Ejemplo n.º 1
def trim_file():

    if request.form["request_type"] == "upload_complete":

        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))
        return ''

    if request.form["request_type"] == "trim":

        filename = request.form["filename"]
        log_this(f'wants to trim: {filename}')
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        start_time = request.form["start_time"]
        end_time = request.form["end_time"]
        ext = "." + filename.split(".")[-1]
        just_name = filename.split(".")[0]
        output_name = just_name + " [trimmed]" + ext

        log.info(f'ffmpeg -y -ss {start_time} -i "{uploaded_file_path}" '
                 f'-to {end_time} -map 0 -c copy "trims/{output_name}"')

        os.system(f'ffmpeg -y -ss {start_time} -i "{uploaded_file_path}" '
                  f'-to {end_time} -map 0 -c copy "trims/{output_name}"')

        return {
            "File trimmed. The trimmed file will now start downloading.",
            "downloadFilePath": f'/trims/{output_name}'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def trim_file():

    if request.form["request_type"] == "upload_complete":

        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))
        return ''

    if request.form["request_type"] == "trim":

        filename = request.form["filename"]
        log_this(f'wants to trim: {filename}')
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        start_time = request.form["start_time"]
        log.info(f'START TIME: {start_time}')
        end_time = request.form["end_time"]
        log.info(f'END TIME: {end_time}')
        ext = "." + filename.split(".")[-1]
        just_name = filename.split(".")[0]
        output_name = just_name + " [trimmed]" + ext
        output_file_path = os.path.join('trims', output_name)

            'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', uploaded_file_path, '-ss', start_time, '-to',
            end_time, '-map', '0', '-c', 'copy', output_file_path

        return output_file_path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def homepage():
    if request.form['request_type'] == 'uploaded':
        log_this(f'Uploaded {request.files["chosen_file"].filename}')

        filename_secure = secure_filename(
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
            os.path.join('uploads', filename_secure))

        session['progress_filename'] = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        with open(
                os.path.join('ffmpeg-progress', session['progress_filename']),

        return os.path.join('api', 'ffmpeg-progress',
Ejemplo n.º 4
def trim_file():

    if request.form["request_type"] == "upload_complete":

        uploaded_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(uploaded_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the trims folder.
        uploaded_file.save(os.path.join('uploads', filename_secure))

        # Empty the trims folder to ensure that there will be enough storage space for the trimmed file.
        if os.path.exists('trims'):
            for file in os.listdir('trims'):
                os.remove(os.path.join('trims', file))
                log.info(f'Deleted trims/{file}')
        return ''

    if request.form["request_type"] == "trim":

        filename = request.form["filename"]
        log_this(f'wants to trim: {filename}')
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        start_time = request.form["start_time"]
        log.info(f'Start: {start_time}')
        end_time = request.form["end_time"]
        log.info(f'End: {end_time}')
        just_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        output_name = f'{just_name} [trimmed]{extension}'
        output_file_path = os.path.join('trims', output_name)

                'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', uploaded_file_path, '-ss', start_time,
                '-to', end_time, '-map', '0', '-c', 'copy', output_file_path
        except Exception as error:
            log.error(f'Unable to trim file: \n{error}')

        return output_file_path
Ejemplo n.º 5
def yt_downloader():

    # First POST request:

    progress_filename = str(time.time())[:-8]

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        link = request.form['link']

        if converter.does_variable_contain_bad_string(link,
            return 'You tried being clever, but there is a server-side check for disallowed strings.', 400

            # Create the progress file.
            with open(f'static/progress/{progress_filename}.txt', "w"):

            media_extensions = [
                "mp4", "webm", "opus", "mkv", "aac", "m4a", "mp3"
            # Delete the videos that have already been downloaded so send_from_directory does not send back the wrong file.
            for file in os.listdir():
                if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:

            return progress_filename

    # The rest of the code runs on the 2nd POST request:

    path_to_progress_file = f'static/progress/{progress_filename}.txt'
    link = request.form['link']
    source = urllib.request.urlopen(f'{link}').read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(source, features="html.parser")
    title = (soup.title.string[:-10]).replace('#', '')
    media_extensions = ["mp4", "webm", "opus", "mkv", "aac", "m4a", "mp3"]

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log_this('chose Video [best]')
        log.info(f'They want to download {title}')
        os.system(f'youtube-dl --newline {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                log.info(f'Downloaded {file}')
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log_this('chose Video [MP4]')
        log.info(f'They want to download {title}')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" '
            f'{link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                log.info(f'Downloaded {file}')
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log_this('chose Audio [best]')
        log.info(f'They want to download {title}')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -x {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                log.info(f'Downloaded {file}')
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log_this('chose MP3')
        log.info(f'They want to download {title}')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 '
            f'--embed-thumbnail {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                log.info(f'Downloaded {file}')
                return f'/yt/{file}'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def yt_downloader():

    # First POST request when the user clicks on a download button.
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':
        log_this('Clicked on a download button.')
        # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress
        # to the user. Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
        progress_file_name = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = os.path.join('yt-progress', progress_file_name)
        return session['progress_file_path']

    # Second POST request:

    video_link = request.form['link']
    video_id = video_link.split('=')[1] if get_video_id(video_link) is None else get_video_id(video_link)

    # Video (best quality)   
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log.info(f'{video_link} | Video')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s-[video].%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl([video_link], options)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id, '-[video]')
    # MP4
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log.info(f'{video_link} | MP4')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s-[MP4].%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl([video_link], options)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id, '-[MP4]')

    # Audio (best quality)
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log.info(f'{video_link} | Audio')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestaudio',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s-[audio].%(ext)s',
            'postprocessors': [{
                'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio'
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl([video_link], options)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id, '-[audio]')
    # MP3
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log.info(f'{video_link} | MP3')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s-[MP3].%(ext)s',
            'postprocessors': [
                    'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
                    'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
                    'preferredquality': '0' # -q:a 0
                    'key': 'EmbedThumbnail'
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl([video_link], options)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id, '-[MP3]')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def yt_downloader():

    # First POST request when the user clicks on a download button.
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        log_this('clicked a download button.')

