def Run(self): try: self.Log = LogFile(self.Args.logfile) except IOError: print "File: " + self.Log.Filename + " cannot be opened : " + str( sys.exc_info()[1]) #TODO: log to stderr raise IOError() #if args.v > 0 : print "Processing Log File " + log.Filename + ":" + str(log.Length) + " bytes" logline = self.Log.RetrieveCurrentLine() widgets = [ 'Processing potential messages: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=100).start() while logline != "": #TODO: Make this actually exit on EOF self.IsMatch(logline) if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar.update((1.0 * self.Log.Position / self.Log.Length) * 100) logline = self.Log.RetrieveCurrentLine() if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar.finish()
def log(self, msg): msg = 'PSA[%s@%s]: %s' % (self.Name, self.Root, msg) if LogFile: LogFile.log(msg) else: print msg sys.stdout.flush()
def connectToAddr(): con = paramiko.SSHClient() con.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #print(server_addr.get()) con.connect(server_addr.get(),username=config['auth']['username'], password=config['auth']['password']) name = server_addr.get() name = name[:name.find('.')] connections[name]=con #print("name: ", name) tree.insert('','end',server_addr.get(),text=name,value=con,tags=('clicky','simple')) tree.tag_bind('clicky','<ButtonRelease-3>',itemClicked) #sftp = con.open_sftp() logs = [] for log in config['logs']: logs.append(resolve_log(con,log)) for log in logs: #print("log: ",log[0]) try: logf = LogFile(frame,filterFrame,con,log[0],server_addr.get(),tempdir) log_files[logf.getName()] = logf parent = tree.insert(server_addr.get(),'end',server_addr.get()+log[0],, values=logf.getName(),tags=('selected')) tree.tag_bind('selected','<ButtonRelease-1>',logSelected) except Exception as e: print("woopies! something went wrong with main log: ",e) continue
def __init__(self, request, filename=None, buffer_size=65536, **kw): if filename == None: rootpagename = kw.get('rootpagename', None) if rootpagename: from MoinMoin.Page import Page filename = Page(request, rootpagename).getPagePath('event-log', isfile=1) else: filename = request.rootpage.getPagePath('event-log', isfile=1) LogFile.__init__(self, filename, buffer_size)
class LoPhiLogger(multiprocessing.Process): """ This class will continuously read in data from a queue and write to the specified log file(s). """ def __init__(self, data_queue, filename=G.DEFAULT_LOG_FILE, filetype="tsv", packed_data=False): """ Initialize our logger to read from a queue and write to files """ # Packed in protobuf or just a dict? self.packed_data = packed_data # Remember our input queue self.DATA_QUEUE = data_queue # Create our log file self.logfile = LogFile(filename, reprint_header=False, output_type=filetype) multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) def run(self): """ Loop forever consuming output from our SUA threads """ # Wait for output to start returning, and handle appropriately while True: # Get our log data output_packed = self.DATA_QUEUE.get() # If its a kill command, just post it if output_packed == G.CTRL_CMD_KILL: logger.debug("Logger killed...") # Close our logs cleanly for log in self.logfiles.keys(): self.logfiles[log].close() break if self.packed_data: output = protobuf.unpack_sensor_output(output_packed) else: output = output_packed # Log to file self.logfile.append(output) logger.debug("Logger closed.")
def __init__(self, request, filename=None, buffer_size=65536, **kw): if filename == None: rootpagename = kw.get('rootpagename', None) if rootpagename: filename = Page(request, rootpagename).getPagePath('edit-log', isfile=1) else: filename = request.rootpage.getPagePath('edit-log', isfile=1) LogFile.__init__(self, filename, buffer_size) self._NUM_FIELDS = 9 self._usercache = {} # Used by antispam in order to show an internal name instead # of a confusing userid self.uid_override = kw.get('uid_override', None)
def _ping(self, host): """ Ping one host and set status to a Zipato sensor. :param str host: Target host. :rtype: str :returns: Status message """ message_log = LogFile(self.MESSAGE_LOG) if host in self.PING_HOSTS.keys(): ep = self.PING_HOSTS[host]['ep'] apikey = self.PING_HOSTS[host]['apikey'] else: message = ( "ping: host={}, Host has not been configured for ping") message = message.format(host) message_log.write([message]) return None try: for i in range(self.PING_COUNT): command = "{}ping -c {} {}" command = command.format( self.PING_PATH, str(self.PING_COUNT), host) p = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() result = re.match('.*0 received.*', str(stdout), re.DOTALL) status = result is None if status: break sleep(self.PING_INTERVAL) # Set the status of a Zipato sensor to the ping status zipato_connection = ZipatoConnection(self.ZIPATO_SERIAL) if status: zipato_connection.set_sensor_status( ep=ep, apikey=apikey, status=True) else: zipato_connection.set_sensor_status( ep=ep, apikey=apikey, status=False) except: error_log = LogFile(self.ERROR_LOG) message = 'ping: host={}'.format(host) error_log.write([message]) traceback_message = traceback.format_exc() error_log.write([traceback_message], date_time=False) message = "ping: host={}, status={}".format(host, status) message_log.write([message])
