socket is available -> add a fallback if running without Docker? LOG.warning( "Docker not available - skipping installation of StepFunctions dependency" ) return log_install_msg("Step Functions") mkdir(INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS) DOCKER_CLIENT.pull_image(IMAGE_NAME_SFN_LOCAL) docker_name = "tmp-ls-sfn" DOCKER_CLIENT.run_container( IMAGE_NAME_SFN_LOCAL, remove=True, entrypoint="", name=docker_name, detach=True, command=["sleep", "15"], ) time.sleep(5) DOCKER_CLIENT.copy_from_container( docker_name, local_path=dirs.static_libs, container_path="/home/stepfunctionslocal/") path = Path(f"{dirs.static_libs}/stepfunctionslocal/") for file in path.glob("*.jar"): file.rename(Path(INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS) / rm_rf(str(path)) classes = [ SFN_PATCH_CLASS1, SFN_PATCH_CLASS2, SFN_PATCH_CLASS_REGION, SFN_PATCH_CLASS_STARTER, SFN_PATCH_CLASS_ASYNC2SERVICEAPI, SFN_PATCH_CLASS_DESCRIBEEXECUTIONPARSED, SFN_PATCH_FILE_METAINF, ] for patch_class in classes: patch_url = f"{SFN_PATCH_URL_PREFIX}/{patch_class}" add_file_to_jar(patch_class, patch_url, target_jar=INSTALL_PATH_STEPFUNCTIONS_JAR) # special case for Manifest file - extract first, replace content, then update in JAR file manifest_file = os.path.join(INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF") if not os.path.exists(manifest_file): content = run([ "unzip", "-p", INSTALL_PATH_STEPFUNCTIONS_JAR, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ]) content = re.sub("Main-Class: .+", "Main-Class: cloud.localstack.StepFunctionsStarter", content) classpath = " ".join([os.path.basename(jar) for jar in JAR_URLS]) content = re.sub(r"Class-Path: \. ", f"Class-Path: {classpath} . ", content) save_file(manifest_file, content) run( ["zip", INSTALL_PATH_STEPFUNCTIONS_JAR, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"], cwd=INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS, ) # download additional jar libs for jar_url in JAR_URLS: target = os.path.join(INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS, os.path.basename(jar_url)) if not file_exists_not_empty(target): download(jar_url, target) # download aws-sdk lambda handler target = os.path.join(INSTALL_DIR_STEPFUNCTIONS, "localstack-internal-awssdk", "") if not file_exists_not_empty(target): download(SFN_AWS_SDK_LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE, target)
def try_install(): output = run([plugin_binary, "install", "-b", plugin]) LOG.debug("Plugin installation output: %s", output)