Ejemplo n.º 1
def getDirections(routeParams):
    origin = routeParams["departureCoord"]
    destination = routeParams["destinationCoord"]
    #TODO add mode (defaults to driving)
    #TODO add waypoints/vias https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/#Waypoints
    #     waypoints=optimize:false|Charlestown,MA|via:Lexington,MA
    #TODO add language - en-GB
    #TODO add units - metric
    #TODO add region=nl ??
    url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?" +\
          "origin=" + origin +\
          "&destination=" + destination +\
          "&alternatives=true" +\

    logger.dbg("Sending HTTP request for url='" + url + "'")

    response = urllib.urlopen(url)
    jsonResponse = json.loads(response.read())
    #logger.dbg(str(json.dumps(jsonResponse, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))))

    status = jsonResponse.get("status", "UNKNOWN_ERROR")
    routes = jsonResponse.get("routes", [])
    if status != "OK" or len(routes) == 0:
        logger.error("Request failed. status='%s', len(routes)=%d" % (status, len(routes)))
        return "Error"
        logger.dbg("status=OK, nofRoutes=%d" % len(routes))

    return routes
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_state(self):
     if isinstance(self.handler_state, statemachine.State):
         return self.handler_state
         if self.ctor_parameters is not None:
                 logger.log('Next state : {}{}'.format(
                     self.handler_state.__name__, self.ctor_parameters))
                 return self.handler_state(*self.ctor_parameters)
             except Exception as e:
                     "Exception while calling constructor for {} with parameters"
                     .format(self.handler_state, self.ctor_parameters))
                 logger.log('Next state : {}()'.format(
                 return self.handler_state()
             except Exception as e:
                     "Exception while calling constructor for {}".format(
Ejemplo n.º 3
def write(filename=None):
        if filename is None:
        logger.dbg("Writing metrics to {}".format(filename))
    except Exception as e:
        logger.dbg("Exception in stats writing")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def extractInfoFromKmlFile(kmlFileName):
    logger.info("Processing file '" + kmlFileName + "'")

    xmldoc = minidom.parse(kmlFileName)

    placemarks = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Placemark")
    if len(placemarks) < 3:
        logger.error("Invalid kml file '" + kmlFileName + "'" +
                     " - len(placemarks)=%d" % len(placemarks))
        return "Error"

    # get departure coord
    temp = placemarks[0].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes[0].data
    routeName = temp.split()[0]
    logger.dbg("routeName='" + routeName + "'")
    assert temp.split()[1] == "(origin)"

    temp = placemarks[0].getElementsByTagName("description")[0].childNodes[0].data
    assert temp == "#start"

    departureCoord = placemarks[0].getElementsByTagName("Point")[0]\
        .childNodes[0].data.strip().replace(" ", "")
    departureCoord = swapCoordinates(departureCoord)
    logger.dbg("departureCoord='" + departureCoord + "'")

    # get departure coord
    # TODO fix ProcessQueries: #destination is stored inside styleUrl
    """temp = placemarks[1].getElementsByTagName("description")[0]\
    assert temp == "#destination" """

    destinationCoord = placemarks[1].getElementsByTagName("Point")[0]\
        .childNodes[0].data.strip().replace(" ", "")
    destinationCoord = swapCoordinates(destinationCoord)
    logger.dbg("destinationCoord='" + destinationCoord + "'")

    # get route nodes and intermediates
    route = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Folder")[0]\

    nodes = [swapCoordinates(node.replace(" ", "")) for node in route.split()]
    logger.dbg("Route has %d nodes/intermediates" % len(nodes))

    results = {"routeName": routeName,
               "departureCoord": departureCoord,
               "destinationCoord": destinationCoord,
               "nodes": nodes}

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _fmtEncode(fmt):
    获得具有EC位的15位 [格式信息],

    Encode the 15-bit format code using BCH code.
    logger.dbg("format-info=%r", fmt)

    g = 0x537
    code = fmt << 10
    for i in range(4, -1, -1):
        if code & (1 << (i + 10)):
            code ^= g << i
    # 计算得出十位BCH容错码接在格式信息之后,
    #   还要与掩码101010000010010进行异或, 作用同QR掩码;
    return ((fmt << 10) ^ code) ^ 0b101010000010010
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_state(self):
     if isinstance(self.handler_state, statemachine.State):
         return self.handler_state
     else :
         if self.ctor_parameters is not None:
             try :
                 logger.log('Next state : {}{}'.format(self.handler_state.__name__, self.ctor_parameters))
                 return self.handler_state(*self.ctor_parameters)
             except Exception as e :
                 logger.dbg("Exception while calling constructor for {} with parameters".format(self.handler_state, self.ctor_parameters))
             try :
                 logger.log('Next state : {}()'.format(self.handler_state.__name__))
                 return self.handler_state()
             except Exception as e :
                 logger.dbg("Exception while calling constructor for {}".format(self.handler_state))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _rsEncode(bitstring, nsym):
    添加 里德-所罗门码(Reed-Solomon)
        也就是一个固定长度输入的数据, 将被处理成一个固定长度的输出数据,
        在最常用的(255,223)里所码中, 223个里德-所罗门输入符号(每个符号有8个位元)被编码成255个输出符号;