def connectToAddr(): ## con = paramiko.SSHClient() ## con.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ## #print(server_addr.get()) ## con.connect(server_addr.get(),username=config['auth']['username'], ## password=config['auth']['password']) name = server_addr.get() name = name[:name.find('.')] con = connection.Connection(server_addr.get(), config['auth']['username'], config['auth']['password'], name) connections[name] = con #print("name: ", name) tree.insert('', 'end', server_addr.get(), text=name, value=('', con), tags=('clicky', 'simple')) tree.tag_bind('clicky', '<ButtonRelease-3>', itemClicked) #sftp = con.open_sftp() logs = [] for log in config['logs']: logs.append(resolve_log(con, log)) for log in logs: #print("log: ",log[0]) try: logf = LogFile(frame, filterFrame, con, log[0], server_addr.get(), tempdir) if not logf.checkExists(): print("Log file doesn't exist: ", log[0]) continue log_files[logf.getName()] = logf parent = tree.insert(server_addr.get(), 'end', server_addr.get() + log[0],, values=(logf.lastEdit, logf.getName()), tags=('selected')) #tree.set(parent,'updated',) tree.tag_bind('selected', '<ButtonRelease-1>', logSelected) except Exception as e: print("woopies! something went wrong with main log: ", e) continue
def __init__(self, data_queue, filename=G.DEFAULT_LOG_FILE, filetype="tsv", packed_data=False): """ Initialize our logger to read from a queue and write to files """ # Packed in protobuf or just a dict? self.packed_data = packed_data # Remember our input queue self.DATA_QUEUE = data_queue # Create our log file self.logfile = LogFile(filename, reprint_header=False, output_type=filetype) multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
class TestLogFile(unittest.TestCase): LOGPATH = "/tmp/log.html.gz" JOBPATH = "/tmp" JOB = "testjob" def setUp(self): self.logfile = LogFile(self.LOGPATH, self.JOBPATH, self.JOB) def test_mkdir_log_path(self): self.logfile.mkdir_job_path() self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.logfile.jobpath)) def test_unzip_log_file(self): self.logfile.mkdir_job_path() self.logfile.unzip_log_file() fname = "{}/log.html".format(self.logfile.jobpath) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(fname)) def test_parse_log(self): self.logfile.parse_log(None)
Env.COLOR_BLUE = Env.color and "\033[1;34m" or "" Env.COLOR_GREEN = Env.color and "\033[1;32m" or "" Env.COLOR_YELLOW = Env.color and "\033[1;33m" or "" Env.COLOR_RED = Env.color and "\033[1;31m" or "" Env.COLOR_CYAN = Env.color and "\033[1;36m" or "" Env.fcgi_cgi = which('fcgi-cgi') Env.dir = mkdtemp(suffix='-l2-tests') Env.defaultwww = os.path.join(Env.dir, "www", "default") Env.log = open(os.path.join(Env.dir, "tests.log"), "w") if Env.color: Env.log = RemoveEscapeSeq(Env.log) if Env.debug: logfile = Env.log Env.log = LogFile(sys.stdout, **{"[log]": logfile}) sys.stderr = LogFile(sys.stderr, **{"[stderr]": logfile}) sys.stdout = LogFile(sys.stdout, **{"[stdout]": logfile}) else: Env.log = LogFile(Env.log) sys.stderr = LogFile(sys.stderr, **{"[stderr]": Env.log}) sys.stdout = LogFile(sys.stdout, **{"[stdout]": Env.log}) failed = False try: # run tests tests = Tests() tests.LoadTests() failed = True try:
class Xray_Beam_Stabilization(object): name = "xray_beam_stabilization" log = LogFile(name+".log",["date time","filename","x","y","x_control","y_control","image_timestamp"]) if log.filename == "": log.filename = "//mx340hs/data/anfinrud_1702/Logfiles/xray_beam_stabilization.log" auto_update = False x_PV = persistent_property("x_PV","14IDC:mir2Th.VAL") # Piezo control voltage in V x_read_PV = persistent_property("x_read_PV","14IDC:mir2Th.RBV") y_PV = persistent_property("y_PV","14IDA:DAC1_4.VAL") # Theta in mrad y_read_PV = persistent_property("y_read_PV","14IDA:DAC1_4.VAL") x_gain = persistent_property("x_gain",0.143) # mrad/mm y_gain = persistent_property("y_gain",2.7) # V/mm was: 1/3.3e-3 x_nominal = persistent_property("x_nominal",175.927) # mm from left, 2016-03-05 y_nominal = persistent_property("y_nominal",174.121) # mm from top, 2016-03-05 history_length = persistent_property("history_length",5) average_samples = persistent_property("average_samples",5) x_enabled = False y_enabled = False ROI_width = persistent_property("ROI_width",1.0) # mm x_ROI_center = persistent_property("x_ROI_center",175.9) # mm from left y_ROI_center = persistent_property("y_ROI_center",174.1) # mm from top min_SNR = persistent_property("min_SNR",5.0) # signal-to-noise ratio # Use only images matching this pattern, e.g. "5pulses" history_filter = persistent_property("history_filter","") analysis_filter = persistent_property("analysis_filter","") def __init__(self): """""" start_new_thread(self.keep_updated,()) def keep_updated(self): while True: try: if self.auto_update: self.update() if self.x_enabled: self.apply_x_correction() if self.y_enabled: self.apply_y_correction() except Exception,m: info("xray_beam_stabilization: %s" % m); break sleep(1) def update(self): t = self.image_timestamp if t != 0 and abs(t - self.last_image_timestamp) >= 0.1: f = self.image_basename x,y = self.beam_position xc,yc = self.x_control,self.y_control self.log.log(f,x,y,xc,yc,t) @property def x_average(self): return average(self.x_samples) @property def y_average(self): return average(self.y_samples) @property def x_history(self): return self.history("x",count=self.history_length) @property