Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run_task(self, configblock, datafiles=[], **kwargs):
        A task is a combination of a recipe and a set of parameters.
        Tasks can be prefedined in the task file set in the pipeline
        configuration (default: tasks.cfg).

        Here, we load a task configuration and execute it.
        This is a "shorthand" version of
        self.logger.info("Running task: %s" % (configblock,))

        # Does the task definition exist?
            recipe = self.task_definitions.get(configblock, "recipe")
        except NoSectionError:
            raise PipelineException(
                "%s not found -- check your task definitions" % configblock

        # Build inputs dict.
        # First, take details from caller.
        inputs = LOFARinput(self.inputs)
        inputs['args'] = datafiles

        # Add parameters from the task file.
        # Note that we neither need the recipe name nor any items from the
        # DEFAULT config.
        parameters = dict(self.task_definitions.items(configblock))
        del parameters['recipe']
        for key in list(dict(self.config.items("DEFAULT")).keys()):
            del parameters[key]

        # Update inputs with provided kwargs, if any.

        # Default outputs dict.
        outputs = LOFARoutput()

        # Cook the recipe and return the results"
            self.cook_recipe(recipe, inputs, outputs)
        except CookError:
                "%s reports failure (using %s recipe)" % (configblock, recipe)
            raise PipelineRecipeFailed("%s failed" % configblock)

        # Get the (optional) node xml information
        if "return_xml" in outputs:
            return_node = xml.parseString(
            # If no active stack, fail silently.
            add_child_to_active_stack_head(self, return_node)

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _convert_data_to_ComplexArray(self, data, type_pair):
     Performs a conversion of a 2d array to a 1d complex valued array.
     with real/imag values or with amplitude phase values
     if sorted(type_pair) == sorted(RealImagArray.keys):
         # The type_pair is in alphabetical order: Imag on index 0
         complex_array = RealImagArray(data[1]["values"], data[0]["values"])
     elif sorted(type_pair) == sorted(AmplPhaseArray.keys):
         complex_array = AmplPhaseArray(data[0]["values"], data[1]["values"])
         self.logger.error("Incorrect data type pair provided: {0}".format(
         raise PipelineRecipeFailed(
             "Invalid data type retrieved from parmdb: {0}".format(type_pair))
     return complex_array
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _filter_stations_parmdb(self, infile, outfile, sigma):
        Performs a gain outlier correction of the infile parmdb with
        the corrected parmdb written to outfile.
        Outliers in the gain with a distance of median of sigma times std
        are replaced with the mean. The last value of the complex array
        is skipped (John Swinbank: "I found it [the last value] was bad when 
        I hacked together some code to do this")
        sigma = float(sigma)
        # Create copy of the input file
        # delete target location
        if not os.path.exists(infile):
            message = "The supplied parmdb path is not available on"
            "the filesystem: {0}".format(infile)
            raise PipelineRecipeFailed(message)


            "cleared target path for filtered parmdb: \n {0}".format(outfile))

        # copy
        shutil.copytree(infile, outfile)
            "Copied raw parmdb to target locations: \n {0}".format(infile))

        # Create a local WritableParmDB
        parmdb = WritableParmDB(outfile)

        #get all stations in the parmdb
        stations = list_stations(parmdb)

        for station in stations:
            self.logger.debug("Processing station {0}".format(station))

            # till here implemented
            polarization_data, type_pair = \
               self._read_polarisation_data_and_type_from_db(parmdb, station)

            corrected_data = self._swap_outliers_with_median(
                polarization_data, type_pair, sigma)
            #print polarization_data
            self._write_corrected_data(parmdb, station, polarization_data,
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _read_polarisation_data_and_type_from_db(self, parmdb, station):
        Read the polarisation data and type from the db.
        all_matching_names = parmdb.getNames("Gain:*:*:*:{0}".format(station))

        # get the polarisation_data eg: 1:1
        # This is based on the 1 trough 3th entry in the parmdb name entry
        pols = set(":".join(x[1:3])
                   for x in (x.split(":") for x in all_matching_names))

        # Get the im or re name, eg: real. Sort for we need a known order
        type_pair = sorted(
            set(x[3] for x in (x.split(":") for x in all_matching_names)))

        #Check if the retrieved types are valid
        sorted_valid_type_pairs = [

        if not type_pair in sorted_valid_type_pairs:
                "The parsed parmdb contained an invalid array_type:")
                "valid data pairs are: {0}".format(sorted_valid_type_pairs))
            raise PipelineRecipeFailed(
                "Invalid data type retrieved from parmdb: {0}".format(
        polarisation_data = dict()
        #for all polarisation_data in the parmdb (2 times 2)
        for polarization in pols:
            data = []
            #for the two types
            for key in type_pair:
                query = "Gain:{0}:{1}:{2}".format(polarization, key, station)
                #append the retrieved data (resulting in dict to arrays
            polarisation_data[polarization] = data

        #return the raw data and the type of the data
        return polarisation_data, type_pair
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _write_corrected_data(self, parmdb, station, polarization_data,
        Use pyparmdb to write (now corrected) data to the parmdb
        for pol, data in polarization_data.items():
            if not pol in corrected_data:
                error_message = "Requested polarisation type is unknown:" \
                        "{0} \n valid polarisations: {1}".format(pol, list(corrected_data.keys()))
                raise PipelineRecipeFailed(error_message)

            corrected_data_pol = corrected_data[pol]
            #get the "complex" converted data from the complex array
            for component, value in corrected_data_pol.writeable.items():
                #Collect all the data needed to write an array
                name = "Gain:{0}:{1}:{2}".format(pol, component, station)
                freqscale = data[0]['freqs'][0]
                freqstep = data[0]['freqwidths'][0]
                timescale = data[0]['times'][0]
                timestep = data[0]['timewidths'][0]
                #call the write function on the parmdb
                parmdb.setValues(name, value, freqscale, freqstep, timescale,