"row_total": None,
  "subtotals": None,
  "dynamic_fields": None,
  "query_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "has_table_calculations": False,
  "model": "i__looker"

if args.resume:
    with open(args.filename) as json_schedules:
        data = json.load(json_schedules)
        print("Resumed from " + args.filename)
        for schedule in data:
            # resume all schedules, or a specific schedule if a id is passed as a command-line argument
            if (args.resume != -1 and int(schedule['scheduled_plan.id']) == int(args.resume)) or args.resume == -1:
                looker.update_schedule(schedule['scheduled_plan.id'], body={"crontab":schedule['scheduled_plan.cron_schedule']})
elif args.pause:
    scheduler_data = looker.run_inline_query(body=query_body)
    for schedule in scheduler_data:
        # Don't overwrite already-paused schedules
        if schedule['scheduled_plan.cron_schedule'] == "0 5 31 2 *":
          paused_id = schedule['scheduled_plan.id']

            with open(args.filename) as json_schedules:
                paused_data = json.load(json_schedules)
                for paused_schedule in paused_data:
                  # If a schedule has already been paused, preserve the existing paused value
                  if int(paused_id) == paused_schedule['scheduled_plan.id']:
                    schedule['scheduled_plan.cron_schedule'] = paused_schedule['scheduled_plan.cron_schedule']

print "Getting Schedule information from Look"
# get look plan ID from a Look(158).
look_plan_id = looker.get_look_schedule(task_report)[0]['id']

# Pass those emails into an update_schedule call using the above look_plan_id into below plan
# Loop through the email list, appending to and creating and concatenating the string to be used for the
# body of the API call in json form
i = 1
list_of_schedule_plan_destinations = ''

for email in email_list:
    if i == len(email_list):
        list_of_schedule_plan_destinations += (
            '{{"scheduled_plan_id": {},"format": "csv","address": "{}","type": "email"}}]}}'
            .format(look_plan_id, email))
        list_of_schedule_plan_destinations += (
            '{{"scheduled_plan_id": {},"format": "csv","address": "{}","type": "email"	}},'
            .format(look_plan_id, email))
    i += 1

start_string = '{"scheduled_plan_destination":['
full_body = start_string + list_of_schedule_plan_destinations

# Make the call
print "Updating Schedule"
looker.update_schedule(look_plan_id, body=full_body)

print "Done"