        # Use the get_ip function imported from loggers.py
        user_ip = get_ip()
        # Query the database by IP.
        user = User.query.filter_by(ip=user_ip).first()

        if user:
            x = 'time' if user.times_used_yt_downloader == 1 else 'times'
            log.info(f'This user has used the downloader {user.times_used_yt_downloader} {x} before.')
            user.times_used_yt_downloader += 1
            new_user = User(ip=user_ip, times_used_yt_downloader=1, mb_downloaded=0)

        # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress
        # to the user. Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
        progress_file_name = f'{str(time.time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = os.path.join('yt-progress', progress_file_name)
        log.info(f'Progress will be saved to: {session["progress_file_path"]}')

        return session['progress_file_path']

    # Second POST request:

    video_link = request.form['link']
    # Use the get_video_id function to get the video ID from the link.
    video_id = str(get_video_id(video_link))
    log.info(f'{video_link} | {video_id}')

    download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'

    # Video [best]   
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        args = [youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies', 'cookies.txt',
                '-o', download_template, '--', video_id]

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
        log.info(f'Video [best] was chosen. Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s')
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)
    # Video [MP4]
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        args = [youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies', 'cookies.txt',
                '-f', 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best',
                '-o', download_template, '--', video_id]

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
        log.info(f'MP4 was chosen. Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s')
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id, applicable_extensions)

    # Audio [best]
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        args = [youtube_dl_path, '--newline','--restrict-filenames', '--cookies', 'cookies.txt', '-x',
                '-o', download_template, '--', video_id]

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
        log.info(f'Audio [best] was chosen. Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s')
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)
    # MP3
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        args = [youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies', 'cookies.txt', '-x',
                '--embed-thumbnail', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '--audio-quality', '0',
                '-o', download_template, '--', video_id]

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
        log.info(f'MP3 was chosen. Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s')
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def yt_downloader():
    # First POST request when the user clicks on a download button.
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':
        log_this('Clicked on a download button.')
        # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress
        # to the user. Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
        progress_file_name = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = os.path.join('yt-progress',
        return session['progress_file_path']

    # Second POST request:

    video_link = request.form['link']

    # If the user clicked on the "Other" button.
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'other':
        log.info(f'{video_link} | Other')
        video_audio_streams = []

        options = {}
        with YoutubeDL(options) as ydl:
            info = ydl.extract_info(video_link, download=False)

        for data in info['formats']:
            if data['filesize'] is not None:
                filesize = f"{round(int(data['filesize']) / 1000000, 1)} MB"
            if data['height'] is None:
                stream_type = 'Audio'
                resolution = 'N/A'
                codec = 'AAC' if 'mp4a' in data['acodec'] else data['acodec']
                extension = '.weba' if data[
                    'ext'] == 'webm' else f".{data['ext']}"
                stream_type = 'Video'
                resolution = f"{data['height']}x{data['width']}"
                if 'avc' in data['vcodec']:
                    codec = 'AVC'
                elif 'av01' in data['vcodec']:
                    codec = 'AV1'
                elif data['vcodec'] == 'vp9':
                    codec = 'VP9'
                    codec = data['vcodec']
                extension = f".{data['ext']}"

                'type': stream_type,
                'resolution': resolution,
                'codec': codec,
                'extension': extension,
                'filesize': filesize,
                'video_url': data['url']

        video_audio_streams = json.dumps(video_audio_streams[::-1])
        return jsonify(streams=video_audio_streams)

    # Video (best quality)
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':
        log.info(f'{video_link} | Video')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-[video].%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return send_json_response('-[video].')

    # MP4
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':
        log.info(f'{video_link} | MP4')
        options = {
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-[MP4].%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return send_json_response('-[MP4].')

    # Audio (best quality)
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':
        log.info(f'{video_link} | Audio')
        options = {
            'format': 'bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-[audio].%(ext)s',
            'postprocessors': [{
                'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio'
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return send_json_response('-[audio].')

    # MP3
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':
        log.info(f'{video_link} | MP3')
        options = {
            'postprocessors': [
                    'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
                    'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
                    'preferredquality': '0'  # -q:a 0
                    'key': 'EmbedThumbnail'
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return send_json_response('-[MP3].')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def yt_downloader():

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        log_this('Clicked a download button.')

        # Intialise the size_of_media_files variable
        size_of_media_files = 0
        # Iterate over each file in the folder and add its size to the above variable.
        for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
            size_of_file = os.path.getsize(
                f'{download_dir}/{file}') / 1_000_000
            size_of_media_files += size_of_file
        # If there's more than 10 GB of files in the downloads folder, empty it.
        if size_of_media_files > 10_000:
                f'More than 10 GB worth of downloads found. Emptying downloads folder...'
            for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
                if file.split('.')[-1] in relevant_extensions:
            log.info('Downloads folder emptied.')

        # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress
        # to the user. Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
        progress_file_name = str(time.time())[:-8] + '.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = os.path.join('yt-progress',
            f'Progress will be saved to: {session["progress_file_path"] }')

        user_ip = get_ip()
        user = User.query.filter_by(ip=user_ip).first()

        if user:
            x = 'time' if user.times_used_yt_downloader == 1 else 'times'
                f'This user has used the downloader {user.times_used_yt_downloader} {x} before.'
            user.times_used_yt_downloader += 1
            new_user = User(ip=user_ip,

        return session['progress_file_path']

    # The following runs after the 2nd POST request:

    link = request.form['link']
    video_id = str(get_video_id(link))
    log.info(f'LINK: {link} | ID: {video_id}')

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log.info(f'Video [best] was chosen.')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [Video].%(ext)s'

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(session['progress_file_path'],
                                             video_id, '[Video]')
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log.info(f'MP4 was chosen.')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [MP4].%(ext)s'

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-f',
            'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best', '-o',
            download_template, '--', video_id

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(session['progress_file_path'],
                                             video_id, '[MP4]')
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log.info(f'Audio [best] was chosen.')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [Audio].%(ext)s'

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-x', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(session['progress_file_path'],
                                             video_id, '[Audio]')
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log.info(f'MP3 was chosen.')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [MP3].%(ext)s'

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-x', '--embed-thumbnail', '--audio-format', 'mp3',
            '--audio-quality', '0', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(session['progress_file_path'], 'w') as f:
            subprocess.run(args, stdout=f)

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(session['progress_file_path'],
                                             video_id, '[MP3]')
        return download_link
Ejemplo n.º 10
def homepage():

    if request.form['request_type'] == 'log_convert_clicked':
        log_this('clicked on the convert button.')
        return ''

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "uploaded":

        session['progress_filename'] = str(time())[:-8] + '.txt'

        log_this('uploaded a file:')
        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        filesize = request.form["filesize"]
        log.info(f'Size: {filesize} MB')

        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        os.makedirs('uploads', exist_ok=True)
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))

        return session['progress_filename']

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert":

        wav_bit_depth = request.form["wav_bit_depth"]
        filename = request.form["filename"]
        chosen_codec = request.form["chosen_codec"]
        crf_value = request.form["crf_value"]
        mp4_encoding_mode = request.form["mp4_encoding_mode"]
        is_keep_video = request.form["is_keep_video"]
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        # MP3
        mp3_encoding_type = request.form["mp3_encoding_type"]
        mp3_bitrate = request.form["mp3_bitrate"]
        mp3_vbr_setting = request.form["mp3_vbr_setting"]
        # AAC
        fdk_type = request.form["fdk_type"]
        fdk_cbr = request.form["fdk_cbr"]
        fdk_vbr = request.form["fdk_vbr"]
        is_fdk_lowpass = request.form["is_fdk_lowpass"]
        fdk_lowpass = request.form["fdk_lowpass"]
        # Vorbis
        vorbis_encoding = request.form["vorbis_encoding"]
        vorbis_quality = request.form["vorbis_quality"]
        # Vorbis/Opus
        opus_vorbis_slider = request.form["opus_vorbis_slider"]
        # AC3
        ac3_bitrate = request.form["ac3_bitrate"]
        # FLAC
        flac_compression = request.form["flac_compression"]
        # DTS
        dts_bitrate = request.form["dts_bitrate"]
        # Opus
        opus_cbr_bitrate = request.form["opus_cbr_bitrate"]
        opus_encoding_type = request.form["opus_encoding_type"]
        # Desired filename
        output_name = request.form["output_name"]

        log.info(f'They chose {chosen_codec} | Output Filename: {output_name}')
        os.makedirs('conversions', exist_ok=True)
        output_path = os.path.join('conversions', output_name)

        def run_converter(codec, params):
            codec_to_converter = {
                "aac": converter.aac,
                "ac3": converter.ac3,
                "alac": converter.alac,
                "dts": converter.dts,
                "flac": converter.flac,
                "mka": converter.mka,
                "mkv": converter.mkv,
                "mp3": converter.mp3,
                "mp4": converter.mp4,
                "opus": converter.opus,
                "vorbis": converter.vorbis,
                "wav": converter.wav
            return codec_to_converter[codec](*params)

        # Run the appropriate function in converter.py:

        # AAC
        if chosen_codec == 'AAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, fdk_type, fdk_cbr, fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass,
                fdk_lowpass, output_path
            extension = run_converter('aac', params)

        # AC3
        elif chosen_codec == 'AC3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, ac3_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('ac3', params)

        # ALAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'ALAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, output_path
            extension = run_converter('alac', params)

        # CAF
        elif chosen_codec == 'CAF':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('caf', params)

        # DTS
        elif chosen_codec == 'DTS':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, dts_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('dts', params)

        # FLAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'FLAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, flac_compression, output_path
            extension = run_converter('flac', params)

        # MKA
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKA':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mka', params)

        # MKV
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mkv', params)

        # MP3
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type, mp3_bitrate, mp3_vbr_setting,
            extension = run_converter('mp3', params)

        # MP4
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP4':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                mp4_encoding_mode, crf_value, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mp4', params)

        # Opus
        elif chosen_codec == 'Opus':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                opus_encoding_type, opus_vorbis_slider, opus_cbr_bitrate,
            extension = run_converter('opus', params)

        # Vorbis
        elif chosen_codec == 'Vorbis':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality, opus_vorbis_slider,
            extension = run_converter('vorbis', params)

        # WAV
        elif chosen_codec == 'WAV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, wav_bit_depth, output_path
            extension = run_converter('wav', params)

        # Filename after conversion.
        converted_file_name = f'{output_name}.{extension}'

        return {
            os.path.join('conversions', converted_file_name),
Ejemplo n.º 11
def yt_downloader():

    user_ip = request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
    user = User.query.filter_by(ip=user_ip).first()

    if user:
        user.times_used_yt_downloader += 1
        x = 'time' if user.times_used_yt_downloader == 1 else 'times'
            f'This user has used the downloader {user.times_used_yt_downloader} {x}.'
        new_user = User(ip=user_ip, times_used_yt_downloader=1)

    # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress to the user.
    # Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
    progress_filename = str(time.time())[:-8]
    path_to_progress_file = f'static/yt-progress/{progress_filename}.txt'

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        log_this('Clicked a button.')
        link = request.form['link']

        # Create the progress file.
        with open(path_to_progress_file, "w"):
        log.info(f'Progress will be saved to: {path_to_progress_file}')
        return progress_filename

