Ejemplo n.º 1
def prove(kb, ans_body, indent=""):
    """returns True if kb |- ans_body
    kb.display(2, indent, 'yes <-', ' & '.join(ans_body))
    if ans_body:
        selected = ans_body[0]  # select first atom from ans_body
        if selected in kb.askables:
            return (yes(input("Is " + selected + " true? "))
                    and prove(kb, ans_body[1:], indent + "    "))
            return any(
                prove(kb, cl.body + ans_body[1:], indent + "    ")
                for cl in kb.clauses_for_atom(selected))
        return True  # empty body is true
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def prove_all_ass(self, ans_body, assumed=set()):
     """returns a list of sets of assumables that extends assumed 
     to imply ans_body from self.
     ans_body is a list of atoms (it is the body of the answer clause).
     assumed is a set of assumables already assumed
     if ans_body:
         selected = ans_body[0]   # select first atom from ans_body
         if selected in self.askables:
             if yes(input("Is "+selected+" true? ")):
                 return  self.prove_all_ass(ans_body[1:],assumed)
                 return []   # no answers
         elif selected in self.assumables:
             return self.prove_all_ass(ans_body[1:],assumed|{selected})
             return [ass
                     for cl in self.clauses_for_atom(selected)
                     for ass in self.prove_all_ass(cl.body+ans_body[1:],assumed)
                        ]  # union of answers for each clause with head=selected
     else:                 # empty body
         return [assumed]    # one answer 
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ask_askables(kb):
    return {at for at in kb.askables if yes(input("Is "+at+" true? "))}