Ejemplo n.º 1

    :type string: str or unicode
    :param string: a csv line

    :type sep: str or unicode
    :param sep: field separator, default to the comma (',')

    :rtype: str or unicode
    :return: the unquoted string (or the input string if it wasn't quoted)
    return [word.strip() for word in string.split(sep) if word.strip()]

get_csv = callable_deprecated("get_csv is deprecated, use splitstrip")(

def split_url_or_path(url_or_path):
    """return the latest component of a string containing either an url of the
    form <scheme>://<path> or a local file system path
    if "://" in url_or_path:
        return url_or_path.rstrip("/").rsplit("/", 1)
    return osp.split(url_or_path.rstrip(osp.sep))

def text_to_dict(text):
    """parse multilines text containing simple 'key=value' lines and return a
    dict of {'key': 'value'}. When the same key is encountered multiple time,
    value is turned into a list containing all values.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    return sep.join(result)

def norm_read(path):
    """Return the content of the file with normalized line feeds.

    :type path: str
    :param path: path to the file to read

    :rtype: str
    :return: the content of the file with normalized line feeds
    return open(path, "U").read()

norm_read = callable_deprecated("use \"open(path, 'U').read()\"")(norm_read)

def norm_open(path):
    """Return a stream for a file with content with normalized line feeds.

    :type path: str
    :param path: path to the file to open

    :rtype: file or StringIO
    :return: the opened file with normalized line feeds
    return open(path, "U")

norm_open = callable_deprecated("use \"open(path, 'U')\"")(norm_open)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        while begin < end:
            yield begin
            begin = next_month(begin, incmonth)
        incr = get_step(begin, incday or 1)
        while begin < end:
            yield begin
            begin += incr

# makes py datetime usable #####################################################

ONEDAY: timedelta = timedelta(days=1)
ONEWEEK: timedelta = timedelta(days=7)

strptime = callable_deprecated("Use strptime from datetime.datetime instead")(

def strptime_time(value, format="%H:%M"):
    return time(*time_strptime(value, format)[3:6])

def todate(somedate: date) -> date:
    """return a date from a date (leaving unchanged) or a datetime"""
    if isinstance(somedate, datetime):
        return date(somedate.year, somedate.month, somedate.day)
    assert isinstance(somedate, (date, DateTimeType)), repr(somedate)
    return somedate

def totime(somedate):
Ejemplo n.º 4

# See also http://bugs.python.org/issue11776
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:

    def method_type(callable, instance, klass):
        # api change. klass is no more considered
        return types.MethodType(callable, instance)

    # alias types otherwise
    method_type = types.MethodType

# Pythons 2 and 3 differ on where to get StringIO
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    FileIO = file  # noqa
    BytesIO = StringIO
    reload = reload  # noqa
    from io import StringIO, FileIO  # noqa
    from imp import reload  # noqa

from logilab.common.deprecation import callable_deprecated  # noqa

# Other projects import these from here, keep providing them for
# backwards compat
any = callable_deprecated('use builtin "any"')(any)
all = callable_deprecated('use builtin "all"')(all)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        from unittest2 import SkipTest
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("You have to install python-unittest2 to use %s" %
    # mypy: Name 'unittest' already defined (possibly by an import)
    # compat
    import unittest as unittest  # type: ignore
    from unittest import SkipTest

__all__ = ["unittest_main", "find_tests", "nocoverage", "pause_trace"]

DEFAULT_PREFIXES = ("test", "regrtest", "smoketest", "unittest", "func",

is_generator = callable_deprecated(
    "[lgc 0.63] use inspect.isgeneratorfunction")(isgeneratorfunction)

# used by unittest to count the number of relevant levels in the traceback
__unittest = 1

    "with_tempdir is deprecated, use tempfile.TemporaryDirectory.")
def with_tempdir(callable: Callable) -> Callable:
    """A decorator ensuring no temporary file left when the function return
    Work only for temporary file created with the tempfile module"""
    if isgeneratorfunction(callable):

        def proxy(*args: Any,
                  **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Union[Iterator, Iterator[str]]]:
            old_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
Ejemplo n.º 6
class OptionsProviderMixIn(object):
    """Mixin to provide options to an OptionsManager"""

