def mapping(problem, agent):
    problem: a MappingProblem instance
    agent: a MappingLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))

    # map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight() + 2)]
                 for x in range(problem.getWidth() + 2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []

    # Pacman knows that the outer border of squares are all walls
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, pac_x_0, pac_y_0, 0))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        percept_rules = four_bit_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts())

        for xy in non_outer_wall_coords:
            wall_present = PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, xy[0], xy[1])
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), wall_present))
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~wall_present))
            if model2 is False:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = 1
            if model1 is False:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = 0
            if model1 and model2:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = -1

            allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, known_map_by_timestep[t],

    return known_map_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords):
        t: timestep
        all_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem
        non_outer_wall_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem,
            excluding the outer border (these are the actual squares pacman can
            possibly be in)
    Return a logic sentence containing all of the following:
        - for all (x, y) in all_coords:
            If a wall is at (x, y) --> Pacman is not at (x, y)
        - Pacman is at exactly one of the squares at timestep t.
        - Pacman takes exactly one action at timestep t.
    pacphysics_sentences = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for x, y in all_coords:
        s = PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x,
                           y) >> ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
    inp_wall = []
    for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
        inp_wall.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
    inp_dir = []
    for dir in DIRECTIONS:
        inp_dir.append(PropSymbolExpr(dir, t))
    return conjoin(pacphysics_sentences)
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    return conjoin(pacphysics_sentences)
def positionLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a PositionPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that lead to the goal.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    x0, y0 = problem.startState
    xg, yg = problem.goal

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    KB = []

    pos_t0 = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0)

    for t in range(50):
        nonwallpos = [
            PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t)
            for xy in non_wall_coords
        goal_assertion = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xg, yg, t)
        model = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), goal_assertion))
        if model:
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)
        action_list = [PropSymbolExpr(action, t) for action in actions]
        for xy in non_wall_coords:
            KB.append(pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(xy[0], xy[1], t + 1, walls))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords):
        t: timestep
        all_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem
        non_outer_wall_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem,
            excluding the outer border (these are the actual squares pacman can
            possibly be in)
    Return a logic sentence containing all of the following:
        - for all (x, y) in all_coords:
            If a wall is at (x, y) --> Pacman is not at (x, y)
        - Pacman is at one of the non_outer_wall_coords.
        - Pacman is at exactly one of the squares at timestep t.
        - Pacman takes one of the four actions in DIRECTIONS
        - Pacman takes exactly one action at timestep t.
    pacphysics_sentences = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    all_coords_elements = []
    for i in all_coords:
        x = i[0]
        y = i[1]
        all_coords_elements.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y) >> ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y ,t))

    first = conjoin(all_coords_elements)
    second = exactlyOne([PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t) for i in non_outer_wall_coords])
    third = exactlyOne([PropSymbolExpr(action, t) for action in DIRECTIONS])

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    return conjoin(pacphysics_sentences)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def SLAMSensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords):
    all_percept_exprs = []
    combo_var_def_exprs = []
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        percept_exprs = []
        dx, dy = DIR_TO_DXDY_MAP[direction]
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            combo_var = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_wall_str, x, y, t, x + dx, y + dy)
            combo_var_def_exprs.append(combo_var % (PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) & PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x + dx, y + dy)))

        blocked_dir_clause = PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str_map[direction], t)
        all_percept_exprs.append(blocked_dir_clause % disjoin(percept_exprs))

    percept_to_blocked_sent = []
    for n in range(1, 4):
        wall_combos_size_n = itertools.combinations(blocked_str_map.values(), n)
        n_walls_blocked_sent = disjoin([
            conjoin([PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str, t) for blocked_str in wall_combo])
            for wall_combo in wall_combos_size_n])
        # n_walls_blocked_sent is of form: (N & S) | (N & E) | ...
            PropSymbolExpr(geq_num_adj_wall_str_map[n], t) % n_walls_blocked_sent)

    return conjoin(all_percept_exprs + combo_var_def_exprs + percept_to_blocked_sent)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def positionLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a PositionPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that lead to the goal.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    x0, y0 = problem.startState
    xg, yg = problem.goal