    # The following runs after the 2nd POST request:

    size_of_media_files = 0
    # Get the total size of the media files in the download folder.
    for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
        size_of_file = os.path.getsize(f'{download_dir}/{file}') / 1_000_000
        size_of_media_files += size_of_file

    log.info(f'SIZE OF MEDIA FILES: {round(size_of_media_files, 2)} MB')

    # If there's more than 10 GB of media files, delete them:
    if size_of_media_files > 10_000:
        log.info(f'More than 10 GB worth of media files found.')
        for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
            if file.split('.')[-1] in relevant_extensions:
                log.info(f'DELETED {file}')

    link = request.form['link']
    #download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s'
    video_id = get_video_id(link)

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log.info(f'Video [best] was chosen. {link}')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [Video].%(ext)s'
        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(path_to_progress_file, 'w') as f:
                youtube_dl_path, '-v', '-o', download_template, '--newline',
                '--', video_id

        download_complete_time = time.time()

            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(path_to_progress_file, video_id,
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log.info(f'MP4 was chosen. {link}')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [MP4].%(ext)s'
        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(path_to_progress_file, 'w') as f:
                youtube_dl_path, '-v', '--embed-thumbnail', '-o',
                download_template, '--newline', '-f',
                '--', video_id

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(path_to_progress_file, video_id,
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log.info(f'Audio [best] was chosen. {link}')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [Audio].%(ext)s'
        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(path_to_progress_file, 'w') as f:
                youtube_dl_path, '-v', '-o', download_template, '--newline',
                '-x', '--', video_id

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(path_to_progress_file, video_id,
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log.info(f'MP3 was chosen. {link}')
        download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s [MP3].%(ext)s'
        download_start_time = time.time()

        with open(path_to_progress_file, 'w') as f:
                youtube_dl_path, '-v', '--embed-thumbnail', '-o',
                download_template, '--newline', '-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3',
                '--audio-quality', '0', '--', video_id

        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(path_to_progress_file, video_id,
        return download_link
Ejemplo n.º 12
def yt_downloader():
    progress_filename = str(time.time())[:-8]
    path_to_progress_file = f'static/progress/{progress_filename}.txt'

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        log_this('Clicked a button.')
        link = request.form['link']

        if converter.does_variable_contain_bad_string(link,
            log.info('Bad string detected.')
            return 'You tried being clever, but there is a server-side check for disallowed strings.', 400

            # Create the progress file.
            with open(path_to_progress_file, "w"):
            return progress_filename

    # The rest runs after the 2nd POST request:

    size_of_media_files = 0
    # Get the total size of the media files in the download folder.
    for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
        size_of_file = os.path.getsize(f'{download_dir}/{file}') / 1_000_000
        size_of_media_files += size_of_file

    log.info(f'SIZE OF MEDIA FILES: {round(size_of_media_files, 2)} MB')
    # If there's more than 10 GB of media files, delete them:
    if size_of_media_files > 10_000:
        log.info(f'More than 10 GB worth of media files found.')
        for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
            if file.split('.')[-1] in relevant_extensions:
                log.info(f'DELETED {file}')

    link = request.form['link']
    download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'
    video_id = get_video_id(link)

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log.info(f'Video [best] was chosen. {link}')
        download_start_time = time.time()
            f'{youtube_dl} -o "{download_template}" --newline {video_id} | tee {path_to_progress_file}'
        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(video_id)
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log.info(f'MP4 was chosen. {link}')
        download_start_time = time.time()
            f'{youtube_dl} -o "{download_template}" --embed-thumbnail --newline -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" '
            f'{video_id} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(video_id)
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log.info(f'Audio [best] was chosen. {link}')
        download_start_time = time.time()
            f'{youtube_dl} -o "{download_template}" --newline -x {video_id} | tee {path_to_progress_file}'
        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(video_id)
        return download_link

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log.info(f'MP3 was chosen. {link}')
        download_start_time = time.time()
            f'{youtube_dl} -o "{download_template}" --newline -x --embed-thumbnail --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 {video_id} | '
            f'tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        download_complete_time = time.time()
            f'Download took: {round((download_complete_time - download_start_time), 1)}s'
        download_link = return_download_link(video_id)
        return download_link
Ejemplo n.º 13
def yt_downloader():
    progress_filename = str(time.time())[:-8]

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        with open(f'static/progress/{progress_filename}.txt', "w"):

        return progress_filename

    path_to_progress_file = f'static/progress/{progress_filename}.txt'

    media_extensions = ["mp4", "webm", "opus", "mkv", "aac", "m4a", "mp3"]
    strings_not_allowed = [
        'command', ';', '$', '&&', '\\'
        '"', '*', '<', '>', '|', '`'
    link = request.form['link']
    source = urllib.request.urlopen(f'{link}').read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(source, features="html.parser")
    title = (soup.title.string[:-10]).replace('#', '')

    # check_no_variable_contains_bad_string is a func defined in converter.py
    if not converter.check_no_variable_contains_bad_string(
            link, strings_not_allowed):
        return {
            "You tried being clever, but there's a server-side check for disallowed strings."
        }, 400

    # Delete the videos that have already been downloaded so send_from_directory does not send back the wrong file.
    for file in os.listdir():
        if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:

    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        log_this('chose Video [best]')
        os.system(f'youtube-dl --newline {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        log.info('DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        log_this('chose Video [MP4]')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" '
            f'{link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        log.info('DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        log_this('chose Audio [best]')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -x {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        log.info('DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                return f'/yt/{file}'

    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        log_this('chose Audio [MP3]')
            f'youtube-dl --newline -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 '
            f'--embed-thumbnail {link} | tee {path_to_progress_file}')
        log.info('DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.')

        with open("downloaded-files.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + title + " downloaded.")