def y_history(self): return self.history("y",count=self.history_length) @property def t_history(self): return self.history("date time",count=self.history_length) @property def x_samples(self): return self.history("x",count=self.average_samples) @property def y_samples(self): return self.history("y",count=self.average_samples) @property def last_image_timestamp(self): t = self.history("image_timestamp",count=1) t = t[0] if len(t)>0 else 0 return t def get_x_control(self): return tofloat(caget(self.x_read_PV)) def set_x_control(self,value): return caput(self.x_PV,value) x_control = property(get_x_control,set_x_control) def get_y_control(self): return tofloat(caget(self.y_read_PV)) def set_y_control(self,value): return caput(self.y_PV,value) y_control = property(get_y_control,set_y_control) def get_x_control_average(self): return average(self.x_control_samples) def set_x_control_average(self,value): self.x_control = value x_control_average = property(get_x_control_average,set_x_control_average) def get_y_control_average(self): return average(self.y_control_samples) def set_y_control_average(self,value): self.y_control = value y_control_average = property(get_y_control_average,set_y_control_average) @property def x_control_samples(self): return self.history("x_control",count=self.average_samples) @property def y_control_samples(self): return self.history("y_control",count=self.average_samples) @property def x_control_history(self): return self.history("x_control",count=self.history_length) @property def y_control_history(self): return self.history("y_control",count=self.history_length) @property def x_control_corrected(self): """Value for the y control in roder to bring the y position back to its nominal value""" x_control = self.x_control_average - \ (self.x_average - self.x_nominal)*self.x_gain return x_control @property def y_control_corrected(self): """Value for the y control in roder to bring the y position back to its nominal value""" y_control = self.y_control_average - \ (self.y_average - self.y_nominal)*self.y_gain return y_control def apply_correction(self): self.apply_x_correction() self.apply_y_correction() def apply_x_correction(self): if self.image_OK: self.x_control = self.x_control_corrected def apply_y_correction(self): if self.image_OK: self.y_control = self.y_control_corrected @property def x_beam(self): return self.beam_position[0] @property def y_beam(self): return self.beam_position[1] @property def beam_position_HyunSun(self): from transmissive_beamstop import beam_center x,y = beam_center(self.image) return x,y @property def beam_position(self): xprofile,yprofile = xy_projections(self.image,self.ROI_center,self.ROI_width) x,y = CFWHM(xprofile),CFWHM(yprofile) return x,y @property def ROI_center(self): return self.x_ROI_center,self.y_ROI_center @property def image_OK(self): if self.image_overloaded: OK = False elif self.SNR < self.min_SNR: OK = False elif self.analysis_filter not in self.image_basename: OK = False else: OK = True return OK @property def image_overloaded(self): return overloaded_pixels(self.image,self.ROI_center,self.ROI_width) @property def SNR(self): xprofile,yprofile = xy_projections(self.image,self.ROI_center,self.ROI_width) return (SNR(xprofile)+SNR(yprofile))/2 @property def image(self): from numimage import numimage from numpy import uint16 filename = self.image_filename if filename: image = numimage(filename) else: image = self.default_image return image @property def default_image(self): from numimage import numimage from numpy import uint16 image = numimage((3840,3840),pixelsize=0.0886,dtype=uint16)+10 return image @property def image_timestamp(self): """Full pathname of the last recorded image""" from os.path import getmtime from normpath import normpath filename = self.image_filename t = getmtime(normpath(filename)) if filename else 0 return t @property def image_filename(self): """Full pathname of the last recorded image""" image_filenames = self.image_filenames if len(image_filenames)>0: image_filename = image_filenames[-1] else: image_filename = "" self.last_image_filename = image_filename return image_filename last_image_filename = "" @property def image_filenames(self): """Full pathnames of the last recorded images""" from rayonix_detector_continuous import ccd return ccd.image_filenames @property def image_basename(self): """Filename of the last recorded image, with out directory""" from os.path import basename return basename(self.image_filename) def history(self,name,count): """Log history filtered by image filename pattern""" from numpy import array,chararray filename = self.log.history("filename",count=count) values = self.log.history(name,count=count) filename = array(filename,str).view(chararray) match = filename.find(self.history_filter)>=0 values = array(values)[match] return values