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0))
    for t in range(50):
                PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) for x, y in non_wall_coords
        model = findModel(
            conjoin(conjoin(KB), PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xg, yg, t)))
        if (model != False):
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)
        KB.append(exactlyOne([PropSymbolExpr(action, t)
                              for action in actions]))
        KB.append(allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, walls, non_wall_coords))

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid, var_str=pacman_str):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    possibilities = []
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1))

    if not possibilities:
        return None

    return PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t) % disjoin(possibilities)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def four_bit_percept_rules(t, percepts):
    Localization and Mapping both use the 4 bit sensor, which tells us True/False whether
    a wall is to pacman's north, south, east, and west.
    percept_unit_clauses = []
    for wall_present, direction in zip(percepts, DIRECTIONS):
        percept_unit_clause = PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str_map[direction], t)
        if not wall_present:
            percept_unit_clause = ~PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str_map[direction], t)
        percept_unit_clauses.append(percept_unit_clause) # The actual sensor readings
    return conjoin(percept_unit_clauses)
def localization(problem, agent):
    problem: a LocalizationProblem instance
    agent: a LocalizationLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    walls_grid = problem.walls
    walls_list = walls_grid.asList()
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))

    possible_locs_by_timestep = []
    KB = []
    for xy in all_coords:
        if xy in walls_list:
            KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, xy[0], xy[1]))
            KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, xy[0], xy[1]))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        percept_rules = four_bit_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts())

        possible_locations_t = []
        for xy in non_outer_wall_coords:
            pacman_present = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t)
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), pacman_present))
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~pacman_present))
            if model2 is False:
            if model1 is False:
            if model1 and model2:
            allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, walls_grid, non_outer_wall_coords))

    return possible_locs_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 10
def foodLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a FoodPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that help Pacman
    eat all of the food.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    (x0, y0), food = problem.start
    food = food.asList()

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))

    #locations = list(filter(lambda loc : loc not in walls_list, all_coords))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']

    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for x, y in food:
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(food_str, x, y, 0))

    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0))

    for t in range(50):

        inp_wall = []
        for x, y in non_wall_coords:
            inp_wall.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))

        inp_food = []
        for x, y in food:
            inp_food.append(~PropSymbolExpr(food_str, x, y, t))
        food_goal = conjoin(inp_food)
        model = findModel(conjoin(KB) & food_goal)
        if model:
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)

        inp_dir = []
        for dir in actions:
            inp_dir.append(PropSymbolExpr(dir, t))

        for x, y in non_wall_coords:
            KB.append(pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t + 1, walls))
        for x, y in food:
            expr = (PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
                    & PropSymbolExpr(food_str, x, y, t))
            expr2 = ~PropSymbolExpr(food_str, x, y, t + 1)
            KB.append(expr2 % expr | ~PropSymbolExpr(food_str, x, y, t))
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 11
def sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords):
    all_percept_exprs = []
    combo_var_def_exprs = []
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        percept_exprs = []
        dx, dy = DIR_TO_DXDY_MAP[direction]
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            combo_var = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_wall_str, x, y, t, x + dx, y + dy)
            combo_var_def_exprs.append(combo_var % (
                PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) & PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x + dx, y + dy)))

        percept_unit_clause = PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str_map[direction], t)
        all_percept_exprs.append(percept_unit_clause % disjoin(percept_exprs))

    return conjoin(all_percept_exprs + combo_var_def_exprs)
def check_location_satisfiability(x1_y1, x0_y0, action0, action1, problem):
        - x1_y1 = (x1, y1), a potential location at time t = 1
        - x0_y0 = (x0, y0), Pacman's location at time t = 0
        - action0 = one of the four items in DIRECTIONS, Pacman's action at time t = 0
        - problem = An instance of logicAgents.LocMapProblem
        - a model proving whether Pacman is at (x1, y1) at time t = 1
        - a model proving whether Pacman is not at (x1, y1) at time t = 1
    walls_grid = problem.walls
    walls_list = walls_grid.asList()
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))
    KB = []
    x0, y0 = x0_y0
    x1, y1 = x1_y1