        for file in os.listdir():
            if file.split(".")[-1] in media_extensions:
                return f'/yt/{file}'
Ejemplo n.º 14
def homepage():
    if request.form['request_type'] == 'log_convert_clicked':
        log_this('clicked on the convert button.')
        return ''

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "uploaded":

        session['progress_filename'] = str(time())[:-8]
        log_this('uploaded a file:')
        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        filesize = request.form["filesize"]
        log.info(f'Size: {filesize} MB')
        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        os.makedirs('uploads', exist_ok=True) 
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))
        return session['progress_filename']
    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert":

        wav_bit_depth = request.form["wav_bit_depth"]
        filename = request.form["filename"]
        chosen_codec = request.form["chosen_codec"]
        crf_value = request.form["crf_value"]
        mp4_encoding_mode = request.form["mp4_encoding_mode"]
        is_keep_video = request.form["is_keep_video"]
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        # MP3
        mp3_encoding_type = request.form["mp3_encoding_type"]
        mp3_bitrate = request.form["mp3_bitrate"]
        mp3_vbr_setting = request.form["mp3_vbr_setting"]
        # AAC
        fdk_type = request.form["fdk_type"]
        fdk_cbr = request.form["fdk_cbr"]
        fdk_vbr = request.form["fdk_vbr"]
        is_fdk_lowpass = request.form["is_fdk_lowpass"]
        fdk_lowpass = request.form["fdk_lowpass"]
        # Vorbis
        vorbis_encoding = request.form["vorbis_encoding"]
        vorbis_quality = request.form["vorbis_quality"]
        # Vorbis/Opus
        opus_vorbis_slider = request.form["opus_vorbis_slider"]
        # AC3 
        ac3_bitrate = request.form["ac3_bitrate"]
        # FLAC
        flac_compression = request.form["flac_compression"]
        # DTS
        dts_bitrate = request.form["dts_bitrate"]
        # Opus
        opus_cbr_bitrate = request.form["opus_cbr_bitrate"]
        opus_encoding_type = request.form["opus_encoding_type"]
        # Desired filename
        output_name = request.form["output_name"]
        log.info(f'They chose {chosen_codec} | Output Filename: {output_name}')
        os.makedirs('conversions', exist_ok=True)
        output_path = f'conversions/{output_name}'

        # Run the appropriate section of converter.py:

        if chosen_codec == 'MP3':
            converter.run_mp3(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type,
            mp3_bitrate, mp3_vbr_setting, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                if just_ext == 'mp4':
                    extension = 'mp4'
                    extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'mp3'

        elif chosen_codec == 'AAC':
            converter.run_aac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, fdk_type, fdk_cbr,
            fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass,
            fdk_lowpass, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                if just_ext == 'mp4':
                    extension = 'mp4'
                    extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'm4a'

        elif chosen_codec == 'Opus':
            converter.run_opus(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, opus_encoding_type, opus_vorbis_slider,
            opus_cbr_bitrate, output_path)
            extension = 'opus'   

        elif chosen_codec == 'FLAC':
            converter.run_flac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, flac_compression,
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'flac'

        elif chosen_codec == 'Vorbis':
            converter.run_vorbis(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality,
            opus_vorbis_slider, output_path) 
            extension = 'mka'

        elif chosen_codec == 'WAV':
            converter.run_wav(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, wav_bit_depth, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'wav'

        elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
            converter.run_mkv(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
            extension = 'mkv'

        elif chosen_codec == 'MKA':
            converter.run_mka(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
            extension = 'mka'

        elif chosen_codec == 'ALAC':
            converter.run_alac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'm4a'

        elif chosen_codec == 'AC3':
            converter.run_ac3(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, ac3_bitrate, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                if just_ext == 'mp4':
                    extension = 'mp4'
                    extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'ac3'

        elif chosen_codec == 'CAF':
            converter.run_caf(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
            extension = 'caf'

        elif chosen_codec == 'DTS':
            converter.run_dts(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, dts_bitrate, output_path)
            if is_keep_video == "yes":
                extension = 'mkv'
                extension = 'dts'

        elif chosen_codec == 'MP4':
            converter.run_mp4(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, mp4_encoding_mode, crf_value, output_path)
            extension = 'mp4'
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
            converter.run_mkv(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
            extension = 'mkv'

        converted_file_name = output_name + "." + extension
        return f'/conversions/{converted_file_name}'
Ejemplo n.º 15
def homepage():

    # First POST request.
    if request.form['request_type'] == 'log_convert_clicked':
        log_this('clicked on the convert button.')
        return ''

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert_url":
        url = request.form["url"]
        conversion_progress_filename = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_filename'] = conversion_progress_filename
        return session['progress_filename']

    # Second POST request.
    elif request.form["request_type"] == "uploaded":

        upload_time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        log.info(f'Upload complete at {upload_time}')

        uploaded_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        filesize = request.form["filesize"]
        log.info(f'Size: {filesize} MB')

        # Make the filename safe.
        filename_secure = secure_filename(uploaded_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        uploaded_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))

        conversion_progress_filename = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_filename'] = conversion_progress_filename

        return session['progress_filename']

