Ejemplo n.º 1
def apply_runes(name: str, runes: Union[list[int], str]) -> list[str]:
    # Return error message
    if isinstance(runes, str):
        return [runes]

    # Build runepage
    s0 = _2style[runes[0]]
    data = {
        'current': True,
        'name': f'lt: {name}',
        'primaryStyleId': s0,
        'selectedPerkIds': runes,
        'subStyleId': _2style[runes[4]]}

    # Submit to client
    if page := next((x for x in client.get_json('lol-perks/v1/pages')
                     if x['name'].startswith('lt: ')), None):
        data = json.dumps(data | {'id': page['id']})
        resp = client.put(f'lol-perks/v1/pages/{page["id"]}', data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Union

import requests

from loltui.client import client
from loltui.output import *

_headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'}

_prunetbl = re.compile(r'<div class="perk-page__row">([\s\S]+?)</td>')
_prune = re.compile(r'perk(Shard)?\/([0-9]+)\.png\?image=q_auto')

_2style = [[(perk, style['id']) for slot in style['slots'] for perk in slot['perks']]
           for style in client.get_json('lol-perks/v1/styles')]
_commonperks = set(map(itemgetter(0), _2style[0])).intersection(
    map(itemgetter(0), _2style[1]))
_2style = dict(filter(
    lambda x: x[0] not in _commonperks, chain.from_iterable(_2style)))
_2name = {perk['id']: perk['name']
          for perk in client.get_json('lol-perks/v1/perks')}

_cperk = {8000: 214, 8100: 9, 8200: 177, 8400: 154, 8300: 75, None: 251}

def get_runes(champ: str, role: str) -> Union[list[int], str]:
        resp = requests.get(
    except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _get_gd_q() -> tuple[dict, str]:
    gd = client.get_json('lol-gameflow/v1/session')['gameData']
    return gd, qdata[qid]['description'].removesuffix(' games') if (
        qid := gd['queue']['id']) != -1 else 'Custom'
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_team():
     if (d := client.get_json(
             'lol-champ-select/v1/session')) and 'myTeam' in d:
         return d['myTeam']
Ejemplo n.º 5
_pos = ['top', 'jungle', 'middle', 'utility', 'bottom']
def _get_champsel_session() -> Optional[Session]:
    Champ selection: only teammates revealed, rune helper
    def get_team():
        if (d := client.get_json(
                'lol-champ-select/v1/session')) and 'myTeam' in d:
            return d['myTeam']
    def get_cids() -> Optional[list[int]]:
        if d := get_team():
            return [x['championId'] for x in d]
    if d := get_team():
        _, q = _get_gd_q()

        cs = client.get_json('lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner')['summonerId']
        csi = next(i for i, x in enumerate(d) if x['summonerId'] == cs)
        cspos = next(x['assignedPosition'] for x in d if x['summonerId'] == cs)
        global _role
        _role = _pos.index(cspos) if cspos in _pos else None

        return Session(q, (len(d), 0), [x['summonerId']
                                        for x in d], get_cids, cc_getter=itemgetter(csi))

# Session retrieval

def _try_get_ses() -> Optional[Session]:
    if (gf := client.get('lol-gameflow/v1/gameflow-phase').content) == b'"ChampSelect"':
        return _get_champsel_session()