Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_diagram_concept_domain(sig, diagram):
    sig is an ivy_logic.Sig object
    diagram is a formula
    concepts = OrderedDict()

    concepts['nodes'] = []
    concepts['node_labels'] = []
    concepts['edges'] = []

    # add equality concept
    X = Var('X', TopSort())
    Y = Var('Y', TopSort())
    concepts['='] = Concept([X, Y], Eq(X, Y))

    # add concepts from relations and constants in the signature and
    # in the diagram
    if sig is not None:
        sig_symbols = frozenset(sig.symbols.values())
        sig_symbols = frozenset()
    for c in sorted(sig_symbols | used_constants(diagram)):
        assert type(c) is Const

        if first_order_sort(c.sort):
            # first order constant, add unary equality concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort)
            name = '{}:{}'.format(c.name, c.sort)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], Eq(X,c))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 1:
            # add unary concept and label
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], c(X))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 2:
            # add binary concept and edge
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y], c(X, Y))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 3:
            # add ternary concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            Z = Var('Z', c.sort.domain[2])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y, Z], c(X, Y, Z))

            # skip other symbols

    return ConceptDomain(concepts, get_standard_combiners(), get_standard_combinations())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_initial_concept_domain(sig):
    sig is an ivy_logic.Sig object
    concepts = OrderedDict()

    concepts['nodes'] = []
    concepts['node_labels'] = []
    concepts['edges'] = []

    # add sort concepts
    for s in sorted(sig.sorts.values()):
        X = Var('X', s)
        concepts[s.name] = Concept([X], Eq(X,X))

    # add equality concept
    X = Var('X', TopSort())
    Y = Var('Y', TopSort())
    concepts['='] = Concept([X, Y], Eq(X, Y))

    # add concepts from relations
    for c in sorted(sig.symbols.values()):
        assert type(c) is Const

        if first_order_sort(c.sort):
            # first order constant, add unary equality concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort)
            name = '={}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], Eq(X,c))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 1:
            # add unary concept and label
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], c(X))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 2:
            # add binary concept and edge
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y], c(X, Y))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 3:
            # add ternary concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            Z = Var('Z', c.sort.domain[2])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y, Z], c(X, Y, Z))

            # skip other symbols

    return ConceptDomain(concepts, get_standard_combiners(), get_standard_combinations())
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _get_witnesses(self, concept_name):
        # TODO: maybe this function should be in ConceptDomain? or Concept?
        Return a list of constant that are witnesses for the given unary
        constant, or [] if none are found

        A witness is a constant c s.t. concept(x) implies x=c. Note
        that this does not necessarily mean that concept(c) holds.
        concept = self.domain.concepts[concept_name]
        assert concept.arity == 1
        sort = concept.variables[0].sort
        assert sort != TopSort()

        constants = used_constants(concept.formula)
        x = Const(self._fresh_const_name(constants), sort)
        f = concept(x)

        def is_witness(c):
                return z3_implies(f, Eq(x, c))
            except SortError:
                return False

        return [c for c in constants if is_witness(c)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def convert_from_sortvars(s):
    Convert sort vars to TopSort
    s = find(s)
    if type(s) is SortVar:
        return TopSort()
    elif type(s) is FunctionSort:
        return FunctionSort(*(convert_from_sortvars(x) for x in s))
        return s
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _materialize_node(self, concept_name):
     Materialize a node, returns the witness constant
     concept = self.domain.concepts[concept_name]
     assert concept.arity == 1
     sort = concept.variables[0].sort
     assert sort != TopSort()
     witnesses = self._get_witnesses(concept_name)
     if len(witnesses) > 0:
         c = witnesses[0]
         c = Const(self._fresh_const_name(), sort)
         # TODO: maybe we shouldn't split here, and create the concepts explicitly
         X = Var('X', c.sort)
         name = '={}'.format(c.name)
         self.domain.concepts[name] = Concept(name, [X], Eq(X, c))
         self.domain.split(concept_name, name)
     return c
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_structure_concept_domain(state, sig=None):
    state is an ivy_interp.State with a .universe
    sig is an ivy_logic.Sig object
    concepts = OrderedDict()

    concepts['nodes'] = []
    concepts['node_labels'] = []

    # add equality concept
    X = Var('X', TopSort())
    Y = Var('Y', TopSort())
    concepts['='] = Concept([X, Y], Eq(X, Y))

    # add nodes for universe elements
    elements = [uc for s in state.universe for uc in state.universe[s]]
    for uc in sorted(elements):
        # add unary equality concept
        X = Var('X', uc.sort)
        name = uc.name
        if str(uc.sort) not in name:
            name += ':{}'.format(uc.sort)
        concepts[name] = Concept([X], Eq(X,uc))

    # # find which symbols are equal to which universe constant
    # equals = dict(
    #     (uc, [c for c in symbols
    #           if c != uc and
    #           c.sort == s and
    #           z3_implies(state_formula, Eq(c, uc))])
    #     for s in state.universe
    #     for uc in state.universe[s]
    # )

    # add concepts for relations and constants
    state_formula = state.clauses.to_formula()
    symbols = used_constants(state_formula)
    if sig is not None:
        symbols = symbols | frozenset(sig.symbols.values())
    symbols = symbols - frozenset(elements)
    symbols = sorted(symbols)
    for c in symbols:
        assert type(c) is Const

        if first_order_sort(c.sort):
            # first order constant, add unary equality concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort)
            name = '={}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], Eq(X,c))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 1:
            # add unary concept and label
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X], c(X))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 2:
            # add binary concept and edge
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y], c(X, Y))

        elif type(c.sort) is FunctionSort and c.sort.arity == 3:
            # add ternary concept
            X = Var('X', c.sort.domain[0])
            Y = Var('Y', c.sort.domain[1])
            Z = Var('Z', c.sort.domain[2])
            name = '{}'.format(c.name)
            concepts[name] = Concept([X, Y, Z], c(X, Y, Z))