class ClusterGroup(object): """ A Group of word cluster, representing the unique log types within a logfile """ Args = "" Log = "" VarThreshold = 10 #How many siblings a string node must have before it is considered to be variable data VarDistance = 20 rootNode = ClusterNode(NodeContent="ROOTNODE") entries = [] def __init__(self, args): self.rootNode = ClusterNode(NodeContent="ROOTNODE") self.Args = args def IsMatch(self, logline): ''' Test the incoming log line to see if it matches this clustergroup Return boolean match ''' logwords = commonvars.FindCommonRegex(logline).split() #TODO Split at '=' marks as well currentNode = self.rootNode for logword in logwords: #process logs a word at a time #match our own children first match = currentNode.MatchChild(MatchContent=logword) if match == None: #then try our siblings match = currentNode.MatchNephew(MatchContent=logword) if match == None: #then add a new child match = currentNode.AddChild(NodeContent=logword) if match == None: print "FAILED" else: currentNode = match def IsEndNode(self, Node): ''' Is This Node the final word of a log template? @return: True or False ''' endnode = False hasNephews = False if (len(Node.Children) is 0): #I'm an EndNode for a log wording cluster if Node.Parent is not None: #let's make sure our siblings are all endnodes too, and this is really var data for sibling in Node.Parent.Children: if len(sibling.Children) > 0: hasNephews = True if (hasNephews is False) and (len( Node.Parent.Children) >= ClusterGroup.VarThreshold ): #log event ends in a variable endnode = True if (hasNephews is False) and (len(Node.Parent.Children) == 1): #log event ends in a fixed string endnode = True if endnode is True: entry = Node.GeneratePath() if entry not in self.entries: self.entries.append(entry) def BuildResultsTree(self, node): ''' Recurse through the Node Tree, identifying and printing complete log patterns' @return: None (recursive function) ''' if self.IsEndNode(node) == True: return None # no children so back up a level for childnode in node.Children: self.BuildResultsTree(childnode) def Results(self): ''' Display all identified unique log event types @return None ''' #if options.outfile == true: dump to file print "\n========== Potential Unique Log Events ==========\n" self.BuildResultsTree(self.rootNode) #Todo - commandline args to toggle levenshtein identification of dupes previous = '' for entry in self.entries: if levenshtein.levenshtein(entry, previous) < ClusterGroup.VarDistance: print "\t" + entry else: print entry previous = entry def Run(self): try: self.Log = LogFile(self.Args.logfile) except IOError: print "File: " + self.Log.Filename + " cannot be opened : " + str( sys.exc_info()[1]) #TODO: log to stderr raise IOError() #if args.v > 0 : print "Processing Log File " + log.Filename + ":" + str(log.Length) + " bytes" logline = self.Log.RetrieveCurrentLine() widgets = [ 'Processing potential messages: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=100).start() while logline != "": #TODO: Make this actually exit on EOF self.IsMatch(logline) if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar.update((1.0 * self.Log.Position / self.Log.Length) * 100) logline = self.Log.RetrieveCurrentLine() if self.Args.quiet is False: pbar.finish() def GenPlugin(self): ''' Create a Template OSSIM agent plugin file using the identified log templates as SIDs @return: The filename of the generated plugin ''' generator = plugingenerate.Generator(self.entries) generator.WritePlugin() return generator.PluginFile
def handle_request(self): """Web server function.""" host = request.args.get('host') mac = request.args.get('mac') tab = request.args.get('tab') request_json = request.get_json() Debug.debug_print(3, "request_json: " + pprint.pformat(request_json)) try: message = request.path if request.path == self.WEB_GUI_PATH: settings = self.render_settings_html() active_tab = 'about' if tab is not None: active_tab = tab result = render_template( 'index.html', settings=settings, active_tab=active_tab, restart_ping_path=Settings.WEB_API_PATH + 'restart_ping', poweron_path=Settings.WEB_API_PATH + 'poweron', poweroff_path=Settings.WEB_API_PATH + 'poweroff') elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'poweron': message = 'poweron: mac={}' message = message.format(str(mac)) result = self._poweron() elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'poweroff': message = 'poweroff: host={}' message = message.format(str(host)) result = self._poweroff() elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'restart_ping': message = 'restart_ping' result = self._restart_ping() elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'save_settings': message = 'save_settings' result = self._save_settings(request_json) elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'delete_param_value': param = None value = None if 'param' in request_json: param = request_json['param'] if 'value' in request_json: value = request_json['value'] message = 'delete_param_value: param={}, value={}' message = message.format(param, value) result = self._delete_param_value(param, value) elif request.path == self.WEB_API_PATH + 'add_param_value': param = None if 'param' in request_json: param = request_json['param'] if 'value' in request_json: value = request_json['value'] message = 'add_param_value: param={}, value={}' message = message.format(param, value) result = self._add_param_value(param, value) except: error_log = LogFile(self.ERROR_LOG) error_log.write([message]) traceback_message = traceback.format_exc() error_log.write([traceback_message], date_time=False) if Debug.debug > 0: Debug.debug_print(1, traceback_message) return self._json_response(traceback_message, 500) return self._json_response('Internal system error!', 500) message_log = LogFile(self.MESSAGE_LOG) message_log.write([message]) return result