    # those attributes should be overridden
    priority = -1
    name = "default"
    options: Tuple = ()
    level = 0

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.config = optik_ext.Values()
        for option_tuple in self.options:
                option, optdict = option_tuple
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception("Bad option: %s" % str(option_tuple))
            if isinstance(optdict.get("default"), Method):
            elif isinstance(optdict.get("callback"), Method):

    def load_defaults(self) -> None:
        """initialize the provider using default values"""
        for opt, optdict in self.options:
            action = optdict.get("action")
            if action != "callback":
                # callback action have no default
                default = self.option_default(opt, optdict)
                if default is REQUIRED:
                self.set_option(opt, default, action, optdict)

    def option_default(self, opt, optdict=None):
        """return the default value for an option"""
        if optdict is None:
            optdict = self.get_option_def(opt)
        default = optdict.get("default")
        if callable(default):
            default = default()
        return default

    def option_attrname(self, opt, optdict=None):
        """get the config attribute corresponding to opt"""
        if optdict is None:
            optdict = self.get_option_def(opt)
        return optdict.get("dest", opt.replace("-", "_"))

    option_name = callable_deprecated(
        "[0.60] OptionsProviderMixIn.option_name() was renamed to option_attrname()"

    def option_value(self, opt):
        """get the current value for the given option"""
        return getattr(self.config, self.option_attrname(opt), None)

    def set_option(self, opt, value, action=None, optdict=None):
        """method called to set an option (registered in the options list)"""
        if optdict is None:
            optdict = self.get_option_def(opt)
        if value is not None:
            value = _validate(value, optdict, opt)
        if action is None:
            action = optdict.get("action", "store")
        if optdict.get("type") == "named":  # XXX need specific handling
            optname = self.option_attrname(opt, optdict)
            currentvalue = getattr(self.config, optname, None)
            if currentvalue:
                value = currentvalue
        if action == "store":
            setattr(self.config, self.option_attrname(opt, optdict), value)
        elif action in ("store_true", "count"):
            setattr(self.config, self.option_attrname(opt, optdict), 0)
        elif action == "store_false":
            setattr(self.config, self.option_attrname(opt, optdict), 1)
        elif action == "append":
            opt = self.option_attrname(opt, optdict)
            _list = getattr(self.config, opt, None)
            if _list is None:
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    _list = value
                elif value is not None:
                    _list = []
                setattr(self.config, opt, _list)
            elif isinstance(_list, tuple):
                setattr(self.config, opt, _list + (value, ))
        elif action == "callback":
            optdict["callback"](None, opt, value, None)
            raise UnsupportedAction(action)

    def input_option(self, option, optdict, inputlevel=99):
        default = self.option_default(option, optdict)
        if default is REQUIRED:
            defaultstr = "(required): "
        elif optdict.get("level", 0) > inputlevel:
        elif optdict["type"] == "password" or default is None:
            defaultstr = ": "
            defaultstr = "(default: %s): " % format_option_value(
                optdict, default)
        print(":%s:" % option)
        print(optdict.get("help") or option)
        inputfunc = INPUT_FUNCTIONS[optdict["type"]]
        value = inputfunc(optdict, defaultstr)
        while default is REQUIRED and not value:
            print("please specify a value")
            value = inputfunc(optdict, "%s: " % option)
        if value is None and default is not None:
            value = default
        self.set_option(option, value, optdict=optdict)

    def get_option_def(self, opt):
        """return the dictionary defining an option given it's name"""
        assert self.options
        for option in self.options:
            if option[0] == opt:
                return option[1]
        # mypy: Argument 2 to "OptionError" has incompatible type "str"; expected "Option"
        # seems to be working?
        raise OptionError("no such option %s in section %r" % (opt, self.name),
                          opt)  # type: ignore

    def all_options(self):
        """return an iterator on available options for this provider
        option are actually described by a 3-uple:
        (section, option name, option dictionary)
        for section, options in self.options_by_section():
            if section is None:
                if self.name is None:
                section = self.name.upper()
            for option, optiondict, value in options:
                yield section, option, optiondict

    def options_by_section(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
        """return an iterator on options grouped by section

        (section, [list of (optname, optdict, optvalue)])
        sections: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any], Any]]] = {}
        for optname, optdict in self.options:
            sections.setdefault(optdict.get("group"), []).append(
                (optname, optdict, self.option_value(optname)))
        if None in sections:
            # mypy: No overload variant of "pop" of "MutableMapping" matches argument type "None"
            # it actually works
            yield None, sections.pop(None)  # type: ignore
        for section, options in sorted(sections.items()):
            yield section.upper(), options

    def options_and_values(self, options=None):
        if options is None:
            options = self.options
        for optname, optdict in options:
            yield (optname, optdict, self.option_value(optname))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _validate(value: Union[List[str], int, str],
              optdict: Dict[str, Any],
              name: str = "") -> Union[List[str], int, str]:
    """return a validated value for an option according to its type

    optional argument name is only used for error message formatting
        _type = optdict["type"]
    except KeyError:
        # FIXME
        return value
    return _call_validator(_type, optdict, name, value)

convert = callable_deprecated("[0.60] convert() was renamed _validate()")(

# format and output functions ##################################################

def comment(string):
    """return string as a comment"""
    lines = [line.strip() for line in string.splitlines()]
    return "# " + ("%s# " % os.linesep).join(lines)

def format_time(value):
    if not value:
        return "0"
    if value != int(value):
        return "%.2fs" % value