    Encode bitstring with nsym EC bits using RS algorithm.
    gen = _rsGenPoly(nsym)
    res = [0] * (len(bitstring) + len(gen) - 1)
    res[:len(bitstring)] = bitstring
    for i in range(len(bitstring)):
        coef = res[i]
        if coef != 0:
            for j in range(1, len(gen)):
                res[i + j] ^= _gfMul(gen[j], coef)
    res[:len(bitstring)] = bitstring

    logger.dbg("encode+rscode, len:%r, data=\n\t%r\n", len(res), res)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _mask(mat):
    为 矩阵数据 应用掩码, 返回 结果矩阵 和 掩码ID;

    Mask the data QR code matrix with all 8 masks,
    call _penalty to calculate penalty scores for each
    and select the best mask.
    Return tuple(selected masked matrix, number of selected mask).
    #logger.dbg("data-len=%r, data=%r", len(mat), mat)

    maskeds = [_matXor(mat, dataMask) for dataMask in _dataMasks]
    #logger.dbg("Mask-len=%r, data=%r", len(maskeds), maskeds)
    penalty = [0] * 8

    for i, masked in enumerate(maskeds):
        penalty[i] = _penalty(masked)

    logger.dbg("penalty-len=%r, data=%r", len(penalty), penalty)

    # Find the id of the best mask.
    index = penalty.index(min(penalty))

    return maskeds[index], index
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _genImage(bitmapMat, qrcodesize, filename):
    创建 二维码

    以矩阵的左上角为原点, 原点坐标定义为(0, 0), x 轴向右,坐标 x 对应列,
        y 轴向下, 坐标 y 对应行;
        于是对于图像中的像素(x, y), 有矩阵元素 mat [ y ] [ x ] 与之对应。
    --------> X

    Generate image corresponding to the input bitmapMat
    with specified qrcodesize and filename.

    width = qrcodesize
    height = qrcodesize

    # New image in black-white mode initialized with white.
    img = Image.new('1', (width, height), 'white')
    drw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # Normalized pixel width.
    logger.dbg("block:%rx%r", len(bitmapMat), len(bitmapMat))

    #用图像宽度 除以 矩阵维度得到 QR码中一个单位对应的像素数
    a_unit_size = qrcodesize / len(bitmapMat)
    logger.dbg("a-rectangle-size=%r", a_unit_size)

    for y in range(height):
        # Normalized y coordinate in bitmapMat
        normaly = y / a_unit_size

        for x in range(width):
            # Normalized x coordinate in bitmapMat
            normalx = x / a_unit_size

            if normaly < len(bitmapMat) and normalx < len(bitmapMat):
                # 在 ImageDraw里, 0(False)是黑色,1(True)是白色;
                if DARK_IS_1:
                    drow_color = not bitmapMat[normaly][normalx]
                    drow_color = bitmapMat[normaly][normalx]

                # Draw pixel.
                drw.point((x, y), fill=drow_color)

Ejemplo n.º 10
 def dbg(self, msg):
     logger.dbg(self.name + ": " + msg)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _encode(data):
    编码 输入数据,
        返回 一维 整数矩阵 [ 模式指示符 + 字数指示符 + 数据内容 + 终止符 + 容错码 ]

    Encode the input data stream.
    Add mode prefix, encode data using ISO-8859-1,
    group data, add padding suffix, and call RS encoding method.
    logger.dbg("input-data, len=%r, [%r]", len(data), data)

    # 检测输入的数据是否超过V1-L byte mode 的最大编码长度17,
    #       如果超过就抛出异常
    if len(data) > 17:
        raise CapacityOverflowException(
            'Error: Version 1 QR code[binary mode] encodes no more than 17 characters.'
    # 1. 添加 模式指示符;
    # Byte mode prefix 0100.
    bitstring = '0100'
    logger.dbg("byte mode=\n\t%r\n", bitstring)

    # 2. 添加 字符数指示符;
    # Character count in 8 binary bits.
    bitstring += '{:08b}'.format(len(data))
    logger.dbg("byte mode + char cnt=\n\t%r\n", bitstring)

    # 3. 把每一个字符 用 ISO/IEC 8859-1 标准编码, 然后 转换为 八位的二进制;
    #       ISO-8859-1编码是单字节编码,向下兼容ASCII;
    # Encode every character in ISO-8859-1 in 8 binary bits.
    for c in data:
        bitstring += '{:08b}'.format(ord(c.encode('iso-8859-1')))
    logger.dbg("byte mode + char cnt + data=\n\t%r\n", bitstring)