def setUp(self): self.logfile = LogFile(self.LOGPATH, self.JOBPATH, self.JOB)
class Xray_Beam_Check(object): name = "xray_beam_check" class Settings(object): name = "xray_beam_check.settings" # X-Ray beam steering controls. # Horizontal deflection mirror jacks def get_x1_motor(self): return MirrorH.m1.prefix def set_x1_motor(self, value): MirrorH.m1.prefix = value x1_motor = property(get_x1_motor, set_x1_motor) def get_x2_motor(self): return MirrorH.m2.prefix def set_x2_motor(self, value): MirrorH.m2.prefix = value x2_motor = property(get_x2_motor, set_x2_motor) def get_y_motor(self): return MirrorV.prefix def set_y_motor(self, value): MirrorV.prefix = value y_motor = property(get_y_motor, set_y_motor) dx_scan = persistent_property( "dx_scan", 6 * 0.000416 * 2 / 1.045) # stepsize: 0.000416*2/1.045 = 0.000796 mrad dy_scan = persistent_property("dy_scan", 0.150) # in V x_resolution = persistent_property( "x_resolution", 0.000416 * 2 / 1.045) # stepsize: 0.000416*2/1.045 = 0.000796 mrad y_resolution = persistent_property("y_resolution", 0.001) # in V beamline_mode = persistent_property("beamline_mode", "SAXS/WAXS") beamline_modes = ["SAXS/WAXS", "Laue"] @property def x_aperture_control(self): """Which motor to use to narrow down the horizontal arperture""" return s1hg if self.beamline_mode == "Laue" else shg @property def y_aperture_control(self): """Which motor to use to narrow down the horizontal arperture""" return svg # To narrow down aperture upstream of the detector for higher senitivity def get_x_aperture_motor(self): return self.x_aperture_control.prefix def set_x_aperture_motor(self, value): self.x_aperture_control.prefix = value x_aperture_motor = property(get_x_aperture_motor, set_x_aperture_motor) def get_y_aperture_motor(self): return self.y_aperture_control.prefix def set_y_aperture_motor(self, value): self.y_aperture_control.prefix = value y_aperture_motor = property(get_y_aperture_motor, set_y_aperture_motor) x_aperture_norm = persistent_property("x_aperture_norm", 0.150) y_aperture_norm = persistent_property("y_aperture_norm", 0.050) x_aperture_scan = persistent_property("x_aperture_scan", 0.050) y_aperture_scan = persistent_property("y_aperture_scan", 0.020) def get_x_aperture(self): return self.x_aperture_control.command_value def set_x_aperture(self, value): self.x_aperture_control.command_value = value x_aperture = property(get_x_aperture, set_x_aperture) def get_y_aperture(self): return self.y_aperture_control.command_value def set_y_aperture(self, value): self.y_aperture_control.command_value = value y_aperture = property(get_y_aperture, set_y_aperture) @property def x_aperture_moving(self): return self.x_aperture_control.moving @property def y_aperture_moving(self): return self.y_aperture_control.moving def get_timing_system_ip_address(self): return timing_system.ip_address def set_timing_system_ip_address(self, value): timing_system.ip_address = value timing_system_ip_address = property(get_timing_system_ip_address, set_timing_system_ip_address) def get_scope_ip_address(self): return xray_pulse.scope.ip_address def set_scope_ip_address(self, value): xray_pulse.scope.ip_address = value scope_ip_address = property(get_scope_ip_address, set_scope_ip_address) ms_on_norm = persistent_property("ms_on_norm", True) xosct_on_norm = persistent_property("xosct_on_norm", True) scan_timeout = 30 # seconds timing_mode = persistent_property("timining_mode", "SAXS/WAXS") timing_modes = ["SAXS/WAXS", "Laue"] @property def timing_sequencer(self): return timing_sequencer if self.timing_mode == "Laue" \ else Ensemble_SAXS settings = Settings() log = LogFile(name + ".log", ["date time", "x_control", "y_control"]) if log.filename == "": log.filename = "//mx340hs/data/anfinrud_1703/Logfiles/xray_beam_check.log" x_scan_x = persistent_property("x_scan_x", []) x_scan_I = persistent_property("x_scan_I", []) x_scan_sigI = persistent_property("x_scan_sigI", []) y_scan_y = persistent_property("y_scan_y", []) y_scan_I = persistent_property("y_scan_I", []) y_scan_sigI = persistent_property("y_scan_sigI", []) cancelled = persistent_property("cancelled", False) x_scan_started = persistent_property("x_scan_started", 0.0) y_scan_started = persistent_property("y_scan_started", 0.0) def get_x_control(self): return MirrorH.command_value def set_x_control(self, value): MirrorH.command_value = value x_control = property(get_x_control, set_x_control) def x_next(self, x): """The next value that is an intergal motor step""" offset = MirrorH.offset dx = self.settings.x_resolution return round_next(x - offset, dx) + offset def y_next(self, y): """The next value that is an integral motor step""" offset = 0 ##MirrorV.offset dy = self.settings.y_resolution return round_next(y - offset, dy) + offset def get_y_control(self): return MirrorV.command_value def set_y_control(self, value): MirrorV.command_value = value y_control = property(get_y_control, set_y_control) def x_pre_scan_setup(self): self.settings.x_aperture_norm = self.settings.x_aperture self.settings.x_aperture = self.settings.x_aperture_scan while self.settings.x_aperture_moving and not self.cancelled: sleep(0.1) ##xray_pulse.scope.sampling_mode = "RealTime" # Lauecollect uses "Sequence" xray_pulse.enabled = True def