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert":

        filename = request.form["filename"]
        if 'http' in filename and '://' in filename:
            uploaded_file_path = filename
            uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads",

        chosen_codec = request.form["chosen_codec"]
        crf_value = request.form["crf_value"]
        video_mode = request.form["video_mode"]
        is_keep_video = request.form["is_keep_video"]
        # MP3
        mp3_encoding_type = request.form["mp3_encoding_type"]
        mp3_bitrate = request.form["mp3_bitrate"]
        mp3_vbr_setting = request.form["mp3_vbr_setting"]
        # AAC
        fdk_type = request.form["fdk_type"]
        fdk_cbr = request.form["fdk_cbr"]
        fdk_vbr = request.form["fdk_vbr"]
        is_fdk_lowpass = request.form["is_fdk_lowpass"]
        fdk_lowpass = request.form["fdk_lowpass"]
        # Vorbis
        vorbis_encoding = request.form["vorbis_encoding"]
        vorbis_quality = request.form["vorbis_quality"]
        # Vorbis/Opus
        opus_vorbis_slider = request.form["opus_vorbis_slider"]
        # AC3
        ac3_bitrate = request.form["ac3_bitrate"]
        # FLAC
        flac_compression = request.form["flac_compression"]
        # DTS
        dts_bitrate = request.form["dts_bitrate"]
        # Opus
        opus_cbr_bitrate = request.form["opus_cbr_bitrate"]
        opus_encoding_type = request.form["opus_encoding_type"]
        # WAV
        wav_bit_depth = request.form["wav_bit_depth"]
        # Desired filename
        output_name = request.form["output_name"]

        log.info(f'They chose {chosen_codec} | Output Filename: {output_name}')
        os.makedirs('conversions', exist_ok=True)
        output_path = os.path.join('conversions', output_name)

        # AAC
        if chosen_codec == 'AAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, fdk_type, fdk_cbr, fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass,
                fdk_lowpass, output_path
            extension = run_converter('aac', params)

        # AC3
        elif chosen_codec == 'AC3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, ac3_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('ac3', params)

        # ALAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'ALAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, output_path
            extension = run_converter('alac', params)

        # CAF
        elif chosen_codec == 'CAF':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('caf', params)

        # DTS
        elif chosen_codec == 'DTS':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, dts_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('dts', params)

        # FLAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'FLAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, flac_compression, output_path
            extension = run_converter('flac', params)

        # MKA
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKA':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mka', params)

        # MKV
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, video_mode,
                crf_value, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mkv', params)

        # MP3
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type, mp3_bitrate, mp3_vbr_setting,
            extension = run_converter('mp3', params)

        # MP4
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP4':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, video_mode,
                crf_value, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mp4', params)

        # Opus
        elif chosen_codec == 'Opus':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                opus_encoding_type, opus_vorbis_slider, opus_cbr_bitrate,
            extension = run_converter('opus', params)

        # Vorbis
        elif chosen_codec == 'Vorbis':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality, opus_vorbis_slider,
            extension = run_converter('vorbis', params)

        # WAV
        elif chosen_codec == 'WAV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, wav_bit_depth, output_path
            extension = run_converter('wav', params)

        # Filename after conversion.
        converted_file_name = f'{output_name}.{extension}'

        return {
            os.path.join('conversions', converted_file_name),
            os.path.join('ffmpeg-progress', session["progress_filename"])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def homepage():

    # First POST request.
    if request.form['request_type'] == 'log_convert_clicked':
        log_this('clicked on the convert button.')
        return ''

    # Second POST request.
    elif request.form["request_type"] == "uploaded":

        upload_time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        log.info(f'Upload complete at {upload_time}')

        # Empty the conversions folder to ensure there's room for the file that is going to be converted.
        for file in os.listdir('conversions'):
            os.remove(os.path.join('conversions', file))
            log.info(f'Deleted conversions/{file}')

        uploads_folder_size = 0
        # Iterate over each file in the folder and add its size to the above variable.
        for file in os.listdir('uploads'):
            size_of_file = os.path.getsize(f'uploads/{file}') / 1_000_000
            uploads_folder_size += size_of_file
        # If there's more than 1 GB of files in the conversions folder, empty it.
        if uploads_folder_size > 1000:
                f'More than 1 GB worth of uploads found. Emptying uploads folder...'
            for file in os.listdir('uploads'):
                os.remove(os.path.join('uploads', file))
            log.info('Conversions folder emptied.')

        # Grabbing the JavaScript FormData
        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        filesize = request.form["filesize"]

        log.info(f'Size: {filesize} MB')

        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        os.makedirs('uploads', exist_ok=True)
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))

        conversion_progress_filename = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_filename'] = conversion_progress_filename

        return session['progress_filename']

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert":

        conversion_start_time = time()

        wav_bit_depth = request.form["wav_bit_depth"]
        filename = request.form["filename"]
        chosen_codec = request.form["chosen_codec"]
        crf_value = request.form["crf_value"]
        mp4_encoding_mode = request.form["mp4_encoding_mode"]
        is_keep_video = request.form["is_keep_video"]
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        # MP3
        mp3_encoding_type = request.form["mp3_encoding_type"]
        mp3_bitrate = request.form["mp3_bitrate"]
        mp3_vbr_setting = request.form["mp3_vbr_setting"]
        # AAC
        fdk_type = request.form["fdk_type"]
        fdk_cbr = request.form["fdk_cbr"]
        fdk_vbr = request.form["fdk_vbr"]
        is_fdk_lowpass = request.form["is_fdk_lowpass"]
        fdk_lowpass = request.form["fdk_lowpass"]
        # Vorbis
        vorbis_encoding = request.form["vorbis_encoding"]
        vorbis_quality = request.form["vorbis_quality"]
        # Vorbis/Opus
        opus_vorbis_slider = request.form["opus_vorbis_slider"]
        # AC3
        ac3_bitrate = request.form["ac3_bitrate"]
        # FLAC
        flac_compression = request.form["flac_compression"]
        # DTS
        dts_bitrate = request.form["dts_bitrate"]
        # Opus
        opus_cbr_bitrate = request.form["opus_cbr_bitrate"]
        opus_encoding_type = request.form["opus_encoding_type"]
        # Desired filename
        output_name = request.form["output_name"]

        log.info(f'They chose {chosen_codec} | Output Filename: {output_name}')
        os.makedirs('conversions', exist_ok=True)
        output_path = os.path.join('conversions', output_name)

        def run_converter(codec, params):
            codec_to_converter = {
                "aac": converter.aac,
                "ac3": converter.ac3,
                "alac": converter.alac,
                "dts": converter.dts,
                "flac": converter.flac,
                "mka": converter.mka,
                "mkv": converter.mkv,
                "mp3": converter.mp3,
                "mp4": converter.mp4,
                "opus": converter.opus,
                "vorbis": converter.vorbis,
                "wav": converter.wav
            # Pass the list of parameters (params) to the appropriate converter function.
            return codec_to_converter[codec](*params)

