Ejemplo n.º 1
def simp_ite(i, t, e):
    if t == e:
        return t
    if is_true(i):
        return t
    if is_false(i):
        return e
    if is_true(t):
        return simp_or(i, e)
    if is_false(t):
        return simp_and(simp_not(i), e)
    if is_true(e):
        return simp_or(simp_not(i), t)
    if is_false(e):
        return simp_and(i, t)
    return Ite(i, t, e)
Ejemplo n.º 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    BinRel = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    leq = Const('leq', BinRel)
    transitive1 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive2 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Or(Not(leq(X, Y)), Not(leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive3 = Not(
        Exists((X, Y, Z), And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z), Not(leq(X, Z)))))
    antisymmetric = ForAll((X, Y),
                           Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, X), true), Eq(Y, X)))

    print z3_implies(transitive1, transitive2)
    print z3_implies(transitive2, transitive3)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, transitive1)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, antisymmetric)

    print z3_implies(true, Iff(transitive1, transitive2))

    x, y = (Const(n, S) for n in ['x', 'y'])
    b = Const('b', Boolean)
    print z3_implies(b, Eq(Ite(b, x, y), x))
    print z3_implies(Not(b), Eq(Ite(b, x, y), y))
    print z3_implies(Not(Eq(x, y)), Iff(Eq(Ite(b, x, y), x), b))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def infer_sorts(t, env=None):
    Infer the sort of term t in environment env.

    env maps symbol names to sort variables.

    The result is a pair: (s, tt) where s is a sort or sort variable
    with the sort of t in env, and tt is a closure that, when called,
    will concretize t according to inferred sort information at its
    call time.

    If env is not None, it must contain all the free variables and
    constants used in t.

    if env is None:
        names = free_variables(t,
                                                   for x in used_constants(t))
        env = dict((name, SortVar()) for name in names)

    if type(t) in (Var, Const):
        if is_polymorphic(t):  # each instance can have different sort
            s = insert_sortvars(t.sort, {})
            s = env[t.name]
            unify(s, t.sort)
        return s, lambda: type(t)(t.name, convert_from_sortvars(s))

    elif type(t) is Apply:
        func_s, func_t = infer_sorts(t.func, env)
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.terms]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        sorts = terms_s + [SortVar()]
        unify(func_s, FunctionSort(*sorts))
        return sorts[-1], lambda: Apply(func_t(), *(x() for x in terms_t))

    elif type(t) is Eq:
        s1, t1 = infer_sorts(t.t1, env)
        s2, t2 = infer_sorts(t.t2, env)
        unify(s1, s2)
        return Boolean, lambda: Eq(t1(), t2())

    elif type(t) is Ite:
        s_cond, t_cond = infer_sorts(t.cond, env)
        s_then, t_then = infer_sorts(t.t_then, env)
        s_else, t_else = infer_sorts(t.t_else, env)
        unify(s_cond, Boolean)
        unify(s_then, s_else)
        return s_then, lambda: Ite(t_cond(), t_then(), t_else())

    elif type(t) in (Not, And, Or, Implies, Iff):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        for s in terms_s:
            unify(s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(*[x() for x in terms_t])

    elif type(t) in (ForAll, Exists):
        # create a copy of the environment and shadow that quantified
        # variables
        env = env.copy()
        env.update((v.name, SortVar()) for v in t.variables)
        vars_t = [infer_sorts(v, env)[1] for v in t.variables]
        body_s, body_t = infer_sorts(t.body, env)
        unify(body_s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(
            [x() for x in vars_t],

    elif hasattr(t, 'clone'):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.args]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        return TopSort(), lambda: t.clone([x() for x in terms_t])

        assert False, type(t)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    assert f1 == cf1

    f2 = And(ps(XT), pt(xs))
    cf2 = concretize_sorts(f2)
    print repr(f2)
    print repr(cf2)

    f3 = Exists([TT], And(ps(XT), TT(xs)))
    cf3 = concretize_sorts(f3)
    print repr(f3)
    print repr(cf3)

    f4 = Iff(xt, Ite(yt, xt, XT))
    cf4 = concretize_sorts(f4)
    print repr(f4)
    print repr(cf4)

    # TODO: add more tests, specifically a test that checks
    # unification across different quantified bodies
    c10 = Concept('c10',[X], And(p(X), Not(q(X))))
    c01 = Concept('c01',[X], And(Not(p(X)), q(X)))
    c00 = Concept('c00',[X], And(Not(p(X)), Not(q(X))))

    crn = Concept([X, Y], Or(r(X,Y), n(X,Y)))

    X, Y, _ = (Var(n, T) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])