    # We know which coords are walls:
    map_sent = [PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y) for x, y in walls_list]

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    raise NotImplementedError
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mapping(problem, agent):
    problem: a MappingProblem instance
    agent: a MappingLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth()+2), range(problem.getHeight()+2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(itertools.product(range(1, problem.getWidth()+1), range(1, problem.getHeight()+1)))

    #map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight()+2)] for x in range(problem.getWidth()+2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []

    # Pacman knows that the outer border of squares are all walls
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, pac_x_0, pac_y_0, 0))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        # Add pacphysics, action, sensor, and percept information to KB
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(four_bit_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts()))

        # Find provable wall locations with updated KB
        for i in non_outer_wall_coords:
            x, y = i
            # find a model such that (x,y) is wall
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
            # find a model such that (x,y) is not wall
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & ~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

            if not model2:
                KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                known_map[x][y] = 1
            elif not model1:
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                known_map[x][y] = 0
        map_copy = copy.deepcopy(known_map)

        KB.append(allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, known_map, non_outer_wall_coords))

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return known_map_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 14
def check_location_satisfiability(x1_y1, x0_y0, action0, action1, problem):
        - x1_y1 = (x1, y1), a potential location at time t = 1
        - x0_y0 = (x0, y0), Pacman's location at time t = 0
        - action0 = one of the four items in DIRECTIONS, Pacman's action at time t = 0
        - problem = An instance of logicAgents.LocMapProblem
        - a model proving whether Pacman is at (x1, y1) at time t = 1
        - a model proving whether Pacman is not at (x1, y1) at time t = 1
    walls_grid = problem.walls
    walls_list = walls_grid.asList()
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))
    KB = []
    x0, y0 = x0_y0
    x1, y1 = x1_y1

    # We know which coords are walls:
    map_sent = [PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y) for x, y in walls_list]

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0))
    KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(0, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(action0, 0))
    KB.append(allLegalSuccessorAxioms(1, walls_grid, non_outer_wall_coords))

    KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(1, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(action1, 1))

    pcc = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x1, y1, 1)
    return (findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB),
                              ~pcc)), findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), pcc)))
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 15
def sentence3():
    """Using the symbols PacmanAlive[1], PacmanAlive[0], PacmanBorn[0], and PacmanKilled[0],
    created using the PropSymbolExpr constructor, return a PropSymbolExpr
    instance that encodes the following English sentences (in this order):

    Pacman is alive at time 1 if and only if Pacman was alive at time 0 and it was
    not killed at time 0 or it was not alive at time 0 and it was born at time 0.

    Pacman cannot both be alive at time 0 and be born at time 0.

    Pacman is born at time 0.
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    alive0 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanAlive", 0)
    alive1 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanAlive", 1)
    born = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanBorn", 0)
    kill = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanKilled", 0)
    s1 = alive1 % disjoin(conjoin(alive0, ~kill), conjoin(~alive0, born))
    return conjoin(s1, ~conjoin(alive0, born), born)
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 16
def sentence3():
    """Using the symbols PacmanAlive[1], PacmanAlive[0], PacmanBorn[0], and PacmanKilled[0],
    created using the PropSymbolExpr constructor, return a PropSymbolExpr
    instance that encodes the following English sentences (in this order):

    Pacman is alive at time 1 if and only if Pacman was alive at time 0 and it was
    not killed at time 0 or it was not alive at time 0 and it was born at time 0.

    Pacman cannot both be alive at time 0 and be born at time 0.