            # skip other symbols

    return ConceptDomain(concepts, get_standard_combiners(), get_standard_combinations())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_standard_combiners():
    T = TopSort()
    UnaryRelation = FunctionSort(T, Boolean)
    BinaryRelation = FunctionSort(T, T, Boolean)
    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, T) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    U = Var('U', UnaryRelation)
    U1 = Var('U1', UnaryRelation)
    U2 = Var('U2', UnaryRelation)
    B = Var('B', BinaryRelation)
    B1 = Var('B1', BinaryRelation)
    B2 = Var('B2', BinaryRelation)
    result = OrderedDict()

    result['none'] = ConceptCombiner([U], Not(Exists([X], U(X))))
    result['at_least_one'] = ConceptCombiner([U], Exists([X], U(X)))
    result['at_most_one'] = ConceptCombiner([U], ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U(X), U(Y)), Eq(X,Y))))

    result['node_necessarily'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), U2(X))),
    result['node_necessarily_not'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), Not(U2(X)))),

    result['mutually_exclusive'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y], Not(And(U1(X), U2(Y))))

    result['all_to_all'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y)), B(X,Y)))
    result['none_to_none'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y)), Not(B(X,Y))))
    result['total'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), Exists([Y], And(U2(Y), B(X,Y)))))
    result['functional'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y, Z], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y), U2(Z), B(X,Y), B(X,Z)), Eq(Y,Z)))
    result['surjective'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([Y], Implies(U2(Y), Exists([X], And(U1(X), B(X,Y)))))
    result['injective'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y, Z], Implies(And(U1(X), U1(Y), U2(Z), B(X,Z), B(Y,Z)), Eq(X,Y)))

    result['node_info'] = ['none', 'at_least_one', 'at_most_one']
    if False:
        # this just slows us down, and it's not clear it's needed
        # later this should be made customizable by the user
        result['edge_info'] = ['all_to_all', 'none_to_none', 'total',
                               'functional', 'surjective', 'injective']
        result['edge_info'] = ['all_to_all', 'none_to_none']

    result['node_label'] = ['node_necessarily', 'node_necessarily_not']

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
    result = dict()
    count = defaultdict(int)
    for c in elements:
        prefix = str(c.sort).lower()
        result[c.name] = prefix + str(count[prefix])
        count[prefix] += 1

    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    def test(st):
        print st, "=", eval(st)

    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    T = TopSort()
    UnaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    UnaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, T, Boolean)

    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])

    r = Const('r', BinaryRelationS)
    n = Const('n', BinaryRelationS)
    p = Const('p', UnaryRelationS)
    q = Const('q', UnaryRelationS)
    u = Const('u', UnaryRelationS)

    c11 = Concept([X], And(p(X), q(X)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def infer_sorts(t, env=None):
    Infer the sort of term t in environment env.

    env maps symbol names to sort variables.

    The result is a pair: (s, tt) where s is a sort or sort variable
    with the sort of t in env, and tt is a closure that, when called,
    will concretize t according to inferred sort information at its
    call time.

    If env is not None, it must contain all the free variables and
    constants used in t.

    if env is None:
        names = free_variables(t,
                                                   for x in used_constants(t))
        env = dict((name, SortVar()) for name in names)

    if type(t) in (Var, Const):
        if is_polymorphic(t):  # each instance can have different sort
            s = insert_sortvars(t.sort, {})
            s = env[t.name]
            unify(s, t.sort)
        return s, lambda: type(t)(t.name, convert_from_sortvars(s))

    elif type(t) is Apply:
        func_s, func_t = infer_sorts(t.func, env)
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.terms]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        sorts = terms_s + [SortVar()]
        unify(func_s, FunctionSort(*sorts))
        return sorts[-1], lambda: Apply(func_t(), *(x() for x in terms_t))

    elif type(t) is Eq:
        s1, t1 = infer_sorts(t.t1, env)
        s2, t2 = infer_sorts(t.t2, env)
        unify(s1, s2)
        return Boolean, lambda: Eq(t1(), t2())

    elif type(t) is Ite:
        s_cond, t_cond = infer_sorts(t.cond, env)
        s_then, t_then = infer_sorts(t.t_then, env)
        s_else, t_else = infer_sorts(t.t_else, env)
        unify(s_cond, Boolean)
        unify(s_then, s_else)
        return s_then, lambda: Ite(t_cond(), t_then(), t_else())

    elif type(t) in (Not, And, Or, Implies, Iff):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        for s in terms_s:
            unify(s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(*[x() for x in terms_t])

    elif type(t) in (ForAll, Exists):
        # create a copy of the environment and shadow that quantified
        # variables
        env = env.copy()
        env.update((v.name, SortVar()) for v in t.variables)
        vars_t = [infer_sorts(v, env)[1] for v in t.variables]
        body_s, body_t = infer_sorts(t.body, env)
        unify(body_s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(
            [x() for x in vars_t],

    elif hasattr(t, 'clone'):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.args]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        return TopSort(), lambda: t.clone([x() for x in terms_t])

        assert False, type(t)