x_post_scan_setup(self): self.settings.x_aperture = self.settings.x_aperture_norm xray_pulse.enabled = False def y_pre_scan_setup(self): self.settings.y_aperture_norm = self.settings.y_aperture self.settings.y_aperture = self.settings.y_aperture_scan while self.settings.y_aperture_moving and not self.cancelled: sleep(0.1) ##xray_pulse.scope.sampling_mode = "RealTime" # Lauecollect uses "Sequence" xray_pulse.enabled = True def y_post_scan_setup(self): self.settings.y_aperture = self.settings.y_aperture_norm xray_pulse.enabled = False def timing_system_pre_scan_setup(self): # Save current settings self.settings.xosct_on_norm = self.settings.timing_sequencer.xosct_on self.settings.ms_on_norm = self.settings.timing_sequencer.ms_on if not self.settings.timing_sequencer.xosct_on: self.settings.timing_sequencer.xosct_on = True if not self.settings.timing_sequencer.ms_on: self.settings.timing_sequencer.ms_on = True while not (self.settings.timing_sequencer.xosct_on and self.settings. timing_sequencer.ms_on) and not self.cancelled: sleep(0.1) def timing_system_post_scan_setup(self): # Restore settings self.settings.timing_sequencer.xosct_on = self.settings.xosct_on_norm self.settings.timing_sequencer.ms_on = self.settings.ms_on_norm def get_x_scan_running(self): return self.x_scan_started > time() - self.settings.scan_timeout def set_x_scan_running(self, value): if value: if not self.x_scan_running: self.start_x_scan() else: self.cancelled = True x_scan_running = property(get_x_scan_running, set_x_scan_running) def get_y_scan_running(self): return self.y_scan_started > time() - self.settings.scan_timeout def set_y_scan_running(self, value): if value: if not self.y_scan_running: self.start_y_scan() else: self.cancelled = True y_scan_running = property(get_y_scan_running, set_y_scan_running) def start_x_scan(self): self.cancelled = False start_new_thread(self.perform_x_scan, ()) def start_y_scan(self): self.cancelled = False start_new_thread(self.perform_y_scan, ()) def perform_x_scan(self): self.x_scan_started = time() self.x_pre_scan_setup() self.timing_system_pre_scan_setup() self.x_scan_x = [] self.x_scan_I = [] self.x_scan_sigI = [] x0 = self.x_control # Start scanning in positive direction. dx = self.settings.dx_scan x = x0 self.x_control = x I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.x_scan_x += [x] self.x_scan_I += [I] self.x_scan_sigI += [sigI] x += dx self.x_control = x I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.x_scan_x += [x] self.x_scan_I += [I] self.x_scan_sigI += [sigI] # If the intensity goes down, reverse direction. if self.x_scan_I[1] < self.x_scan_I[0]: dx = -dx x = x0 self.x_scan_x = self.x_scan_x[::-1] self.x_scan_I = self.x_scan_I[::-1] self.x_scan_sigI = self.x_scan_sigI[::-1] x += dx self.x_control = x I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.x_scan_x += [x] self.x_scan_I += [I] self.x_scan_sigI += [sigI] # Continue scanning until a maximum is reached. while self.x_scan_I[-1] > self.x_scan_I[-2] and not self.cancelled: x += dx self.x_control = x I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.x_scan_x += [x] self.x_scan_I += [I] self.x_scan_sigI += [sigI] # Return to the starting point. self.x_control = x0 self.x_post_scan_setup() self.timing_system_post_scan_setup() self.x_scan_started = 0 def perform_y_scan(self): self.y_scan_started = time() self.y_pre_scan_setup() self.timing_system_pre_scan_setup() self.y_scan_y = [] self.y_scan_I = [] self.y_scan_sigI = [] y0 = self.y_control # Start scanning in positive direction. dy = self.settings.dy_scan y = y0 self.y_control = y I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.y_scan_y += [y] self.y_scan_I += [I] self.y_scan_sigI += [sigI] y += dy self.y_control = y I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.y_scan_y += [y] self.y_scan_I += [I] self.y_scan_sigI += [sigI] # If the intensity goes down, reverse direction. if self.y_scan_I[1] < self.y_scan_I[0]: dy = -dy y = y0 self.y_scan_y = self.y_scan_y[::-1] self.y_scan_I = self.y_scan_I[::-1] self.y_scan_sigI = self.y_scan_sigI[::-1] y += dy self.y_control = y I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.y_scan_y += [y] self.y_scan_I += [I] self.y_scan_sigI += [sigI] # Continue scanning until a mayimum is reached. while self.y_scan_I[-1] > self.y_scan_I[-2] and not self.cancelled: y += dy self.y_control = y I, sigI = self.I_sigI self.y_scan_y += [y] self.y_scan_I += [I] self.y_scan_sigI += [sigI] # Return to the starting point. self.y_control = y0 self.y_post_scan_setup() self.timing_system_post_scan_setup() self.y_scan_started = 0 @property def x_control_corrected(self): if len(self.x_scan_x) < 3 or len(self.x_scan_I) < 3: return nan x = parabola_vertex(self.x_scan_x[-3:], self.x_scan_I[-3:])[0] x = self.x_next(x) return x @property def y_control_corrected(self): if len(self.y_scan_y) < 3 or len(self.y_scan_I) < 3: return nan y = parabola_vertex(self.y_scan_y[-3:], self.y_scan_I[-3:])[0] ##y = self.y_next(y) return y @property def x_scan_x_fit(self): return parabolic_fit(self.x_scan_x, self.x_scan_I)[0] @property def x_scan_I_fit(self): return parabolic_fit(self.x_scan_x, self.x_scan_I)[1] @property def y_scan_y_fit(self): return parabolic_fit(self.y_scan_y, self.y_scan_I)[0] @property def y_scan_I_fit(self): return parabolic_fit(self.y_scan_y, self.y_scan_I)[1] def apply_x_correction(self): self.x_control = self.x_control_corrected self.update_log() def apply_y_correction(self): self.y_control = self.y_control_corrected self.update_log() def update_log(self): """Create a log file entry every time a correction is applied""" self.log.log(self.x_control, self.y_control) @property def I_sigI(self): """X-ray beam intensity""" xray_pulse.reset_average() sleep(4) I = xray_pulse.average sI = xray_pulse.stdev N = xray_pulse.count sigI = I / sqrt(N - 1) if N > 1 else nan return I, sigI