        # Run the appropriate function in converter.py:

        # AAC
        if chosen_codec == 'AAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, fdk_type, fdk_cbr, fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass,
                fdk_lowpass, output_path
            extension = run_converter('aac', params)

        # AC3
        elif chosen_codec == 'AC3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, ac3_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('ac3', params)

        # ALAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'ALAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, output_path
            extension = run_converter('alac', params)

        # CAF
        elif chosen_codec == 'CAF':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('caf', params)

        # DTS
        elif chosen_codec == 'DTS':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, dts_bitrate, output_path
            extension = run_converter('dts', params)

        # FLAC
        elif chosen_codec == 'FLAC':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, flac_compression, output_path
            extension = run_converter('flac', params)

        # MKA
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKA':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mka', params)

        # MKV
        elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mkv', params)

        # MP3
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP3':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type, mp3_bitrate, mp3_vbr_setting,
            extension = run_converter('mp3', params)

        # MP4
        elif chosen_codec == 'MP4':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                mp4_encoding_mode, crf_value, output_path
            extension = run_converter('mp4', params)

        # Opus
        elif chosen_codec == 'Opus':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                opus_encoding_type, opus_vorbis_slider, opus_cbr_bitrate,
            extension = run_converter('opus', params)

        # Vorbis
        elif chosen_codec == 'Vorbis':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality, opus_vorbis_slider,
            extension = run_converter('vorbis', params)

        # WAV
        elif chosen_codec == 'WAV':
            params = [
                session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path,
                is_keep_video, wav_bit_depth, output_path
            extension = run_converter('wav', params)

        conversion_complete_time = time()
            f'Conversion took {round((conversion_complete_time - conversion_start_time), 1)} seconds.'

        # Filename after conversion.
        converted_file_name = f'{output_name}.{extension}'

        return {
            os.path.join('conversions', converted_file_name),
            os.path.join('ffmpeg-progress', session["progress_filename"])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def yt_downloader():
    # First POST request:
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':
        # Empty the downloads folder if there is less than 2 GB free storage space.
        free_space = shutil.disk_usage('/')[2]
        free_space_gb = free_space / 1_000_000_000
        if free_space_gb < 2:

        progress_file_name = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = f'yt-progress/{progress_file_name}'
        return session['progress_file_path'], 200

    # Second POST request:

    log_this(f'Clicked on {request.form["button_clicked"]}')

    user_ip = get_ip()
    # Query the database by IP.
    user = User.query.filter_by(ip=user_ip).first()
    if user:
        string = f'{user.times_used_yt_downloader} times' if user.times_used_yt_downloader > 1 else 'once'
        log.info(f'This user has used the downloader {string} before.')

    video_link = request.form['link']

    # Video (best quality)   
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'video_best':
        options = {
            'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return return_download_path()
    # MP4
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'mp4':
        options = {
            'format': 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return return_download_path()

    # Audio (best quality)
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'audio_best':
        options = {
            'format': 'bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
            'postprocessors': [{
                'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio'
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return return_download_path()
    # MP3
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'audio_mp3':
        options = {
            'format': 'bestaudio/best',
            'outtmpl': f'{download_dir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
            'writethumbnail': True,
            'postprocessors': [
                    'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
                    'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
                    'preferredquality': '0'
                    'key': 'EmbedThumbnail'
            'restrictfilenames': True,
            'logger': Logger()
        run_youtube_dl(video_link, options)
        return return_download_path()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def yt_downloader():

    # First POST request when the user clicks on a download button.
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'yes':

        log_this('clicked a download button.')

        downloads_folder_size = 0

        for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
            # Downloads folder size in MB.
            downloads_folder_size += os.path.getsize(
                os.path.join(download_dir, file)) / 1_000_000

        if downloads_folder_size > 3000:
                'Downloads folder larger than 3 GB. Emptying the folder...')
            for file in os.listdir(download_dir):
                os.remove(os.path.join(download_dir, file))
            log.info('Downloads folder emptied.')

        # Use the get_ip function imported from loggers.py
        user_ip = get_ip()
        # Query the database by IP.
        user = User.query.filter_by(ip=user_ip).first()

        if user:
            x = 'time' if user.times_used_yt_downloader == 1 else 'times'
                f'This user has used the downloader {user.times_used_yt_downloader} {x} before.'
            user.times_used_yt_downloader += 1
            new_user = User(ip=user_ip,

        # I want to save the download progress to a file and read from that file to show the download progress
        # to the user. Set the name of the file to the time since the epoch.
        progress_file_name = f'{str(time())[:-8]}.txt'
        session['progress_file_path'] = os.path.join('yt-progress',
        log.info(f'Progress will be saved to: {session["progress_file_path"]}')

        return session['progress_file_path']

    # Second POST request:

    video_link = request.form['link']
    # Use the get_video_id function to get the video ID from the link.
    video_id = str(get_video_id(video_link))
    log.info(f'{video_link} | {video_id}')

    download_template = f'{download_dir}/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'

    # Video [best]
    if request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [best]':

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        run_youtube_dl(request.form['button_clicked'], args)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)

    # Video [MP4]
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Video [MP4]':

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-f',
            'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best', '-o',
            download_template, '--', video_id

        run_youtube_dl(request.form['button_clicked'], args)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)

    # Audio [best]
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'Audio [best]':

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-x', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        run_youtube_dl(request.form['button_clicked'], args)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)