    # 4. 添加终止符,
    #       如果尾部数据不足8bit,则在尾部 填充0
    # Terminator 0000.
    tmpstr = bitstring
    convert_str_to_8_bit_array = ''
    last_str = ''
    while tmpstr:
        convert_str_to_8_bit_array += tmpstr[:8]
        last_str = tmpstr[:8]
        convert_str_to_8_bit_array += ', '
        tmpstr = tmpstr[8:]
    #logger.dbg("8 bit to arry=\n\t%r\n", convert_str_to_8_bit_array)
    logger.dbg("last-str, len=%r, data=%r, append-0=%r", len(last_str),
               last_str, last_str + '0' * (8 - len(last_str)))

    bitstring += '0' * (8 - len(last_str))
    logger.dbg("byte mode + char cnt + data + terminater=\n\t%r\n", bitstring)

    res = list()
    # 5. 把 每8位 二进制数据 转换为 整数;
    # Convert string to byte numbers.
    while bitstring:
        res.append(int(bitstring[:8], 2))
        bitstring = bitstring[8:]
    logger.dbg("convert byte to int=\n\t%r\n", res)

    # 6. 如果编码后的数据不足版本及纠错级别的最大容量,
    #       则在尾部补充 "11101100" 和 "00010001"
    # Add padding pattern.
    while len(res) < 19:  #zgj, 这个19是如何计算的;
        res.append(int('11101100', 2))
        res.append(int('00010001', 2))

    # 7. 截取 前19个字符
    # Slice to 19 bytes for V1-L.
    res = res[:19]

    logger.dbg("value:1~19, data=\n\t%r\n", res)

    # 8. 添加 RS容错码;
    return _rsEncode(res, 7)  #zgj, 为什么是7个;
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _fillFormatInfo(arg):

    Fill the encoded format code into the masked QR code matrix.
    arg: (masked QR code matrix, mask number).
    mat, mask = arg

    logger.dbg("mask-id=%r", mask)

    # 1. 计算 15位 格式信息

    # 01 is the format code for L error control level,
    # concatenated with mask id and passed into _fmtEncode
    # to get the 15 bits format code with EC bits.
    fmt = _fmtEncode(int('01' + '{:03b}'.format(mask), 2))
    logger.dbg("fmt=%r", fmt)

    # 2. 把 格式信息 转换为 15bit的二进制
    if DARK_IS_1:
        fmtarr = [[int(c)] for c in '{:015b}'.format(fmt)]
        fmtarr = [[not int(c)] for c in '{:015b}'.format(fmt)]
    logger.dbg("fmtInfo-len=%r, data=%r", len(fmtarr), fmtarr)

    # 格式信息, 水平方向 从左向右 一共15个数字, 如下:
    #   14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 空格, 8, 空格..., 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
    # 3.1. 填充 水平的 0~7, 共 8个数字:
    horizontal_0_7 = _transpose(fmtarr[7:])  #截取 bit7 ~ bit14
    logger.dbg("01, fmt-len=%r, data=%r", len(horizontal_0_7), horizontal_0_7)
    mat = _matCp(horizontal_0_7, mat, 8, 13)

    # 3.2. 填充 水平的 8, 共 1个数字:
    mat = _matCp([fmtarr[6]], mat, 8, 7)  #获取bit6

    # 3.3. 填充 水平的 9~14, 共 6个数字:
    mat = _matCp(_transpose(fmtarr[:6]), mat, 8, 0)  #截取 bit0 ~ bit5

    # 格式信息, 垂直方向 从下向上 一共15个数字, 如下:
    #   14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 空格..., 7, 6, 空格, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
    # 3.4. 填充 垂直的 0~5, 共 6个数字:
    vertical_0_5 = fmtarr[9:][::-1]  #截取 bit9 ~ bit14, 然后反向
    #logger.dbg("02, fmt-len=%r, data=%r", len(vertical_0_5), vertical_0_5)
    mat = _matCp(vertical_0_5, mat, 0, 8)

    # 3.5. 填充 垂直的 6~7, 共 2个数字:
    mat = _matCp(fmtarr[7:9][::-1], mat, 7, 8)  #截取 bit7 ~ bit9, 然后反向

    # 3.6. 填充 垂直的 8~14, 共 7个数字:
    mat = _matCp(fmtarr[:7][::-1], mat, 14, 8)  #截取 bit0 ~ bit6, 然后反向

    return mat
Ejemplo n.º 13
1:对应黑色, 0:对应白色
DARK_IS_1 = True

if vars().has_key('DARK_IS_1') and DARK_IS_1:
    DARK_IS_1 = False

if DARK_IS_1:
    _DARK = 1
    _LIGHT = 0
    _DARK = 0
    _LIGHT = 1
logger.dbg("dark:%r", _DARK)

def _transpose(mat):
    转换矩阵, 例如: 1x5 --> 5x1

    Transpose a matrix
    res = [[mat[j][i] for j in range(len(mat))] for i in range(len(mat[0]))]
    return res

def _timSeq(time_len, vertical=False):
    创建 定位图形 矩阵
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def dbg(self, msg):
     logger.dbg(self.name + ": " + msg)