Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        assert isinstance(prevs,
                          list) and len(prevs) == 1, "rewrite_goal_with_prev"
        pt = prevs[0]
        C = goal.prop

        # In general, we assume pt.th has forall quantification.
        # First, obtain the patterns
        new_names = logic.get_forall_names(pt.prop)
        new_vars, prev_As, prev_C = logic.strip_all_implies(pt.prop, new_names)

        # Fact used must be an equality
        assert len(
            prev_As) == 0 and prev_C.is_equals(), "rewrite_goal_with_prev"

        for new_var in new_vars:
            pt = pt.forall_elim(new_var)

        # Check whether rewriting using the theorem has an effect
        assert has_rewrite(pt.th, C), "rewrite_goal_with_prev"

        cv = then_conv(top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(pt)), beta_norm_conv())
        eq_th = cv.eval(C)
        new_goal = eq_th.prop.rhs

        prevs = list(prevs)
        if not new_goal.is_reflexive():
            prevs.append(ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, new_goal)))
        return ProofTerm('rewrite_goal_with_prev', args=C, prevs=prevs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_proof_term(self, goal):
        th = theory.get_theorem(self.th_name)

        assum = th.assums[0]
        cond = self.cond
        if cond is None:
            # Find cond by matching with goal.hyps one by one
            for hyp in goal.hyps:
                    inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.assums[0], hyp,
                    cond = hyp
                except matcher.MatchException:

        if cond is None:
            raise TacticException('elim: cannot match assumption')

            inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl, goal.prop, inst)
        except matcher.MatchException:
            raise TacticException('elim: matching failed')

        if any(v.name not in inst for v in th.prop.get_svars()):
            raise TacticException('elim: not all variables are matched')

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(self.th_name).substitution(inst).on_prop(
        pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.assume(cond))
        for assum in pt.assums:
            pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, assum)))
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        assert isinstance(args, Term), "rewrite_goal_macro: signature"

        goal = args
        eq_pt = pts[0]

        new_names = get_forall_names(eq_pt.prop)
        new_vars, _, _ = strip_all_implies(eq_pt.prop, new_names)

        for new_var in new_vars:
            eq_pt = eq_pt.forall_elim(new_var)

        pts = pts[1:]

        cv = then_conv(top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(eq_pt, sym=self.sym)),
        pt = cv.get_proof_term(goal)  # goal = th.prop
        pt = pt.symmetric()           # th.prop = goal
        if pt.prop.lhs.is_reflexive():
            pt = pt.equal_elim(refl(pt.prop.lhs.rhs))
            pt = pt.equal_elim(pts[0])
            pts = pts[1:]

        for A in pts:
            pt = pt.implies_intr(A.prop).implies_elim(A)
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        th_name = args
        C = goal.prop

        # Check whether rewriting using the theorem has an effect
        assert has_rewrite(th_name, C, sym=self.sym, conds=prevs), \
            "rewrite: unable to apply theorem."

        cv = then_conv(
            top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(th_name, sym=self.sym, conds=prevs)),
        eq_th = cv.eval(C)
        new_goal = eq_th.prop.rhs

        if self.sym:
            macro_name = 'rewrite_goal_sym'
            macro_name = 'rewrite_goal'
        if new_goal.is_equals() and new_goal.lhs == new_goal.rhs:
            return ProofTerm(macro_name, args=(th_name, C), prevs=prevs)
            new_goal = ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, new_goal))
            assert new_goal.prop != goal.prop, "rewrite: unable to apply theorem"
            return ProofTerm(macro_name,
                             args=(th_name, C),
                             prevs=[new_goal] + prevs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        if self.with_inst:
            name, inst = args
            name = args
            inst = Inst()
        th = theory.get_theorem(name)
        As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()

        assert len(pts) <= len(As), "apply_theorem: too many prevs."

        # First attempt to match type variables
        svars = th.prop.get_svars()
        for v in svars:
            if v.name in inst:
                v.T.match_incr(inst[v.name].get_type(), inst.tyinst)

        pats = As[:len(pts)]
        ts = [pt.prop for pt in pts]
        inst = matcher.first_order_match_list(pats, ts, inst)

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(name)
        pt = pt.subst_type(inst.tyinst).substitution(inst)
        if pt.prop.beta_norm() != pt.prop:
            pt = pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
        pt = pt.implies_elim(*pts)

        assert len(pt.prop.get_stvars()) == 0, "apply_theorem: unmatched type variables."
        vars = pt.prop.get_svars()
        for v in reversed(vars):
            pt = pt.forall_intr(v)

        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        assert len(pts) == 1, "forall_elim_gen"
        assert isinstance(args, Term), "forall_elim_gen"
        s = args  # term to instantiate

        pt = pts[0].forall_elim(s)
        if pt.prop.beta_norm() != pt.prop:
            pt = pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        if not self.with_inst:
            assert len(pts) >= 2, "apply fact: too few prevs"

        pt, pt_prevs = pts[0], pts[1:]

        # First, obtain the patterns
        new_names = get_forall_names(pt.prop)

        new_vars, As, C = strip_all_implies(pt.prop, new_names)
        assert len(pt_prevs) <= len(As), "apply_fact: too many prevs"

        if self.with_inst:
            assert len(args) == len(new_names), "apply_fact_macro: wrong number of args."
            inst = Inst({nm: v for nm, v in zip(new_names, args)})
            inst = Inst()
            for idx, pt_prev in enumerate(pt_prevs):
                inst = matcher.first_order_match(As[idx], pt_prev.prop, inst)

        pt = pt.subst_type(inst.tyinst)
        for new_var in new_vars:
            if new_var.name in inst:
                pt = pt.forall_elim(inst[new_var.name])
                pt = pt.forall_elim(new_var)
        if pt.prop.beta_norm() != pt.prop:
            pt = pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
        for prev_pt in pt_prevs:
            if prev_pt.prop != pt.assums[0]:
                prev_pt = prev_pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
            pt = pt.implies_elim(prev_pt)
        for new_var in new_vars:
            if new_var.name not in inst:
                pt = pt.forall_intr(new_var)