    Pacman is born at time 0.
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    a0 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanAlive", 0)
    a1 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanAlive", 1)
    b0 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanBorn", 0)
    k0 = PropSymbolExpr("PacmanKilled", 0)
    first = a1 % disjoin(a0 & ~k0, ~a0 & b0)
    second = ~(a0 & b0)
    third = b0
    return conjoin(first, second, third)
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 17
def localization(problem, agent):
    problem: a LocalizationProblem instance
    agent: a LocalizationLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    walls_grid = problem.walls
    walls_list = walls_grid.asList()
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))
    possible_locs_by_timestep = []
    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if (x, y) in walls_list:
            KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
            KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))

        percepts = agent.getPercepts()
        KB.append(four_bit_percept_rules(t, percepts))

        possible_locations_t = []
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            res1 = findModel(
                conjoin(KB) & ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            res2 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            if not res1:
                KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            elif not res2:
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            if res2:
                possible_locations_t.append((x, y))

            allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, walls_grid, non_outer_wall_coords))
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return possible_locs_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 18
def foodLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a FoodPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that help Pacman
    eat all of the food.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    (x0, y0), food = problem.start
    food = food.asList()

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))

    #locations = list(filter(lambda loc : loc not in walls_list, all_coords))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = [ 'North', 'South', 'East', 'West' ]

    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0))

    for i in food:
        expression = PropSymbolExpr(food_str, i[0], i[1], 0)

    for t in range(50):
        goal_check = conjoin([~PropSymbolExpr(food_str, f[0], f[1], t) for f in food])
        KB.append(exactlyOne([PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t) for i in non_wall_coords]))
        model = findModel(conjoin(KB) & goal_check)

        if model is not False:
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)

        KB.append(exactlyOne([PropSymbolExpr(action, t) for action in actions]))
        for i in non_wall_coords:
            KB.append(pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(i[0], i[1], t + 1, walls))

        for f in food:
            KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(food_str, f[0], f[1], t + 1) % (~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, f[0], f[1], t) &
                                                                      PropSymbolExpr(food_str, f[0], f[1], t)))

    return None
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Ejemplo n.º 19
def pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords):
        t: timestep
        all_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem
        non_outer_wall_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem,
            excluding the outer border (these are the actual squares pacman can
            possibly be in)
    Return a logic sentence containing all of the following:
        - for all (x, y) in all_coords:
            If a wall is at (x, y) --> Pacman is not at (x, y)
        - Pacman is at one of the non_outer_wall_coords.
        - Pacman is at exactly one of the squares at timestep t.
        - Pacman takes one of the four actions in DIRECTIONS
        - Pacman takes exactly one action at timestep t.
    pacphysics_sentences = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #Pacman at x,y at time t:
    #PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
    #Whether or not a wall is at x,y
    #PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y)
    #Whether or not pacman takes action a at time t
    #PropSymbolExpr(action, t)

    #if a wall at x,y >> pacman not at x,y
    implications = []
    for (x, y) in all_coords:
            PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y) >>
            ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))

    #pacman is at exactly one of the non_outer_wall_coords
    props = []
    for (x, y) in non_outer_wall_coords:
        props.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
    is_somewhere = exactlyOne(props)

    #Pacman takes exactly one of four directions
    one_direction = exactlyOne([
        PropSymbolExpr('North', t),
        PropSymbolExpr('South', t),
        PropSymbolExpr('East', t),
        PropSymbolExpr('West', t)

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    return conjoin(pacphysics_sentences)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def sentence3():
    """Using the symbols PacmanAlive[1], PacmanAlive[0], PacmanBorn[0], and PacmanKilled[0],
    created using the PropSymbolExpr constructor, return a PropSymbolExpr
    instance that encodes the following English sentences (in this order):

    The Wumpus is alive at time 1 if and only if the Wumpus was alive at time 0 and it was
    not killed at time 0 or it was not alive at time 0 and it was born at time 0.

    The Wumpus cannot both be alive at time 0 and be born at time 0.

