Ejemplo n.º 1
    def select_input(self, event):
        # get the info about the number of images in the file
        self.input_path = IJ.getFilePath("Choose a File")
        # if default naming is not changed use file name
        if self.textfield2.text == self.default_naming:
            self.file_core_name = path.basename(self.input_path).split('.czi')[0]
            self.file_core_name = self.textfield2.text
        # put that name in the text field

        reader = ImageReader()
        metadata_list = reader.getCoreMetadataList()
        # slide scanner makes a piramid of X for every ROI you draw
        # resolution is not updated in the metadata so it needs to be calculated manually
        number_of_images, self.num_of_piramids_list = get_data_structure(metadata_list)
        print("Number of images is " + str(number_of_images))
        # get the indexes of the maximum resolution images
        self.max_res_indexes = get_maxres_indexes(self.num_of_piramids_list)
        print("Number of pyramids are " + str(self.num_of_piramids_list))
        # set names of subimages in the list, waiting to compare to current outputs
        self.possible_slices = [self.file_core_name + "_slice-" + str(n)
                                for n in range(number_of_images)]

        self.binFactor_list, self.binStep_list = get_binning_factor(self.max_res_indexes,
                                                self.num_of_piramids_list, metadata_list)
        print("Binning factors are " + str(self.binFactor_list))
        print("Binning steps are " + str(self.binStep_list))

        # create output directory if it doesn't exist
        # get the animal id
        animal_id = self.file_core_name.split('_')[0]
        self.output_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(self.input_path)),
                                     "Processed_data", animal_id, "ROIs")
        if path.isdir(self.output_path):
            print("Output path was already created")
            print("Output path created")

        # update_lists depending on whether something has been processed already
from functions.czi_structure import get_data_structure, get_binning_factor, open_czi_series, \
from functions.image_manipulation import extractChannel

piramid_to_open = 1
channel_to_save = 3
final_resolution = 5

# Main
if __name__ in ['__builtin__', '__main__']:
    # get the file
    input_path = IJ.getFilePath("Choose a .czi file")
    reader = ImageReader()
    metadata_list = reader.getCoreMetadataList()
    # slide scanner makes a piramid of X for every ROI you draw
    # resolution is not updated in the metadata so it needs to be calculated manually
    number_of_images, num_of_piramids_list = get_data_structure(metadata_list)
    IJ.log("Number of images is " + str(number_of_images))
    # set names of subimages in the list, waiting to compare to current outputs
    file_core_name = path.basename(input_path).split('.czi')[0]
    # get the indexes of the maximum resolution images
    max_res_indexes = get_maxres_indexes(num_of_piramids_list)
    IJ.log("Number of pyramids are " + str(num_of_piramids_list))
    # set names of subimages in the list, waiting to compare to current outputs
    possible_slices = [
        file_core_name + "_slice-" + str(n) for n in range(number_of_images)

    binFactor_list, binStep_list = get_binning_factor(max_res_indexes,