        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_proof_term(self, goal):
        th = theory.get_theorem(self.th_name)
            inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl, goal.prop, self.inst)
        except matcher.MatchException:
            raise TacticException('rule: matching failed')

        if any(v.name not in inst for v in th.prop.get_svars()):
            raise TacticException('rule: not all variables are matched')

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(self.th_name).substitution(inst).on_prop(
        for assum in pt.assums:
            pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, assum)))
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 9
def vcg_norm(T, goal):
    """Compute vcg, then normalize the result into the form

    A_1 --> A_2 --> ... --> A_n --> Valid P c Q,

    where A_i are the normalized verification conditions.

    pt = vcg(T, goal)
    for A in reversed(pt.hyps):
        pt = pt.implies_intr(A)

    # Normalize each of the assumptions
    return pt.on_prop(assums_conv(rewr_conv("Entail_def")),
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        assert isinstance(args, str), "rewrite_fact_macro: signature"

        th_name = args
        eq_pt = ProofTerm.theorem(th_name)

        assert len(pts) == len(eq_pt.assums) + 1, "rewrite_fact_macro: signature"

        # Check rewriting using the theorem has an effect
        if not has_rewrite(th_name, pts[0].prop, sym=self.sym, conds=pts[1:]):
            raise InvalidDerivationException("rewrite_fact using %s" % th_name)

        cv = then_conv(top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(eq_pt, sym=self.sym, conds=pts[1:])),
        res = pts[0].on_prop(cv)
        if res == pts[0]:
            raise InvalidDerivationException("rewrite_fact using %s" % th_name)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        assert isinstance(prevs, list) and len(prevs) >= 1, "apply_prev"
        pt, prev_pts = prevs[0], prevs[1:]

        # First, obtain the patterns
        new_names = logic.get_forall_names(pt.prop)
        new_vars, As, C = logic.strip_all_implies(pt.prop, new_names)
        assert len(prev_pts) <= len(As), "apply_prev: too many prev_pts"

        if args is None:
            inst = Inst()
            inst = args
        inst = matcher.first_order_match(C, goal.prop, inst)
        for idx, prev_pt in enumerate(prev_pts):
            inst = matcher.first_order_match(As[idx], prev_pt.prop, inst)

        unmatched_vars = [v for v in new_names if v not in inst]
        if unmatched_vars:
            raise theory.ParameterQueryException(
                list("param_" + name for name in unmatched_vars))

        pt = pt.subst_type(inst.tyinst)
        for new_name in new_names:
            pt = pt.forall_elim(inst[new_name])
        if pt.prop.beta_norm() != pt.prop:
            pt = pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
        inst_As, inst_C = pt.prop.strip_implies()

        inst_arg = [inst[new_name] for new_name in new_names]
        new_goals = [
            ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, A)) for A in inst_As[len(prev_pts):]
        if set(new_names).issubset({v.name for v in term.get_vars(As)}) and \
           matcher.is_pattern_list(As, []):
            return ProofTerm('apply_fact', args=None, prevs=prevs + new_goals)
            return ProofTerm('apply_fact_for',
                             prevs=prevs + new_goals)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        assert len(pts) == 2, "rewrite_fact_with_prev"

        eq_pt, pt = pts

        # In general, we assume eq_pt has forall quantification
        # First, obtain the patterns
        new_names = get_forall_names(eq_pt.prop)
        new_vars, eq_As, eq_C = strip_all_implies(eq_pt.prop, new_names)

        # First fact must be an equality
        assert len(eq_As) == 0 and eq_C.is_equals(), "rewrite_fact_with_prev"

        for new_var in new_vars:
            eq_pt = eq_pt.forall_elim(new_var)

        # Check rewriting using eq_pt has an effect
        cv1 = top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(eq_pt))
        assert not cv1.eval(pt.prop).is_reflexive(), "rewrite_fact_with_prev"

        cv = then_conv(cv1, beta_norm_conv())
        return pt.on_prop(cv)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        assert isinstance(args, tuple) and len(args) == 2 and \
               isinstance(args[0], str) and isinstance(args[1], Term), "rewrite_goal: signature"

        name, goal = args
        eq_pt = ProofTerm.theorem(name)

        if len(pts) == len(eq_pt.assums):
            rewr_cv = rewr_conv(eq_pt, sym=self.sym, conds=pts)
            assert len(pts) == len(eq_pt.assums) + 1, "rewrite_goal: wrong number of prevs"
            rewr_cv = rewr_conv(eq_pt, sym=self.sym, conds=pts[1:])

        cv = then_conv(top_sweep_conv(rewr_cv), beta_norm_conv())
        pt = cv.get_proof_term(goal)  # goal = th.prop
        pt = pt.symmetric()           # th.prop = goal
        if pt.prop.lhs.is_equals() and pt.prop.lhs.lhs == pt.prop.lhs.rhs:
            pt = pt.equal_elim(refl(pt.prop.lhs.lhs))
            pt = pt.equal_elim(pts[0])  # goal

        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
     assert args is None, "beta_norm_macro"
     return pts[0].on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def eval(self, args, ths):
     assert args is None, "beta_norm_macro"
     eq_th = beta_norm_conv().eval(ths[0].prop)
     return Thm(ths[0].hyps, eq_th.prop.arg)