    The Wumpus is born at time 0.
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    alive_0 = PropSymbolExpr('PacmanAlive', 0)
    alive_1 = PropSymbolExpr('PacmanAlive', 1)
    born_0 = PropSymbolExpr('PacmanBorn', 0)
    killed_0 = PropSymbolExpr('PacmanKilled', 0)
    temp = (alive_0 & ~killed_0) | (~alive_0 & born_0)
    first = alive_1 % temp
    second = ~(alive_0 & born_0)
    third = born_0
    return conjoin(first, second, third)
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def foodLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a FoodPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that help Pacman
    eat all of the food.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    (x0, y0), food = problem.start
    food = food.asList()

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))

    # locations = list(filter(lambda loc : loc not in walls_list, all_coords))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    food_vars = [PropSymbolExpr(food_str, f[0], f[1], 0) for f in food]
    KB = []
    pos_t0 = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0)

    for t in range(50):
        nonwallpos = [
            PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t)
            for xy in non_wall_coords
        goal = []
        for coords in non_wall_coords:
            goal.append(~PropSymbolExpr(food_str, coords[0], coords[1], t))
        goal_assertion = conjoin(goal)
        model = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), goal_assertion))
        if model:
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)
        action_list = [PropSymbolExpr(action, t) for action in actions]
        for xy in non_wall_coords:
            KB.append(pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(xy[0], xy[1], t + 1, walls))
            food_present = PropSymbolExpr(food_str, xy[0], xy[1], t)
            food_t1 = PropSymbolExpr(food_str, xy[0], xy[1], t + 1)
            pacman_present = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t + 1)

            KB.append(conjoin(food_present, ~pacman_present) % food_t1)
def pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords):
        t: timestep
        all_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem
        non_outer_wall_coords: list of (x, y) coordinates of the entire problem,
            excluding the outer border (these are the actual squares pacman can
            possibly be in)
    Return a logic sentence containing all of the following:
        - for all (x, y) in all_coords:
            If a wall is at (x, y) --> Pacman is not at (x, y)
        - Pacman is at exactly one of the squares at timestep t.
        - Pacman takes exactly one action at timestep t.
    s = []

    walls = []
    for xy in all_coords:
            PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, xy[0], xy[1]) >>
            ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t))

    non_wall_literals = []
    for non_walls in non_outer_wall_coords:
        is_at = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, non_walls[0], non_walls[1], t)

    action_literals = []
    for action in DIRECTIONS:
        chosen_action = PropSymbolExpr(action, t)

    return conjoin(s)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def localization(problem, agent):
    problem: a LocalizationProblem instance
    agent: a LocalizationLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    walls_grid = problem.walls
    walls_list = walls_grid.asList()
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth()+2), range(problem.getHeight()+2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(itertools.product(range(1, problem.getWidth()+1), range(1, problem.getHeight()+1)))

    possible_locs_by_timestep = []
    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for i in all_coords:
        if i in walls_list:
            KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, i[0], i[1]))
            KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, i[0], i[1]))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        # Add pacphysics, action, sensor, and percept information to KB
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(sensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(four_bit_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts()))

        #Find possible pacman locations with updated KB
        possible_locations_t = []
        for i in non_outer_wall_coords:
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t))
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t))
            if model1:
            elif not model2:
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t))
            elif not model1:
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, i[0], i[1], t))

        KB.append(allLegalSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, walls_grid, non_outer_wall_coords))

    return possible_locs_by_timestep


    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return possible_locs_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 24
def positionLogicPlan(problem):
    Given an instance of a PositionPlanningProblem, return a list of actions that lead to the goal.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    walls = problem.walls
    width, height = problem.getWidth(), problem.getHeight()
    walls_list = walls.asList()
    x0, y0 = problem.startState
    xg, yg = problem.goal

    # Get lists of possible locations (i.e. without walls) and possible actions
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(width + 2), range(height + 2)))
    non_wall_coords = [loc for loc in all_coords if loc not in walls_list]
    actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    KB = []