    # MP3
    elif request.form['button_clicked'] == 'MP3':

        args = [
            youtube_dl_path, '--newline', '--restrict-filenames', '--cookies',
            'cookies.txt', '-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '--audio-quality',
            '0', '-o', download_template, '--', video_id

        run_youtube_dl(request.form['button_clicked'], args)
        return send_json_response(session['progress_file_path'], video_id)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def homepage():
    if request.form['request_type'] == 'log_convert_clicked':
        log_this('clicked Convert Button')
        return ''

    elif request.form["request_type"] == "uploaded":

        session['progress_filename'] = str(time.time())[:-8]
        log_this('uploaded a file:')
        chosen_file = request.files["chosen_file"]
        filesize = request.form["filesize"]
        log.info(f'Size: {filesize} MB')
        # Make the filename safe
        filename_secure = secure_filename(chosen_file.filename)
        # Save the uploaded file to the uploads folder.
        chosen_file.save(os.path.join("uploads", filename_secure))
        return session['progress_filename']
    elif request.form["request_type"] == "convert":

        wav_bit_depth = request.form["wav_bit_depth"]
        filename = request.form["filename"]
        filename_without_ext = filename.split('.')[0]
        chosen_codec = request.form["chosen_codec"]
        crf_value = request.form["crf_value"]
        mp4_encoding_mode = request.form["mp4_encoding_mode"]
        is_keep_video = request.form["is_keep_video"]
        uploaded_file_path = os.path.join("uploads", secure_filename(filename))
        # MP3
        mp3_encoding_type = request.form["mp3_encoding_type"]
        mp3_bitrate = request.form["mp3_bitrate"]
        mp3_vbr_setting = request.form["mp3_vbr_setting"]
        # AAC
        fdk_type = request.form["fdk_type"]
        fdk_cbr = request.form["fdk_cbr"]
        fdk_vbr = request.form["fdk_vbr"]
        is_fdk_lowpass = request.form["is_fdk_lowpass"]
        fdk_lowpass = request.form["fdk_lowpass"]
        # Vorbis
        vorbis_encoding = request.form["vorbis_encoding"]
        vorbis_quality = request.form["vorbis_quality"]
        # Vorbis/Opus
        opus_vorbis_slider = request.form["opus_vorbis_slider"]
        # AC3 
        ac3_bitrate = request.form["ac3_bitrate"]
        # FLAC
        flac_compression = request.form["flac_compression"]
        # DTS
        dts_bitrate = request.form["dts_bitrate"]
        # Opus
        opus_cbr_bitrate = request.form["opus_cbr_bitrate"]
        opus_encoding_type = request.form["opus_encoding_type"]
        # Desired filename
        output_name = request.form["output_name"]

        variables_to_validate = [filename_without_ext, chosen_codec, is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type, mp3_bitrate,
        mp3_vbr_setting, fdk_type, fdk_cbr, fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass, vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality,
        opus_vorbis_slider, ac3_bitrate, flac_compression, dts_bitrate, opus_cbr_bitrate, opus_encoding_type,
        output_name, wav_bit_depth, mp4_encoding_mode, crf_value]

        strings_not_allowed = ['command', ';', '$', '&&', '/', '\\' '"', '?', '*', '<', '>', '|', ':', '`', '.']

        # check_no_variable_contains_bad_string is a func defined in converter.py
        if converter.is_bad_string_in_variables(variables_to_validate, strings_not_allowed):
            return 'You tried being clever, but there\'s a server-side check for disallowed strings', 400

            log.info(f'They chose {chosen_codec}\nOutput Filename: {output_name}')
            output_path = f'"conversions/{output_name}"'

            # Run the appropritate section of converter.py:

            if chosen_codec == 'MP3':
                converter.run_mp3(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, mp3_encoding_type, mp3_bitrate, mp3_vbr_setting, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                    if just_ext == 'mp4':
                        extension = 'mp4'
                        extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'mp3'

            elif chosen_codec == 'AAC':
                converter.run_aac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, fdk_type, fdk_cbr, fdk_vbr, is_fdk_lowpass,
                fdk_lowpass, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                    if just_ext == 'mp4':
                        extension = 'mp4'
                        extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'm4a'

            elif chosen_codec == 'Opus':
                converter.run_opus(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, opus_encoding_type, opus_vorbis_slider, opus_cbr_bitrate,
                extension = 'opus'   

            elif chosen_codec == 'FLAC':
                converter.run_flac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, flac_compression, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'flac'

            elif chosen_codec == 'Vorbis':
                converter.run_vorbis(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, vorbis_encoding, vorbis_quality, opus_vorbis_slider,
                extension = 'mka'

            elif chosen_codec == 'WAV':
                converter.run_wav(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, wav_bit_depth, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'wav'

            elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
                converter.run_mkv(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
                extension = 'mkv'

            elif chosen_codec == 'MKA':
                converter.run_mka(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
                extension = 'mka'

            elif chosen_codec == 'ALAC':
                converter.run_alac(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'm4a'

            elif chosen_codec == 'AC3':
                converter.run_ac3(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, ac3_bitrate, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    just_ext = uploaded_file_path.split('.')[-1]
                    if just_ext == 'mp4':
                        extension = 'mp4'
                        extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'ac3'

            elif chosen_codec == 'CAF':
                converter.run_caf(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
                extension = 'caf'

            elif chosen_codec == 'DTS':
                converter.run_dts(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, is_keep_video, dts_bitrate, output_path)
                if is_keep_video == "yes":
                    extension = 'mkv'
                    extension = 'dts'

            elif chosen_codec == 'MP4':
                converter.run_mp4(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, mp4_encoding_mode, crf_value, output_path)
                extension = 'mp4'
            elif chosen_codec == 'MKV':
                converter.run_mkv(session['progress_filename'], uploaded_file_path, output_path)
                extension = 'mkv'

            converted_file_name = output_name + "." + extension

            return f'/conversions/{converted_file_name}'