Ejemplo n.º 1
# The test file also displays the instantiated list of input statements instantiated with
# the each of the bindings that were found

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Loading in the data ===================\x1b[0m"

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("asserts.txt")

retracts, retract_rules = read.read_tokenize("retracts.txt")

asks, ask_rules = read.read_tokenize("asks.txt")

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Setting up the Knowledge Base ===================\x1b[0m"

ins = logic.kb()

print "KB: # of facts " + str(len(global_list.KB)) +" # of rules "+ str(len(global_list.RB))
for kb in global_list.KB:
    print "fact: " + kb.pretty()
for rb in global_list.RB:
    print rb.pretty()

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Testing KB_Assert ===================\x1b[0m"

for rule in rules:
    logic.assert_rule(logic.Rule(rule[0], rule[1]))

for fact in facts:
# of the various bindings that have to hold for those statements to be true in the data.
# The test file also displays the instantiated list of input statements instantiated with
# the each of the bindings that were found

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Loading in the data ===================\x1b[0m"

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("asserts.txt")

retracts, retract_rules = read.read_tokenize("retracts.txt")

asks, ask_rules = read.read_tokenize("asks.txt")

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Setting up the Knowledge Base ===================\x1b[0m"

kb = logic.kb()

print kb

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Testing KB_Assert ===================\x1b[0m"

for rule in rules:
    logic.KB_assert(kb, rule)

for fact in facts:
    logic.KB_assert(kb, fact)

for fact in kb.facts:
    print fact
Ejemplo n.º 3
# The test file also displays the instantiated list of input statements instantiated with
# the each of the bindings that were found

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Loading in the data ===================\x1b[0m"

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("asserts.txt")

retracts, retract_rules = read.read_tokenize("retracts.txt")

asks, ask_rules = read.read_tokenize("asks.txt")

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Setting up the Knowledge Base ===================\x1b[0m"

kb = logic.kb()

# print kb

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Testing KB_Assert ===================\x1b[0m"

for rule in rules:

for fact in facts:

for fact in kb.facts:
	print fact

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Testing KB_ask ===================\x1b[0m"