class Xray_Beam_Position_Check(object): name = "xray_beam_position_check" class Settings(object): name = "settings" # X-Ray beam steering controls. # Horizontal deflection mirror jacks def get_x1_motor(self): return MirrorH.m1.prefix def set_x1_motor(self, value): MirrorH.m1.prefix = value x1_motor = property(get_x1_motor, set_x1_motor) def get_x2_motor(self): return MirrorH.m2.prefix def set_x2_motor(self, value): MirrorH.m2.prefix = value x2_motor = property(get_x2_motor, set_x2_motor) def get_y_motor(self): return MirrorV.prefix def set_y_motor(self, value): MirrorV.prefix = value y_motor = property(get_y_motor, set_y_motor) # To narrow down aperture upstream of the detector for higher senitivity def get_x_aperture_motor(self): return shg.prefix def set_x_aperture_motor(self, value): shg.prefix = value x_aperture_motor = property(get_x_aperture_motor, set_x_aperture_motor) def get_y_aperture_motor(self): return svg.prefix def set_y_aperture_motor(self, value): svg.prefix = value y_aperture_motor = property(get_y_aperture_motor, set_y_aperture_motor) x_aperture_norm = persistent_property("x_aperture_norm", 0.150) y_aperture_norm = persistent_property("y_aperture_norm", 0.050) x_aperture_scan = persistent_property("x_aperture_scan", 0.050) y_aperture_scan = persistent_property("y_aperture_scan", 0.020) def get_x_aperture(self): return shg.command_value def set_x_aperture(self, value): shg.command_value = value x_aperture = property(get_x_aperture, set_x_aperture) def get_y_aperture(self): return svg.command_value def set_y_aperture(self, value): svg.command_value = value y_aperture = property(get_y_aperture, set_y_aperture) def get_timing_system_ip_address(self): return timing_system.ip_address def set_timing_system_ip_address(self, value): timing_system.ip_address = value timing_system_ip_address = property(get_timing_system_ip_address, set_timing_system_ip_address) acquire_image_timeout = 30 # seconds x_gain = persistent_property("x_gain", 0.143) # mrad/mm y_gain = persistent_property("y_gain", 2.7) # V/mm was: 1/3.3e-3 x_nominal = persistent_property("x_nominal", 175.927) # mm from left, 2016-03-05 y_nominal = persistent_property("y_nominal", 174.121) # mm from top, 2016-03-05 history_length = persistent_property("history_length", 50) average_samples = persistent_property("average_samples", 1) x_enabled = persistent_property("x_enabled", False) y_enabled = persistent_property("y_enabled", False) ROI_width = persistent_property("ROI_width", 1.0) # mm x_ROI_center = persistent_property("x_ROI_center", 175.9) # mm from left y_ROI_center = persistent_property("y_ROI_center", 174.1) # mm from top min_SNR = persistent_property("min_SNR", 5.0) # signal-to-noise ratio image_filename = persistent_property( "image_filename", "//mx340hs/data/rayonix_scratch/xray_beam_position.rx") settings = Settings() log = LogFile( name + ".log", ["date time", "x", "y", "x_control", "y_control", "image_timestamp"]) if log.filename == "": log.filename = "//mx340hs/data/anfinrud_1611/Logfiles/xray_beam_position_check.log" def update(self): t = self.image_timestamp if t != 0 and abs(t - self.last_image_timestamp) >= 0.1: x, y = self.beam_position xc, yc = self.x_control, self.y_control self.log.log(x, y, xc, yc, t) @property def x_average(self): return average(self.x_samples) @property def y_average(self): return average(self.y_samples) @property def x_history(self): return self.log.history("x", count=self.settings.history_length) @property def y_history(self): return self.log.history("y", count=self.settings.history_length) @property def t_history(self): return self.log.history("date time", count=self.settings.history_length) @property def x_samples(self): return self.log.history("x", count=self.settings.average_samples) @property def y_samples(self): return self.log.history("y", count=self.settings.average_samples) @property def last_image_timestamp(self): t = self.log.history("image_timestamp", count=1) t = t[0] if len(t) > 0 else 0 return t def get_x_control(self): return tofloat(caget(self.x_read_PV)) def set_x_control(self, value): return caput(self.x_PV, value) x_control = property(get_x_control, set_x_control) def get_y_control(self): return tofloat(caget(self.y_read_PV)) def set_y_control(self, value): return caput(self.y_PV, value) y_control = property(get_y_control, set_y_control) def get_x_control_average(self): return average(self.x_control_samples) def set_x_control_average(self, value): self.x_control = value x_control_average = property(get_x_control_average, set_x_control_average) def get_y_control_average(self): return average(self.y_control_samples) def set_y_control_average(self, value): self.y_control = value y_control_average = property(get_y_control_average, set_y_control_average) @property