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x0, y0, 0))
    for t in range(50):
        #pacman can only be at one location
        props = []
        for (x, y) in non_wall_coords:
            props.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))

        #is there a satisfying model assignment?
        knowledge_base = conjoin(KB)
        model = findModel(knowledge_base
                          & PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xg, yg, t))
        if model:
            return extractActionSequence(model, actions)

        #pacman takes exactly one position per time step
                PropSymbolExpr('North', t),
                PropSymbolExpr('South', t),
                PropSymbolExpr('East', t),
                PropSymbolExpr('West', t)

        #add transition models to KB
        for (x, y) in non_wall_coords:
                pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t + 1, walls, pacman_str))

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def num_adj_walls_percept_rules(t, percepts):
    SLAM uses a weaker num_adj_walls sensor, which tells us how many walls pacman is adjacent to
    in its four directions.
        000 = 0 adj walls.
        100 = 1 adj wall.
        110 = 2 adj walls.
        111 = 3 adj walls.
    percept_unit_clauses = []
    num_adj_walls = sum(percepts)
    for i, percept in enumerate(percepts):
        n = i + 1
        percept_literal_n = PropSymbolExpr(geq_num_adj_wall_str_map[n], t)
        if not percept:
            percept_literal_n = ~percept_literal_n
    return conjoin(percept_unit_clauses)
def slam(problem, agent):
    problem: a SLAMProblem instance
    agent: a SLAMLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))

    # map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight() + 2)]
                 for x in range(problem.getWidth() + 2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []
    possible_locs_by_timestep = []

    # We know that the outer_coords are all walls.
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    raise NotImplementedError
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return known_map_by_timestep, possible_locs_by_timestep
def pacmanSLAMSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid, var_str=pacman_str):
    Similar to `pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms` but accounts for illegal actions
    where the pacman might not move timestep to timestep.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    moved_tm1_possibilities = []
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1))

    if not moved_tm1_possibilities:
        return None

    moved_tm1_sent = conjoin([
        ~PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t - 1), ~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y),

    unmoved_tm1_possibilities_aux_exprs = []  # merged variables
    aux_expr_defs = []
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        dx, dy = DIR_TO_DXDY_MAP[direction]
        wall_dir_clause = PropSymbolExpr(
            wall_str, x + dx, y + dy) & PropSymbolExpr(direction, t - 1)
        wall_dir_combined_literal = PropSymbolExpr(wall_str + direction,
                                                   x + dx, y + dy, t - 1)
        aux_expr_defs.append(wall_dir_combined_literal % wall_dir_clause)

    unmoved_tm1_sent = conjoin([
        PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t - 1),

    return conjoin([
        PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t) %
        disjoin([moved_tm1_sent, unmoved_tm1_sent])
    ] + aux_expr_defs)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def slam(problem, agent):
    problem: a SLAMProblem instance
    agent: a SLAMLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth()+2), range(problem.getHeight()+2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(itertools.product(range(1, problem.getWidth()+1), range(1, problem.getHeight()+1)))

    # map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight()+2)] for x in range(problem.getWidth()+2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []
    possible_locs_by_timestep = []

    # We know that the outer_coords are all walls.
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, pac_x_0, pac_y_0, 0))
    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        # Add pacphysics, action, sensor, and percept information to KB
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(SLAMSensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(num_adj_walls_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts()))

        # Find provable wall locations with updated KB
        for i in non_outer_wall_coords:
            x, y = i
            # find a model such that (x,y) is wall
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
            # find a model such that (x,y) is not wall
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & ~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

            if known_map[x][y] == -1:
                if not model2:
                    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                    known_map[x][y] = 1
                elif not model1:
                    KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                    known_map[x][y] = 0

        map_copy = copy.deepcopy(known_map)

        # Find possible pacman locations with updated KB
        possible_locations_t = []
        for i in non_outer_wall_coords:
            x, y = i
            model1 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            model2 = findModel(conjoin(KB) & ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            if model1:
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            if not model2:
                KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))

        temp = []
        for i in range(len(known_map)):
            for j in range(len(known_map[i])):
                if known_map[i][j] == 1:
        KB.append(SLAMSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, temp, non_outer_wall_coords))