def x_control_samples(self): return self.log.history("x_control", count=self.settings.average_samples) @property def y_control_samples(self): return self.log.history("y_control", count=self.settings.average_samples) @property def x_control_history(self): return self.log.history("x_control", count=self.settings.history_length) @property def y_control_history(self): return self.log.history("y_control", count=self.settings.history_length) @property def x_control_corrected(self): """Value for the y control in order to bring the x position back to its nominal value""" x_control = self.x_control_average - \ (self.x_average - self.x_nominal)*self.settings.x_gain return x_control @property def y_control_corrected(self): """Value for the y control in order to bring the y position back to its nominal value""" y_control = self.y_control_average - \ (self.y_average - self.y_nominal)*self.settings.y_gain return y_control def apply_correction(self): self.apply_x_correction() self.apply_y_correction() def apply_x_correction(self): self.x_control = self.x_control_corrected def apply_y_correction(self): self.y_control = self.y_control_corrected cancelled = persistent_property("cancelled", False) acquire_image_started = persistent_property("acquire_image_started", 0.0) def get_x_control(self): return MirrorH.command_value def set_x_control(self, value): MirrorH.command_value = value x_control = property(get_x_control, set_x_control) def x_next(self, x): """The next value that is an intergal motor step""" offset = MirrorH.offset dx = self.settings.x_resolution return round_next(x - offset, dx) + offset def y_next(self, y): """The next value that is an intergal motor step""" offset = 0 ##MirrorV.offset dy = self.settings.y_resolution return round_next(y - offset, dy) + offset def get_y_control(self): return MirrorV.command_value def set_y_control(self, value): MirrorV.command_value = value y_control = property(get_y_control, set_y_control) def acquire_image_setup(self): self.settings.x_aperture = self.settings.x_aperture_scan self.settings.y_aperture = self.settings.y_aperture_scan def acquire_image_unsetup(self): self.settings.x_aperture = self.settings.x_aperture_norm self.settings.y_aperture = self.settings.y_aperture_norm def get_acquire_image_running(self): return self.acquire_image_started > time( ) - self.settings.acquire_image_timeout def set_acquire_image_running(self, value): if value: if not self.acquire_image_running: self.start_acquire_image() else: self.cancelled = True acquire_image_running = property(get_acquire_image_running, set_acquire_image_running) def start_acquire_image(self): self.cancelled = False start_new_thread(self.acquire_image, ()) def acquire_image(self): self.acquire_image_started = time() self.acquire_image_setup() ccd.ignore_first_trigger = False ccd.acquire_images_triggered([normpath(self.settings.image_filename)]) show_images(normpath(self.settings.image_filename)) Ensemble_SAXS.acquire(delays=[0], laser_on=[False]) tmax = time() + self.settings.acquire_image_timeout while ccd.state() != "idle" and not self.cancelled and time() < tmax: sleep(0.05) ccd.abort() self.acquire_image_unsetup() self.acquire_image_started = 0 self.update() @property def x_beam(self): return self.beam_position[0] @property def y_beam(self): return self.beam_position[1] @property def beam_position(self): xprofile, yprofile = xy_projections(self.image, self.ROI_center, self.ROI_width) x, y = CFWHM(xprofile), CFWHM(yprofile) return x, y @property def x_error(self): return self.x_beam - self.x_nominal @property def y_error(self): return self.y_beam - self.y_nominal @property def image_OK(self): return not self.image_overloaded and self.SNR > self.settings.min_SNR @property def image_overloaded(self): return overloaded_pixels(self.image, self.ROI_center, self.ROI_width) @property def SNR(self): xprofile, yprofile = xy_projections(self.image, self.ROI_center, self.ROI_width) return (SNR(xprofile) + SNR(yprofile)) / 2 @property def image(self): from numimage import numimage filename = normpath(self.settings.image_filename) if exists(filename): image = numimage(filename) else: image = self.default_image # Needed for "BeamProfile" to detect image updates. # If a memory-mapped image would be chached by "BeamProfile", the # comparison with the new image would show no difference, since the # cached image dynamically updates. image = image.copy() return image @property def x_ROI_center(self): return self.settings.x_ROI_center @property def y_ROI_center(self): return self.settings.y_ROI_center @property def ROI_center(self): return self.x_ROI_center, self.y_ROI_center @property def ROI_width(self): return self.settings.ROI_width @property def x_nominal(self): return self.settings.x_nominal @property def y_nominal(self): return self.settings.y_nominal @property def default_image(self): from numimage import numimage from numpy import uint16 image = numimage((3840, 3840), pixelsize=0.0886, dtype=uint16) + 10 return image @property def image_timestamp(self): """Full pathname of the last recorded image""" from os.path import getmtime, dirname from os import listdir filename = normpath(self.settings.image_filename) if exists(filename): listdir(dirname(filename)) # for NFS attibute caching t = getmtime(filename) if exists(filename) else 0 return t