    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return known_map_by_timestep, possible_locs_by_timestep
def slam(problem, agent):
    problem: a SLAMProblem instance
    agent: a SLAMLogicAgent instance
    debug = False

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))

    # map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight() + 2)]
                 for x in range(problem.getWidth() + 2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []
    possible_locs_by_timestep = []

    # We know that the outer_coords are all walls.
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, pac_x_0, pac_y_0, 0))

    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(SLAMSensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        percept_rules = num_adj_walls_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts())

        possible_locations_t = []

        for xy in non_outer_wall_coords:
            wall_present = PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, xy[0], xy[1])
            wall_model1 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), wall_present))
            wall_model2 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~wall_present))
            pacman_present = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xy[0], xy[1], t)
            pm_model1 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), pacman_present))
            pm_model2 = findModel(conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~pacman_present))

            # evaluate wall models
            if wall_model2 is False:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = 1
            if wall_model1 is False:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = 0
            if wall_model1 and wall_model2:
                known_map[xy[0]][xy[1]] = -1

            # evaluate pacman positional models
            if pm_model2 is False:
            if pm_model1 is False:
            if pm_model1 and pm_model2:

        map_copy = copy.deepcopy(known_map)
        for x in map_copy:
            for k in x:
                if k == -1:
                    x[x.index(k)] = 0

        KB.append(SLAMSuccessorAxioms(t + 1, map_copy, non_outer_wall_coords))

    return known_map_by_timestep, possible_locs_by_timestep
Ejemplo n.º 30
def slam(problem, agent):
    problem: a SLAMProblem instance
    agent: a SLAMLogicAgent instance
    debug = True

    pac_x_0, pac_y_0 = problem.startState
    KB = []
    all_coords = list(
        itertools.product(range(problem.getWidth() + 2),
                          range(problem.getHeight() + 2)))
    non_outer_wall_coords = list(
                                problem.getWidth() + 1),
                                problem.getHeight() + 1)))

    # map describes what we know, for GUI rendering purposes. -1 is unknown, 0 is open, 1 is wall
    known_map = [[-1 for y in range(problem.getHeight() + 2)]
                 for x in range(problem.getWidth() + 2)]
    known_map_by_timestep = []
    possible_locs_by_timestep = []

    # We know that the outer_coords are all walls.
    outer_wall_sent = []
    for x, y in all_coords:
        if ((x == 0 or x == problem.getWidth() + 1)
                or (y == 0 or y == problem.getHeight() + 1)):
            known_map[x][y] = 1
            outer_wall_sent.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))

    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, pac_x_0, pac_y_0, 0))
    # 1
    for t in range(agent.num_timesteps):
        KB.append(pacphysics_axioms(t, all_coords, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(agent.actions[t], t))
        KB.append(SLAMSensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords))
        KB.append(num_adj_walls_percept_rules(t, agent.getPercepts()))
        # 2 wall
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            model_xy = findModel(
                conjoin(conjoin(KB), PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y)))
            model_not_xy = findModel(
                conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y)))
            if (model_not_xy == False):
                KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                known_map[x][y] = 1
            elif (model_xy == False):
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y))
                known_map[x][y] = 0
        # 3 pacman
        possible_locations_t = []
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            model_xy = findModel(
                conjoin(conjoin(KB), PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)))
            model_not_xy = findModel(
                conjoin(conjoin(KB), ~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)))
            if (model_xy != False):
                possible_locations_t.append((x, y))
            elif (model_not_xy == False):
                KB.append(PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
            elif (model_xy == False):
                KB.append(~PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))


                t + 1,
                    map(lambda i: list(map(lambda j: 0 if j == -1 else j, i)),
                        known_map)), non_outer_wall_coords))
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return known_map_by_timestep, possible_locs_by_timestep